Yay! It's illutia mist again! This is the sequel from A Miracle Night and What I Want. This is a special session of Valentine and St. White. There will be two parts. The first is about the Valentine and the second is about St. White. I'll start with the first part, which is Valentine. Enjoy!!

Her Gift: A Failure Valentine's Day?


That whimper sound came from a brunette who was sucking her left hand's index finger while holding a knife in the other hand.

"Are you okay, Mikan?" a pink wavy-haired girl asked in concern.

Mikan nodded as she smiled and said, "It's okay, Anna. This is a part of learning too."

"Okay. We continue then," Anna said, smiling back at the brunette.

What did our heroine do with the great chef? Well, here's the explanation.

Tomorrow's February 14th. Yes, it meant Valentine's Day. The day when the girls showed their affections to people they loved by giving them chocolates.

Mikan Sakura, who finally had a boyfriend, couldn't wait to celebrate her first Valentine's Day with her most beloved person after her grandfather. She had practiced with Anna to make her chocolate gift since a week ago after the class was over, in secret.

From whom she kept this secret? Of course from her boyfriend, the famous fire caster, Natsume Hyuuga. She wanted to make a surprise.

"Didn't your boyfriend get suspicious about this, Mikan?" Anna asked as she melted the chocolate.

"I don't know. I think he hasn't known so far," Mikan replied as she concentrated on splitting the chocolate into small pieces to be melted later.

"That's good then, or it won't be a surprise again." Anna chuckled.

"Yeah, he ever busted me when I went to the shop to buy some flours," Mikan said, still splitting the chocolate.

Anna looked at the brunette in surprise. "Seriously? How did you cover it?" she asked curiously.

"I told him that you're the one who told me to buy the flour because you're busy and needed the flour immediately," Mikan replied as she sighed.

"Did he know that you're lying?" Anna asked again.

"I think not. He didn't ask me again after that." Mikan finished splitting the chocolate. "Finished!" she said with a satisfied smile on her face.

"You've finished? Good. Now I teach you how to melt the chocolate," Anna said. "You mustn't put it directly on the fire. You must put the chocolate in a container than put it onto a pan filled with water. Then you lit up a small file while stirring the chocolate."

"And after that?" Mikan asked as she did all things Anna told her.

"We put it into a mold and freeze it inside the fridge," Anna ended.

"Okay. It's so simple." Mikan showed an understanding expression. "Actually, I want to bake a chocolate cake or cookies…" she whined as she started to stir the chocolate slowly.

"You've tried it five days ago and the result was the oven got exploded," Anna said, reminding the brunette at the days where she exploded the oven and the kitchen was shut for three days to be repaired.

"Actually…I still save those chocolate cookies that I made when the oven exploded," Mikan said sheepishly.

Anna looked at her in disbelief. "There are still remains of it?" she asked, shocked. Mikan nodded as a smile crept on her face. "Umm…You'll give it to Natsume?" Anna asked unsurely.

Mikan thought for a while. "Maybe not," she finally answered. "I'm not sure about its taste. Plus, the shapes are quite terrible," she added, a bit upset.

"That's better. I don't know what he'll say if you give him that cookies," Anna said as she caressed the brunette's back, trying to cheer her up.

Just then, a glass-breaking sound could be heard. And suddenly…


The explosion sound came from the kitchen. All of the students quickly ran to the source of the sound, which was the kitchen, and found two girls sitting on the floor in front of the door to the kitchen. They're Mikan and Anna. They were hugging each other and trembling badly. There were a few gray dust spots on their faces and uniforms.

Ruka and Hotaru, being the first persons that arrived at the place, quickly approached the two girls to help them.

"What happened, Sakura?" Ruka asked worriedly as he made sure those two girls were fine.

"Th-the kitchen su-suddenly exploded a-after w-we heard s-something like g-glass breaking s-sound," Mikan explained, stuttering because she was shocked and afraid.

"Where's Hyuuga, Nogi?" Hotaru asked with a serious expression.

