Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Ancients.

Harry/ I don't want to give it away yet.

I own neither Harry Potter nor Stargate I make no claim in owning them. I only write this for the amusement of my self and others. Part of this story will come directly from the book or Stargate episodes, I also make no claim to theses I only borrowed them to help develop the characters and advance the plot, plus they are pretty integral.


Looking over the ruins of Celestial Temple, the bodies of countless humans, Jaffa, co-workers and friends. It had happened again; every time he started to build a life for himself it would be taken away. Vala, killed by Tomin, Janet killed by Jaffa, Sara taken as a host as was Sha're, Tonks, Hermione and Ginny were killed in the final battle, Fleur and Gaberielle executed with their mother by death eaters in France, his mother died saving him. Jack and Bra'tac had led the battle dieing when the Odyssey was destroyed, Teal'c and Cam killed by the Doci, SGC was destroyed when they came back from that mission right after they got back from the Asgard home world. The twins and Moony along with half of Hogwarts slaughtered before the final battle, Sirius slain by Bellatrix and his father gave his life to protect his wife and child.

Cradling Sam in his arms as she died Daniel could only see injustice, he was the fates favourite toy, discover something about the Ancients and unleash the Ori on their galaxy, figure out the symbols on the stargate and open up their world to the Gou'ald, be born and he had a powerful dark lord kill his family. They had their fun at his and everyone he cared abouts expense, and he was about to be the last alive again, Sam wouldn't survive much longer and he would be the last of his family left alive again, in the middle of Ori territory on their home world, centre of the palace, Doci's chamber.

Looking down at Sam as the light faded from her eyes, looking emptily up at him his mind was cast back to the first time he had seen that look, Cedric.

"You reach the journey's end. When you look back what do you see?" Not even bothering to look up at Oma as she asked, he knew what was coming. They were going to offer him ascension, believing it to be the ultimate reward or what he wants. He just wants those he cares about back.

Feeling the familiar sensation of his body melting away becoming pure energy Daniel decided he wasn't going to go through it again. Acting while he still had legs he ran and through himself into the centre of the Ori's power. His last thought being that he could now see those that he'd lost.


Harry sat there, aware that every head in the Great Hall had turned to look at him. He was stunned. He felt numb. He was surely dreaming. He had not heard correctly.

There was no applause. A buzzing as though angry bees, was starting to fill the Hall; some students were standing up to get a better look at Harry as he sat, frozen, in his seat.

Up at the top table, Professor McGonagall had got to her feet and swept past Ludo Bagman and Professor Karkaroff to whisper urgently to Professor Dumbledore, who bent his ear towards her, frowning slightly.

Harry turned to Ron and Hermione; beyond them, he saw the long Gryffindor table all watching him, open-mouthed.

"I didn't put my name in," Harry said blankly. "You know I didn't."

Both of them stared just as blankly back.

At the top table, Professor Dumbledore had straightened up, nodding to Professor McGonagall.

"Harry Potter!" he called again. "Harry! Up here, if you please!"

"Go on," Hermione whispered, giving Harry a slight push.

Harry got to his feet, trod on the hem of his robes and stumbled slightly. He set off up the gap between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables. It felt like an immensely long walk; the top table didn't seem to be getting any nearer at all, and he could feel hundreds and hundreds of eyes upon him, as though each was a searchlight. The buzzing grew louder and louder.

Suddenly it was like an explosion had just gone off in his head, thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories running through his head, too fast to comprehend, pain erupted like a super nova in his head. Hand automatically going to his scar whenever there is pains more than a simple headache. Flashes; the third task, Cedric being killed, Sirius dieing, Snape's memories, final battle, Hermione's death, and more, out of sequence, out of order.

Harry could feel people becoming nervous in the Hall, but not knowing why. He didn't know that he had stopped moving or that blood was freely pouring from his scar, nose and eyes.

As suddenly as it started the pain subsided, going from a blinding pain to more a dull throb, he could think, he knew what the tasks were and when, he knew about Umbridge, Dementors, Fudge, all that Snape had and will do and Voldemort's final death. He knew the next few years but not beyond that, not in any coherent fashion anyway, just glimpses.

Head snapping up eyes locking on Moody, with out even thinking a spell had left his hand, impacting Moody and throwing him into the staff table, summoning Moody's wand to his hand and then apparating over Moody with Moody's wand pointed at his own conscious form. All without realising, saying a word or drawing his own wand.

Envenerating Moody, Harry looked down at him with barely controlled anger.

"Tell them."

"Tell them what boy?!"

"What your really doing here and who you really are."

And that Moody looked a bit shocked but then covered it up well and didn't say another word. Most of the Hall was wondering what was going on, not being able to hear, the staff at the table how ever could hear every word.

Harry looked and Snape then turned back to Moody with a cruel smile on his face. In a clear voice Harry commanded "Accio Veritaserum". The front right pocket of Snape's robes tore and a small vial landed in Harry's outstretched hand. Looking again at Moody, "Open." Moody however refused to open his mouth. "I don't have time for this." Harry muttered to himself as he summoned a knife off the table and stabbed Moody in the hand with it, his responding scream aloud Harry to the vial up to it's neck upside down in his mouth. Clamping his hands over Moody's nose and mouth stopping air from escaping forcing him to drink it, after a few moments removing the now empty vial.

