DISCLAIMER: This story is my view on how I wanted the final stand-off between Naruto and the Akatsuki to occur. It was started in 2008, so there are no connections to what actually happens. Naruto already knows about what was revealed in manga chapter 439 because I'm going off on what I wrote in The Truth. Also, in my story the Sasuke Retrieval Arc NEVER happened. It's important you understand this from the beginning.

Please enjoy!

Naruto stood there frozen as he and Shizune tried to comfort a sobbing Tsunade while trying to deal with it himself.

The news had come via some strange toad in Tsunade's office while Naruto was meeting with her.

"The way things are going Naruto," Tsunade had began, "it seems like we're going to have to—"

She was interrupted by a puff of smoke that suddenly appeared on her desk which soon gave view to a small toad. Upon seeing the amphibian Naruto's throat went dry and his palms grew sweaty, as if his body knew something he didn't.

"Does Jiraiya send news from his mission?" the Hokage asked, her voice dangerously tense.

"My apologies, Hokage-sama," the frog bowed remorsefully, "but I am here on his last orders. While going against the Akatsuki leader Pein, Jiraiya lost his life in an incredibly epic battle, truly worthy of one of the Legendary Sannin. His death was a valiant and courageous one."

Once the truth had sunk in, Naruto winced, worried Tsunade's rage would likely destroy all of Konoha, but she just put her face in her hands and sobbed quietly. Shizune and Naruto stared at each other, nervous at the strange response. Then her sobs grew in intensity and soon she was crying uncontrollably, progressing into hysterics.

It truly pained Naruto to see Tsunade like this, a woman as dear to him as any mother could be. There was also the fact that Jiraiya . . . died.

As Naruto put his arm around Tsunade and patted her back comfortingly, he numbly thought back to the whole two years he had spent with Ero-Sennin, as well as the time he helped before the third task.

He gave a small chuckle that sounded more like a muffled sob. Naruto remembered how he would always have to get the idiot's attention by performing his Sexy Jutsu which always worked, no matter what. How they would play jokes on passerby, laughing heartedly when people fell prey to their childish pranks while they hid in the underbrush, occasionally suffering from the objects thrown at them.

He remembered how much he enjoyed his stories (when the Sannin wasn't talking about his pervy books) as they sat around a campfire. Naruto's eyes would widen in amazement at all the amazing stories of battles that made him one of the Legendary Sannin. He enjoyed hearing all about how Jiraiya and Tsunade would tease each other, but then fall in a solemn mood as he and Jiraiya agreed that there were some women in the world too scary for words, chiefly Tsunade and Sakura.

The atmosphere was always energetic and bright with Jiraiya. Naruto would tell stories of pranks he used to pull when he was younger, and instead of receiving lectures like usual, Jiraiya would crack up and tell of a time where he would pull a similar prank. One night though, Jiraiya told stories about a completely different prankster.

"If I remember correctly," he began, a mischievous grin creeping on his face that Naruto knew meant he was in for a real treat, "There was this one boy who would always cause trouble, but he was a genius at creating his own jutsus."

"Were any of them as good as mine?" Naruto asked with a smirk, taking a large slurp of ramen.

Jiraiya chuckled, "I guess not. They were great for battle though. Anyways, there was this family who had moved from the nearby Whirlpool country. They had a daughter who would really get on his nerves. So one day, he decided to put his skills to work and get revenge."

"He spent a whole night devising this plan, just to make sure everything would go perfectly. The next day, he came out to greet her with a few of his friends, whom he had told that he was going to play the trick on. However, when the time came, it turns out that she figured it out beforehand and caused the plan to backfire, causing him to prank himself!"

Because of what Kakashi had revealed to his a month or so ago, Naruto knew now that Jiraiya was talking about his parents, and was grateful for the memories that Jiraiya had been secretly giving him, because he talked about the Fourth Hokage a lot.

How could he die? Naruto thought furiously as tears started to slowly slide down his face.

