Famous for Being Famous

The After-Party

"Anyone ever tell you, you talk too damn much?"

Lucifer kept perfectly still when he felt the barrel of a gun pressed to the back of his head, Theo looked his way and gasped in more shock than fright, "Oh my God, Ryan, no … please, don't be stupid, he's –"

"I know who he is," X said with a dark scowl on his face as his eyes darted to her and burned her with fiery conviction, "but what I want to know is what the fuck are you doing with him."

She shook her head rapidly and held out her hands in defense, "No, no Ryan … you have this all wrong, he's using me!"

Lucifer blinked and slowly his head turned to stare blankly at the little human girl, honestly at a loss for words at how incredibly unbelievable she was. Why, he knew he'd crack up laughing at any moment if the fool with the gun actually believed anything that came out of her mouth. Curious, he tried to crane his neck around to catch a glimpse of Ryan, but Ryan pressed the gun forcefully, "Hey, keep your eyes forward, and while you're at it, call off your dogs."

The Devil himself sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, "They are not mine, they're hers."

Theo shook her head again, "No! I mean – yes! They are mine, but, please Ryan, you have to believe me! He told me to attack Raven; he said that the Titan were a threat to him! He said –"

"Shut up!" Ryan snapped back, "I don't care whose goddamn fault it is! Call'em off now!"

"…" Theo hesitated, she gulped, blinked, and looked to Lucifer who arched a brow and just watched her as she look into the courtyard where Raven was barely holding her own against the five demons.

The half-breed in mention had been brutally backhanded and sent sailing into the steps of the mansion entrance. She had cringed, but quickly recovered when she saw another come flying down at her with a brass-knuckle, she dodged to her right, but ended up having her hair yanked back and her head go slamming into the pavement. Stars exploded into her vision and she damn near blacked out, she wished she had too, she didn't know how much more of it she could take. Especially when the demon lifted her off the ground with one hand clutching her throat and crushing her windpipe, chocking off her ability to breath.

Quite literally, she clawed at his hand and the pain forced him to let her go, but as her feet hit the ground she swiped the floor from under him. In the same fluid motion she lifted up her heel and dropped it on his chest with enough power to create a crater in the earth. Her head still a bit dizzy she managed to dodge the other four demons and take to the air chanting her mantra, "Azarath! Metrion! ZINTHOUS!"

The limo was encased in darkness, Theo screamed in fright and stepped away, her heel dug into a crack in the cement and she tripped falling flat on her ass. All the while Lucifer took advantage of the situation and snatched Ryan's gun, Ryan backed off but not without quickly drawing a blade from his pocket. He flung it at Lucifer who barely had time to dodge as the blade whizzed passed his ear and clipped the corner. Which gave X enough time to pull out two handfuls of x-blades and launched them all at once, forcing Lucifer to either draw and play sharpshooter, or dodge.

The Devil choose the later of the two and gritted his teeth as each blade shot passed him, and each barely missed his person. However, occupied with the red barrage, he almost missed the sneaky little thief slither up to his side to quite literally stab him in the back with a knife this time around. Lucifer snickered as he caught X's wrist, but before he could twist it, X dropped the knife and grabbed his wrist to keep him in place while his other hand caught the knife. Lucifer quickly swung the gun around to shoot his chest, but X moved his head to the side while his hand with the knife shoved the gun away from him and again held Lucifer in place.

The Devil laughed and grinned playfully, "Well I'll be damned, no pun intended of course, one would think I take the advantage with this gun … but it just goes to show it's not the weapon that makes the man. I like you, I like you a lot … you entertain me."

X cringed and was suddenly not so hot about the idea of keeping this devil close to his person, with a sneer he replied, "Look, straight up, you can go on doing whatever it is you're doing in this world, by all means, don't let me stop you. I'm just here for one thing … and I'm not leaving without her."

Lucifer smiled and nodded in understanding, "Of course you're not … but you see, the order is not mine to give. I'm here on a sort of, temporary assignment, seeing as certain people want to rearrange my hierarchy, I have to be sure she's not only worth my time and effort to keep in the near future, but as it stands currently I am under her influence."

X arched a brow and tilted his head in slightly confusion, "Are we still talking about the same person here?"

"No, I changed topic for a bit so you can understand the general gist of the situation." Lucifer with little to no effort whatsoever, Lucifer swung X around and like a rag doll flung him into the cemented portion of the exit gate. He bounced off the surface and hit the ground on his hands and knees, but he couldn't hold his own weight so he plopped to the ground in an unbecoming thud. Lucifer scoffed and tossed to the side before he walked over to Theo and held out his hands to help her off the ground, "Time to go."

