Hi, me again with another random story that just popped into my head. Once again, the characters, universe, etc belong to Marvel and the WB, not me. Okay? Okay.

Pairings: Kurt/Kitty, Remy/Rogue, Scott/Jean, Logan/Ororo, Bobby/OC, Piotr/X-23

SETTING: In the future compared to the actual series. All the kids have grown up and in most cases have kids of their own. They are in the mansion but there are actual students there as well so areas the students would commonly go are out for places to sleep because what teacher wants their students to know they've been couched? Oh, and Barbie's belong to Matel, not me.

NOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER: I really tried to make these characters not too confusing but if you need it I put a list of whose who at the bottom. No idea what I mean? You will.

A battle cry rang through the air breaking apart the once peaceful night. It brought an abrupt halt to all attempts of sleep, sending any dreams back into the unconscious cavern in her mind. Her eyes opened to a mouth complete with white fangs leering in front of her calling out the word, "Attack!"

"Get off my bed Sarah!" Gabi yelled back, kicking at what she thought was her sister sitting on her legs. There was a light thump as something fell to the ground, staying silent for a moment before beginning to scream. Sarah was still on the bed.

"Why'd you kick James?" Sarah Wagner asked.

"I didn't know James was on the bed," Gabi argued, pulling herself out from the nest of covers she had made overnight and crouching down on the floor next to her little brother. He didn't look hurt, merely startled. She guessed he had landed on his butt. "Somebody must have just put him there," she sneered at Sarah as she sat down, folding her legs. Her nightgown that normally fell to her knees crawled up a couple inches around her curled legs as James crawled into her lap.

"Wan' Mommy an' Daddy," he said softly, throwing his arms around his oldest sister's neck, already knowing well enough to be careful not to pull at the fine blue hairs that covered her pale skin.

"Are they in the Danger Room?" Gabi asked Sarah, still glaring at her. Sarah flopped down on her stomach on Gabi's bed, her bright blue eyes peering down.

"I don't know. They're not here."

"They must be. Otherwise how'd James get in here?"

"I brought him in here."

"Why?" Gabi demanded. James let go of her neck and leaned against her chest.

"Because he was crying," Sarah retorted, her tail twitching as she scrunched her legs up under her stomach and propped her torso up on her arms. She looked like a furless blue tiger lazily waiting for the right moment to pounce.

"But he always messes things up!"

"He leaves my stuff alone!"

"Well it's my room too you know!" Gabi snapped, neither of them noticing as James crawled off her lap and over to the box of Barbie's Sarah had left out the night before.

"It is my room so I can let him in!" Sarah snipped at her.

"I get a say!"

"You were asleep!"

"Then why'd you dump him on me!"

"You don't know I did!"

"I do too know. How else did he end up there with you?"

"He could of crawled."

"He wouldn't of!"

"But he could-"

"Ah agree James," a boy interrupted, appearing around the corner between the doorway and the closet, "Ah think she would look better in that dress too." Sarah and Gabi both turned to look at the boy of nine who was kneeling down by James and Sarah's Barbies, the two white streaks in his auburn hair falling forward. James was quite contentedly tearing the clothes off one of Sarah's Barbies and at the same time trying to shove one of the smaller Kelly dresses on to her arm all while chewing happily on Ken's leg.

"James!" Sarah squealed, jumping down from the bed and tearing her toys away from her little brother. Instead of crying, the toddler took up another doll to chew on while Sarah tried to wipe the drool off Ken's leg on the carpet. The older boy stood up, his black and red eyes glinting mischievously at Gabi.

"What are you doing in here, Brandon?" she asked as she got to her feet.

"Ah woke up early and was goin' to go find my parents when Ah heard you and Sarah and decided to see why you were up so early," he answered.

"I'm up early because Sarah dropped James on me and then tried to get him to attack me," she sneered, smirking a little at her younger sister who was now near tears as she struggled to keep her Barbies away from James. Sarah glared and stuck her tongue out before grabbing her last doll from James. He begun to cry again as Sarah deposited her Barbies on the far side of her bed, near the door Brandon had come in, where James couldn't get them.

"Sorry about that," Brandon said insincerely as he looked over at Sarah and James. Gabi crossed her arms over her chest and stamped her foot.

"Why'd you really come in her Brandon?" she asked.

"Ah already told you," he answered. "It was borin' in our apartment all by myself and so Ah was goin' to go find my parents when Ah heard you were already up." Gabi sighed as she went around the closet to the door and opened it, leaving the door open as she walked through the small "office" her parents had. At very least there was a desk, two chairs, and a bookshelf in it. Mostly there were doors. A door to the room she shared with Sarah, a room out into the hallway where the other instructors apartments were, a door to her parents bedroom, a door to the bathroom, and a door to James's bedroom he would have to share with the new baby. Gabi went into James's room. Brandon followed her.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting something else for him to chew on before he starts chewing on my stuff," Gabi informed him as she threw things out of his toy box before finding something suitable. "I'm fine with him chewing on Sarah's stuff but not mine."