Half an hour later, Naruto glanced at Tsunade, who had just started to calm down and realized that he didn't want to be near anyone anymore. Shizune noticed the change in his expression and nudged her head towards the door, signaling that she'd take over from her. Naruto nodded and left without a second glance.

He barely noticed where he was going, his feet just automatically carried him in the direction of his apartment, his mind in a daze.

"Good morning, Naruto!"

The genin looked up and saw Kakashi and Sakura headed his way, both of them carrying a stack of materials in their hands; Kakashi some books, and Sakura some boxes.

"Do you think you could help us, Naruto? We need to bring these to—" she paused as she and Kakashi noticed his odd behavior.

"Naruto? What happened?" Sakura asked quietly, her voice slightly shrill out of concern.

"Naruto!" Kakashi said sternly when the genin did not respond. It was almost unnerving to see him with such a depressed and downcast expression.

"Ero-Sennin is dead," he whispered so quietly a normal person would have missed it, but being shinobi they heard it clearly.

Kakashi's visible eye widened and he dropped the books he had been previously holding, not even bothering to pick them up, leaving them scattered in the dirt. "Th—that's . . . impossible!" he protested hoarsely. Jiraiya was a legendary shinobi, having survived countless wars and just—just couldn't die!

He was one of the last people whom Kakashi could discuss Minato-sensei with, whenever he was feeling depressed and missed his old sensei, seeing how Jiraiya had been his sensei. Jiraiya had been one of the last reminders of his old family, since Jiraiya would join his old team whenever he was available, teasing Minato by telling them embarrassing stories. Kakashi vividly recalled the confrontation he had with Jiraiya after Minato's death:

"You all right, kid?" Kakashi hastily glanced up from the Memorial Stone and noticed Jiraiya standing there, looking solemn. The jounin shrugged, turning his attention to the newly engraved name, Namikaze Minato.

"I heard from Sarutobi that you're taking care of little Naruto," Jiraiya continued, only to get a nod from the boy. "I'm very proud of you for doing that," he said quietly, causing the jounin to look at him in surprise.

"I will do my best to visit whenever I can, because I'm practically a grandfather!" Jiraiya chuckled. "Here's a present from me to you, something that your sensei always loved to read." With that the Sannin pulled forth a small book from under his tunic and handed it to Kakashi.

The 15 year old examined it curiously, Icha Icha Paradise. "These are your pervy books," he realized aloud. Jiraiya appeared indignant.

"I'll have you know that these books are renowned all over the world! They make a man out of you, and seeing as how you have to take care of the little tyke, I figure that it's about time that you read them as well. Besides," Jiraiya added solemnly, "Minato truly enjoyed them."

Kakashi's eye widened as he realized what Jiraiya was trying to do. Of course, it was to introduce him to the "wonders" of the books he wrote, but at the same time, Jiraiya was providing him with a way to connect with the deceased Hokage.

"Thank you," he said quietly, turning to the first page. Jiraiya burst into a wide grin.

"'Atta boy!" he said proudly. "Now, how about you take me to see this little Naruto?"

Since then, Jiraiya and Kakashi enjoyed each others company, trying to deal with the sadness they both inherited that fateful night. How could he be dead?

Sakura gasped and stepped backwards, using the nearby wall as support. Because she was carrying delicate medical supplies, there was no way she could drop it if she did not want to incur Tsunade's wrath, which apparently would now be incredibly powerful with Jiraiya's death.

She recalled the time when Jiraiya took them to find Sasuke. At first she thought he was an incredibly perverted old man with a one track mind and did everything on impulse. Over time, however, she grew to care for him, though not as much as Naruto. Sakura couldn't imagine how awful and sad her teammate must be feeling at the moment.

"Naruto?" She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at her with sad eyes.

"I'll be fine. You'd better help Shizune with baachan." Sakura nodded and squeezed his shoulder before taking off in the direction of the Hokage mansion.

Naruto and Kakashi were silent for a moment, then the jounin bent down to pick up the forgotten books, wiping off the dirt as he did so.

