A/N: I always said that the Charmed Ones Part Three would be my final Harry Potter fiction but whilst working the idea for this story just came into my head and well, it won't leave me alone. So now I am going to take a stab at it and see how things go.

DISCLAIMER: I only own the plot.

Someone Wake Me Up

Chapter One: This Is Love

Rose Weasley, 19, clutched the faded blue shirt in her hands tightly. Her lips trembled as tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. If she cried, it would only be near the hundredth time she gave way to her emotions in the past six months.

So much had happened, some good, mostly bad. How could something so perfect turn out so wrong? Standing she folded the shirt and slipped it under her pillow, making sure her mother wouldn't see it or anyone else. Heading to the doorway she stopped at the mirror to look at her reflection. Her dark red-brown hair was neatly brushed with her long fringe tucked behind her ears. The dark blue robes were straight and hiding her muggle attire she wore most times underneath the robes.

Taking a deep breath she jumped at the knock on her door. With two steps she reached out and opened it.

"Are you ready?" asked Hugo Weasley looking at his sister with genuine concern.

"I can't be anymore ready," replied Rose with a deep breath to keep her emotions calm.

One tear escaped and was hastily brushed away with annoyance. Hugo took Rose's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Mum and Dad are waiting. Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny are here as well."

"What about James, Albus and Lily?"

"James will meet us there, Al as well but Lily is here."

Rose gave a nod and took a deep breath again, "Okay… well… here goes."


Six Months Ago

"And can anyone tell me what is wrong with Mr McLaggen?"

Rose's hand shot into the air instantly causing her fellow interns to look at her in amusement.

"Healer Weasley?"

"Dragon Pox," answered Rose breathlessly, "Mr McLaggen has the classic symptoms with the pox being deep red in colour and seeming to smoke."

"Correct and what can be done to ease the pain and itchiness?"

"Well, Mr McLaggen can apply the usual cooling balm and non-itch gel. Or he can have a bath in iced water. However there really is no instant cure. Dragon Pox takes a week to two weeks to run its course."

The Healer gave a smile and nodded, "Well done Healer Weasley. A true professional opinion indeed. Well from the time I can see you all have finished your shift. I expect to see you all here tomorrow morning at eight."

The six medical interns left the ward chatting away. Rose gave a sigh; satisfied she had been able to recall her knowledge with ease. Since she had applied a bandaid to Hugo's knee when she was six she had wanted to be a Doctor. Glad that she had decided on a wonderful career choice, Rose's family had been behind her whole-heartedly. She had graduated at Hogwarts with high passing marks and was now beginning her career at St Mungo's after studying.

"So Rosie," said her close friend Matilda Finnigan, "Seeing your man again tonight?"

Rose looked at Matilda with a smile, "Naturally."

"Do your folks know yet?" asked Jason Thomas, one of the other interns.

"If they knew," said Rose pulling on her maroon blouse, "They would put an end to it. So would his parents. They just don't understand."

"School rivalries never end," said Hilda Flint, "We all have live in examples of this."

The friends nodded in agreement as they all filed out of the locker room one by one. They exited St Mungo's one by one and left separately. Rose walked along the muggle street smiling to her self as she thought back to her first day of Hogwarts.

"Scorpius… what type of name is that?" demanded James as the train moved its way towards Hogwarts.

"Not as boring as James," sniped back the light eyed and haired boy, those his face darkened considerably as he glared at James.

"James," warned Rose pulling her cousin back, "Leave him alone."

James looked at Scorpius with a frown before giving a shrug, "Whatever. Just listen Malfoy, I know you'll be in Slytherin so don't go trying to bully my brother or cousin."

"James!" cried Rose pushing him along the corridor.

When James was truly gone she looked to Albus behind her who shrugged. They both looked at Scorpius who stared out the window silently.

"Pay no attention to him," said Rose, "James is just protective."

"And I care?" replied Scorpius looking at Rose. The dark look on his face was gone and was replaced with one of interest.

"Come on Rose," sighed Albus.

Rose shrugged Albus' hand off her shoulder, "I was only being nice."

Scorpius gave a sigh, "I know. My father told me not to mix with any Weasley's or Potter's."

"Well that isn't right now, is it? I was told to be nice to you."