"Oh come on. Ah know you still play with Barbies," Brandon goaded.

"I do not. I'm nine," she protested.

"Just barely," he replied. Her birthday was just shy of a month ago.

"Well you still play with your barn set," she reminded, a trapped look in her eyes.

"Ah do not!"

"Then why did I hear you saying Moo through your door last night?" she asked him hurriedly. He sighed.

"Guess there's a reason my da told me not to argue with filles," he said as they walked back toward Gabi and Sarah's room.

"Maybe because he always loses with your mom," Gabi replied joyfully.

"He does not."

"Girls rule and boys drool," Gabi proclaimed proudly as she entered the room again. A chorus of two "yeahs" greeted her. A girl, six-years-old like Sarah, was now sitting on Sarah's bed, swinging her fuzzy slipper clad feet. She gave Gabi a bright smile that crossed to her brown eyes.

"That's not fair. It's three against one!" Brandon whined.

"You've got James," Rachel Summers chimed. Brandon looked over at his "ally" who was currently slobbering all over the toy Gabi had handed him.

"Boys drool," Sarah giggled as she collapsed on her bed next to Rachel. "Drooling, drooling, drooling. Drooling, drooling, drooling," she sang. Rachel laughed and began to join along. Gabi stopped them.

"You know what a girl at school told me the other day," she asked excitedly. "She said 'girl's go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.'" All three of the girls began to laugh.

"That's such a third grade thing, Gabi!" Brandon told her. She stuck her tongue out at him. He made a pig nose.

"Have you seen my-my mommy an' Daddy? I'm-I'm hungry an' I- an' I can' find dem," came a sleepy voice. They turned to see Jacob Drake standing in the doorway, the pads of his feet-ed pajamas making him nearly silent.

"You're parents are missing too Jake?" Rachel asked, sliding down from Sarah's bed.

"Yours too?" Brandon asked her. She nodded.

"I'm hungry," Jake complained, his brow furrowed in three-year-old stubbornness. James looked up at his words.

"Food!" he squealed, rubbing his stomach. "Want 'nack." He stood up and walked over to Sarah's bed where Sarah and Rachel were and hammered on the bed. "'nack, 'nack!"

"Let's go find them! I'm hungry too," Sarah declared before sliding through Rachel and off the foot of the bed, the only side not surrounded by a wall or her little brother.

"Personal space," Rachel sniffed. She didn't like being phased through. Gabi and James simply brushed it off, Jake was too young to care, and Brandon usually was careful to skirt around actual contact with anyone but his parents. Unconsciously he could turn off his power of absorption toward his mother and father but he couldn't yet control his power with his conscious mind.

"Sorry," Sarah shrugged. Rachel crossed her arms over her chest and tossed a Barbie off the bed at Sarah with her mind. Sarah giggled which made Rachel laugh before she slid off the bed, an instant repair on their friendship. The two led the way to the door with Jake right behind them. Gabi grabbed James's hand and pulled him along with her and Brandon took up the tail of the line for the hallway. They made their way along the hallway to the elevator they took to the main floor of the building, the one the living room, kitchen, and library were on.

"Let's go check the kitchen!" Rachel declared, tugging on Sarah. The two girls hurried down the hall with Jake struggling to try and run after them. James whined and looked up at Gabi before lifting up his hands.

"You're too big for me to carry that far," Gabi told him stubbornly as she marched along, taking his hand again. He whined some more but Gabi and Brandon ignored him as they came to the corner where Sarah and Rachel had stopped."What's goin' on?" Brandon asked them.

"Laura and Piotr are sleeping in the hallway," Rachel said in amazement. Gabi peered around the corner and sure enough saw towering Piotr sitting against the wall in the hallway with short, strong, little Laura leaning against his chest, both sound asleep. They were right in front of the library.

"Where's Jake?" Gabi whispered, now leaning down and grabbing James. He was heavy but she managed to balance him on her hip to make him stop whining. Sarah looked back worriedly and then slipped over to the open door of the library, tip-toeing in. Laura was not known to have the best temper when she woke up in the mornings. The rest of them followed her. Jake was thankfully right inside the door, looking around.

"Where's my mommy and daddy?" he asked, looking around. Rachel and Sarah began to giggle as they looked around. Sarah, Gabi, and James's parents were on one of the couches, their mother leaning into their father's chest, his hand on her swollen belly. Brandon's father was asleep at a computer desk, his face in his hands while Brandon's mother lay sprawled on a couch nearby, and would have been facing him had she been awake. Rachel's parents were lying on the ground with most of the pillows from the couches while Ororo and Logan were curled up in two chairs in another corner. Finally, Gabi spotted Jake's parents, Lia and Bobby, sleeping in what she assumed had once been some kind of seating made of ice. It was now a large puddle in the carpet and they both slept on with very wet hair, spooned against each other. Jake had apparently noticed them too as he took off across the room toward his parents before anyone could stop him.

