Immi, scuby, it 513 to the dot, title included...the whiny Frenchy made it:p...clock is still ticking...


So ;)

White Pony

My hands are trying to be everywhere at once; kneading the soft skin behind her neck, or on the deliciously hot skin of her stomach, I want to feel those oh so tempting breasts and to taste every inch of her skin, I want to trace all the curves of her body.

I can't believe we never did that before, there's so much chemistry, this is…wow.

I hear her moan and I pull her even closer to me, those sexy little sounds are driving me wild. I want her.


I press my leg against her center and feel her shivering, I move my leg in a very slow motion, she moans a bit more and moves with me.

I feel her pushing me upward a bit, we find ourselves back in a sitting position. I pull her to me careful not to break our kiss.

"Sara…" she breathes out before kissing me again.

I pull back and look at her with concern, I'm panting and too aroused to speak.

Her lips are red and swollen from our heated kiss. "I just need a few minutes."

"Oh…sure," I smile back.

She starts to stand up but eventually her lips find their way back on mine. "You're so addictive," she muses. "Okay, I'll be back in a flash."

And with that she stands and disappears in her corridor.

I can't believe where I am now. I see my reflection in Catherine's big screen TV and my goofy smile becomes wider, this is crazy, good, very good crazy.

I feel good, light headed, happy.

We've been out on dates lately, no expectation, and tonight…I kissed her. I've been obsessed with her lips all night and I couldn't resist them anymore.

I take the stuffed animal sitting on her table, a white little pony, I won it at the fair we were earlier, which led her to talk to me about her young years in Montana and her numerous wounds due to her escapades with her horse, Spartacus.

I chuckle as I idly play with mini Spartacus.

The phone rings and by the time I'm debating whether or not taking a message the answering machine comes to life." Cath, baby, pick up it's Leanne…pick up… you know as your girlfriend I think I deserve better than your machine…fine play dead then, call me back sweetie, love you," the voice says cheerfully with a chuckle before hanging up..


Cold shower is an understatement. Bath near an iceberg is a bit closer to the truth.

I'm going to be sick. I stand up and grab my coat.

"Sara, can you…you're going somewhere?" Catherine comes back in the living room.

"Yeah, home," I reply flatly.


"Your girlfriend called…" I open the door and realise that I'm still holding the stuffed pony. I turn around and give it to her before leaving. "See you."

I should have known better. The great game of human relationship has never worked for me.

Don't hate the player, hate the game….that and the fact that you're a big time loser.

Thanks for reading.