I close the car door behind me quickly and race off to the Hospital Emergency doors, heart pounding ever since I got the news from Penelope Garcia while I had been getting ready to go into work.

I see Penelope Garcia at the counter talking to the receptionist; I rush over to her as she turns her attention to me…

I take the last bite out of my Sesame seed Bagel with Herb and Garlic cream cheese, wearing a medium blue grey collared button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to just above the elbows. Dark grey dress pants that look good with the shirt.

Looking over my wristwatch I then hear my cell phone go off on my hip, not bothering to look at whom it is I reach out for the front door's handle and open it as I open my phone, "Will LaMontagn."

"Will! It's Penelope Garcia from Quantico Virginia" came the female voice; I close the door behind me and stop to think for a moment 'the BAU teams' technician.' "Your with the BAU team" I comment as I walk down the stone pathway and head for my car.

"Yes and I felt that you should know about JJ… she's in the hospital here in Virginia" Penelope informs and I stop in my tracks. My heart skips a beat before it drops below my ribs, "thank you Penelope, I'm on my way."

With that I hung up and called into the station, telling them I won't be in due to a family emergency. Jumping into my car I strap on my belt, turn on the ignition and pull out to head over to the hospital; wanting full details in person than over the phone.

I walk up to Penelope quickly and watch as she rises up both hands as if to say 'easy there' and I stop in front of her. "JJ is alright Will, her arm is just being put into a cast," she explains; however, I still feel anxious about the whole ordeal.

We walk over to the waiting room chairs, "what happened to her Penelope? And where is the Unsub responsible?" I ask, having a hunch this was no car accident as we both sit down.

Moving my chair to face her a bit better and placing a hand onto each of my knees, I watch her place her left hand onto my right hand. Looking me in the eye with a straight serious face, "JJ was kidnapped early yesterday. The man responsible is in a body bag, we put him behind bars but he escaped; JJ escaped captivity and got back to Quantico.

"We cleaned her up from any cuts she got, exhausted from captivity she slept on the couch in Hotchner's office. Hotch and Prentiss believed they watched the aftermath of him having committed suicide and fall onto the water" Penelope paused, I've been taking it all in. Listening to everything she says.

JJ was kidnapped… she escaped, she is one tough lady… ran through my mind when Penelope paused.

I felt her lightly squeeze my hand, "Hotch took her to his and Haley's place, his wife to get some proper rest. The plan was to bring JJ to the hospital this morning; however, the Unsub went to Hotchner's – things got ugly. The two of them managed to get free though, Vincent the Unsub attempted going after Hotch's family.

"Our team got there shortly after Hotch pinned Vincent to the floor of his family room, when taking Vincent away he tried to take off. Derek took after him and in the end" she took a breath, "Derek shot him down dead."

The Unsub is officially dead… JJ has been hurt and I was unable to do anything to help I thought as my eyes strayed off to look at the floor.

"What…" I started and found it hard to continue the question, "what all did he do to JJ?" I turn my gaze to look at Penelope in the eye. I have to know before I go in to see her I thought and it was her turn to look away from me. JJ is really close to Penelope and Emily… it hurts Penelope to even think of JJ in her current state I acknowledge right away.

"Vincent punched her in the face… multiple times, he struck her in the stomach with a baseball bat" I winced at her telling of the baseball bat to the stomach. Images going through my mind of a big man hitting her in the face, my fingers tightening on my knees in anger.

"He dislocated her left hands' index and middle finger as well as her right hand's ring finger, but he set them back to normal" Penelope finally turned her gaze to look at me. Her hand tightened more on my hand; my breathing has gone from anxious to taking slow deep breaths.

"The same bat was used to break her left forearm while that arm was bound to the chair she sat in" she finished. I pursed my lips before jumping out of my seat and running my right hand through my hair.

Taking deep breaths as I look around the hospital, left hand on my hip as Penelope gets to her feet, "how could anyone do such a thing to JJ?" I asked, my anger fueling me. Why did that sick son-of-a-bitch do such things to her? I closed my eyes, feeling a gentle hand on my back.

"We believe Vincent went after JJ to get back at Hotch, he wanted to hurt Hotch because Hotch profiled him and angered him that he figured him out," she said and I closed my eyes tighter. My right hand shaking from a mix of jumbled emotions.