"What job were you hired to do?"

"Teach defence against the dark arts."

"Who hired you?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"What is your real name?"

"Barty Crouch Jr."

A shocked gasp came from just about everyone in the Hall, while a few others were turning slightly green from the way Harry was treating Crouch Jr.

"Who put my name in the Goblet?"

"I did."


"My master commanded it."

"Who is your..."

"Harry that is enough." The bellowing voice of Dumbledore came from where he still stood. "We will continue this in private. Now join the other champions."

Harry felt the brushes of a Legilimency probe and violently rebuffed it causing Dumbledore to stumble back a few paces with a shocked look upon his face. Rather than talk to him or anyone Harry just turned on the spot and walked towards the room with the other three champions.

He suddenly spotted something and summoned it and cast a specialised revealing charm as it made his way towards him, once it came to a stop Rita Skeeter was sprawled in front of him.

"Rita, your going to report everything as it happened here, not what Dumbledore tells to, not what the ministry or Fudge tell you to, not what your twisted little mind came come up with, no opinions. Just what happened?" Looking at her to let her know he won't accept anything else. She still tried regardless.

"Ah...Harry, how about an interview and you can tell me why you entered into the tournament..."

"No. Just do what I said."

"And if I don't?"

Rather than replying Harry just looked at her, not saying anything, not moving, not even blinking. Rita had never been so scared in her life. With a frantic nod she left through the main doors and apparated once she reached Hogsmead.

Meanwhile Harry continued to the door where the other champions are.


Closing the door and completely ignoring the three other occupants of the room Harry walked over to the window leaned against it and looked out not even hearing as they tried to talk to him already lost in his thoughts. Trying to organise the other thoughts and knowledge then work out where it came from he didn't even realise he had started singing to himself, barely above a whisper but the other three could hear him, while his singing voice was better than most it wasn't by far the best but could be considered good.

This is what Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Maxime, Kakaroff, Crouch Srn. and Bagman walked into. Cedric, Fleur and Krum stood around the fire staring at Harry wondering what he was doing here, Harry stood leaning against a window looking out singing in a quiet but clear voice 'Disarm' by 'Smashing Pumpkins'. With the exception of Snape they all stood stock still staring and listening to Harry who didn't even realise anyone else was in the room.

As he finished Cedric and McGonagall had thoughtful looks, Dumbledore was an impassive mask, Maxime and Fleur were confused, Kakaroff was looking a bit fearfully at Harry having seen what he did to a death eater, Krum was still wondering what Harry was doing, Crouch looked a bit sick but healthier than he had in a while and Bagman still looked excited.

"Harry..." Dumbledore began once they all gained their bearings. Only to stop when Harry turned around and he saw his face.

The gasp from Fleur pretty much said it all. Harry stood there with a questioning look on his face, his face however had blood covering his lips, chin, neck and the parts that connect them from his nose down, blood from his eyes that looked like tears tracks, from his ears running down his neck again and from the scar on his forehead blood had poured down the right side of his face just missing his eye. All the blood had since dried giving him the look of a injured solider, strangely enough this is just how he looked after killing Voldemort, the blow back from the connection after killing him had almost caused an aneurism, though he didn't have the dislocated shoulder or broken ribs.

"What?" Harry now looked at the others as they stared at him with varying degrees of disbelief or pity.

"Harry you have blood all over your face." Cedric finally said.

Putting his hand to his face and finding that he did have dried blood over his face he waved his hand a bit and the blood was suddenly gone.

"Harry where did you learn to do wandless and silent magic?" asked Dumbledore in a polite almost conversational voice.

"I won't be telling you that." was all he got in reply from Harry.

"Harry I must insist."

"Oh...well if you insist, then the answer is still no." Harry's voice was as polite as Dumbledore's had been when he first questioned Harry.

Both McGonagall and Maxime had to bite the inside of their checks to stop from laughing.

"Harry..." Tried Dumbledore again only to be cut off from Harry.

"What makes you think that anything you say will change my answer?" raising an eyebrow as he asked, and since he didn't expect an answer he continued. "Can we just have the instructions for the first task? I have a headache and would like to sleep it off."

"Yes...Yes of course." Clearing his throat trying to make himself look official Ludo began. "The first task is designed to test your daring, so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard...very important." A snort from Harry drew everyone's attention.

"And yet so few have it."

"...right. The first task is on November the twenty fourth in front of a panel of judges. So you four need to prepare."

"FOUR" This came from Fleur who hadn't really said anything up until this point.

"Yes, you, Victor, Cedric and Harry." Answered Ludo forgetting that they hadn't been in the Great Hall when it had been announced.

"But 'e iz too little!"

"I don't think my height has anything to do with my ability to perform magic." stated Harry irritated as the headache grew again.

"Speaking of magical ability, Harry you grabbed your scar in the Hall before you attacked the impostor." Dumbledore trying to redirect everyone's attention again.

Looking directly into his eyes, Harry fought all the Legilimency probes and answered distracted by the Legilimency attacks, "Which scar?"

"The one..." Dumbledore's clarification was interrupted by Cedric.

"What do you mean 'which scar?'"