"I'm hungry," he said, shaking his father's shoulder. Bobby blinked and opened his eyes as Lia moaned. Jake stood over them, his arms crossed. "Hungry," he added.

"Why is everything so wet?" Lia asked groggily as she sat up, focusing her eyes around and then seeing Bobby and her oldest son. "Nice plan, Bobby," she said dryly. "I knew there was a good reason not to have an ice couch."

"It was the nicest couch in here," he said glumly as he got to his feet.

"I'm hungry, please," Jake told them.

"It really is morning, isn't it?" Bobby asked him. "Where's Will at?"

"In his crib," Jake answered, still studying his parents as his mother got up. Bobby picked up Jake, making the little boy squirm.

"What are you all doing in here?" Brandon asked quietly. Ororo and Logan began to stir nonetheless.

"I think we were all fighting," Lia said vaguely.

"So you went into the library?" Gabi asked.

"Eventually and I guess we fell asleep," Lia answered with a smile.

Gabi gave her a strange look and stamped her foot. "Grown ups!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up. Unintentionally she woke up Scott and Jean.

"What's going on?" Scott asked, beginning to look around. Ororo and Logan were both now up and starting to leave the room

"We apparently fell asleep last night," Bobby explained, heading for the door with Jake.

"If you've got him I'll go get Will," Lia told Bobby.

"Deal," he answered, kissing her forehead as she passed him. She raised an eyebrow. "Hey you forgave me right?" he asked as they left the room.

"If you promise no more bra-freezing," her voice carried back. Brandon wrinkled his nose.

"Ew, she said the word 'bra'," he complained loudly. Sarah began to laugh at him.

"Bra, bra, bra," she taunted. Gabi turned bright red under her fur as Brandon turned a brilliant shade of pink.

"Stop it!" Gabi told her.

"Shut it, Sarah!" Brandon demanded.

"Bra," Remy chuckled as he came awake. He shook Rogue gently to wake her.

"Ah'm up swamp-breath," she mumbled, rising up.

"Let's go get something to eat, Rachel," Jean said, leading her daughter by the shoulder out of the room. Scott followed the two red-heads.

"Swamp-breath?" Kitty asked.

"I von't eat ze all-meat pizza again until after you have the baby," Kurt yawned. "So no more insulting my breath."

"I was actually talking about what Rogue called Remy," she told him, sitting up so she stopped leaning on him. He got off the couch and stretched his back as James came toddling over to them. Kurt grabbed him up and raised him above his head, making the little boy giggle like crazy.

"That icky pizza with all the meat on it?" Gabi asked.

"Or with the vegetables?" Sarah added.

"Cheese is the only good kind," Gabi reminded her. Sarah nodded in agreement. Kitty shook her head.

"The only time they agree is when it's over the lack of variety in anything they eat," she sighed, getting off the couch and gently tossling Sarah's straight hair.

"Zere has to be a vay to sneak in vegetables again. Zey both used to love zem," Kurt said. "Remember Gabi and her peas?"

"Squash and Sarah," Kitty added. Both girls had their noses wrinkled. Come on," Kitty said, let's go get breakfast.

"I vonder if zere is any Lucky Charms left," Kurt pondered.

"No wonder neither of them eats anything remotely healthy," Kitty said, glaring at him playfully.

"I eat apples!" Gabi defended. "And grapes."

"Pears!" Sarah added. "Bananas."

"So what were you fightin' about?" Brandon asked his parents as they followed everyone else out of the library.

"How old are you?" Remy asked him.

"Twenty-three," Brandon decided quickly, standing up as tall as he could.

"Nice try, homme. You're nine if you're a day," his father answered.

"Am not."

"Ah seem to remember it bein' nine years ago you were born too," his mother told him, pushing playfully at his hair.

"So you won't tell me?"

"I'll consider tellin' you when you actually are twenty-three."



Gabi Wagner: Age 9, daughter of Kurt and Kitty, sister of Sarah and James

Sarah Wagner: Age 6, daughter of Kurt and Kitty, sister of Gabi and James

James Wagner: Age 20 months, son of Kurt and Kitty, brother of Gabi and Sarah

Brandon LeBeau: Age 9, son of Rogue and Remy

Rachel Summers: Age 6, daughter of Jean and Scott

Jacob Drake: Age 3, son of Bobby and Lia, brother of Will

William Drake: Age 10 months, son of Bobby and Lia, brother of Jake

So now that I'm done with my casting list… Anyway, Brandon and Gabi are both mentioned in my other fic Muffins and Mayhem only they're a lot younger (hint, hint). Thank you for reading and I hope you review!