"He's on a mission again. Why?" Ruka was curious because Hotaru asked about Natsume. Well, there's a bit jealousy appeared in his heart too. He had given up on Mikan after she had been together with Natsume. And at the same time, he had grown a little feeling for the blackmailer in his heart.

Hotaru had an annoyed face on her face. "Should you ask? His girlfriend is in shock and she needs him," she said in irritation. "By the way, who's the culprit that responsible for this explosion?" she asked as she looked at Anna, who had been silent since she and Ruka arrived there. Anna just shook her head as more students arrived at the place and got wondered at what had happened.


"So, who caused the 'kitchen-exploded' incident?" Hotaru asked Narumi, who just came back from the 'urgent-meeting' which was held by the teachers five minutes after the incident.

"Some students with chemical alice just went back from the lab and passed the kitchen, when one of them threw a potion at the other. The victim was unpleased and wanted to get revenge by throwing his own potion too, without knowing what the effect was. The first suspect avoided the potion and it hit the kitchen window, then BAM!" Narumi explained then sighed after he ended the story.

Hotaru raised an eyebrow. "What if Mikan and Anna couldn't get out of there on time? They could be killed!" she stated angrily.

"Yeah…about that, we have decided to give them detentions. We hope this incident won't happened again next time," Narumi said, trying to calm the angry blackmailer.

"You better be," Hotaru muttered as she turned away and stomped off from that place with Ruka following her from behind.

"By the way, how are Mikan and Anna?" Narumi said a bit loud so Hotaru could hear it.

Hotaru stopped then turned to him. "They have gone back to the dormitory. They're too shocked and must calm themselves first," she said and turned back again, continuing to stomp off from the place with Ruka, who was still trailing her from behind.


"Where's that Hyuuga anyway?" Hotaru asked in annoyance as she folded her arms in front of her chest and tapped her finger on her other arm impatiently.

Hotaru and Ruka were on their way to the dormitory now. After they were waiting for Natsume at the Sakura tree for two hours, Hotaru got impatient and decided to go back to the dormitory.

"He has said this mission will take longer than usual," Ruka said while patting his white rabbit's head. "You can't blame him for doing those missions too. You know his reasons."

Hotaru sighed. "I know," she said with her stoic face, "but I'm worried about Mikan. And he's the only person she needs right now."

Ruka smiled at the holder of Ice Queen and Blackmailer nickname. Hotaru looked at him with an irritated face. "What?" she asked, annoyed.

"Nothing. Just thinking that you really care about Sakura," he replied, still with his angelic smile on his face.

Hotaru blinked then looked away. "Of course. She's my best friend," she said, trying to hide the blush which slightly appeared across her cheeks.

"I'm worried about Natsume too," Ruka said as he looked at the sunset view. The red color had dominated the sky. "I'm glad he is finally together with Sakura," he added, drowning in the melancholic atmosphere. Hotaru just stared at him, enjoying the sunset view together with the animal prince.


"Where is this?" Mikan wondered when she suddenly appeared in a dark place. "Hello? Natsume? Hotaru? Ruka? Everyone?"

'It's dark…It feels a bit creepy here…' she thought as she hugged herself, feeling cold.

Suddenly there's a little light appeared in front of her. 'A light! It's better now!' she thought happily.

But something strange was happened. The light got bigger and bigger and bigger then…



"NO!!" Mikan shouted as she directly sat up on her bed.

"It's okay, little girl. You just had a nightmare," a deep voice said as Mikan felt someone holding her gently.

"Na-Natsume…?" she called the person's name; the person she had been waiting for.

"I've heard from Ruka about the incident. Sorry…I wasn't there…" Natsume said as he stroked her long auburn hair gently while hugging her.

Mikan shook her head as she clutched his shirt tightly. "No…It's okay…You didn't do anything wrong…" she muttered as she rested her head against the crook of his neck.

"What did you do in the kitchen anyway?" the crimson-eyed boy suddenly asked.