Still distracted Harry answered, "The one on my forehead that everyone knows, one on my right arm from the Basilisk, ankles and calf have bite marks from dogs, then there's my shoulders, lower back and a few on my chest."

"What? Where from." McGonagall's voice startled Harry out of his battle of wills with Dumbledore.

Playing it over in his mind Harry realised what he had said, deciding that dealing with it now they would leave him alone for a while. Chuckling bitterly "It was an understatement what you said to Dumbledore that November night years ago." and with that Harry left the room through the door that led to one of the castle's many corridors.

"What did 'ou zay too Dumbly-door?" asked Maxime.

"That these were the worst sort of muggles."

"What do muggles have to do with anything?" This came from Crouch Srn.

"It was the night we left Harry on the doorstep of his muggle relatives." and with that she too left the room, she had to think. The mistakes she made, the problems they had caused Harry and how to fix it.


Harry, after leaving the room had headed straight for the room of requirement, remembering it from when he had or rather would teach the DA in his fifth year. Entering it to find just what he needed, a small flat that fit all of his needs, bedroom through one door that had a double bed with canopy, wardrobe with clothes in his size, a number of the clothes were in camouflaged BDUs his mind had called up and that only confused him more, the term and the clothes were familiar but he can't remember ever seeing them before so how could they be familiar. There were jeans and leather jackets, black tops and work out clothes. Moving into another room to find it filled with exercise equipment that he somehow new how to use, another room contained a small kitchen with a table cable of seating eight. Heading back into the main room Harry sat on one of the chairs near the fire, thinking about what he needed.


"Master Harry Potter Sir called Dobby sir?" excitable as always Dobby appeared.

"Dobby, how would you like to be the Potter family house elf, I know you said you like being free but you seem to like me as well so I was wondering..."

"YES! DOBBY WANTS TO BE MASTER HARRY POTTER SIRS HOUSE ELVE!!" Dobby all but screamed in his excitement.

Smiling at the excitement that Harry found himself unable to fell at the moment. "First Dobby could you ask if Winky wants to as well, she probably wants a family to serve as well." Dobby was nodding enthusiastically, any faster and he'd probably throw his head clear across the room. "If she does then I want both of you to go to Madam Malkin's; if you two are going to be house elves for the Potter family then you need to look the part as you both are the best house elves so I want you to show it. Take the money you need from my account at Gringott's, I want you both wearing Black formal robes with the Potter crest were the left Brest pocket would be." As Harry was saying this he was writing it down on a piece of parchment to be sure that who ever was working at Malkin's at this time did as Dobby asked.

With that done Harry turned in for the night, setting the alarm clock he found on his stand for five with out realising it again.


Getting up at the alarm the next morning Harry found himself running through a morning routine half asleep not thinking, by the time he was awake enough to realise it had been nearly two hours and he had worked out, showered, dressed, sat down to read a book he found on one of the shelves that materialised which was written in Latin but he understood every word of, and had asked Dobby to find out how and then make a coffee; Sumatra Mandheling, one cream, two sugars.

Deciding not to think about it too hard as he already had a headache he continued reading while drinking his coffee.

Still absorbed in his book Harry made his way to the Great Hall for breakfast, entering and sitting at next to Hermione he hadn't and still didn't notice all the eyes on him as he continued reading.

"Harry what are you doing?" Harry finally looked up when he heard Hermione whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"Your not wearing your school robes and your reading...which is something you rarely do." Looking at her Harry knew that she was holding back and it undoubtedly was to do with what he did to Crouch Jr. yesterday.

Sighing before answering, "It's a Saturday Hermione, school robes are compulsory Monday through Friday. And I find the book I'm reading interesting."

"But...but what your wearing..."

Looking down at himself, he was wearing black boots that looked more suited for hiking, plain green fatigue trousers and a black top with the sleeves cut of just after the shoulder. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Nothings wrong with what your wearing" she drawled back with a smile.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her to which she blushed in response. Looking around the room Harry could see some of the girls eyeing him with varying degrees of interest and lust; Ginny being the most obvious was almost drooling, Katie kept looking out of the corner of her eye at him and then blushed when he smiled at her. Hannah and Susan over at the Hufflepuff table look at him and then talk quickly with each other, Cho amusingly was looking back and forth between him and Cedric, Gaberielle was talking to Fleur and pointing at him however when she saw that he had seen her she blushed, heavily and looked at her breakfast. Fleur gave him a polite nod which he returned. Surprisingly enough Daphne Greengrass was also acting similar to the girls but her look was more calculating.

Finally able to get her blush under control. "Harry where did you get your clothes from?" she was aware of how the Dursley's treated him and was probably the only one who believed him.

"Found them in my room."

"Your room?"

"My room."

"And where is your room?"

"Can't tell you."

Shocked at the short reply. "Why not?"

"How's your Occlumency?" Answering her question with a question of his own.

Frowning thoughtfully, "I've read about it but I can't do it my self."

"Then I can't tell you." Seeing that she was going to press the issues Harry decided it would be quicker to answer the questions he knew were coming and avoid the ones he didn't want to answer by asking some of his own. "I have death eaters after me, Voldemort almost yearly trying to kill me, Slytherins who in most cases are going to become death eater wanting to do what they can to harm me, not to mention an assortment of other things to worry about Hermione. If you know Occlumency then you can protect your mind so that information and others doesn't get out."

