The two men sat comfortably as the limousine traveled through the German countryside. It was a truly breathtaking thing to behold, moving around the majestic Alps. This was one of the few places that had remained untouched during the Second World War

It had been years since one of the men had seen this beautiful country, and it brought a tear to his eye.

"Are you alright Johann?"

The man wiped his eye, ashamed at letting his guard down momentarily. Johann turned and looked at the young man next to him. Blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, he looked just like his father from what Johann could remember. He was a perfect German, just as his father had been.

"You look just like your father you know?"

The young man shifted in his seat, the topic of his father obviously a touchy one. Johann would remember that, and he would use it to his advantage should the need arise.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that, and trust me when I say that's the only thing I share with him."

"Do you remember your father at all?"

"No. All I know of him is what I've been told. He was a skilled fighter, brilliant scientist, Hitler's chief technological advisor, and of course the only member in the Third Reich to surpass Josef Mengele in infamy."

Johann nodded and decided to drop it. Everything the young man had said was true. His father was the only man in the SS to provide Johann a challenge in physical combat. And the infamy the boy was speaking of came from an incident that resulted in the death of an entire German village at the hands of his father.

The remainder of their drive went in silence. When the limousine began its journey through the suburbs of Berlin Johann's jaw dropped. A German boy walked hand in hand with an Arab. A girl with pink hair pushed an African boy in a wheel chair down the street. Johann could not contain his frustration any longer when they drove past a synagogue.

"My God! What is all of this? Herr Hitler must be rolling in his grave!"

"That's assuming Hitler is even buried somewhere."

The young man couldn't help but laugh despite the fact the older man had no clue as to what he was talking about.

"What do you mean boy?"

"The Russians got to Berlin first Johann. Hitler committed suicide, but the Russians took his body. God knows what they did with it."

"But…what about all of this filth?"

Johann motioned to the window, visibly disgusted with what he was seeing.

"National Socialism is dead Johann, there is no place for it in today's world. I suggest you quickly abandon the foolish idea of a master race. We're here"

They had arrived at a small private airstrip at the Berlin International Airport. They quickly boarded the airplane and took off. Their flight wouldn't last long and Johann had several questions as to where they were going and what the end goal was.

"Who is this man we are going to meet? Is he a German?"

"No Johann, an American. At least that's where he grew up."

"Then why is he in such a shit hole of a country?"

"It isn't a shit hole anymore. He's turned the country into the ninth richest nation on the planet."

"Why do we need him? What exactly are you planning?"

"Don't worry Johann, don't worry. Everything will be fine."

Johann didn't appreciate being kept in the dark. There was a time when it had been he who had devised any sort of plan. But the boy did seem to be just as intelligent as his father had been.

"One last question…can we trust him?"

"Probably not. But who can you ever really trust?"

The young man smiled a devilishly charming smile. Johann nodded and gazed out the window for the remainder of his flight. Finally the plane began to descend into the small eastern European nation.

"I have something special for you Johann. Catch."

The young man through Johann a silk bag tied with a ribbon. The initials J.S. embroidered onto the bag. Johann reached in and removed something that filled him up with pride. As he put on his skull like mask he looked up and saw the boy put his own mask on.

It was very simple, just a purple hood. Then atop his head the young man sat a small gold crown, a symbol of his nobility.

The both men stood and headed for the plane's hatch. As they strolled down the steps they looked around. While a year ago they would have seen small hovels and mule drawn carts, they now saw towering skyscrapers and hybrid cars.

A limousine adorned with the countries flag pulled up to the airplane and the county's ruler emerged.

"Baron Zemo. Red Skull. I am Doctor Doom. Welcome to Latveria."