"Are you all right, Naruto? You know, it's okay to cr—"

"Leave me alone!" Naruto exclaimed, trying to stop the tears from falling. Kakashi nodded solemnly, not at all offended by the outburst, seeing as how he had acted worse in his past.

"I'll see you later," he said quietly, leaving the young genin who then immediately took off towards his apartment, burst through the door and collapsed by his bed, sobbing for the man he cared so much for.

The next day, Kakashi, Sakura, and Shizune were in the Hokage's office with a very subdued Tsunade.

"As you well know," she began slowly, her voice slurred by the sake she had consumed earlier, "This news means that the Akatsuki is going to make their move any day now, and we have to be prepared. Pein might even come here personally to take Naruto, and if he gets the Nine-Tailed Fox, it will only be a matter of time before he has power to take over the entire world, subjecting all ninja countries to his will. We have to take him and his members out without giving them Naruto. Any ideas?"

The other three occupants stood there for a second, furiously racking their brains for an answer, but coming up with nothing.

"I have one."

Everyone's attention was directed to the door, where a stoic Naruto stood, determination etched in every facet of his face.

"What is it, Naruto?" Tsunade asked, curious in spite of herself.

The genin did not answer but stepped forward, until he was near the Hokage's desk, and surveyed each of them in turn before glancing at Tsunade with an intense gaze.

"I'm going to take on the Akatsuki once and for all."

There was complete silence as everyone processed what the blonde said. Needless to say, they had already somewhat suspected that, but it still was a shock.

"Idiot!" Sakura yelled. "You may have killed Kakuzu, but we have no idea how powerful the others are! Besides, even Jiraiya—" She stopped when Naruto glared at her, making his point that there was no way he would change his mind.

Tsunade sighed. "And how do you plan on doing this?" The genin fell silent, and shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea. I may not be a strategist like Shikamaru, but I know that the longer we let the Akatsuki to do as they wish, the more dangerous they will be to the rest of the world! Don't you see? You have to do as I say! We can't just sit back and wait for them to attack! We have to take the offensive! We have to get them as soon as possible! We have—" He paused when Tsunade held up her hand.

"I don't remember objecting to your idea, Naruto. In fact, I completely agree with you," she smirked.

"Tsunade-sama! Surely you don't intend—" Shizune protested. The Hokage waved her off.

"Just because I agree with Naruto doesn't mean that I don't have a plan," she informed them angrily.

Naruto was ecstatic. Tsunade agreed with him, and she had a plan!

"I know that you want to just infiltrate their hideout right now, Naruto," she continued, peering at him with an intense glare, "but let's be reasonable. I will allow you to do as you wish, but on the condition that you spend the next two weeks training. Now don't look at me like that!" she ordered as Naruto started to groan.

"You may have improved with all the training that you've done with Kakashi and Yamato, but you are nowhere near ready to take on any of the Akatsuki with the level you're at. You're no help if you die in vain. I actually want to extend this timeline to three weeks, but I know that it would be impossible to keep you here any longer." She sighed and stood up, walking over to the window and gazed out over the village, while everyone else waited silently for whatever else she had to say.

"Naruto, you will train under the direction of Captain Yamato for the next two weeks, and he will do with you as he sees fit. I want you to go back to your apartment and prepare, and then I will send Yamato to your apartment and from then on you are completely under his command. I want no complaining and for you to do exactly as he says." Naruto nodded and glanced at Kakashi.

"Kakashi is going to do something for me," Tsunade continued, answering Naruto's question, and causing the jounin to look at her in surprise. "Don't think that you're going into this battle all by yourself, Naruto. There will be a couple people from this village who will help you, because Jinchuuriki or not, you will not survive by your own." The genin nodded and quickly vacated the room.

Once he had left Tsunade sighed and sat back down, rubbing her temples. Sakura and Shizune glanced at each other in desperation while Kakashi started to grin, fully understanding Tsunade's plan.

"I see you get it now, Kakashi," Tsunade chuckled. "You know what to do now, yes?" The jounin nodded. "Great, you are dismissed."