"But no one here knows or practices Legilimency."

"Both Dumbledore and Snape use Legilimency often." Now that he had given her something to think about he decided to switch topics. "What happened to Crouch Jr. when I left?"

A little startled at his question Hermione took a few seconds to answer. "Dumbledore called the Ministry and Fudge arrived with some Aurors, just before Moody turned back into Crouch Jr..."

She didn't get to finish as Harry already knew what Fudge would do. "He took him away and had the Dementors give him the kiss rather than have it get out that death eaters and Voldemort are on the rise again. I knew I forgot something...should have sent an owl to Amelia and ignored Dumbledore when he said he'd deal with it."

Fred and George decided to get involved in the conversation. "Since when-"

"- are you on a-"

"-first name basis-"

"-with Susan's aunt?"

Harry simply shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Harry, what book are you reading?"

"Theodore Revishshire's Study of Obscure Magic's" Harry was expecting her response but hadn't counted on the sixth year Ravenclaw that was walking close by when he said that. The Ravenclaw looked at him then the book, then him and the book again then took of for the Head Boy and Head Girl who are both Ravenclaws this year.

"Where did you find it?" Hermione was speaking a little higher in pitch and a bit too fast so it was a good guess that she was excited over the book.

"In my room."

"Can I read it later?" Hermione's eyes were practically begging him to say 'yes read it now'.

"Can you read Latin?" If she couldn't then there was no point it letting her read one of the rarest books on the planet, a book filled with obscure and rare magic's, unheard of spells and potions that could alter the very magic of a person, that would really piss her off.

"No, what does that have to do with the book." Her mind is on one track, most likely repeating over and over again 'the book, the book'.

Rather than explain he showed her, when she saw that he was leaning over to show her she was practically bouncing with excitement. Only to stop when she found she couldn't read it.

"It's in Latin...How can you read Latin?" Her mind already switching gears.

"I've got to keep a few secrets Hermione."

"Is it a spell...there has to be a spell to allow you to understand other languages..." she was talking to herself now.

"There are Hermione but they aren't any good, when it translates it looses the meaning of words change, it looses substance so what you read or hear isn't quite what it actually is."

"Then how..."

"You'll have to learn to old fashioned way." Harry cut her off with a smile. "I've got to talk to Professor McGonagall so I'll see you later."

Harry was about to get up when he reached for his mug to find he had finished his coffee already. "Dobby." To say that the students and teachers in the Great Hall were startled to see a house elf appear wearing black formal robes would have been an understatement but what they saw next would have only deepened it.

"Yes Master Harry." Dobby with a smile, puffing out his chest proud of his new uniform, those closest could see the Potter crest on the uniform.

"Dobby I told you and Winky this morning to call me Harry, none of this master nonsense."

"It wouldn't not be right to call you Master, Master." Dobby still smiling but it was more of a cheeky grin now. "We'ss could call you Great Harry Potter Master of the Universe if yous like?"

Chuckling "I do like that title but no, I'm going to have to settle for Master Harry aren't I." It was more a statement than a question and they both knew it.

"Master Harry called?"

"Can I get a refill on my coffee?"

"Same as before?"

"Yes always when it come to coffee." As Dobby refilled his Harry watched Hermione, the twins, Ginny, a few of the staff and some of the students observe the interaction between him and the house elf, Ron was noticeable absent but that thought went to the back of his mind. Taking his first sip of the new cup. "Thank you Dobby you make the best coffee I've ever had."

Despite the banter from earlier Dobby nearly wet himself with that comment and he practically bounced away before snapping his fingers and vanishing.

Coffee and book in hand Harry walked up to the staff table.

"Professor McGonagall." Once he had her attention he continued. "I would like to take my OWLs in all the subjects I'm currently doing next week, plus NEWT potions, and for the rest of the year be transferred to Runes and Arithmancy only, if Moody likes I can help him with teaching DADA. Also when I'm tested I like for outside testers to be brought in, rather than have Hogwarts staff or Ministry officials test me."

The staff all sat there stunned, the student continued as normal as there was a sound charm around the table, which aloud the teachers to hear what was going on at the tables but not for the students to hear the teachers. After a while Moody started to chuckle, McGonagall was able to ask before Snape had the chance to go on a rant.

"What ever for, and what makes you think you are ready to take them?"

"I'm not going to be in the classes any way this year because of the tournament, I don't like Snape and would like to be out of his classes as soon as possible, this way using out side testers, Snape can't influence the result in order to fail me, people can't claim favouritism from the staff, and Fudge can't do either of those or other things if we don't use people from the Ministry. As for being ready, given what happens here yearly I've probably read sixty percent or more of the main library including the restricted section, done some powerful spells, last year is a good example of that last one, but I've been distracted, Voldemort living out of the back of Quirell's head, Basilisks, Dementors, Pettigrew, Snape and Malfoy have all given me reason to research but at the same time stopped me from fully applying it. Then with helping Moody, given what I've done the last three years and the scale of it I think it's safe to say that I have more experience and I'm more competent and qualified than the most of Fudge's Aurors."

