illutia mist: Hi! Hi! This is my new fanfic of Gakuen Alice!

Natsume: I think you haven't finished the other one.

illutia mist: What's the other one?

Natsume: You're the author and you don't know? (Narrows his eyes)

And illutia just shrugged at his words.

Natsume: …I think I'll burn you. (Fire appears on his palm. He's annoyed)

illutia mist: (Eyes widen) STOP!! I know! I know! Geez! I'm just kidding!

Natsume: And I'm not. It's not funny. (Irritated)

illutia mist: Okay. For the 'When I Met you', I'll still continue it. I just want to change the atmosphere, you know.

Natsume: You make me do double jobs.

illutia mist: (Mutters) More hard for me to make two different stories…

Natsume: You don't own me or Gakuen Alice and its other characters, so don't overwork us.

illutia mist: (Eyebrows twitch) I know. Don't worry. This is the first chapter. You haven't appeared in this chapter.

Natsume: It's better if you don't make me appear in the other chapters too. (Walks away)



Small Pieces of You


1st Piece: Run Away

That day was so gloomy in Tokyo. There was no blue sky, but pale-colored sky. The streets were still crowd with people though.

A dot of water fell from the sky to the ground then followed by the other one and the other again until there was millions of it falling to the ground, drenching the streets with it transparent color. People started to run, searching for a shelter.

In the middle of the crowd, a teen girl was running under the rain that poured harder every minute. Her shoulder-length black hair was damp because of the rain. She had one of her eyes opened to see the direction she ran into in the rain. Behind the opened eyelid, there was a beauty dark brown-colored orb. She held her orange-colored medium sized backpack in her embrace tightly. Her red T-shirt and dark blue jeans pants were also drenched by the rain. Her blue sport shoes with white lines on it were dirty and soaked because of the mud on the street where she passed by.

She kept on running as she recalled what had happened hours before that caused her to run in the rain at that time.


The black-haired girl was in her room at the second story of her house. She was staring at the gloomy sky from her closed window.

'Hhh…The sky is as gloomy as me today…' she thought sadly. 'Mom was mad at me again this morning and it's about the school and future. Oh please, the senior high school is still a year from now.'

She gave out a sigh and turned from her window to her study desk. She took out her sketchbook and started to draw something on it. She was still thinking about that morning's topic with her mother.

'Don't just draw and draw in your room! You'll go to the senior high school just in a year again! Thinking about you future!'

'That was what mom said. But mom never knew how hard I study at school and home. All she knows is I always draw something every time she checks on me. It's just a coincidence!' she thought angrily. 'Then she'll say that I'm no use at all and never help her. I help her sometimes, if she wants to know. Should I tell her every time I help her?'

Her pressure to her pencil kept getting harder every time she thought about that. And when she realized, she looked at her sketchbook blankly, sweat dropping at her 'masterpiece', a tangled thread.

'This 'masterpiece' again…' she thought as she sighed. 'I wonder how many times I have made this 'masterpiece'.'

She closed her sketchbook and left it on her study desk. She stood up and walked to the door. She turned the doorknob and was about to step out from her bedroom when she heard a conversation that came from the first floor.

She tiptoed near the stairs and listened to the conversation.

"That child…she never listens to me. I don't know what to do with her,' a woman's voice could be heard.

'It's mother,' she thought as she kept on listening to the conversation.

"What did she do again this time?" a man's voice asked.

'Father has come home?!' the girl was surprised after she heard the man's voice. 'Oh no! Mother will report this morning argument to him again!!'

"I've told her many times to stop drawing and that she'll never have any future if she's too drowning in that things," her mother complained, "but she never listen to me! She keeps on drawing those unimportant things!"

"Tell her that she better stops doing such things and concentrates in her study. Isn't that easy?" her father said in a calm tone, but there's a little anger in it.

'They argue again. They always argue about me, me and me. Don't they have anyone else to talk about? How about Izu?' The girl started to get irritated.

"Why can't she be like Izu? Stop drawing and concentrate on her study?" her mother whined.

'Great! Congratulations, Izu! You're mom's favorite daughter!' the girl thought sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"I wonder how can she be so different from Izu? She's just a minute older than her sister. She should be a good example for her," her father said.

'I've studied hard, you know! I have! I'm just not as clever as her! My grades are good too! Okay, her grades are excellent,' the girl thought angrily.

"She's no use at all. She never helps. What a good daughter she is," her mother said the last sentence in a little sarcastic tone.


A broken string sound could be heard from inside the girl's head. She bent down her head and there was a dangerous aura around her at that time.

'This is it! I have gotten enough of this!' she thought as a big vein popped up on her head.

She turned on her heel and walked back to her room. She opened her drawer and grabbed some clothes. Approaching her study-desk, she grabbed her sketchbook and pencil-colored box. She took out her orange-colored medium sized backpack that was placed under the desk and inserted all things that had been mentioned before into the bag. After she checked on her luggage once again, she remembered that she forgot an important thing.