Theo blinked, glanced at the limp Ryan then took Lucifer's hand to have her pulled weightlessly off the ground and on his back, she held onto his shoulders as he crouched low to the ground and with a single bound they were airborne. For a short period of time before a blazing fireball nearly shot him out of the sky. It forced Lucifer back to Earth where he let Theo slide off his back as he squared off with the last opponent he expected to face.

Tru, with her book open and her fire nymph floating beside her stood protectively over her recovering brother and Jinx struggling to give him back his strength as quickly as she could. Lucifer tilted his head in amusement and smirked, "Well now … here's something I don't often see, not since David and Goliath that is."

Ryan gritted his teeth as he struggled to at least get back on his knees, he growled, "Tru, what the hell are you doing?"

"Buying you some time."

Ryan glared at Jinx, "I told you to watch her! Why did you follow me?!"

"Shut-up; get mad later I'm trying to concentrate."

Lucifer chuckled, "I hope you know what you're doing child …"

"Tru …" Ryan winced when Jinx touched him in a tender area, "… don't do this …"

Tru bit down on her lower lip before she opened her mouth and chanted from her spell book, the pages fluttering to the verse she recited and her fire-nymph flipped and rolled into a tight ball that grew and grew until the heat melted the Earth. Lucifer smiled in astonishment, the child was defiant he'll give her that much and she had tremendous potential to be a great Sage. With a passionate scream the fireball swirled around her and slingshot itself in his direction, Lucifer braced and prepared to fling it back to take her, Jinx, and her brother out for good.

Theo darted into the nearby brush, afraid of getting caught in the crossfire, she stared on and caught sight of something odd, just as the fireball neared Lucifer something dropped behind it. Lucifer dug his heel into the dirt as the ball hit his mark and he pushed back, but what he wasn't expecting was equal force bearing down on him. Suddenly, the ball exploded in a brilliant display of fireworks that threw the devil back and across the driveway. He skidded in the dirt and winced when a stab of pain pierced his heart and he clutched his chest to quell it.

Lucifer sat up and glared pass the smoke and debris at Tru, not at all believing she was the only one behind the force of what he considered to be a meager parlor trick, he scowled when he saw Bastian flick his hissing katana. The elf smirked and winked, "You didn't really think I'd let her take you on alone did you?"

Behind Bastian, within the courtyard a large black figure dropped from the sky and roared long and loud enough to shake the Earth. The black-dragon curled around the tired Raven who held her shoulder where a deep gash drenched her white blouse with blood. His scarlet eyes glared at the demons who stood sizing the snarling dragon up, trying to calculate the odds of winning since the half-breed wasn't going down as easy as they first thought.

Raven stared up at Malchior in doubt and confusion, shaking her head she said, "You're supposed to be dead!"

Malchior side-glanced her and through his reptilian face she detected a hint of a cocky smirk as he flicked his tail to keep the demons at bay, "Oh ye of little faith."

Malchior slammed a talon to the dirt and shook the ground; he then coiled his head back and snapped it out to breathe a stream of fire at the offending demons. Raven leaned close to his scaly-hide in order to avoid the extreme heat. However, from the corner of her eye she spotted one of the braver demons rushing in to tackle Malchior from the side. Raven scowled and with her powers erected a black shield that directed Malchior's flame to the assailant.

The demon was caught in the blast and was justly obliterated, seeing this the rest of the demons scrambled away from the dragon and darted into the nearby woods. Malchior snorted a cloud of smoke from his snout and tipped his head up when he heard a scream of outrage. It wasn't from Lucifer, it was Theo, she was gripping her hair and pulling at it in frustration, Raven scowled, "I'm going to end this right now."

"Be careful love," Malchior warned as he watched Raven levitate off the ground to fly towards the cause of their problems, the dragon stayed close, but refused to morph-down for the poison in his system was still working its way out.

Raven, however, landed beside Jinx and glared at both her and Ryan who had found the strength to get back on his feet. Ryan shot her an equal glare of agitation, but Raven ignored him and marched up beside Bastian, gesturing for Tru to stand back with her brother and Jinx. The elf side-glanced her and cocked a brow, "You're still alive?"

"You sound so shocked."

"I genuinely am –"

"It's RUINED! It's all RUINED!!" Theo cried looking about damn near ready to lose her mind, her envy-green eyes glanced over all those who dared to stand in her way and her rage grew to unimaginable heights as she screeched, "I'M supposed to be the queen-of-queens!! I more than ANYONE deserve the world for putting up with YOU –" she pointed at Raven her face contorted into an expression that faded from humanity with every passing second she snarled, "– DEMONS and your GODDAMN holier-than-thou attitude!! Just because I am human does not mean ANYTHING!! And I'll show you … oh … I'll show you ALL!!"