They all sat there stunned at what he had said, except for, "Aye, yor right there lade. Fudge has ruined the Aurors, they don't know which end of their wands from the other."

Smiling as he replied, "There are a few exceptions, Kingsley, Tonks, Amelia and of course yourself."

"It will have to be the week after Harry, to get the testers in all those fields at such short notice will be difficult but not impossible." McGonagall finally agreed.

"Now Harry about that book we know you have."

Taking a sip of his coffee, "Theodore Revishshire's Study of Obscure Magic's, it's in Latin so only Vector, Babbling, Sinistra and Flitwick will be able to read it."

"Then why do you have it?" asked Snape finally managing to get a word in.

"Because I am fluent in Latin."

"Prove it!" came Snape's childish reply.

"I'll read from where I was, now is there a particular language you want me to translate it to or will English be ok." Saying it in French then Bulgarian and finally English.

"English will be fine." Dumbledore answered for them earning a scowl from both Maxime and Karkaroff.

"...in the case of so called blood magic's, they can be only used in offensive situations, suicide or last resort attacked that more than likely kill the user as well as the target. Over the years there have been many claims of defensive blood magic's, the most common claim is that of the blood wards. The claim is that an impenetrable field of protection occurs around a particular subject and any blood relative they live with. The claim is of course a lie, many have tried testing this and the results have always ended in death. While there have been blood barriers this is not the same, as the blood barrier is offensive attack which removes the blood of the person trying to get through and so is not the same as the so called blood wards. In most cases the claim of blood wards crops up when a powerful wizard wishes to leave an ignorant party open to attack or violence without the party realising it, notable examples are; Fecrad and Worthington Price, Fecrad later became the dark lord Defcra after Price had been killed in the supposed blood wards that Fecrad had set up, Xollish and...I don't think I need to continue." passing the book to Babbling to let her confirm what he had said, waiting a few moments as she translated he watched as Dumbledore tried to regain the colour after loosing it while Harry had spoken.

"He got it all right Dumbledore." Once Babbling had confirmed what Harry had said McGonagall looked furious.

"With that, Dumbledore I will not be returning to the Dursley's this summer or ever, nor will I have contact with them. I will not be listening to you on any matters that refer to my safety, any attempts at continuing to manipulate my life from now on with be met with severe repercussions." Harry turned to the other Professors and gave them a mock salute and left.


The next two weeks passed without incident for Harry, although people rarely saw him, Hagrid usually chatted a bit after Harry had finished doing his laps around the lake and was doing other callisthenics, when asked about the clothes he was wearing Harry merely shrug's his shoulders, when Hermione was asked by Hagrid and he described them Hermione had been confused when she replied that they are PT uniforms that the US military wears, the logos and colours being that of the USAF. Hermione saw Harry in both runes and arithmancy since both teachers had judged him good enough to be in both. Harry was rarely in the Great Hall eating as he either forgot being to engrossed in a book or ate in his room. The times that he did usually at weekends he could feel the eyes of a good half the hall on him, usually wearing what he wore the day after his name came out of the goblet.

Opening the door to his room he found Gaberielle curled up on one of his sofas she looked as though she had been crying, deciding not to wake her Harry sat in one of the chairs near her and started to read the book he had been as of late, Hermione looked like her head was going to explode when she found out it was 'Gravinskin Yevkisk's Mysteries of Transfigurations' and that it was written in ancient Greek.

Harry was brought out of his book some time later, he had no idea being absorbed in the book by a startled gasp. Looking over he saw Gaberielle staring at him with wide eyes.

Smiling at her, "Hello Gaberielle, would you like something to eat or drink?"

Getting only a shake of the head in response.

"Do you mind if I have a drink?"

Shake of the head again.

"Dobby" as soon as he appeared, "Dobby can I have a coffee?" looking over at Gaberielle again "you sure you wouldn't like anything?"

Swallowing hard she answered, "Can I haze zee cola?"

Dobby answered for Harry, "Coca-cola or Pepsi?"


Dobby snapped his fingers and their drinks appeared, snapping them again he disappeared.

"Gaberielle, why are you here?" Harry asked in a soft voice as possible.

"I got lost, zee zletherens ere calling 'e and Fleur bad names and I ran and I couldn't find my way back, I came in ere and waited for someone to ind 'e but fell asleep." Gaberielle looked to be on the verge of tears again, right now she looked younger than her eight years.

"Don't worry I'll take you back to Fleur, if you like we can talk a bit first. But you have to promise to keep this place here secret, it's my room and no one knows where it is."

Smiling at being the only person besides Harry to know where his room is, she looked around the room as she drank her coke, her eyes coming to rest on the acoustic guitar in the corner almost hidden in the shadows. Finally getting the courage to ask, "Arry is that 'our guitar?"

Smiling over at her before replying in French "Gaberielle you can speak in French if you find it easier. And yes that is my guitar, I can play it but I'm not very good at it."

Eyes going wide again, "Can you play something for me?"

"Sure, I can sing if you like as well but I'm worse at singing than I am at playing. What would you like me to sing."

Shaking her head, "I don't know, you chose Arry."

Walking over to get the guitar and sitting next Gaberielle on the sofa Harry played and sang 'LA Song' by 'Christen Kane'.