'Oh! Almost forgot the wallet!' she thought as she clasped her hands together.

She went to the drawer again and took out her wallet with a cute bear design beneath other clothes. She then inserted the wallet to the bag too.

She hanged her backpack on her back and went down to the first floor. She checked if there was someone else at the corridor.

'Clear!' she thought with a triumphant smile then tiptoed to the front door.

She put on her blue sport shoes then opened the door slowly, carefully not to make any sound. After she landed her feet at the outside of her house successfully, she quickly ran from there.

She didn't know where to go. What she knew was she wanted to go away from her house. She had planned this escape many times but never did it because there was always a reason for not doing this.

But now, her patience had run out. She couldn't stand it again.

She ran to anywhere her feet would take her.


And now, here she was, running under the rain because the rain suddenly poured down when she walked around without destination.

After she ran for a quiet long time, she got exhausted. She decided to walk and tightened her embrace to her backpack because there was something important inside it, her sketchbook.

Okay, maybe clothes and wallet were important too.

'How long have I run?' she thought as the rain kept pouring down on her head. 'How far is it now?'

Suddenly, her vision got blurred. She tried to keep on walking by leaning her hand on the wall.

'Not now. Not now. I can't get unconscious now,' she thought hardly, trying to prevent herself falling into the unconsciousness from the nausea that suddenly came.

She tried to run again, but to no avail. Her vision got worsened and the darkness finally covered her vision.


She felt that she was lying on something soft. There was something covering her too. She wanted to open her eyes but her eyelids felt so heavy.

'Maybe it is some kind of blanket,' she thought, guessing what the thing was.

Then she heard a sound. The sound of a door opened. Faintly, she could hear there a few peoples talking.

"So, this is the girl that you're talking about, Narumi-sensei?" a deep man's voice said. From the voice, she could guess that the person was a discipline type. She was good at guessing people's behavior from the voice, you know.

"Yes, Jinno-sensei. The security guard found her lying in front of the gate," another voice could be heard. But this time, it was a little cheery.

'Two peoples, huh,' she thought, still with her eyes closed.

"Is she an alice-user?" the deep voice which belonged to Jinno asked.

"I have asked the headmaster to search some information about her," the cheery voice that belonged to Narumi replied.

'Alice? What is it?' the girl thought, confused.

"Narumi," another voice could be heard. This time it's a calm one.

"Misaki, has the headmaster found anything about this girl?" Narumi asked.

"Yeah, she's absolutely an alice-user. But the headmaster hasn't found out what alice that she has," the calm voice that called Misaki said. "There's no information about her alice. It looks like she hasn't used it even once."

"So, how does the headmaster know that she has an alice?" Narumi asked. A confused tone could be heard when he asked.

"I don't know. It's a mystery," Misaki replied calmly.

'What are they talking about?' the girl thought. 'Some stupid things?'

"So, where should we place her?" Narumi asked again.

"The headmaster told us to place her in a one-star room for temporary. We'll observe her longer," Misaki said, closing the topic.

"I'll take her to her room then," Narumi said in a cheery tone.

The half-conscious girl felt being lifted by something, or rather, someone from the comfortable thing and she started to move. She heard the sound of door opened and sound of footsteps that echoed along the way, but she couldn't do anything because she felt so tired. Her body hardly could move.

Suddenly, she stopped moving. Actually, her carrier was the one that stopped to move. She could hear a few of footsteps approaching them.

"Narumi-sensei! Good afternoon!" a very cheery girl's voice greeted.

"You're too loud," a calm girl's voice said.

'Girls' voices? What is this place?' the half-conscious girl thought, still with her eyes closed.

"Good afternoon, Mikan-chan, Hotaru-chan," her carrier greeted back.

'Mikan-chan and Hotaru-chan, huh,' the girl thought.

"Who is it, Narumi-sensei?" the cheery girl's voice asked.

"A new friend," Narumi said. The girl could feel that he was smiling when he answered the question.

"New friend? So she's a new student, Narumi-sensei?" the cheery girl asked again; it looked like she was excited.

"Yes, Mikan-chan, she is. Befriend with her, okay?" Narumi said kindly.

"Okay, Narumi-sensei!" the cheery girl who was known as Mikan replied happily.

'So, this place is some kind of school…' the half-conscious girl thought.

"What's wrong with her?" the calm girl asked curiously.

"We found her unconscious in front of the gate. She got fever. Maybe she has been under the rain for a long time," Narumi said. A concerned tone could be heard in his sentence.

"Is that so? I hope she'll be okay," Mikan said, a bit concerned. "When will she attend the class?"

"Depend on her condition. If she could, maybe she'll attend the class tomorrow," Narumi replied.

"Yeiii!! A new friend!!" Mikan chirped happily.

