A Sunny Place for a Legendary Shinobi to lay his head.

I do not own Naruto, it was created by Masashi Kishimoto, who I give my money to in exchange for Naruto goodies.

HinaSasu / SasuHina (One sided SakuSasu) Depending on how much you like Sakura you may think this is a bit harsh, if you don't like her you may think it fair.

Content Mature

It was a beautiful day in the Konoha; villagers passed each other in the street with friendly greetings and cheerful smiles. Genin's practiced kunai skills while Chunin's chuckled at their efforts. Anbu lay on rooftops relaxing in the sun and enjoying a day of relative peace. With weather such as this missions could wait, especially when the Hokage had eaten himself into a ramen induced blackout.

Sakura and Sasuke relaxed in the training grounds favoured by their Sensei when they were Genin's. Sakura curled around Sasuke wither head resting against his neck her adoring eyes fixed on his face, bored and annoyed it was. It had originally just been Sasuke relaxing enjoying some alone time with his thoughts until Sakura had "found" him.

Personally he did not think he had been lost but since his return to this village Sakura always insisted on being aware of his every movement. Again Sasuke surmised his return to the fold after his betrayal of this village was simply being used as a cover by Sakura for blatant stalking.

Sasuke shifted trying to find a comfortable position, hoping Sakura would get the message and back off. Wishing for the days when he could simply call her annoying and stalk off, but as Sakura was his self appointed keeper with the Hokage's blessing telling her where to shove it was no longer an option...Well, not if he wished to remain in Konoha, the first sign of "mutiny" and Sakura would blab. Sasuke groaned and pulled away gently, rather than pushing her in the dust as he would prefer.

"Sasuke-Kun, I was almost asleep then... Why did you have to move ne?" Sakura pouted, sitting up and then LEANING against Sasuke. He rolled his eyes, almost free. "Hey Sasuke-Kun, are you bored?" she said turning her head to gain eye contact; a sly smirk crossed her face. "I could think of one or two things we could do for fun..." She moved closed and pushed her meagre cleavage together while fluttering her eyelashes. "Or to be more correct, a few things you could do to me..."

Sasuke groaned and covered his face with his hands, "Could you anymore be more obvious, Sakura."

"Sasuke-Kun, there nothing wrong with having desires, you don't have to be so shy, just tell me what you want me to do and I'll make you very" she paused and licked her lips "very happy." Sakura chuckled.

This irritated Sasuke no end, it was foul the way she leered at him, and pawed like he was a piece of meat. He had honour, pride and most importantly standards. Clenching his fists, barely resisting the urge to Chidori her in the face, repeatedly. "I don't have any desire's that involve you, Sakura, so stop your foolish games now." He breathed out.

Sakura flicked her hair back and pushed Sasuke down to the grass with her tremendous strength. She leaned over him seemingly oblivious to the murderous glint in his dark eyes. She moved her lips close to his so her breath lightly tickled his lips.

Quickly Sasuke turned his head and dug his hands into the dirt to avoid strangling Sakura. He grinded his teeth in response to her annoying giggle as she blew on his ear.

"Sakura, get off me now" He growled.

"Now now Sasuke-Kun, that's no way to speak to the Hokage's trusted teammate, the one who stood by him in thick and thin, unlike some others I could mention..." Sakura straddled Sasuke keeping her lips close to his ear to allow her to continue to whisper.

"Sasuke-Kun, can't you see how much I want you, I'm a strong Kunoichi, trained in the art of seduction, I can do whatever you want, be whatever you want, surely you have fantasies? Let me fulfil them...Anything Sasuke, name it and it will be yours."

Sasuke turned his face back to Sakura with a bored expression as she attempted to move her body against him to arouse his desire for her. She may be trained in the art of seduction but Sasuke has lived with Orochimaru, the experience had left him with enough visual imagery to create a jutsu he referred to (only to himself) as "Cold Shower No Jutsu"

Sakura frustration began to show as Sasuke refused to respond to her grinding against him. Huffing she decided to try a different tack.

"Maybe you would like to tie me up Sasuke-Kun?"