Gaberielle watched entranced until Harry finished, wide eyed hearing and seeing Harry Potter sing for her.

Once he finished Harry put the guitar down, he couldn't remember learning to play the guitar, nor where he'd heard the song or any of the other that he, Dobby or Winky had caught him singing. Turning to Gaberielle and smiling at her, "Shall we go find your sister now?"

Gaberielle merely nodded in response.

As they walked down a number of corridors Harry tried to talk to Gaberielle but she didn't seem to hear him. My singing couldn't have been that bad, he mused to himself as they came upon the Ravenclaw common room entrance, Harry answered the question to gain them entrance, and led Gaberielle inside, once she was Gaberielle walked ran over to Fleur and threw her arms around her. Fleur looked up to see Gaberielle tears running down her face again and the back of Harry's head as he slipped out.

" They were calling you and me bad names so I ran and I got lost and I waited in a room for someone to find me but no one did. And I fell asleep but when I woke up Harry was sat there reading a book, he asked if I wanted something to drink and I said a cola, and then we were drinking are drinks and I saw his guitar and asked if he could play, Harry told me he could but he wasn't very good, and he played this song and sang the words but he was really good. It was about pretty girls and the sun and diamonds, and then he brought me here."

"Who was calling you names?"

"The Slytherins" Gaberielle said with a mixture of disgust and fear.

"From now on I want you to stay with me ok?" Fleur got a nod in response from Gaberielle as she curled up in Fleur's lap before falling asleep.

Fleur thought back over everything Gaberielle had just told her, she knew Harry could sing, she'd heard him before and told Gabby about which was probably why she asked him to, Gaberielle had made it sound as if there was nothing better than Harry playing the guitar. The fact that he never mentioned or demonstrated either of these means what that Hermione girl said was right, that Harry didn't like the attention that he all too often got.

Fleur continued without realising it think about Harry before she to fell asleep in front of the Ravenclaw common room fire.


Breakfast the next morning, the school was joined by Harry, as soon as the Ravenclaws and Beauxbatons saw him most began whispering about him, most of them having spent last night talking about him after hearing and in some cases getting translations of what Fleur and Gaberielle had been talking about. The Hufflepuff table soon joined in when they heard what the 'claws were talking about, the Slytherins reacted with disgust, but one or two tried to keep apprised of what was being said about Harry. The Gryffindors were the last to hear but when Ginny heard there was an excited squeal from her direction.

Harry meanwhile had not noticed and was eating waffles, drinking his coffee while reading the last few chapters of 'Gravinskin Yevkisk's Mysteries of Transfigurations'. Harry wasn't aware of anything going on around him until Gaberielle called him name from behind him, turning around to talk to her.

"Morning Gaberielle, sleep ok?" All the 'Griffs were shocked at this as they hadn't seen much of Harry and to suddenly hear him speaking French well it was a surprise.

"Yes, thank you. Fleur says I'm to stay with her all the time now so I don't get lost."

Nodding, "Gaberielle, which Slytherins were calling you bad names yesterday?"

"The one with really white hair and his friends." she mumbled.

Trying to cheer her up, "I don't think his hair is supposed to be that white." Harry whispered conspiratorially to her, "It's too white, I think that he was dropped into some paint and they couldn't get it out properly, that's why his skins is whiter than most."

Gaberielle was giggling in response, and whispered back, "Maybe he got dirty and then was trying too hard to wash it out, and he's stuck like that now."

"Yes, and look at Snape his hair is really dirty and greasy, maybe he heard what happened to Malfoy and got really scared and now won't wash his hair."

Gaberielle was giggling almost hysterically now.

"Harry what did you say to her?" Hermione asked from his left, Ron was listening from in front of Harry, he hadn't said a word to Harry since him became the fourth champion, but Harry wasn't bothered, he remembered what Ron did...was going to do in his seventh year and couldn't care less what happened to Ron.

"We're talking about how Malfoy's hair is too white and Snivellus' is really greasy and why that is." Harry's eyes sparkling as he said it.

Hermione just smiled in response and shock her head as she turned back to her breakfast, the twins however were laughing having heard what he'd said to Hermione.

"What did you-"

"-and the littlest-"

"-princess come-"

"-up with?"

"Why do they talk like that?" Gaberielle asked although pleased that they called her a princess.

"I don't know but can we tell them what we think happened to Malfoy and Snape?" Gaberielle was nodding enjoying herself.

"So far we've got that Malfoy was dropped in a large amount of white paint, tried to wash it out unsuccessfully and that what gives him the very white skin and bleached hair." The twins were now chuckling, the first years that were sat nearby were laughing and told the second years, this continued down the table.

"Gaberielle thinks that Malfoy got really dirty and tried to wash it out too hard and it's stuck like that now, and Snape heard about it and is now too scared to go in the shower or bath." When he finished the twins exploded with laughter which brought the attention of most of the hall, they found the Griffin table at various stages and degrees of laughter. The first year Griffins were already telling the first year Puffs, so by no doubt Snape and Malfoy would know by lunch.

"Harry could you play your guitar again for me?"

"Later, and away from everyone, lunch near the lake?"

"I'll have to tell Fleur." Gaberielle was trying to hide that she was scared her sister would say no.