Scorpius sat up a little straighter, a slight smile on his face, "Really?"

After that the pair were not considerably close, but didn't hate each other. The contact was merely brief but friendly until their seventh year. Rose never could explain was happened. She noticed more about Scorpius and it seemed he was the same with her. The perfect opportunity came one evening in the library when both were working on the same subjects assessment. They shared notes, which in turn led to discussing the notes. Discussion progressed to conversation, which in turn became flirting. After weeks of nonsense flirtation Scorpius sucked up the courage to invite Rose on a date with him to Hogsmeade.

That day became their yearly anniversary. The pair had now been dating two and a half years with only James, Albus, Hugo, Lily, Matilda, Jason, Hilda and two of Scorpius' friend's knowing.

Deep down Rose really wanted to tell her parents but knew her mother would secretly disapprove and worry about her choice of partner while her father… Rose shuddered at the thought at what he would do to Scorpius and say to her.

Rose rounded a corner and stumbled backwards in alarm. Looking up she smiled brightly as Scorpius gave her his crooked, adorable smile.

"Hey you," he said stepping forward and greeting her with a kiss to the mouth, "How was work?"

"Wonderful. What about you?" asked Rose linking her arm through Scorpius' as they strolled along the cold London street.

"Well your father still hates me, but he gave me a high mark for my essay."

Rose squeezed her boyfriend's arm gently. Scorpius was studying to become an Auror and her father was one of the academies teachers.

"It could be worse," sighed Rose, "If he knew you were my boyfriend I dare say he would do anything to torture you."

"That's what Adam said."

Adam Zabini was Scorpius' best friend and ally to the dating pair. He thought Rose was, in his own words, an 'awesome chick'.

"Hilda said something truthful today."


"That school rivalries never end."

Scorpius nodded silently and pushed the door open to the pub they went to where no one they knew would see them. The bartender gave them a hearty wave, glad to see his regulars that didn't tend to fall to the floor drunk come midnight.

"The normal Pete," said Scorpius as they slid along the bench seat.

Rose pulled off her scarf and tied her hair back before Scorpius turned her face towards his for a long lingering kiss.

"You know, I've been thinking," murmured Scorpius pulling away from Rose as Peter served them their drinks, "Thanks man."

Pete gave them a smile and left them in peace.

"You were thinking?" said Rose pulling her drink closer.

"Well, what about we move in together?"

Rose gave a cough as she sipped her drink. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth before looking at Scorpius with wide eyes, "S-sorry?"

"Rose… I know it's a big step and would mean coming out… but we can't hide forever."

"Yeah that I know… but what about your Auror classes?"

"I… I can handle your dad and Uncle."

Rose looked down at the dark table and took a deep breath, "Can I think about it?"

Scorpius gave a nod and pecked Rose on the forehead.


"Evening Rosie."

"Hey Dad," smiled Rose closing the front door behind her and pulling her scarf off and jacket, "Mum home yet?"

"She shouldn't be long. Did you join your friends out for a drink?" asked Ron from the table in the dining room where he was marking work.

"Yeah," lied Rose, "Is Hugo home?"

"In his room."

Rose hurried up the staircase and ran to her brother's door. She knocked quickly and he opened it moments later.

"What's up?" he said as he let her in.

Hugo's room, compared to Rose's was a disaster. His wall was littered with posters and his desk was covered in books from his law school course.

Rose held her hand up silencing him and waved her wand around as she cast silencing charms to block out intruders from listening in.

"Scorpius wants us to move in together," said Rose sitting on the edge of his bed, "If we do that, then we both have to tell our parents."

"That was bound to happen sometime, you know?"

Rose nodded nervously, "I'm thinking of telling them tonight."

Hugo's eyebrows shot straight up in surprise, "So no planning it for another two years?"

"Hugo, I know I can't keep it quiet anymore. I love Scorpius. I reckon he could be the one. My future husband… how can I keep hiding something?"

Hugo gave a nod as Rose stood up, "So when do I need to run for cover?"

"Hide under the dinner table tonight," said Rose nudging Hugo in the shoulder with a slight smile, "Anyway, I'm going to my room to practise my speech… though Dad will be going ballistic so it will probably be pointless."


"This is delicious Mum."