"Now, I'll take her to her room first," Narumi said. "You two still have classes, right?"

"Oh, yes! We have to go now! Bye-bye, Narumi-sensei!" Mikan said before the footsteps could be heard again. This time, the sound was avoiding them.

Then they started to move again.

After a few minutes had passed, the carrier, Narumi, stopped and a sound of door opened could be heard. It looked like they moved inside a room. After a few steps, he lay her on something soft. 'Maybe a bed,' she thought. Then he touched her forehead gently.

"Get well soon," was his last words before he pulled back his hand from her forehead.

And after a few seconds, the half-conscious girl drifted to sleep.


Morning had come.

She opened her eyes just to see an unfamiliar ceiling and room. She got up slowly on the bed and found a wavy blonde haired man sleeping on a small couch at the right side of the room.

Surprisingly to her, her clothes weren't wet. She was still in her red T-shirt and dark blue jeans pants but it didn't wet.

'I remember exactly that my clothes were wet,' she thought confusedly as she touched her hair. It had been dry too.

She looked around the room and found her backpack on a desk, which was near the window.

'Where am I?' she thought as her eyes gazed around, observing the room.

"So you have awakened now."

She was surprised to hear a voice and then she knew that the voice came from the now-awoke wavy-blonde haired man.

"I'm Narumi, a teacher in this Alice Academy. What's your name?" Narumi asked as he smiled.

"I'm…Jacklyn," the girl said, wondering if she could trust this…gay teacher. "Where am I?"

"You're in the Alice Academy, a school for those chosen one," Narumi said, "and you are one of them."

"Chosen?" Jacklyn asked, confused.

"Yes, the chosen one have a special power called alice," Narumi explained shortly.

"Alice? Is that something like a supernatural power?" she guessed, a finger on her chin.

"Sort of," he replied simply.

"So, what power that I have?" she asked as she tilted her head a little to the side.

"Yes, about that, we don't know," Narumi said. "You have the potential but you never used it."

"Um…how could I arrive in this place?" Jacklyn asked, curious.

"We found you unconscious in front of the gate," Narumi replied shortly. Then he stood up and approached the girl. He touched her forehead, checking on her fever. "It looks like your fever has gone down, but it's still a little warm," Narumi said, acting like a doctor.

"My clothes were wet yesterday. How did you dry it?" Jacklyn asked again.

"We have to get a student that wields the alice of water to remove the water from your clothes." Narumi smiled.

"My backpack too?" Jacklyn asked worriedly. She remembered that her important things were in the backpack.

"Yes," Narumi replied simply.

Jacklyn sighed, relieved that her backpack was rescued. She then remembered something.

"Um…I…my parents…" she said hesitantly.

"We have informed your parents yesterday. Don't worry." Narumi smiled gently. "It looks like you ran away from your home. Is it true?"

Jacklyn didn't say anything, just nodded. A sad expression appeared on her face.

"And as long as you study here, you can't meet or contact them. Is it okay?" Narumi asked again, a bit concerned.

She nodded again.

"Okay," Narumi said, wondering what had happened to her. "Because you still have fever, maybe you'll attend the class tomorrow." Then Narumi took the clothes that was placed on the bedside table and gave it to her. "This is your uniform. You're fourteen year old, so you're in junior high school. I hope the size is right," Narumi said as he smiled and put down the uniform on her lap.

Jacklyn stared at the uniform on her lap, a bit interested.

"Get some rest today," Narumi said as he patted the girl's head. "I have to attend a few classes today so I'll excuse myself for now."

Narumi walked to the door. Before he closed the door, he gave her a message, "Your food will be carried here, so don't worry. Bye!" Then he closed the door.

Jacklyn put the uniform back on the bedside table and lay back on the soft bed, wondering what would happen to her in this Alice Academy school.

--To be continued--

A black haired girl glared at a branch of the famous Sakura tree. She was shouting something about important role. Just then, a brunette approached her.

Mikan: illutia? Why are you shouting at a tree?

illutia mist: Not the tree. But the Black Cat! (Points to the branch)

Mikan: (Looks up) …Natsume?

Natsume: (Annoyed) What?

Mikan: What are you doing up there?

Natsume: Resting. Until this thing found me and started to babble unreasonable things. (Glares at illutia)

illutia mist: He told me to erase his part in this fic!! I can't do that!! (Cries waterfall)

Mikan: Uh…okay…By the way, who's the new girl in this story?

illutia mist: (Looks up) Oh? She's Jacklyn, my favorite character. (Smiles) She's like a trademark for me. Actually there's another too.

Natsume: Great. Another freaky girl in the story. (Sighs)

illutia mist: She's not a freak!! Um…just a little different…but not too different too…but… (Goes on mumbling incoherently)

Natsume: A circuit in her head is broken.

Mikan: (Sweat drops) Sorry, readers. Anyway, thank you for reading and please review! (Smiles)