Sorry this took so long!

Drabble 13: Accident Part 2

She'd spent so long wondering. So long...just thinking. It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were over. It didn't take even a minute to figure out he'd moved on-before even ending it with her.

It's been a little over a week-and the situation was just now hitting her as no matter what she did, all she could think about was them. The bright, happy smile on the females' (because the bitch didn't deserve a name for taking her Neji!) face and the normal expression on Neji's, save for a small change in his eyes.

...God, she was horrible. Sure, the girl may have stolen the one thing that she valued above all else in this world; she may have been the cause of her newly broken heart, but...

Oh, who the fuck was she kidding? As horrible as she feels for it, she still wishes that...that homewrecker would disappear!

Clutching her right knee to her chest and sitting on the bay window in her room, she let her tears fall. She'd been strong all week seeing them around Konoha in the usual hang out spots. She hadn't let them get to her.

But just this once, just this one time...she'd let herself cry over him.

Her tears wet the dark cloth of her pants, and the sound of her sobs carried just barely through her window.

Pale, milky eyes closed in sadness as the owner listened to the cries above him. When the crying finally died down, they reopened. Within seconds, the figure pushed away from the wall they had leaned against and hurried away.

Things needed to change.


SORRY! I've decided that i'd beat the hell out of my writers block, and because my brain hurts now, I have to stop. This is part two of the previous chapter, and there will be two more parts coming up! If you have a suggestion or any ideas for this drabble or future drabbles, feel free to leave them in your review or PM me!


Until next time~!