He bowed respectively, then gave Sakura and Shizune a slight wave before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Tsunade-sama? What is it you want Kakashi to do? Why are you agreeing to this? What is your plan?" Sakura pleaded, feeling as if her world was crumbling before her eyes.

The Sannin fixed her two subordinates with a hard look before saying carefully, "The plan is not yet complete, but I have a pretty good idea of how it will end. First off, I need to get a message out to Shikamaru, who is currently in Suna on diplomatic relations. He is going to help me out with all the minor details." Shizune started to protest, but then realized it was futile.

"I will fetch our priority hawk," she said in exasperation.

"Good. Now, all will be revealed in time. Please have faith in me, because if we are able to get everything prepared, we have a chance. We only have two weeks to prepare, so let's go!" As her subordinates nodded and Shizune took off, Tsunade rubbed her temples while reaching for another bottle of sake. We've got a lot of work to do.

"Man, I'm never going to get used to this infernal heat," Shikamaru whined as he and Temari made their way to the Kazekage mansion.

The blonde smirked. "Always got to complain about something, don't you, crybaby?" she taunted. He chose to ignore her, and instead, he opened the door that led into the building and stepped backward to let her through. Temari's eyes widened for a second then she chuckled.

"Wow, didn't know you had manners. Looks like you're not completely pathetic."

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and ignored the bait, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth while he followed the kunoichi. They continued their bickering until they reached Gaara's office.

"We're back boys!" Temari announced pleasantly, causing the Kazekage and Kankuro to glance up at her from the documents they were examining. Shikamaru was still amazed at all that had happened in the last while, with Kankuro and Gaara having almost perished from the attack by the Akatsuki. The puppet-master looked as goofy as ever, but he was stronger now and appeared to have matured a lot. He had heard that Gaara no longer hosted Shukaku, but the rings underneath his eyes did not disappear. He did, however, appear more relaxed and they did seem like they had shrunk slightly. His expression was also softer, not as ruthless as it had been when they first met.

Just as he was about to address the shinobi, a girl burst through the door.

"Kazekage-sama! We've just received a priority one message from Konoha!" Everyone in the room tensed immediately.

"What is it, Matsuri?" Gaara asked, with a slight edge of anticipation in his monotonous tone.

"That's just the thing! It said it was specifically addressed to a Nara Shikamaru!" Everyone glanced at the shocked chuunin, fully puzzled as to what it could be. He cleared his throat nervously, causing the frantic girl to bow and hand him the unopened scroll.

There was complete silence as Shikamaru read the message. What the— He couldn't believe his eyes! That idiot! Does she really plan on letting Naruto go through with this? He read on. That—that just might work! It's insane, but it just might work. Once he got to the last sentence he slapped his forehead. Two weeks? I guess it's a good thing I'm in Suna, but we are going to have to work like crazy to get this all ready in time. He sighed, what a troublesome problem. He was the only one suitable for the job however, so there was no way around it.

"What is it?" Temari and Kankuro demanded, curiosity getting the best of them. It was infuriating having to watch all his emotions and not know what was happening. Gaara was even leaning over the table, his body completely tense and hands balled into fists. Was Naruto all right?

The chuunin sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "This may come as a shock, but you need to hear me out until I'm done." He glanced up and fixed them with a dangerous smile, something none of them could have imagined from the lazy shinobi.

"We're taking on the Akatsuki."

For the next 10 days, Naruto was in a trance. He was training from sunup to sundown with Yamato, his mind filled with one purpose, get ready. The genin was training himself harder than he had ever trained himself before. He was vaguely aware of the rapid strength he was gaining, and kept refueling his resolve with the memories of Jiraiya, Asuma, and the memory of watching Gaara lie there dead on the floor while the blonde Akatsuki member sat on him. That one would be his first target.

Naruto did not want to end up like that, did not want any other Jinchuuriki to suffer the same fate Gaara did. Thankfully, Chiyo-baachan had been there to give his friend a second chance, but from what he had heard from Kankuro, she was the last person to know how to complete that technique successfully. There would be no second chance for anyone else now.

At the end of the 10th day Yamato addressed Naruto as they sat down for dinner.

