It was over. There would be no more worrying, no more looking over her shoulder as she walked at night. Well, no more than usual. Evil still existed, and she was still the Slayer. She loved her power – she embraced it now. The thought of facing more powerful vampires and demons still lingered in her head, but she had promised herself she would cross that bridge when she came to it. She lived in the present. She was present Buffy – new and improved.

There was only one dark cloud that loomed over her – Drew. He had no idea who she was. He thought he had found a nice, slightly weird, but normal girl. If only he really knew. She had considered telling him, for a brief second anyway. Maybe he would be okay with it... but she knew better. She couldn't drag him into a dark and dangerous would – he just didn't belong there.

Buffy had come to a conclusion; she had to break up with him. Was she a bad person for the fact that it didn't bother her? But why would it? She was in love with Spike.


It hurt her hiding how she really felt. She wished more than anything that they could be together in the real world. In a way though, she thought it might ruin things between them. Their entire relationship, from the first kiss, had been a huge secret. What if they didn't know how to have a "real" relationship? Wait – of course they would. It was Spike. It was her and Spike. If anything was real, it was them.

And then there was what scared her the most – Dawn. What would she think? Would she be angry, upset, or understanding? Would she ever speak to Buffy again?

"Hey there," Buffy looked up from her spot on the bench outside of school to find Drew.

"Hi... how are you?" she asked awkwardly.

"You mean since the last time we spoke, two weeks ago? I'm great."

Oh no, had it been that long? She couldn't help it, she had been a little preoccupied with staying alive.

"Listen, I am really sorry about that. I just... don't think I'm ready for a commitment of any kind. I'm a busy girl, in ways you don't even want to know. You are an amazing guy Drew; you deserve someone who can give you all the things that you offer."

"And I'm guessing that someone isn't you," he said softly.

"I really wish it was, but no... It's not. You don't know me as well as you think, and that's a good thing... for you."

"Right. The "it's not you, it's me" speech," he said. "I've never gotten that one before."

Buffy sighed. "But it's true. You're perfect, and you deserve perfect... I'm not."

"Says who? Look, I'm not gonna go all stalker boy on you. I really do like you, even if I don't understand you. But if this is how you feel, then thank you for being honest Buffy," he said, sitting down beside her.

"See, perfect. I'm gonna miss you Drew," she said, looking over at him.

"You aren't dead Buff, I'll see you around," he said with his signature smile.

She returned it. "Definitely not of the dead."

Thank God.

Uh oh. Angel was headed straight for her. She looked around the hallway for a chance to dodge him – there was none. She dreaded their conversation before he even approached her.

"Buffy, hey," he said, stopping in front of her.

She sighed. "I think you know where this conversation is going... and that's nowhere," she said.

"Don't be like that Buff, don't pull away," he said and she rolled her eyes.

"Angel, I don't know how to make myself any clearer – I'm done with you and all the drama that you bring. I'm happy and-..."

"He botherin' you pet?" Spike interrupted as he appeared beside Buffy.

Angel's glare turned dark as he focused in on Spike. "This doesn't concern you Spike, back off."

Spike subconsciously wrapped his arm around Buffy's waist. "Actually Peaches, it does."

"I knew it! I knew you and him were sneaking around. What the hell are you thinking Buffy?"

"She's thinking you better disappear before you get hurt mate," Spike growled.

"I'm not scared of you Spike," Angel spit back and Spike smirked.

"Wasn't talking 'bout me."

"He's not serious..."

"Oh he is. You don't know me anymore Angel; I don't think you ever did. Just leave," she said, her tone harsh.

Angel looked from Spike to Buffy then sighed. "This isn't over," he said before turning and walking away.

Once he was gone, Buffy felt eyes on her and glanced around the hallway to find everyone staring at her and Spike. Her gaze turned down to his arm wrapped securely around her waist. She hadn't even noticed he had done it, it had felt so natural that she'd forgotten where they were and what it meant.

"Um, Spike," she said, and he followed her stare. He moved to pull away, but she held his arm in place. "No, it's okay - no more hiding. Alric helped me realize that life is short... I could die any day, any second. I don't want to waste any more time... I love you."

He nodded with a smile. "And I love you Slayer. Alright then, you hungry?" She sent him a look that told him the answer and he laughed. "Right, when aren't you hungry?"

As they started to walk, she reached over and intertwined her fingers with his. The eyes that watched them didn't bother Buffy, she barely saw them. All that mattered to her at that moment was that she was alive and with the man that she loved.

After a long kiss goodnight down in the basement with Spike, Buffy was headed up to her room when she heard Dawn behind her.

"Buffy, I think we need to talk."

Buffy cringed as she turned around to face her younger sister. "Dawn, I..."

"Don't. Why didn't you tell me?"

Buffy sighed. "This is exactly why I tried to fight the way I felt. I never wanted to hurt you Dawn. I'll... I'll end t with Spike, I..."

Dawn raised a hand to stop her. "I'm hurt, but not because you're with him. I'm hurt because you didn't tell me. I had to find out from people at school asking me a million questions."

"You don't know how many times I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. What could I say? 'By the way sis, mind if I love your ex?'"