Bastian frowned and braced for the worse when she grabbed her five-star pendant around her neck, the only thing protecting her from Lucifer's wrath and the only thing keeping the Lord of Darkness from his true power. He held out his hand to try and negotiate, "Theo … come now, don't do this … it's not worth it, I promise you you'll no sooner regret it …"

Her mind was long gone, Raven knew, she could feel her psychotic-breakdown from where she stood and she gulped. Tru furrowed her brows when she cast a quick glance at Raven's wrist where her charm-bracelet dangled and a terrible feeling built in her gut. Theo gritted her teeth, her eyes darting from the elf, to the level-headed Devil who seemed to be the only being not on edge. His cool brown eyes looked from Theo, to the scan the others and smirked when his gaze landed on Raven.

The look in her eye, the tension in her body, Lucifer knew a prepared warrior when he saw one and the Devil was quite sure she wasn't going to let him go without a fight. His eyes trailed back to Theo who shook her head and without remorse she turned to him and gave him her last order, "Destroy this world, and everyone in it!"

"NO!!" Bastian moved to stop her, but she ripped the pendant from her neck and the shockwave of the disrupted spell radiated outward and threw him as well as anyone else standing within a mile radius off their feet. Malchior, with his size smashed through the mansion's front entrance and nearly toppled the entire house as he destroyed a few key support beams.

The aftermath threw everyone in a daze.

All except for Lucifer who sucked in a deep breath and slowly exhaled as he felt his power course through his veins and restored his deteriorating shell, it just felt so good to finally be let off the leash. He was so ecstatic in fact that he didn't know what he wanted to do first! He felt like a kid in a candy store! The world was finally his for the taking! But first … he thought with a malicious grin, all traces of his warm chocolate eyes were gone, replaced instead with an ice-cold black gaze.

He tilted his head to Theo and with a simple flick of his wrist the midnight shadows suddenly consumed her and her relenting and deafening scream echoed off into the distance. It sent a chill down the Earth's spine as the World held its breath; Raven sat up a bit frazzled by the aftershock, but otherwise well. She spared a moment to gain her bearings and noticed that Ryan and Tru were no longer by her side. Bastian had somehow gotten lodged in a tree and looked like he had lost consciousness, Jinx happened to be beside her, but she was still in a daze from the blast. Raven then spotted Lucifer smiling in the darkness obviously smug with himself about something that Raven didn't want to know about she had her job to do. With a quick glance at the glowing bracelet around her wrist, she sneered and used her powers to silently phased through the ground and simultaneously she popped back out behind the devil.

Without thinking she tackled him with a vicious snarl, he instead flipped her over head and slammed her into the ground. Stars exploded in her head accompanied with a deafening ringing sound in her ears which she soon got over when she noticed something else far more deadly than that. Her airway, there was pressure on it, she couldn't breath! Lucifer had her pinned to the ground watching the air leave her lungs with every exhale, he smirked, "It's been fun my dear … but all good things must come to an end."

She clawed at his arm, grasped his shirt, and kicked her legs, anything to get him off! Anything to have the chance to say what she had to, Lucifer noticed her struggle and he chuckled in amusement, "Any last words?"

He relieved some of the pressure and she quickly gasped for what little air he allowed through her passage, but only enough to say what would finally end his fun. Grasping his flesh she hoarsely said through gritted teeth, "I banish you to Hell …"

At first bewildered, the Devil soon enough discovered the true meaning of her words when her glowing bracelet suddenly burst into a brilliant array of bright, pure-white light. The charms dropped from the chain that pulled itself apart and swirled around the both of them. Lucifer snarled in outrage when he felt his wrist suddenly burn hot with scorching metal and the Earth around them started to crumble. The Devil glared at the grinning Raven, he leaned down so their faces were inches apart and his human appearance melted to expose a creature of time, space, creation, and perfection. His voice, no longer human, growled, "You come with me."


"Raven!" Ryan screamed somewhere in the distance, somewhere in the back of her head as she felt the flames of Hell lick her flesh and burn her human soul. It hurt, yes, but what's an eternity of pain compared to the suffering of innocent lives? Better me than them … she closed her eyes as Lucifer released her and dove into the darkest depths of Hell. She fell with him, but only for a short period before she hit solid ground, exhausted and spent she didn't care to open her eyes, instead she relished in what she knew would be precious seconds of rest before her damned soul was tortured.

Barely three seconds and her shoulder was nudged, someone was poking her.

Prepared for her eternal damnation, she opened her eyes to face her new life only to blink in utter confusion when she found herself staring into blackened eyes of a pure-white being that shouldn't belong. He tilted his head curiously and held out his black-clawed hands that otherwise appeared soft and gentle. His voice, it was so melodic, so peaceful and inviting that it nearly sent her lulling to sleep like a child would in the arms of their mother. He asked, "You are the demon Raven are you not?"

"…" tiredly she sighed and nodded in response, it was hard to lie to this man, he was just too inviting, "Yes … I am …"

"Good … Bastian had mentioned you'd be coming soon … may I?" He gestured to her body, asking permission to touch her.

