Perfect Boyfriend, Please?


By ashleefen

Love is at the tip on your fingers. Lick it and get addicted.






Please read Chapter 2 again. I have edited parts of it. Especially the cafe scene. Sorry for the inconvenience.



"The infamous Natsume-kun is having tea with us. How sweet," Misaki said jokingly.

"Come on, Misaki. We known him for two years now. Ne, Natsume-kun ?" Tsubasa said happily while smiling at the two.

"Baka," Natsume mumbled under his breath.

The four of them were sitting together at a table, much to Natsume's disapproval.

"Tsubasa-sempai, I can't wait to see your class! I am definitely coming tomorrow, " Mikan said in a cheerful voice.

"Mikan, you know the rules, right? All juniors have to be accompanied by someone older than them to enter the senior's block," Tsubasa explained while eating his favorite American chocolate cake. Misaki nodded.

"Why!? " she complained, her eyebrows furrowed.

"You see.. There have been a few cases about a guy who stalks young girls lately. The big talk of our block," Tsubasa whispered in a softer tone.

"Yeah, Mikan-chan, as a cheerleader you would certainly attract more attention from the guys. You should know that all Gakuen Alice cheerleaders are popular, whether they are angels, sluts or whatever," Misaki added while placing additional sugar into her bitter coffee, obviously using the word 'slut' to refer to Riko.

Tsubasa cracked up.

Natsume grunted, giving a low sign he was there but not talking.

"Right.. I don't know anyone else older than me except Sumire, Anna and Nonoko. And they are busy for the budget debate with Hotaru."

"Haha. You forgotten this guy over here, Mikan-chan. He's one year older than you," Misaki pointed playfully at Natsume, who had been unintentionally ignored for the past moments.

"Natsume! Oh yeah.. Can you do me a favor and bring me there.. pretty-please?" Mikan pleaded him while clasping her hands together and squeezed her eyes shut, as though she was praying for God.

"Why should I? I only have only known you for less than two hours," Natsume replied in a bored tone while sipping his cappuccino.


For the next two minutes, the waitresses and waiters were shutting their ear lids in order not to hear Mikan wailing and pleading Natsume loudly. Luckily there were no other customers other than them.


A.n.n.o.y.i.n.g – The one bolded word plastered on Natsume's face, showing signs of extreme irritation.


"Oh, shut up! You're gonna give me headaches. One condition- you will be my slave, just for the weekand. And another one week for the tea payment. Do we have a deal?" Natsume asked irritatably.

" Psh.. Psh.. Why would Natsume-kun want to have a slave like Mikan? Looks like a comedy scene coming right up!" Misaki whispered into Tsubasa's ear and then both of them laughed to the point of tears in their minds.

"OF COURSE! Yatta!" Mikan jumped up with a fist in the air, showing that she is indeed happy.. and equally silly. The waitresses sweatdropped at their unusual hyper customer.

After half an hour of chit-chatting, they left the café. Tsubasa and Misaki rushed back to finish up their class-cleaning duties while Mikan and Natsume left, the school bell rung soon after and the time to go back home arrived.

Mikan arrived at the classroom after giving her "bye-byes" to Natsume. Yuki walked with Mikan to the school gates.


"Mikan! Guess what?" she began, obviously excited at something.

"What? Did worms from the daisies attack you again ?" Mikan asked innocently.

"No, you airhead ! My boyfriend, Jake- he's coming to Japan for a short trip, we are going to meet this week or so! Hehe .." Yuki was really excited; she never met her boyfriend since he confessed through the net and only saw his pictures.

"You mean the six foot tall Australian hunk?"

"Yep, my ninth boyfriend so far. Hahaha."

"I haven't had one, so stop bragging," Mikan whined, pursing her lips.

Yuki pulled her tongue out. " Right, and there;s already a rumor going on that Natsume and you were really 'close'. I also heard from Hotaru how you kicked Riko's proud arse. Good shot!"

"I didn't like how she flirted so openly. It was revolting."

"That's Slut Number One for you," Yuki laughed.

"Haha, see you tomorrow!" Mikan waved goodbye to Yuki as she walked off home, where her grandfather was waiting for her.



Next morning.