"Did you say... love?" Dawn asked and Buffy nodded. Dawn continued with a soft smile, "I have never heard you say you loved someone, not even Angel. Me and Spike, it was great. I care about him a lot. But Buffy, if you and him have the chance to be someone amazing, I'd never forgive myself for being the reason you didn't. I love you, you're my sister, and I think you and Spike are just a... a perfect fit."

Buffy didn't know what to say. Not even two seconds ago, she thought Dawn was about to rip into her and now... now she was happy?

"I, um, what exactly are you saying here?"

Dawn shrugged. "I don't really know Buffy, this is all so confusing. Is it weird? A little. Do I hate you? Of course not. I understand you've changed; you aren't the old Buffy anymore. I know that you'd never hurt me intentionally. I know if you could change the way you feel, you would. But you can't help who you fall in love with. Yeah, it's gonna take some time to get used to, but honestly, don't worry about me. I don't love him anymore, its been weeks since I truly have and I can see the way he looks at you... how I never noticed before is beyond me. He loves you Buffy, like loves you loves you. And as your sister, I strongly advise you to love him back. You know what they say, a couple that slays together stays together," she finished with a smile.

Buffy could feel the tears falling freely from her eyes. Dawn's approval meant more to her than anything. "Thank you Dawnie," she said, pulling her sister into a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry you had to find out that way."

Dawn nodded. "I think I can manage to forgive you since you do kind of save the world and all that."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure. Absolutely, without a doubt, sure. You can't fight fate, right?"

Buffy smiled. "No, you can't."

"You better get some sleep, rest up for the big history test you have tomorrow."

Buffy's face blanked. "Test? What test? Nobody told me about a test."

Dawn laughed. "That's because you don't have one – now, we're even."

"You almost gave me a heart attack! But, I deserved it. Goodnight Dawnie."

"Night Buff, sleep tight, don't let the bed vamps bite."

"It's awful dead out here tonight," Buffy said to Spike as they walked through the cemetery hand in hand. "No pun intended."

"Guess you're show with Alric gave 'em a proper fright."

"Somehow I doubt that, but I'm not gonna go all complainy girl." He smirked, and she eyed him. "What?"

"Just thinkin' of how bad I wanna kiss you right now," he said seductively.

"Oh really? And when were you gonna do that?"

"If I tell you luv, it'll ruin the surprise."

She laughed. "Okay, well I was thinking of something too."

"And what's that?" he asked.

She stopped walking and turned towards him, pushing him into a nearby tree. She pinned him there with her body as she looked into his eyes. "Surprise," she whispered against his lips before kissing him. His arms encircled her waist and pulled her into him as the kiss intensified. She brought her arms up and wrapped them around his neck, bringing his lips even closer to hers. She was hungry for his kiss, his touch – and she could feel him return it.

"Is this a... bad time?"

A voice behind them separated their bodies and Spike let out a disappointed moan. Buffy turned to see Willow, Xander and Dawn standing there awkwardly.

She could feel her cheeks redden. "Uh hey guys, we were just patrolling," she said as Spike wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Pretty hard to see any vampires what with all the face sucking going on," Xander said, making her redden even more.

"You're just jealous because no one wants to suck face with you," Dawn defended.

"Say, who wants to go to the Bronze? I hear it's the hottest club in town," Willow interrupted.

Buffy laughed. "Cause it's the only club," she shrugged, "Might as well, I don't see any psycho Slayer stalker vamps around."

Xander let out an exaggerated sigh. "Oh great, way to jinx us Buff."

Spike smirked. "Course you would believe in that pansy bull."

"Give Xand a break, he's been on the wrong end of a lot of demon issues," Dawn said in his defense.

"Yeah, like the end of their fist," Spike quirped.

Xander stepped towards him. "You're one to talk Bleach Boy."

Spike rolled his eyes. "Oh now that's original."

"If you two can't control your testosterone I'm going to turn this car around," Willow said, playing stern.

"Uh Will, hate to break it to you, but we're walking," Buffy said and she shrugged.

"I know, I just always wanted to say that."

Dawn laughed as the group began to walk through the cemetery towards the Bronze. "We might be a tad... dysfunctional, but God, I love us."

Buffy nodded. "I hear dysfunctional is totally the new normal these days."

Xander stopped walking and looked ahead. "Oh hey, vampire," he said casually.

Spike immediately perked up. He had been feeling a lot better since his accident, nearly back to his full strength. He was itching for a good slay. "I call dibs," he said.

Buffy raised an eyebrow. "Dibs? I'm the Slayer, I always get dibs."

He smirked at her. "Or not, I called it."

She smiled. "Fine, but you have to beat me to him."

"You're on Slayer."

"Well this should be interesting," Dawn said as the three watched the couple race off.

Xander wrapped an arm around each of them as they started their walk behind their two fight-destined friends. "This is how I like it – me and two of my three favourite girls," he said and they both laughed.

"That's because we're the only..." Willow started, but stopped when she noticed something up ahead. "Are they fighting over a stake?"

Dawn smiled. "Like I said, highly dysfunctional, but how can you not love this?"

"You know what they say," Xander said. "A family that slays together..."

"Stays together," the three finished together.


Thank you to everyone who read my story, and for all the nice reviews. I hope you enjoyed it, and there might possibly be another fic from me soon. Thanks!