What a gentleman, Raven thought still a little out of it and confused as she nodded in admission and the beautiful creature smiled as he scooped her in his arms and added, "My name is Gabriel by the way … tell Bastian this means we're even."

"Bas –!" she couldn't finish the elf's name, the world around her flashed white, but she knew somewhere in the back of her mind she had to thank Bastian for saving her life. He knew her too well, it was annoying, creepy, and exasperating … but she knew she couldn't stay mad at him.

The world, being so bright, forced her to close her eyes, but she felt the familiar tug of teleportation, the ground beneath her gave way and she felt herself suddenly suspended in time and space. However, it only lasted for a split second before gravity kicked in and she found herself sitting on the same destroyed gravel where she had took the plunge into Hell itself. Her hand immediately went to the shoulder where a gaping gash should have been, but was not. In fact, when she gazed down at herself, despite the smoke and mist swirling around her she felt perfectly fine, good-as-brand-spankin-new.

She looked up and around wondering where everyone else went, but when she turned her head to the right she was suddenly hit when a blur of orange and red as she was swept up in a back-breaking hug, "Oh! Friend Raven! You are undamaged!!"

Raven cringed and winced as Starfire's grip tightened, "Ah! Star … air … can't … breathe …"

Oxygen deprived, Raven feared she might just blackout, until the alien-princess let her go and gently placed her feet on the ground only to have a massive metal hand planted on top of her head and a green shape-shifter clamp around her waist. Raven gritted her teeth and pressed a hand on Beast Boy's shoulder, "Beast boy! Quit it!"

He hugged her tighter, "Awe, Starfire got her chance, my turn! We thought you were a goner for sure!"

The sorceress rolled her amethyst eyes and kept trying to shove the changeling off, "Seriously Beast Boy, if you don't let me go I'm going to personally escort you straight to Hell!"

He released her and sheepishly stood with his hands behind his back and the tip of his foot digging into the ground chuckling anxiously, "Okay, no touché, got it."

Raven smoothed back her long violet hair and glanced up at Cyborg who winked and held up his thumb, "Good to have you back girl."

She smiled gratefully, however her eyes drifted across the destroyed driveway to movement that caught her eye. It was Bastian with a few other Agents, probably discussing the situation, and questioning the involvement of Ryan, his sister, and Jinx who stood with the elf. Tru, clutching her book looked her way, smiled like a kid in a candy store and waved enthusiastically, obviously happy to have back. Raven smiled again in response, a smile that slowly faded as Ryan's amber gaze found hers, she blinked away from him and sucked in a deep breathe.

First thing was first, she looked back up at Cyborg and asked, "… The immortals … are they –"

Cyborg ruffled up her hair with a disbelieving chuckle, "Damn girl, give it a rest already! You just saved the whole world … I think you're entitled to a little vacation."

"After she finishes her first objective." That's what she was afraid of. Robin, still in a tux, but with his mask shielding his eyes crossed his arms over his chest and stood waiting for a response.

Here comes Johnny Rainy-Cloud, Raven sucked in a deep breath and turned from Cyborg to stand before her leader. The sorceress bit down on her lower lip then gritted her teeth again, Now or never … she thought with a heavy sigh, "Robin … Ja –"

"Excuse me," all attention was diverted from Raven to Ryan who had in the middle of their little reunion left Bastian's side to stand beside Robin. With dirt smeared on his cheek, and a small cut over his right eye he looked about as frazzled as a human could get when caught in the middle of a supernatural face-off. Starfire kept herself from squealing in excitement when she was finally face-to-face with her idol. Raven narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but otherwise kept from saying anything more as Ryan faced Robin, "Um … may I say something?"

Robin spared no emotion as he bluntly nodded his head, Ryan licked his lips then ran his fingers through his hair in thought, furrowing his brows he sucked in a deep breathe then slowly exhaled as he said, "Okay … I don't know how else to put this, so I'm just gonna say it … I'm Red X …" Starfire shrieked in horror, Beast Boy's mouth dropped in shock, Cyborg tried to readjust his hearing volume, Raven cocked a brow, and Robin remained passive.

Ryan continued without skipping a beat, "My name isn't James Jax, it's just a fake, I'm really Ryan Diamond and the only reason sunshine over there couldn't say anything was because I asked her not to. You see, I've been working UC, and I've been watching Theo Cross for awhile acting as her personal go-do guy, the assignments she put me on required me to break a few laws. In all actuality, I work for the Disciplinary Agency, and I am higher ranked than Raven so she knew absolutely nothing of my operation. So I ask she not receive any flack for my wrongs … she's innocent."

"Is he telling the truth?" Robin gave Raven no time to think, or let the information sink in, but quick on her feet she flawlessly responded the way she should.


