As he glanced down at the little munchkin in his arms, Robert couldn't help but sigh a happy sigh.

It had been six weeks since little miss Ella had come home from the hospital. He didn't know which one of his girls was happier about the newest family member. Morgan had practically floated on air and couldn't stop staring at the little pink clothed buddle in Giselle's arms and Giselle couldn't stop smiling and looking at her youngest daughter with love shinning in her eyes.

He himself was of course just as excited about the newest addition. He had to keep himself from driving the wheelchair into the wall as he was thinking about taking his babies home and how nice it would be to be in his own home and how much he couldn't wait to get some snuggle time with all his girls.

The last six weeks had been full of sleepless nights for both him and Giselle as Ella seemed to have her own schedule where she wanted to be fed every two hours. He felt bad when he felt his wife tiredly drag herself from their bed for a feeding but there was nothing he could do, Giselle wanted to feed their daughter the natural way. He did though get up to do diaper and cuddle duty as much as he could so he could say he did help out.

Even though Morgan complained about being woken up at night, she loved playing with his sister, tickling her under her chin and seeing her toothless grin and adorable cooing right back at her. His youngest smile could melt anyone's heart. Morgan also loved holding her sister and talking to her while Ella drooled all down her chin and babbled right back at her.

Giselle was over the moon, she was always singing sweet lullabies to Ella and Morgan and telling them both stories about then wonderful place she grew up in and the adventures she went on with Pip and the other forest animals. They both tried to separate their time between the two girls, so usually when Giselle was taking care of Ella he was spending time with Morgan and vice versa so that Morgan didn't feel left out.

Looking into his daughter's blue eyes as she stared back at him and drooled all over her new pink sleeper, he felt the love swell up in him. Ella looked like her mom with her red hair and blue eyes and sunny smile and personality so he knew that when both of his daughters were teenagers he was going to be the dad that was strict and quizzed every guy who came through the door because he knew that both girls were going to be heartbreakers when they were older.

All in all Robert's life was near perfect and he would change his life right now for anything.