"Invite her, tell her that you, me and her will have a picnic by the lake and I'll play some then. But tell her away from every one else so no one hears."

Gaberielle was nodding almost like Dobby had been two weeks ago and ran off to talk to Fleur.

"Harry what was that about?"

"She just wanted to talk too me later." Hoping that she didn't catch on or find out that he plays the guitar or worse that he can sing ok-ish.

Smiling at him before responding, " I wouldn't by ay chance have anything to do with your singing voice or guitar playing abilities?"

Harry looked at her dumbfounded for a few seconds so she answered the un-asked question. "My parents have taken me on holiday to France a couple of times, I learned over the years."

"Don't tell anyone, it's bad enough now but if people found out that I can sing it be worse."

Deciding to spare him the worry that it was all the hall was talking about a few minutes ago was his guitar. "Don't worry I won't say anything, and I won't bother you on your date with Fleur and Gaberielle." Smiling again as she saw his head shoot up off the table so fast he almost fell out of his seat.

"Tha..."Swallow." That's not what it is."

"I know but others won't see that."

Sighing, "I'll have to deal with that later then." With that Harry got up and left for DADA with Moody, only to find when he got there that Moody wanted to demonstrate a duel.


One o'clock found Harry sitting on a large chequered blanket with Fleur and Gaberielle eating a light lunch and talking about everything and nothing. By half past Gaberielle had lost all semblance of patience and asked Harry if he brought his guitar.

"Shall I start with the song from last night?" Gaberielle was nodding, Fleur answered with a polite yes, while Harry leaned his back against a tree, legs out in front of him, Gabby sat in front of him to the left on crossed legs, Fleur likewise in front of him but to the right and was sat with her legs out to the side.

As Harry sang 'LA Song' again, Gaberielle was focused on him again, Fleur watched both, Harry seemed to act his age if not younger around Gaberielle, were as the rest of the time he was serious, studious and a little cold, it was like when he was singing he forgot abut what ever it was that bothered him. She did have to admit Gabby was right about Harry, though not to the extent that she went.

"How about a country-ish song this time?" Gabby was nodding again, Harry could probably tell her to slap Maxime around the face with a plate and she would.

This time Harry played a song he called 'Spirit Boy' by 'Christen Kane', the look on Gaberielle's face she probably thought that Harry and wrote the song himself about her.

"Um...the next song will sound strange because there won't be the other instruments that are meant to be with it." And with that Harry began 'What Hurts The Most' by 'Rascal Flatts'. Gaberielle had tears in her eyes as Harry sang, most likely thinking that Harry was singing about his parents, 'but that won't fit' thought Fleur, she knew Harry was singing about someone because his eyes were a little misty.

Rather than say anything Harry cleared his throat and started the next and last song he was going to sing today, 'Words I Couldn't Say' by 'Rascal Flatts', this time Fleur was sure he was singing about someone in particular as his voice cracked towards the end of the song. As soon as he put his guitar down Gaberielle throw herself forwards and wrapped Harry up in a hug. Harry smiled down at Gabby but Fleur could see the tears at the edges of his eyes which he was trying to hide, when Gaberielle let go of him they packed up the picnic. As Harry was about to shrink his guitar.

"Harry why did you hide your guitar when you came out here?" Gaberielle hadn't realised that he wanted to keep it a secret.

"I don't want people to know about it or my singing." Gaberielle looked on the verge of tears as soon as she finished. Throwing herself at Harry again and hugging his midsection.

"I'm sorry I didn't know and last night I told Fleur and some people heard and they told others and people kept telling other people." Gaberielle said as quickly as she could expecting the worst.

"Gabby, it's ok. Hermione told me that people know this morning, but I hid the guitar because I didn't want them to follow me and interrupt us during the picnic." Smiling at her as he finished to reassure her.

As the three of them walked back to the castle talking, a number of Slytherins and 'claws were just leaving the Great Hall to find Harry with the Delacour girls talking Harry and Fleur explaining to Gaberielle what certain words and meant and the songs in general. As they were about to split, Harry for his room, Fleur and Gaberielle for the Great Hall Fleur lent over and kissed Harry on the check, to which Harry blushed and Gaberielle watched again wide eyed, the 'claws and Slytherins however had already left in a hurry to begin rumours about what was going on between Harry and the Delacour girls.


Returning to his room that night after doing the first few of his tests, so far only written, his headache still there Harry decided to go see Sirius. Walking over to the fire and taking some of the floo powder.

Stepping out into No. 12 Grimwald Place seconds later to find Sirius pointing his wand at Harry.

"Put your wand away Sirius I'm not here to attack you."

"First your not Harry, second if you came here disguised then your probably going to attack me."

"Pettigrew is still alive, he was scabbers for twelve years, you were framed, your animagus form is that of a grim, dad's was a stag."

Blinking for a few seconds before dropping his wand and pulling Harry it a hug that put Mrs. Weasley's to shame, Harry felt tears coming to his eyes, he got the feeling he hadn't seen Sirius in years, yet he saw him only months ago. After a few moments he pulled out of the hug, still wishing it hadn't ended, he could see Sirius dieing in front of him replaying in his memory.