"You have really improved a great deal, Naruto," he said kindly. "You have succeeded anyone's expectations these last couple days. I have nothing else to teach you."

Naruto's ramen slipped from his chopsticks as he stared at the ANBU captain with surprise. "What are you talking about? I still have four more days that I can train! I need to use every chance I've go—" Yamato held up a hand to silence him.

"While that is true, the second most important aspect of training is proper sleep. We have done nothing but train these past 10 days, and have received very little sleep. It is only by your massive chakra capacity and soldier pills for me that we have been able to survive so long." He smiled with exhausted eyes.

"Now you need to go back to your apartment and sleep for as long as you need. If I remember correctly, you were able to sleep three days straight after your training with Jiraiya?" Naruto solemnly nodded. "I think that will be enough. Let's go." With that they put out the fire and gathered their things. Due to the time schedule, they had slept outside, rather than go back and forth between the village and the grounds where they were training. Naruto hadn't been inside the village ever since he and Yamato set out.

As he walked through the village, he was vaguely aware that people were hurrying about faster than normal, that people were frantic with something. People were discussing something but he couldn't make out what they were saying, nor did he care. Drowsiness started to overtake him, and he barely made it to his bed, where he collapsed and blissfully slept.

Three days later, he was woken up by an alarm that sent him sprawling out of bed with a yelp. Frantic and wide-eyed, he searched for the source of the sound. There was an alarm clock near his bed with a note on it, which read:


By now I assume that you are up, and do not worry, there is still one more day left until time is up. You should be well rested, and you will find a large amount of ramen and vegetables (which Kakashi insists that you eat, or else he threatens to shove them down your throat, which I will assist in as well) that are there for you to eat. Once you are finished, Tsunade will come and fetch you and bring you to the rendezvous place.

After eating, get dressed and prepare all the weapons that we have discussed. Taking a proper shower won't hurt either. Be sure to be swift.


Naruto slightly shuddered that the thought of Kakashi and Yamato forcing him to eat the vegetables, so he reluctantly ate them first, and they were surprisingly delicious, but he figured that was because he hadn't eaten much in the past couple days. Once he had his full of ramen (he was actually amazed at how much ramen was actually provided for him, there was actually enough for him this time!) he took a quick shower, dressed, and adorned himself in all the weapons Yamato had instructed him to bring.

"Done yet?" a bored voice called out. Naruto spun around and noticed Tsunade sitting on his windowsill. She smiled when he noticed her and motioned for him to follow. With a nod, Naruto leapt after her, landing in the street and took off, with her leading the way.

"Baachan? Where are we going? Who else is coming with me?"

"Just follow me." As they ran, Naruto couldn't help but notice how quiet the village was. He saw no one in the streets; they were all inside, peering at him through the windows in hushed voices. The genin couldn't tell if it was out of fear or awe. Puzzled, he looked himself over, trying to discover the reason. He hadn't changed his outfit, and he didn't grow or do anything different to himself.

As they left the village, Naruto noticed that there were two old men at the guard post, not the usual chuunin. Also, once they left the gate, Tsunade took off to the left, deep into the forest.

"BAACHAN! Where are we going? If we're meeting with Kakashi and the others, why can't they wait for us in the village?" When there was no reply he stuck out his lip and pouted, muttering curses under his breath about annoying old hags.

Finally they stopped at the base of a large hill, and Tsunade paused for a moment and started to walk up it. Knowing he wouldn't get an answer, Naruto sighed and put his arms behind his head, walking alongside the Hokage and wondered what this was all about.

As they reached the top of the hill and Naruto gazed at the sight before him, his jaw dropped and his arms fell at his side. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Tears filled his eyes, and he muttered softly, "You guys . . . . "

So, what do you think? This chapter was mainly to set the mood, and my way of saying goodbye to our favorite Ero-Sennin. I still can't believe he died!

Like I've said, from now on, no matter what happens in the manga, I am not going to change anything that I've already planned, unless it works to my advantage. I really hope to make this one of my best works ever, and I hope you all enjoy it!