Hermione looked at Rose with a frown, "I thought you weren't that fussed on zucchini slice?"

"Well this one is nicer then the rest."

Hermione looked at her husband who was giving Rose a curious look. Hugo focused on his plate drawing lines in his potato.

"Did you both kill someone or break something?" asked Ron.

"No!" exclaimed Rose with a laugh, "Not at all."

"Then what is it, Rose?" asked Hermione with a raised eyebrow.

Rose lowered her fork, forcing the zucchini slice down. She took a drink from her glass and stared down at the bracelet she was wearing.

"I-I… I've been dating someone… f-for quite a while now."

"How long is quite a while?" asked Hermione.

"Since my final year of Hogwarts."

"That's a long time to keep him a secret," said Ron in surprise.

Rose managed a small smile, "Well when your father's an Auror and your mother's a lawyer I suppose you train your self to keep secrets… but the thing is… we want to move in together."

"Oh," said Hermione as she handed Ron the bowl of beans, "So… this is obviously a serious relationship?"

"It is. We love each other."

"Who is he?"

Rose remained silent until Hugo's foot connected with her chin. She looked up and met her mother's curious gaze and her father's slightly frowning one.

"It's… its Scorpius… Scorpius Malfoy."

Silenced descended the table with Hugo watching Ron. Hermione leaned back in her seat silently nodding. Ron was clenching his fork tightly taking deep breaths.

"So… so who knows about you and… and Scorpius?" asked Hermione finally as she looked at a non-shocked Hugo.

"Well Hugo, James, Albus and Lily. My closest friends and Scorpius' friends."

"But not us," said Ron rather calmly, "Not your parents. The people who raised you… loved you… never judged you."

"Dad… I really wanted to tell you both but I know you hate Scorpius' father. I didn't know how you would react."

"Well I am being pretty calm right now, wouldn't you say?"

Rose nodded but Ron quickly stood up, pacing.

"Rose! Scorpius Malfoy? A Malfoy? Why him, Rose? Why?"

"I don't know, Dad! But he makes me happy, he understands me! I love him!"

"You are young and pretty! You could have any guy, but him?"

Rose stood up feeling the tears in her eyes, "Daddy… I can't explain it to you. I can't even explain it to myself but I'm in love with Scorpius. You can't make us break up… its been two years for us and I am happy. If you would just get to know him, you would see something more then his last name and who his father is."

"What's to know?" demanded Ron, "I see him nearly every day!"

"And has he ever been rude to you or anyone else?"

Ron fell silent.

"My friend is right," said Rose with a little laugh.

"About what?" asked Hermione quietly.

"School rivalries never end. My friend Hilda said that. Hilda Flint," said Rose standing up, "I'm going out."

Rose left with a crack and knocked on the door she arrived at. Matilda opened it and looked at Rose in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"I told them. My parents. I told them about Scorpius and me. Dad was what I expected."

"And your mother?" asked Matilda walking with Rose to the small but cosy living room where Hilda was curled up on the lounge reading a novel. She closed it at the sight of Rose.

"Mum was quiet. Probably in shock over it."

"Well look, you can contact Scorpius from here. And I have a spare bed if you need it."

Rose gave a smile and took the quill and parchment from Hilda. She hastily wrote a quick note and tied to Matilda's owl. Hilda set about making some coffee's with Matilda helping. Rose paced around the living room, pulling her jacket off. The fireplace soon lit up green with the arrival of the one Rose needed to see most.

"Are you okay?" asked Scorpius hugging her upon arrival.

"I told them. About us. I told them because I do want to move in with you," said Rose, her head resting on Scorpius' chest.

"I told my parents as well."

"And?" asked Rose stepping back.

"Dad thinks it is something to get out of my system. Mum didn't really know what to think."

Rose let out a deep breath, "My dad went crazy and Mum was quiet. Why do we have to carry the hate they hold for each other? Merlin, this like Romeo and Juliet!"

"Let's hope it doesn't end the same way, hey?"

"Oh it won't," said Rose looking at Scorpius with determination in her eyes, "I'm going to make them see that I am not having a fling with you. They will see that I do love you more then anything else."

Scorpius smiled and pulled Rose in for a passionate kiss, which ended with Hilda and Matilda entering the room.