Mikan grew quiet, sweat dropping. "Uh…Anna needed my help to make something, so I helped her," she excused, hoping Natsume didn't realize she was lying.

Natsume raised an eyebrow. "Her again? You're always with her for about a week. What did she make anyway?" he asked curiously, still hugging the brunette.

'Here he goes…' Mikan thought as she tried to think out of another excuse. "Um, she wanted me to test her new cakes!" The sentence blurted out just like that from her lips.

Natsume pulled away and a smirk played on his face. "Testing cakes for a week? Watch out for your weight, Polka-dots," he teased his lovely girlfriend.

Mikan pouted. "I'm not an easy-fat person, you know," she complained. 'I regret I said a wrong excuse,' she whined in her head.

Natsume pinched her left cheek with his right hand, still smirking. "Let's see if you really didn't get fat," he said.

"Stop pinching my cheek! It hurts!" she wailed while slapping his right hand away.

He pulled back his right hand and moved it onto her head, ruffling her auburn hair. Mikan was pouting as she gently rubbed her left cheek, which had a little red mark on it.

"Now go back to sleep, little girl," Natsume said, still ruffling her hair.

"What time is it?" Mikan asked as she looked at the clock.

It's 3 am. It's so early in the morning.

'Doesn't that mean it's already Valentine's Day?' she thought as her eyes widened for a bit. 'I didn't have any chocolate to give him yet!!'

Natsume looked at her confusedly. He hardly could understand the brunette's expression at that time. "Little girl? What's wrong?" he asked, worried.

But Mikan didn't hear his question. She was lost in her thought. 'The kitchen was ruined because of the explosion. I can't make any chocolate again and I don't have any time for it! I don't like to give him the chocolate which isn't made by myself! I'll feel dissatisfied!' she thought hardly.

Mikan then glanced at the drawer at the bedside table. 'I still have those cookies. But he'll make fun of me if he see that 'indescribable-shape' cookies! Moreover the taste! I won't give him that!' she thought as she held her head. 'What a failure first-Valentine-with-my boyfriend-day!'

Natsume stared at Mikan, who kept on glancing at the bedside table. He followed her gaze to the bedside table and saw nothing on it. He brought his gaze down for a bit and saw the drawer. He stretched his arm to the drawer and pulled it. Realizing what her boyfriend was doing at that time, Mikan made a quick move and pushed the drawer back.

Natsume looked at her with a quizzical look. "What are you hiding?" he asked. Mikan shook her head quickly. He raised an eyebrow. "You're definitely hiding something from me," he said and pulled the drawer again while Mikan pushed it back. "Little girl…" he called in a deep voice, annoyed.

"It's nothing, Natsume! Really!" Mikan said as she tried to give him a convincing smile.

"I don't believe you," he stated simply.

"Whatever. Now, go back to your room. I'm going back to sleep," she said.

"Trying to kick your boyfriend out from your room? It's not working," he said and pulled the drawer harder. He saw something inside of it.

A box.

"WAAHH!! DON'T!" Mikan shouted in panic as she quickly pushed the drawer back then sighed in relief.

"What is this?" Natsume asked.

Mikan looked at him then her eyes widened. She pulled the drawer and saw nothing inside there. She looked at Natsume again.

"H-h-h-how? How did you take it?!" she asked in surprise while pointing at the box in his hand.

Natsume smirked. "Surprised, little girl?" he teased her. "Now let's see what you're hiding from me," he said as he opened the simple white colored little box.

"DON'T!" Mikan threw her body forward, trying to get the box before Natsume saw the content.

But it caused them landing in an awkward position. Natsume lay on the bed by his back while Mikan was lying on top of him, trying to get the box he held in the end of his long arm. Natsume prevented her hand to reach the box by holding her hand with his other free hand. Just then, he felt something on her fingers.

"What's wrong with your hand?" he asked suddenly, attracting Mikan's attention from getting the box.

"Huh?" she stopped as she looked at him, confused.