"…" Robin slowly turned back to Ryan who shrugged and smirked charmingly, then winked and walked back to Bastian knowing full well that because he was apart of the DA Robin had no jurisdiction on him. The Titan couldn't prove or disprove the sneaky thief's proclamations since neither the DA or its Committee existed in the eyes of the human-public. If Robin really wanted to take Ryan down, he'd have to jump through a whole bunch of hoops in order to receive the information that'll incriminate the Red X and put him where he belongs, behind bars.

Although, weighing the odds and ends, Robin figured he wasn't worth it. So, instead he stood there watching the untouchable thief stand beside his sister, holding her hand, and pretending to listen to Bastian's report. Robin blinked, and without looking at Raven he asked, "That was complete and utter bullshit wasn't it?"

"…" Raven sighed heavily and nodded, "Yes … it was … but then again, I haven't been in the DA system for a while so I wouldn't know."

Robin scoffed and turned to her, "It's bullshit …" then, without warning he cracked a handsome smile and said, "Welcome back." Raven blinked slowly genuinely surprised she wasn't being ripped a new-one for lying her ass off. It made her wonder if her leader already knew who Red X was, he just wanted to know if she was willing enough to tell him the truth … did she pass his cryptic test? Was there a test? Or was she just over analyzing the situation? She didn't know, for now she just wanted to follow her leader's orders, lord knew she missed her home, "Let's head home guys … it's been a long night."

"But! Dude! Red X! James! Ryan! Them guys! Wha –!" Beast Boy could barely utter a proper sentence structure he was still so shocked, Cyborg had to shove both him and Starfire along with Robin and Raven.

However, as Raven has come to know her night was not yet over, not when Bastian finally called to her attention, "Raven! Don't leave just yet I need to speak with you."

It took everything in Raven's power not to throw a fit, she was tired! Exhausted! And sick of the world! She just wanted to curl up with a good book, drink a few teas, and pass out on her soft bed! Was it too much to ask? Was it?! Instead of shouting these very words, she turned to Robin hoping that he wouldn't allow her to leave, but that much good it did her, he just shrugged and gestured for her to go while saying, "We'll see you back at the Tower."

With that, she levitated off the ground and flew to the smiling elf that held his arms out welcomingly, "You were just going to leave without saying good buy or thanking me? I'm hurt."

Raven scowled, "Make it quick Bastian, I'm tired, and I want to go home, it's been a long few weeks."

"Yes, I believe it has, which is why all I wanted to ask you was if Gabriel had anything to say to me, he usually does."

She blinked, then narrowed her eyes and sneered, "He said: 'This makes us even.' Can I go now?"

"Yep, that's all I wanted to know, you can get going now," Bastian patted the top of her head, and Raven huffed as guilt took over.

"Hold on Bastian … thanks … for everything."

The elf's smile brightened, "And you're very much welcome."

"You …" Malchior's familiar growl grew ever more distinctive as he approached her from behind with the equally familiar pink sorceress. Although he was back in his human-form he still looked disheveled and worn-out, but otherwise in good enough health to glare at the elf, "… are unfathomable, have I told you that yet?"

Bastian blinked and thought for a second before nodded, "I believe so … yes, yes you have."

The dragon snorted and turned to Raven, "I will never understand how you could have put up with the likes of him."

"Easy now dragon, be mindful of what you scorn" the elf warned, "Time is a thief; he'll take away moments if you do not savor them."

Jinx giggled and as if on cue Ryan appeared with his trademark cocky smirk, "Someone rang?" He winked at Raven, and Raven rolled her eyes, "How'd you like my little performance earlier huh? Boy-wonder fell for it hook, line, and sinker."

Raven answered bluntly, "Unbelievable."

"I know, I'm amazing, nothing knew."

"No, it was unbelievable; Robin saw right through you and me for that matter, so thanks for making me a liability."

Ryan cocked a doubtful brow, but otherwise snorted and flicked his wrist dismissively, "He likes you too much to let you go … as a matter of fact," without hesitation or shame he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush to his body. She didn't protest, but she did try to hide a blush of embarrassment when she heard Jinx giggle and Malchior scoff as Ryan pressed his forehead against hers and said, "I find it hard for anyone to even think of letting you go. You pull another stunt like this again and I'm just gonna have to give you another privet training-session, only this time I'm not letting you up."

Tru rolled her eyes looked off in the distance with her arms crossed over her chest clutching her book close.

Malchior blinked and glanced down at Jinx to ask in a whisper, "What's he talking about?"

Jinx shrugged, equally as confused as he was about the keyword: 'another'.

Raven, with her hands on his shoulder pushed herself away from him, but not out of his arms she felt rather comfortable in them, like they were meant to be there. She sneered, "Good to know an encounter with the Devil hasn't hindered your personality one bit."

"I could say the same for you."