"This lounge room is strictly not a place for you two lovebirds to show off your romance," said Hilda.

"Oh come on Hilzy," said Scorpius with a smile, "You like seeing us completely happy."

Hilda rolled her eyes as they all sat down. Rose snuggled up beside Scorpius entwining her fingers with his while her free hand clutched the coffee cup.

"Hey," said Scorpius peering down at Rose, "Don't stress. We'll get through this."

Rose gave a nod and sipped her coffee silently hoping Scorpius was right.


"Ron, please. Just stop thinking about it," sighed Hermione from where she sat on the bed removing her watch and bangles.

"How can I, Hermione? Or daughter is in love with a Malfoy! Hugo knew, our nephews and niece knew!" cried Ron in frustration, "I thought she was smarter then this!"

"She is smart Ronald. And she had a very good point with something she said to you."

"What's that?"

"That if you and myself took a chance to get to know him, perhaps we will see more then his last name and that fact his father is Draco Malfoy."

Ron shook his head as he pulled off his robe.

"We can't decide who Rose falls for. Even she can't decide that. It just happens and all we can do is accept it and make sure she knows we love her unconditionally and will always be here for her."

Ron gave a grudging nod and climb into the bed. He switched the lamp off and stared up at the ceiling, "I don't want her to be hurt."

He felt Hermione turn to face him and place a hand on his shoulder, "I know honey. I don't want that either."


Rose crept into her bedroom and shut the door before switching her light on. It was near one in the morning and never before had she arrived home this late. Not even the night she first slept with Scorpius did she get home so late.

Silently she changed into her pyjamas and climbed into bed. Scorpius had promised to come around before work the next morning. It had been something he had always wanted to do and now they were no longer secret, he could.

Morning arrived sooner then Rose wanted but still she got up as her alarm went off. Slowly she dressed into fresh clothes after a shower and headed down to the kitchen greeting Hugo and her mother brightly.

"Dad already gone?" asked Rose as she buttered some toast.

"He had something to organise before the classes began," said Hermione.

Rose nodded knowing that wasn't the truth. As she prepared to leave the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" yelled Hugo from the entry hall where he was preparing to leave.

Rose held her breath as Hugo opened the door.

"Hey," she heard her brother say, "Come on in."

"Thanks. Rose still here?"

Rose caught her mother's surprised expression and managed a smile. Hugo walked into the kitchen with Scorpius who smiled at Rose.

"Morning," he said.

"Morning… Mum this is Scorpius… Scorpius this is my mother," said Rose brightly.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Weasley," said Scorpius holding his hand out for Hermione to shake.

Hermione smiled and shook his hand, "You to Scorpius. I take it you are here to escort Rose to work?"

Scorpius nodded, "Are you ready, Rose?"

"Yeah. I'll see you tonight Mum. Bye Hugo."

"Bye," replied both.

Rose and Scorpius headed outside and apperated to one street away from St Mungo's. Scorpius let out a deep breath and pulled Rose down an alley.

"What's wrong?" frowned Rose as he looked around them quickly.

"My father told my grandfather, about us."

"Oh… and your grandfather is really against us?"

Scorpius nodded, "He knows people Rose. I'll be followed everywhere."

Rose stepped back, "What do you want to do?"

"Well I'm not leaving you. I won't cave into their pressure. You and I have been going out longer then they know."

Rose nodded and stepped closer to him. She leant forward and kissed him tenderly, "I'm not leaving you either. No matter what they try to do to tear us apart."


Rose rolled onto her back with a yawn feeling her wedding ring finger burning. Lifting her hand up she saw the faint glow of her promise ring from Scorpius. Hastily she slid out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown. She ran to her window and slid it open, leaning out to peer down at the front garden.

"Rose?" came Scorpius' whisper.


"Come down, please."

"Just give me a minute."

Rose leaned back in and shut the window. She ran to her bedroom door on light feet and slipped out. Sneaking along the hallway she ran down the staircase, avoiding the noisy steps. She unlocked the front door and stepped out, shivering at the cool breeze.


She saw his shadow step up the porch steps with him lighting his wand. Her eyes widened as she saw his pale face and hands, smeared with blood.

A/N: There you go! The first chapter, not overly long but hey, I'm still building it all up! Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time…

Love yas!

Love Coz!