Disclaimer...bah you know all this stuff.

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Chapter 1:

The pretty blonde knew that his birthday was coming up, he always wished him a happy birthday from afar, but this year he wanted to do something different for his older brother, the brother and the man he respected above anyone else. He admired the man's courage and strong character.

It was all thanks to Yuri really that Wolfram was able to open up to his brother, Yuri didn't change the way Wolfram had felt and felt towards Conrad but he had changed how he would treat the other prince.

So that's how it was, Wolfram had waited late at night fully knowing that Conrad would come late from a small errand from Gwendal. He knew he would feel extremely embarrassed if he gave the present to Conrad in front of the others; his pride sometimes got in his way a lot of the times.

He had made it as far as inside of Conrad's room but once inside his courage seemed to diminish and with a sudden noise from the hall, it startled him and his first reaction had been to hide behind the long tapestry. 'That's what happens when you hang around a wimp all the time,' He cursed inwardly.

He held his breath as he heard the door handle screech and the door slid open. His heart seemed to want to choke his throat from the anticipation and anxiety. He was nervous because he hadn't ever done something like this before.

"Conrad!" Yozak exclaimed, "Why do you do this to yourself?"

Wolfram frowned; his heartbeat only grew louder as he was listening to a conversation he probably shouldn't be listening to.

"Please spare me the lecture" Wolfram heard his older brother remark coldly.

Now worried, Wolfram almost came out of his hiding spot, but his legs wouldn't do what his mind was telling them to do, fear of being caught by them made his body rigid solid behind the drapery.

"Every year is the same," Yozak went on, "You always…"

"I'm not trying to be rude Yozak, so please get out of my room, I'm tired"

Wolfram didn't know how come the two soldiers hadn't heard him when his heart was pounding very strident. There was a long pause of silence until Wolfram heard someone (his guess) Yozak shut the door firmly.

He heard his brother sighed profoundly and yet tiring. He could only hear as the man walked around his room, and suddenly a sharp sound of something breaking made him jump. He wished that Conrad hadn't sense his presence for the moment. Against his better senses Wolfram tried to peak from where he stood.

He saw from the help of a small candle light his brother without his shirt exposing broad shoulders and many long, short and odd shaped scars. From where Wolfram stood he couldn't see what the other man was doing but what ever he was doing it didn't seem right.

He saw Conrad drink something from a small container; his brother started coughing as soon as he had swallowed the substance. His instincts screamed his every cell in him to run but again for some reason to see his brother so out of character was keeping him there.

He saw as Conrad sank to one knee and then falling to his side where he shivered in pain.

Wolfram felt himself move away from his safety zone and saw Conrad's frame gradually becoming closer. He reached out to him, Conrad whined as Wolfram tried to lift him to his feet.

"Conrad what did you drink?" he yelled at him as he heard unintelligent words come out of his brother's mouth.

He half-dragged, half-carried Conrad to his bed and with a little help from the older man Wolfram put him on top.

The green- eyed demon hurried to the small container that had fallen to the ground, he picked it up and took a far way sniff. It smelled bitter, and yet the fragrance reminded him of something familiar.

He picked up the small box that he had dropped when he had hurried to the falling Conrad. It was Conrad's birthday present, a small pendent he had worked secretly in substitute to Julia's.

He sighed worriedly as he considered his options, he heard a moan from the bed and he turned his head to see Conrad stretch out an arm towards him. Wolfram put the bottle and the box on top of the table.

"Just what were you thinking big brute?" he asked him as he stretch out his own hand to Conrad's.

He sat on the edge of the bed.

"You're beautiful" Wolfram frowned.

"Just what do you mean by that?" the younger brother asked. "I guess you still don't make sense. Just what did you drink by the way?"

Conrad stared at him.

Suddenly the situation was not sitting right on Wolfram's mind. He started to feel uncomfortable under Conrad's gaze. Wolfram quickly got up and let go off his hand and he hurried to the table where he had left the small bottle.

He sniffed it again and cold horror shock came over him. Conrad, the man he idolized and put to great heights had drunk Omsidarae.

The blonde quickly turned around to find Conrad stand over him. The brunette grabbed him by the wrists and smiled cunningly. Shivers went down Wolfram's spine as he saw the man that was being possessed by the drug tower him.

"Onisan!" Wolfram cried, "I'm your otooto"

Conrad looked down at him, not listening.

Wolfram trembled as he saw his eyes now at better light. Conrad's usual kind and calculating eyes were dark and full of lust.

"Please Conrad! Please don't hurt me, don't…" Conrad smiled cynically and didn't listen.

He encircled an arm around Wolfram's waist and picked him up as though he weighted nothing. Wolfram kicked and tried to wiggle out of his grip but his older brother had always been stronger.

Wolfram's head hurt when Conrad had had thrown him to the bed, he felt dizzy, why was his brother doing this to him? He tried kicking and slapping desperately but his brother's heavier build was oppressing him, he didn't let him breathe, he was suffocating underneath him. Conrad's powerful hands ripped his clothes off him leaving him bare against him, like a mad man Conrad fought desperately against his trousers; it was as if Wolfram wasn't fighting back.

Tears went down his face mangling to his hair, his pleas and cries didn't stop Conrad, not even when he called him brother. He didn't stop not even when Wolfram felt like he was going to die from the pain. Conrad had not stopped not even after the first time but he lustfully ached for the other one until he himself had passed out from exhaust.

How come no one had heard him? How come no one had come to help him, to aid him when he had screamed for salvation? No one had come, not even Yuri.

His whole body ached; he fell to the bed in several attempts to get up. He aimed to walk to the closet and grabbed his brother's coat. He flinched and tried to ignore the pain as he pulled up the coat. The fabric was heavy on him and rough against his swollen skin. He limped to the door, he told himself not to look back but his body acted on its own, tears fell down his eyes again. He shouldn't have looked.