"And it would be null and void … this would be the second time I've been to Hell."

Ryan chuckled, "And why am I not surprised?"

Malchior sighed heavily, "Okay, if it's not so bold of me to say, but get a room."

Bastian snickered and put a hand on the dragon's shoulder, "Alright, alright, I think it's time for us to head out we have a lot of work to do and so little time to do it in. As they say: the Devil's work is never done."

Malchior rolled his eyes, but otherwise didn't argue.

He followed after Bastian, prepared to take off on the back of Bastian's falcon, not exactly willing to be a full dragon again, he was taken aback when he felt Raven grasp his elbow to stop him after wiggling herself free from Ryan's embrace. She looked up at him with grateful violet eyes that said it all, but to hear it was a gift to Malchior's ears, "Thank you."

The dragon smiled genuinely and put a hand on the side of her face; he leaned down and kissed her forehead, lingering for what seemed like forever letting his aura mingle with hers and showing her just how much he cared. Before he pulled away and grinned a fanged grin, "Hopefully, I'll see you again on better terms. Like, when you finally get tired of that thief."

Raven couldn't stop her eyes from tilted to the skies as she shook her head and huffed in exasperation, "See you around Malchior."

Malchior chuckled as he turned to Bastian and the elf helped him on to the back of the falcon, they took off and Raven along with Jinx, Ryan, and his sister watched them take off. Content and suddenly tired, Tru felt a yawn rip through her mouth as she started to rub her eye, Jinx noticed and asked, "You tired?"

Tru shot her a dry look, "Gee, was I that obvious?"

Jinx sneered, "You're more of a smartass than you let on you know that."

The little girl scoffed as Raven chewed on her lower lip, "I have to get going, Jinx you coming?"

"Ye – hold on …" Jinx made a face, "Ooo, I can't …"

Raven cocked a brow, "Why not?"

"My stuff is still at Ryan's place and so is yours," the pink sorceress added the last part quickly while rubbing the back of her head anxiously. Raven blinked slowly then looked at Ryan when she saw him pull something yellow and familiar from his pocket.

It turned out to be her communicator, something she quickly snatched from his grasp as she glared at him, "You! What the hell do you think you're doing with this?!"

Ryan stuffed his hands into his pocket and shrugged nonchalantly, "It was the only other way for me to find you."

It didn't take long for Raven to figure out that he found out about her bio-signature, but what she couldn't figure out was how he found out about the collar, until she looked at Jinx and saw her suddenly wondering eyes. Raven scowled and pocketed her communicator, "You …"

Jinx jumped, "No! Not me! He figured it out on his own!"

Raven sneered and stepped up to the reversing sorceress, "Yeah … right … and I'm sure he figured out that Robin and Cyborg are the only ones that hold the codes to my bio-signature. That's your problem Jinx you just don't know when to keep your mouth – mmph!"

Exasperated X spun the Titan around and planted a deep kiss on her lips just to silence her; Jinx smirked and inwardly thanked the sneaky thief for the distraction. Tru, sneered and shook her head and began to walk away, "I don't need to see this, Jinx, take me back home. I'm sure my brother and his newest girlfriend can find their own way."

Jinx took a hold of Tru's hand and lead her away, but paused in mid-step when she thought she saw something – or someone – sneaking around the bushes in the nearby woods. As a matter of fact, she even thought she heard the familiar sound of some kind of camera going off, but she didn't see any flash. To confirm she wasn't hearing things, she looked down at Tru and the little girl just shrugged. So with that the sorceress sighed heavily and left the couple in their own little world.

+ One month later … +

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Helga Welch keeping you updated on tonight's most anticipated event of the month, the famous Fire & Ice Ball, a charity event that ensures the legal mining and distributing of clean non-Blood Diamonds. The biggest names from around the world has come to attend the event with high hopes of putting an end to the worlds suffering, hopefully we'll get the latest scoop on what those biggest names are really up to. So sit back and enjoy the show, I'm Helga Welch, bringing the ball straight into your living room!"

Raven gritted her teeth and shot a dark glare to Starfire who currently had full control of the remote control and was going to die to keep it. With her emerald eyes glued to the TV, Raven was pretty sure the microwaves on the set had all but completely fried her poor-friends brain. And the worst part of it all was that Starfire was forcing her to watching it with her … for the third time this week (the show was a rerun), pouting, her arms crossed over her chest, Raven scowled, "Starfire, do you think we could please watch something else? I'm about to throw up."

"Shh, Raven, the best part is soon to arrive."

The 'best part' as the alien had said was the part when James made a small appearance, an appearance that Starfire just couldn't let go. Raven bit down on her lower lip when she noticed James not to far from Helga's mic, he was currently talking to some other reporter and he was looking good. Drool-worthy good, but Raven wasn't about to admit that out loud, especially with Starfire in the same room, sitting next to her, frowning, and turning up the volume, Raven cringed, Damn the person who invented TiVo.