The slight stench of sweat mingled in the hall as the cheerleaders desperately gulped down their bottles of isotonic drinks held in their tight clutches after the extremely strict practice. Some of them with low stamina were trying to steady their breath by walking around slowly, maintaining their composure.


The newcomers were murmuring about how firm their cheer-head, Sumire was during their morning practice. Sumire made them practiced a new routine with difficult stunts over and over until the cheerleaders' stamina was drained. She was an absolute perfectionist when it comes to stunts. Meanwhile, Hotaru was in the library meeting up with some tailors to design their costumes for the up-coming event while enjoying the cool air-conditioning.

Mikan sighed softly, wiping drops of water near her lips with the back of her palm. They were having an early morning practice on a Friday before going to class. During the second period, Mikan planned to skip class. She and Natsume were going to meet in the school garden and then go to the senior's block together. Second period in Tsubasa's timetable as a senior was his break time so it was a good chance to get to check out his class.

In Gakuen Alice, every class decoration is very unique. Each year, one month was used just to decorate the classroom according to each class committee member. Mikan wasn't in the class committee because of her participation in cheerleading which greatly absorbs her free time. Her class was listed as top seven and Tsubasa's class as top four. Her class was decorated in sparkly and catchy deco stuff and colorful bubbles and sweet-smelling air were released every ten minutes by a special auto machine invented by Hotaru. There was a row of white daisies on the windowsill, instantly brightening up the classroom immediately. The walls were painted a cheery blue and mild yellow which matched the merry environment. Lastly, an oak cupboard containing story and reference books placed at the back of the rather big classroom.




Second period came. Mikan deliberately faked a neck pain and dashed out of the classroom after informing the monitor, Yuu. Natsume was waiting on a bench, listening to his Ipod with his eyes closed. Mikan nudged him and they headed off to senior's block.

They entered a decent-looking building after passing minor security.

It was breaktime and senior students were scattered everywhere. But, of course, with Mikan and Natsume walking together, it attracted more than necessary attention from passing people. It irritated Natsume as the whisperings about Mikan- the new popular cheerleader, was in the block, and about him- grew louder. At least the loud music played on his ipod blurred most of it.


"NATSUME!" A loud, familiar voice came from behind. Natsume turned, quickly.

It was Ruka. Also known as the perfect 'Prince Charming' by girls of both senior and junior block. Handsome face with natural blonde hair was Ruka Nogi, childhood friend of Natsume and Mikan's cousin. Ruka also carried a white female rabbit wherever he went, due to his great fondness of animals.


"I was just wondering where you went. Oh, Its Mikan-chan!" Ruka gave Mikan a quick hug and every single girl in the corridor gritted their teeth.

"Ruka-pyon! Lets go and see Tsubasa's class together !" Mikan cheerfully invited Ruka along.

"Sure. "

"I didn't know you had a weird cousin like this, Ruka." Natsume raised an eyebrow as he pulled his ipod plugs out of his ears.

"I remembered telling you but guess you were really sleeping under that manga of yours." Ruka chuckled.

"How did you guys met Tsubasa sempai ?" Mikan asked.


"We've known him ever since he spilled orange juice on Natsume's shoes in the cafeteria," Ruka reminded Natsume about the silly incident.

With all the jolly talk, neither of them noticed someone following them- hiding in the shadows, avoiding gazes from other students.

" Ahh- What a wonderful girl. Long brown hair, big brown orbs and long slim legs.. So, she's Mikan Sakura, the new cheerleader? You are perfect for my next target, sweetie.. " A sly smile played upon his lips as his eyes wandered upon Mikan wistfully.




Ashleefen's Notes: As you know, I worked on this for hours and noticed I changed in the way I write. Sorry for those who are eager for Royale Love In Deck Chapter 8. I have been busy. And remember to re-read Chapter 2. I deleted the kissing scene and adjusted the above part when Mikan introduced herself to Ruka when they were cousins. Messed up a little.Gomen for my fuzzy brain. Review please.

Namikawa's Notes: Ashlee-chan, when you left me this chapter you didn't even give me a chapter name! I had a dilemma deciding whether or not I should put up an improvised title or not TT. Nothing much else to put here, I think. I guess I'm doing okay. Not feeling the best, but I guess that's me XD. I hope I didn't make any mistakes. Hope you enjoyed, and leave a review.

Ashleefen's Reply : Dont worry ! The chapter name is o-k !