Natsume brought her hand in front of him. He saw a few bandages on her fingers. He didn't realize it before because he was too curious with the box that Mikan hid before.

"There are bandages here and there on your fingers. What happened?" he asked.

Mikan quickly sat up as she hid her hands behind her back. "Nothing. It's…it's because of a little accident!" she excused as she smiled at him.

Natsume sat up slowly and looked at her intently. Mikan shifted her gaze to the other direction when those crimson orbs looked at her, straight into her eyes. She hardly could stand those orbs. On the other side, Natsume saw this as an opportunity and opened the box. Inside the box, there were a few of strange-shape things.

"What are these things?" he asked in confusion, making the brunette snap her head to him again. Her eyes widened when she found out he had opened the box.

"You opened it!!" she accused him while pointing him with her index finger.

Natsume arched an eyebrow. "What's so wrong with it? This is for me anyway," he said as he showed her a note behind the box's cap.

To: Natsume

Mikan froze for a while then blushed. She quickly buried her face on the pillow. 'Stupid me! Why did I write his name there in the first place?!' she blamed herself for being a stupid one.

"Don't tell me your fingers are like that because of these stupid things," he said sarcastically.

Mikan glared at him. "Stupid?! Yeah! I'm stupid for making those 'unsuccessfully baked' chocolate cookies for you because of the Valentine's Day! I'm stupid for hurting my pretty fingers for those non-sense chocolate things! And I'm stupid because I was lying to you this whole week just to make those stupid things that you won't accept and won't eat! And that's why I don't want to give it to you!!" she snapped as her face got reddened at each sentence. She was hurt and mad because of his sarcastic comments. She had tried hard to make him something for the Valentine's Day.

"I never said I won't accept or eat it," Natsume said with his stoic face as he took a chocolate cookie from inside the box.

"But you'll make fun of me because of those terrible shapes and taste!" Mikan retorted while pouting.

Natsume played a smirk on his lips. "You said it," he teased her while taking a bite of the cookie. "The shape's ugly and it's bitter."

Mikan buried her face on the pillow again and wailed in a loud voice, "Ugh!! I know you'll say it!! If it's not because of the incident, I'll-"

"Polka-dots." That nickname made a vein pop on her head and she stopped wailing.

She snapped her head at him and protested, "What's with that-" But her protest was cut off when she felt something on her lips.

Something warm, soft and…bitter?

Mikan blinked and realized that her face was so close to Natsume's. He was kissing her!

Natsume pulled back while Mikan was stunned on her spot. His lips curved into a smirk once again. "Now the taste is better," he said.

Mikan blushed furiously. She looked at his smirk and bent her eyebrows in annoyance. "I think my mind said you'll do that until you eat all the cookies," she muttered.

Natsume's smirk widened as he took a bite of the cookie again and leaned towards her. "You guessed it right," was his last words before he claimed the brunette's lips once again.

Maybe this wasn't a failure Valentine's Day after all…

Ruka suddenly woke up from his slumber as he felt cold air touching his skin. He looked at his window and found out it was opened.

"I don't remember I opened the window before," he said as he got off from his bed and approached the window.

He was about to close the window when he found a small box on the windowsill. It's a simple yellow colored box with a purple colored ribbon wrapping it. There's no any card that showed the sender's name.

His lips curved into a smile. He knew the sender and he was very sure of it. He took the box and closed the window. He went to his bed and sat on it as he stared at the box for a while.

"I can't wait for the St. White," he said before he took off the ribbon and opened the box.

Yeah. He really couldn't wait until next month.

This time, he would be the one who took an action.

--Valentine's session end--

That's the Valentine's session! Hope you like it! For the St. White's session, sorry, but I like to post it on St. White, which is fall on March 14th. I hope I can make it on time due to my others fanfic, which are When I Met You and Small Pieces of You, plus the final project has been started. I'll try hard to make the St. White's session in this narrow time.

Thank you for reading, everyone!! I'll wait for the reviews!!