"James Jax! Hello there! How have you been?" Helga greeted a little too loudly. As a matter of fact no matter how many times Raven was forced to watching it she couldn't help to find herself hiding a small giggle at how cute he looked trying to pretend the older woman's squeaky voice didn't bother him.

"I've been good Helga, the evenings been smooth so far."

He was good at playing it cool with his hands in the pockets of his white slacks with matching white vest and button up sky blue dress shirt. The light colors were good on his complexion and made his beautiful amber eyes shine like gold. Helga, not knowing any better praised his stylist, "My god, do you look amazing, good enough to eat I dare say, who are you wearing?"

Raven scoffed and rolled her eyes, Like he'd know … she knew better, James wasn't on top of fashion name-brands and the like, he just pulled names out of a hat and rolled with it. Not only that, he didn't have a stylist, he didn't have much as a matter of fact, all he had was whatever his older – unknown – brother gave him to keep up the charade until his fame faded into obscurity. Which, Raven was finding out much to her dislike was not as easy as they both thought.

Then Starfire jumped, "Oh! Here it is! I wish for you to pay close attention Raven, for he still confuses me."

Raven shot her friend of dry look, but humored her and listened as Helga stopped being nice and started hitting James with the really juicy questions, "By the way, pictures have been circulating about you being seen with another woman, are you still single or is there a lucky lady in your life right now?"

His amber eyes lit up as he smiled and laughed cryptically, "Well … if there is a lucky lady I wish she'd show herself soon, because I'm still here waiting."

Helga giggled then rushed in for the kill, "Could that lucky lady be Raven of the Teen Titans?"

His eyes bugged out and he jerked his head back in earnest shock, "What? Are you kidding me? Raven? THE Raven? I'm crazy Helga, but not that crazy."

"Of course, but would you ever consider it?"



"Because …" James shrugged, "She's a hero, and in my own personal opinion she has a job to do, she can't be running around having affairs with civilians, it could not only cost her, her life, but mines as well – hypothetically speaking if we were a pair of course."

"Of course … but could the other woman be Rae Roth then?"

James chuckled and shook his head, "I think I have to go, excuse me."

Helga let him leave, and once he did she turned to the camera and shrugged, "Well there you have it folks, I guess we'll never know."

Starfire then clicked pause and turned to face Raven on the couch with a look of concern, "Friend Raven, I know I am not to discuss your privet matters aloud within the Tower, but I am curious to know why you should be interested in a person who denies his feelings for you on the television to the nation."

Raven sucked in a deep breath and prepared to explain – for the umpteenth time – to the alien-princess, "Star, it's just too dangerous, Ryan isn't a Titan, he's what the world knows him as our enemy. If that should ever leak out think of the havoc it would cause. Our team would be put under vicious scrutiny, even disband if it's determined that we are unfit to protect this city. I don't know how else to explain it to you."

The princes frowned and tilted her head, "But … I worry for you friend … an Earthen month has passed and as far as I can tell you two have yet to partake in any of the customary Earthen traditions of courtship. Are you certain you are not in distress?"

Raven couldn't help the heat that rose in her cheeks that created a light blush, it was just embarrassing to be discussing this aloud with her friend when she still found it hard for herself to believe she was even engaging in a romantic relationship. In all honesty, it was becoming harder and harder for Raven to speak of it, so she reframed from talking about it at all … especially to the boys of their team (in particular, Robin). Lord only knew the Hell that boy would rise when he found out she was actually very much in love with the thorn on his side.

Damn Jinx for having such a big mouth, the pink sorceress in question, though she got her communicator and was welcomed into the Titan fold, she still had to blab to Starfire about Raven's 'interest'. Raven gritted her teeth and shrugged, "I'll be fine Star … I don't need you to watch my back, I know what I'm doing."

Or so she tried to convince herself.

Starfire smiled supportively, but before she could say anymore there was a hiss and Beast Boy came bouncing in, "Dudes! Check it out! We got visitors!"

In tow Cyborg came in discussing something with none-other than James – er – Ryan himself, Bastian and Malchior appeared soon after, Bastian having his own little conversation with Robin. Starfire's face it up and Raven remained passively unimpressed, but as Ryan's amber eyes found hers he saw the small hint of excitement on her face. Then, a flash of emerald-eyes appeared before him, blocking his view of the dark-sorceress and flashing him with a white-blinding smile, "Welcome friends of Raven! If I had known visitors would be arriving I'd have prepared the Tameranian traditional dessert of Welcome!"

Cyborg chuckled nervously as he walked by her, trying not to picture what monster she would have created in a pot of god-only-knows what, "Yeah, sure you would have Star."

Bastian, smiled politely, "I'm sure it would have been delicious milady."

