A Love Story

His brown hair swirled in the wind of his rotation and form. His hands moved swiftly and with a graceful ease, cutting through the air.

He had been practicing less with them and more by himself and with his uncle ever since Lord Hyuuga decided to train him.

She missed watching the agile movements of his legs as he performs some of the most difficult footwork. The muscles in his pale legs tightened as he leapt, kicking an imaginary foe. His palm slammed into the foe's chest.


She smirked. Any actual foe would be useless against his moves and defense. After all, Neji is absolutely amazing.

Neji paused, looking through the trees to her hiding place.

"Are you coming down Tenten?"

Tenten knew he would easily be able to see her. Why did she hide? She did not know actually. Maybe because she didn't want him to know her joy in just watching him.

And he reads facial expressions far too well.


She shrugged and hopped down from the tree branch, into the opening where Neji was practicing.


The corners of his lips barely twitched up as he asked. "I thought you had already left?"

It will always be slightly disturbing when he talks with his bloodline activated as he watches you as if he's staring through you, listening to your innermost thoughts.

Which he almost can.

Tenten shrugged. "We leave tomorrow."

Neji nodded, his eyes reverting to their lovely pale purple state.

"Ah. It's your day to rest. How long will it take to get there?"

"About two weeks, I believe."

He nodded as he stretched his arms behind him. "I have to go shower. I'm meeting with Sakura tonight."

He smiled at her name. To Tenten, it was a nail through her heart.

Inwardly, she crossed her fingers, hoping it was not what she thought it was. "Oh, are you helping her train?"

Neji eyed her oddly. "No…I'm taking her out for dinner."

She froze.

"See you Tenten!" With a slight smile, Neji walks past her, being very obtuse, an odd thing for the genius.

Her movements became gradual, a slow motion sadness, as if waking from a deep slumber. Her fingers twitched as her shoulders began to quiver. Her legs seem to no longer be able to hold her – she fell to her knees. Her eyes filled with tears as sobs wrack through her form.

A 'happily ever after' story doesn't always mean bliss for everyone.

Gah. There's some grammar mistakes, I know. I normally write in present tense, so it was odd for me to switch. This is my first attempt at a NejiTenten one shot, but it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. Meh. This is the first on many romance type oneshots. If you have a certain pairing or situation you want to tell me. I may do that one next. No yaoi or yuri though, sorry. It never sounds realistic coming from me.