I don't own any of the characters in this story

Carol Danvers marched purposefully through the halls of the Triskelion. She had been ordered to report to General Fury's office. That meant one of two things as anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. knew. You were either going to be promoted, or you were about to be banished to an office job in some Antarctic research post.

Of course Danvers knew she was to valuable to be sent away, and so questioned what exactly she was going to be put in charge off.

When she walked in Fury was standing at the window, almost as if surveying his domain. And it was very much his considering the fact he was in charge of the most powerful military organization on the planet Earth.

"You wanted to see me General," Danvers said saluting her superior.

"There's no need for the Carol. Please take a seat," Fury motioned to the chair in front of his massive desk.

"Have you seen the papers recently? Seen what they've been saying about the Ultimates?" Fury questioned.

"If you're referring to the criticism they've been receiving after there operation in Colombia then yes sir I have. A lot of dead civilians, and Barton is in critical condition correct?"

"Yes he is. Our intelligence was faulty, it got real ugly real fast. But I wanted to talk to you about a solution I've proposed to the president."

"What's that sir?"

Fury reached into a drawer and pulled out several thick files. He thumbed through them for a moment, taking count of all of them before sliding them across towards Danvers. As she flipped through them she noticed immediately that these were the files of various super-powered criminals.

"I…I don't understand sir."

"It's simple Danvers. S.H.I.E.L.D. can't risk having the Ultimates look bad. They are the face of our organization and our country as a whole. But these…people, and I use the term lightly, can be sent on the blackest of ops. Suicide missions. No one will make any commotion if a couple go missing."

Danvers was starting to understand what Fury was getting at. A super secret team with no direct ties to S.H.I.E.L.D. made completely of reformed criminals. And Carol Danvers would be the director. Of course if any of this leaked it would be an end to her career, but it could be a stepping stone for bigger and better things.

"But General Fury…look at the names you've given me. Gwen Stacy? Cain Marko? The Beetle, Hobgoblin, The Blob, Scorpion, Electro? For God's sake sir, you want me to put Bullseye on the team."

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sat back in his chair and interlocked his fingers, raising on of his eyebrows.

"And your point?"

"Permission to speak freely sir?"


"My point, sir….is that these people will go fucking megaton at the drop of a hat. What's to stop them from disobeying orders and killing everyone in a ten mile radius of wherever we drop them?"

Fury leaned forward, frustrated that Danvers wasn't sharing in his vision.

"Just make it work Danvers. You have access to anyone being held in the Triskelion excluding Magneto and Banner, and if you want someone who's on the loose let us know and we will track them down."

Danvers took the files and stood up, saluting one last time before leaving the General's office. She turned to look at her mentor once more before heading on her way.

"General Fury…what exactly is this projects codename? What is S.H.I.E.L.D. going to call this team?"

The most powerful man in the world smiled as he walked back to look out the window. He turned his head back ever so slightly and looked at Danvers.

"The Thunderbolts."