Malchior snorted, "Speak for yourself."

"No one's talking to you dragon."

"No one has to."

"No one wants to know."

"No one has to listen."

For a minute it was back and forth like this, Bastian refusing to let his smile drop, or his chirpy mood dull, and Malchior refusing to give in. It made everyone else in the room stare at them with dry looks, Ryan, having made his way across the room to Raven sat on the back of the couch near her to whisper, "You know what, I've noticed these two don't really get along … at all."

Raven scoffed, "Not entirely surprised, by nature dragons and elves never really saw eye to eye."

"Mm-hmm …"

"So how's Tru?"

"Good, she's staying with Felix while I take care of some things …" he then blinked and looked when he noticed Robin heading in their direction, the all too familiar serious look on his face.

His masked eyes darted from his friend to the alleged thief and he frowned suspiciously, he opened his mouth to begin a discussion while Bastian and Malchior distracted the rest of their group with conversation. However Ryan beat him to the punch and from the pouch hanging off his shoulder he pulled out the Red X mask. Raven held her breath, and Robin narrowed his eyes as Ryan handed him the mask with a smirk, "I noticed you've been waiting to call me on my bluff kid, so I decided to make it official. You can have the mask, but I'm keeping the suit, need it to keep up my charade."

Robin snatched the mask but scowled, "This doesn't change a damn thing X, you're still a criminal, someone has to take responsibility for all the crimes you committed."

X shrugged, "True … but how can you blame someone that doesn't exist? As soon as I linked up with the DA Ryan Diamond and his little sister were wiped off the face of the Earth. I know it's too much to ask, but trust me … I'm on the straight and narrow."

"…" Robin looked to Raven, still sitting on the couch the sorceress shrugged, she honestly had nothing to say and her leader though unwilling to show it or admit it walked off in defeat. Leaving Raven to bow her head in shame and guilt, but X refused to let her sulk, he hooked her chin with his finger and tilted her head up to look at him.

She frowned and moved her head from his hand as she stood up and in a low voice argued, "Why did you have to come here to tell him that? You're such an ass."

She began to march out of the Ops Room towards the hall where Ryan followed her and said his piece, "Look, I figured I'd have to get it out of the way sooner of later, so I did it sooner rather than later."

Raven stopped when they were in the hall and spun on him to stare at him with a hard gaze, "Hold on … so you were being serious? You're a DA?"

Ryan rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in mock defeat, "Hello, that's why I came here with Bastian and Malchior … I'm apart of their unit."

"So … this isn't a bluff? You're really not a thief anymore?"

"Not exactly …" He grinned mischievously and since no one was around to see his hands suddenly on her waist slowly pulling her to him, she let him, only because she wanted to know more, "… sure I play the good-guy here and there, but the thing I like about this job is it allows me to play the bad-guy when I feel like it … so I still get to do what I do best on occasion."

Her heart sank and she rolled her eyes, "Go figure …"

He smiled at her pouting face then whispered in her ear, "Guess what I've been up to."

"No." Raven growled, but he went a head and told her.

"I got to go to Azarath … and I met Arella."

She froze her eyes went wide as she stared up at him with her mouth agape, "You … what …?"

"Yeah … and I don't think she likes me very much." He added with an incredulous shrug.

Raven's face fell and she rolled her eyes again, "I can only guess what you did to get my mother to dislike you."

"Probably because I told her I love you, or maybe it was my attitude, could've been my clothes even, I don't know."

"Yeah right and – …" she all but stopped breathing when she thought she heard what she thought she heard, "… What did you just say?"

He smirked, "Could've been my clothes?"

"No, before that."

"My charming attitude?"

She gritted her teeth, grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him down so he was eye to eye with her as she growled, "Before that."

He grinned as he kissed her slowly and reminded her just why she hated it when he did that. It's been too long since she felt this, and her body went damn near limp in his arms as he sent a delicious chill up her spine and drowned her in a heat wave that went throughout the rest of her body. He didn't have to deepen it, this was enough to get her full attention focused on only him and that's what Raven hated he could do. Black out the world around her and sent her spiraling to cloud nine in all but a matter of seconds, and that's all it lasted, seconds before he pulled away.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and scowled, "I hate you."

He couldn't stop himself from laughing even if he tried, "Love ya too Rae, love ya too."



Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans, Red X, or Malchior, DC does, but I own everyone else.


WOOO!! Finally!! It's done!! (victory dance on the ceiling) oh-yeah! For a second there I was scared I wasn't going to finish it, that would have sucked MAJORLY considering I only had one more chapter to go! I think it was the idea that I'll be attending college soon that scared the shit out of me (still does BTW). I just hope I didn't disappoint you guys, I really am sorry I took forever an'adaez, but I did it!!

And I hope to come back to you very soon

Until then

I bid you all:

L8er daez ;)