Sasuke scoffed.

"Maybe... eat off me or me you?"

Sasuke looked disgusted.

"Or I could blindfold you Sasuke-Kun?"

"You'd have to" Sasuke tartly responded.

Sakura, even with her all encompassing love for Sasuke could only take so much from the stoic Shinobi. Jumping to her feet while Sasuke smirked at her propping himself up on his elbows. Sakura face began to turn red and she cracked her fists yanked Sasuke up by his shirt and pulled him to her face, in not quite the same loving way as before.

"Or I could kick seven shades of crap out of you Sasuke, if that's what you're into."

Sasuke was considering his response, and considering if insulting Sakura was worth being ejected from his home. He was pretty sure it was at this point when both he and Sakura where knocked tumbling by another body that tumbled into them with a squeak.

Sasuke groaned he could tell already that another girl was currently resting over him, he prayed to all that was good and holy this new girl was not Ino. He opened his eyes that had been tightly closed on impact to be confronted with a view and a half of Hinata Hyuga. Sakura was lay across his lap like a naughty child seemingly concussed, while Hinata lay along him, her legs parted with one resting on his shoulder and one spayed under her. She was for once without her coat revealing her rather bountiful breasts, her head was thrown back exposing her smooth long neck to Sasuke.

Sasuke gulped, as Hinata groggily pulled herself up and collected her thoughts. She looked around with her cloudy lavender white eyes calmly until her eyes met with Sasuke and the weight of her embarrassing position hit her. Her cheeks flushed, and time seemed to slow down for Sasuke, the birds seemed to be singing the tune Barry Whites "You're my first, my last, my everything" a song he couldn't recall having listened to before, but now understood completely.

Hinata jumped up and pulled both Sakura and Sasuke to their knees dusting them both off.

"Sasuke-Sama! Sakura-Chan!" Sasuke looked up in a daze as did Sakura, "My deepest apologies, I did not mean to... I wasn't aware I was... I'm terribly sorry!" She bowed deeply.

"No Worries Hinata-Chan," Sakura chirped oddly happy all of a sudden. "We forgive you right Sasuke-Kun?"

"err...yeah" Sasuke muttered, not quite all there for once in his life.

"Oh, Thank you Sasuke-Sama and Sakura-Chan, you are too kind, I owe you a debt of gratitude for your understanding. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to repay you."

"We'll let you know if we think of anything, see you around Hinata-Chan." Sakura grinned and waved Hinata off.

Hinata smiled and walked away, Sakura jumped up and once Hinata was out of earshot pointed at Sasuke, who was still dumbstruck, and yelled.

"So THAT's what your into! Sasuke-Kun I would never have guessed!"

"Wh.. at?" Sasuke coughed and regained some composure "What are you talking about."

"I felt "little Sasuke" stand to attention, I know what your into now!"

Sasuke froze; "big Sasuke" was indeed standing to attention. (Cold Shower No Jutsu) Sasuke coughed again and brushed himself down feigning ignorance.

"I've no idea, what you are talking about..."

"When Hinata-Chan joined in you got all excited.."

Damn, Sasuke thought, she knows I have a penchant for Hinata, all I need is Sakura in a Hinata Henge glomping me until I have nightmares about sweet little Hinata.

"You want a threesome Sasuke-Kun! There was me thinking that was more Naruto's sort of thing but hey, I said anything."

Sasuke looked horrified and then thought, if a threesome meant getting Hinata he wouldn't mind throwing some pity sex Sakura's way so long as he had a chance to impress Hinata with his prowess.

"Yes, Sakura your right" using his most bored voice which was Sakura's favourite, "I'm into threesomes, but it will have to be Hinata Hyuga, get me Hinata and you and I will. " He paused not sure how to finish.

"Oh, Sasuke-Kun!" cried Sakura no glad the other girl Sasuke wanted was the quiet Hyuga princess. Who could slink off once Sasuke was completely in love with Sakura.

This couldn't go wrong they thought as Hinata Hyuga innocently sneezed, wondering just who was talking about her.

This would be the part where you review I suppose...