"Can I ask you a favor?" I asked in a shaken voice, clenching my teeth in frustration and at the thought of possibly having lost JJ to that man.

"Of course sweetie" Penelope said in a soft and concerned voice, I opened my eyes to realize I have tears on the rims. Looking at her as she has a look of understanding in her eyes.

"Could I please go in and see her first?" I requested and a smile came onto her face, one that shows sincerity and care.

"That you may, I saw her when she got back and when she came out of Hotchner's house" then she patted my back lightly, "you have first dibs" Penelope added and I smiled at her as the tears rolled down my cheeks and down to my jaw line.

Using my right hand I wipe away the tears as Penelope puts her left arm around my shoulders, "thank you – I've been dreading the worst" I confessed.

Hearing footsteps coming up I look over to see a bald doctor in small glasses, wearing the normal white outfit with a clipboard in hand. He's just taller than me, "you're here for Jennifer Jareau" the doctor acknowledged and I gave a nod.

"Yes we are, how is she?" I asked right away and the man smiled.

"She is going to be fine, Miss. Jareau is in recovery. Sleeping with milk sedation for her arm, four stitches to the right temple; three stitches to the left temple" a proud smile came onto his face. "Miss. Jareau will make a full recovery; in addition, I will keep her here for a few days, just to monitor how she is doing."

I look down the hallway at this bit of news, "can I go and see her?" I ask and the doctor turns part way, his stance now at an angle from me.

"That you can, just go down that hallway and second door on the left" he instructed and gestured with his left hand, with that the doctor turned and went to the counter to hand in the clipboard.

Before I know it I am walking down the hallway, my eyes set on the door second to the left. Taking deep breaths to steady myself as one step after another I am one step closer to the open door to JJ's room.

Looking down at my shirt I quickly smooth it out, feeling the need to make sure I look decent just as I reach the room. Walking in slowly I see right away that JJ is on the left side of the room in the bed closest to the door.

Immediately I see the bandaging on her head and face, the bruising from being hit so much growing darker; left arm elevated in a sling with a cast wrapped around her left forearm. Her face is pale where the bruising isn't; she looks exhausted, completely drained.

I walk over to the left side of the bed where a chair is sitting, quietly taking a seat. My eyes going down to see her right hand laying on the bed cover, reaching out I gently take her hand in my right hand and turn my attention to her face.

"I'm here JJ… I won't leave your side until you give me the word" I said in a soft voice. Watching her closed eyes to see if she'll wake up, but they are staying closed.

JJ looks hurt but content, "You never deserved any of this… you are too nice a person JJ" I said in the soft voice still. Curious as to if any spoken words right now will wake her by accident, knowing she needs her rest from the ordeal she's just been through and all.

I raise her right hand and place a loving kiss onto the back of her first knuckles while watching her features.

Minutes pass as I sit there watching her; furthermore, gradually I rest my arms onto the rail and finally rest my head onto my arms. I feel my eyes close, right hand still holding her hand.

My eyes open at feeling her right hand give a small squeeze, looking at her I watch as she gives a small groan and slowly opens her eyes to look at me.

"Will?" came JJ's soft and weak voice, I sit up straight and smile at her, "hey there beautiful" I greet her, my voice horse at first. I quickly cleared my throat as a smile came across her face.

"When did you get here?" she asked, her voice becoming a little stronger, I quickly look at my wristwatch and a smirk comes onto my face as I return my attention back to her. "I got here two hours and 35 minutes ago," I answered realizing I must have dozed off.

"It's nice to wake up and see you here" JJ commented, I then reached out with my left hand and held the right side of her face. Her eyes closed at my touch and I smiled.

"Your friend Penelope was the one that phoned me up. I'm just relieved to see you alive and recovering," I said and she opened her eyes. A sweet smile on her face and I couldn't help but feel more and more at ease with each smile she gives.

"Lucky for me, instinct took over when I was being held captive instead of panic. FBI training has its many perks" JJ said still in the soft voice but no longer weak. I lightly stroke her cheek over a band-aid with my thumb.

"You are a strong, intelligent and beautiful woman JJ" I admired her as she then tilted her head a bit on the pillow.

"I stabbed Vincent with the heel of my shoe into his chin and I also jump kicked him right in the jaw" JJ informed and I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead before looking her in the eyes.

