Prologue: The Beginning of Eternity…

"Immortality… And the world. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"…wanted to be free…"

" Having the power to do anything you wish, getting anything you desire. That is freedom. "


" And you know what else you'll be able to do?"




Your precious partner… I saw the execution. That's what it was, you know. "

"Stop, that's a lie…"

"First they plucked out his eyes. One at a time. You should have heard him scream…"


"…next, they shot his kneecaps. I'm sure you're familiar with how that feels like, aren't you, Train?"

"Sven would never have let that happen…"

" Oh, he put up a good fight. I didn't think he had it in him. But he was weak. I would have sacrificed the girl."

"Little princess?"

"Oh, yeah, she was there too. She was the hostage. They made her watch everything. You know what she said till the end?"


"She was screaming your name. She never stopped screaming your name, not even at the end. Not even when they…"



"…Now that's the old Train I used to know."

Huff, huff

"They're both dead you know."


"Go ahead, shoot me. You know I'm can't lie to you, Train. Kill me!"


"You know, you and me aren't that different. We were both used by Chronos, discarded like thrash after every bit of usefulness was squeezed out of us, and left to die. But we didn't, Train, don't you see? This has been your, our, destiny all along. We were meant to join together, to defeat Chronos and put an end to their treachery."

"No… you're wrong."

"But I'm not, Train, and the fact that I'm still alive proves it. You have even more reason to hate Chronos than I do! So JOIN ME! Together, we'll be unstoppable. Just like the old days."


"Join me train!"

"I ref…."



"With you by my side, the Apostles of the Star shall rid this world of the likes of Chronos. You and me will become gods. I offer you the world and everything it holds, forevermore. All you have to do is but to take it…"

"…Give it to me."

"You are aware of the possible complication's, are you not?"

"Actually, it's simple."



"…I always knew this day would come. I knew that you would come back to us, Train. Welcome Black Cat, welcome to the beginning of eternity…"