"I'm sure he didn't see any of it coming" I comment with a smirk. "If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask" I whisper to her before moving to sit back down. I may not have been here to help you or witness you kicking that man in the head but I will do everything possible to help you in your recovery.

I watch as she sits her head back and looks at me, all I can do is look into her eyes to see the life in her. I tilt my head to the side after a few moments, "what are you thinking?" I enquire and she gives a sigh.

"I'm wondering about how many nightmares I'll have about the past events…" JJ answered and then a curious look came over her eyes. "How long are you staying for?" she asked before yawning.

"As long as you need me, my main priority is you JJ and there is no getting out of it" I smile at her and she smiles back an appreciative smile.

"I guess I should get used to everyone wanting to help take care of me," JJ teased and I rub the back of her hand with my thumb. "That's a good idea" I wink at her and she gives off a light laugh.

I hear footsteps and look over my right shoulder to see Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss walk into the room, they both look surprised to see me but have smiles on their faces. "Good mornin'"I greet them as they continue into the room, Derek standing at the end of the bed and Emily on the other side of the bed.

"Good morning, how did you find out JJ was here Will?" Emily asked and I smiled at her, "Penelope phoned me up and told me JJ was in the hospital" I answered. A smile of amusement on Emily's face, I turn my attention to JJ and she has a smile of amusement on her face as well.

"That girl is very sneaky, just like that one time when Hotch was leaving and she gave him the case files for our next case. Telling him JJ requested her to send them to him and Hotch thanked JJ for doing that and you told him" Derek looked to JJ, "you didn't tell her to do that."

A grin on Derek's face, I smile as I realize the additional things Penelope does for her team.

"Yeah" JJ says and I look at her to see she is going back to that memory, "I was confused when Hotch thanked me and I knew I did no such thing."

I hear Derek give off a chuckle, "sweet stuff keeps things interesting for us all. Talking in code and picking up on things sometimes we profilers don't even know… you do the same thing JJ."

JJ's eye's start to flutter, as she seems to be having a hard time staying awake, "how about we come and see you in a few hours JJ. Let you get some rest" I suggest and I can see Emily giving a nod in the corner of my eye. JJ then closed her eyes shut tight and opened them as if trying to make herself more alert; however, not succeeding from my perspective.

"Alright" JJ groaned as she looked around at the three of us, "thanks for visiting me…" she said while looking between Derek and Emily. I get to my feet as Emily turns to leave.

"Your welcome sweetie, let us know if you need anything" Emily added as she went out the door.

"We'll just be out here" Derek informed her and gave me a nod before going out the door as well. I looked down at her, looking like she could doze off the moment she closes her eyes.

I feel her lightly squeeze my hand, I smirk at her as I lean down and give her a loving kiss. Her lips press to mine in returning the kiss before I pull away, letting go of her hand to lightly stroke her hair back. Watching her eyes slowly close as I walk backwards two steps before turning to leave the room.

JJ drifts off to sleep before I go around the doorframe and come out to the hallway; I see Derek and Emily standing just down the hall talking to each other.

Walking down the hallway they both turn their attention to me as I approach and Emily smiles while Derek doesn't look overly happy. Something is on his mind… I figure as Emily then faces me once I am with them.

"How are you doing Will?" Emily asks as I put my hands into my pockets, looking at her I feel my shoulders slacken. "As well as can be expected…" then I look to Derek and then back to Emily, "how about you?" I ask and hear Derek heave a sigh.

I watch as Emily looks to Derek before looking back at me, "the same" she answers before looking at Derek. "We were just discussing that for the first little while JJ shouldn't be on her own."

Nodding my head I continue to look at Emily, "I agree" my vision going to the wall just beyond them now, "what do you have in mind?"

"Well..." Derek started, him starting to speak catching my attention to look at him. His eyes on me, "We've come up with a few ideas and the new one involves you as we believe it will better benefit JJ."

To Be Continued…

I'm really sorry it took me a while to update, I got stuck as I couldn't fully remember what I'd done. Please Review your idea's, thoughts, suggestions and comments as all are greatly appreciated. I really hope you like what I did with this chapter, I was really contemplating as to if I should bring Will into it but I think it was a good move. Tell me if you like it.

I've been going to a College thing to brush up on things in English, I've been brainstorming for Secret Santa 2 but I'm going to work to make more time for this fanfic. Notes have been getting written in my student guidebook whenever I take a break from my work while in class.