"Sirius we need to talk but first, are you any good at Occlumency?"

Snorting "Had to be, to go to Azkaban and not be insane when I came out."

"Good enough to stop Dumbledore and Snivellus from entering your mind?"

Smiling "Both have tried."

Casting wandlessly and silently an assortment of silencing and privacy charms on the room, walls, doors and just about everything, Harry then turned back to Sirius to see a look of awe on his face which was then replaced with a joking smile.

"I see Moody has passed on his paranoia to the next generation."

"You can't tell anyone one what I'm about to tell you, not Moony, Tonks, Moody, no one from the order and especially not Dumbledore." Seeing Sirius' stunned nod slowly Harry continued. "When my name came out of the goblet I got a blindingly painfully headache, it felt like someone had cast a Crucio right inside my brain. Then as soon as it started it stopped, and I had all these memories, there my memories I know that, but there of things I haven't done or rather haven't done yet. I saw Cedric killed by Voldemort just before his resurrection, each of the tasks, Moody revealing himself to be Crouch Jr. really. People I care about dieing..." Voice cracking here Harry pressed on regardless. "You, Hermione, Tonks, Fleur and Gaberielle, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Moony and most of the Hogwarts students killed before I killed Voldemort and most of his death eaters. Only for what was left of the Ministry to try and throw me in Azkaban for killing the upstanding members of society who were death eaters. I left before they could, turned my back on magic and the world that had betrayed me, changed my name and appearance. After that all my memories are confused, jumbled out of order, they sometimes flash by but are gone, there are some feelings connected to some, I have a memory of a women, she's a doctor, we're trying to help someone who'd been shot, but then she's hit and killed instantly, I was close to her. I get flashes of battles as well, not wizards but muggle wars, guns and explosions every where. I don't understand it all but I do know I have time to deal with that later." taking a deep breath to get himself under control, fighting back the tears the he wouldn't allow to fall. "Right now I have to deal with Voldemort, I have to destroy his horcruxes."

Sirius who had watched and listened to Harry all through that could see the toll it had all taken on him, while he was more confident he was guarded, caring the weight of changing what he had seen. The way Harry spoke there was no doubt in Sirius mind that he was telling the truth, the way Harry spoke reminded of Lily's father the one time he'd met him. Sirius had talked to him about the war with Voldemort and how it was going, he in turn had told Sirius about some of the things he went through during WW2. That frightened Sirius more than he would ever admit, that Harry already sounded like a combat veteran from a terrible war, knowing that wizard wars were nothing compared the muggle wars scare him even more.

"A horcrux is a piece of the person's soul, a dark wizard as it requires killing a person to take the piece of your own soul to create a horcrux. Voldemort created or will create six intentionally and one by accident, there is one upstairs, a silver locket with an 'S' carved into it, the locket was Salazar Slytherins locket. Your brother stole it when he defected, I destroyed one two years ago in the chamber of secrets but didn't know what it was at the time, it was Riddle's diary and the second horcrux he created. There's Helga Hufflepuff's cup which is in the Lestrange vault, Gaunt family ring which as it turns out is also one of the Deathly Hallows the Resurrection stone. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem which is hidden in Hogwarts and Nagini which he created earlier this year."

"You said seven, you only mentioned six."

Swallowing and not looking at Sirius as he barely above a whisper spoke his answer, "When Voldemort killed Mum and Dad he formed a connection between himself and me by accident. That connection links are minds so when he is corporal I can see into his mind and he into mine, this connection is because my scar is the last Horcrux." Still not looking at Sirius he continued as his voice became detached, "They are difficult to destroy Horcruxes, two of them with Basilisk fangs, three with Gryffindor's sword, one using Fiendfyre and the one in me using a killing curse." Tears were building at the corners of Harry's eyes now as he relieved it the whole battle, people dieing, seeing spectres of Mum, Dad, Sirius and Remus, being killed and then coming back to life, afraid of what Sirius' reaction would be to finding out that he had a piece of Voldemort's soul in him.

Sirius was stunned silent again, but he still noticed Harry edge away from as though he was afraid of him. 'fawn thinks I'm going to hurt him because of what Voldemort did to him' tears in his eyes he pulled Harry into another hug, in which Harry finally let it all go and broke down crying, falling asleep admits his and Sirius tears.


A few hours later Remus walked into the sitting room to find Harry asleep restlessly in one of the chairs although it was more accurate to say he was having a nightmare, and a bad one at that, standing there watching him for a few minutes Remus would hear Harry call out someone's name, fear filling his voice, some of the names he recognised, his own ,Sirius, Tonks although he didn't know how Harry knew her. There were other he didn't know though; Sarah, Janet, Sam, Vala, Sha're and a few other. Tears were running down Harry's face despite the fact that he was asleep, and he kept jerking about as though being in pain, not able to keep watching he turned away and saw Sirius sat there on one of the chairs watching Harry as well.

"Padfoot, what the fawn doing here?"

"He came here to talk to me."


"I can't tell you, I promised Harry I wouldn't tell anyone. He went as far as to check my Occlumency shields while we were talking."

Frowning knowing that Harry had never been taught that, as far as he knew. "Why?"

"Making sure that Dumbledore and Snape couldn't look in my mind for what he told me."

"So they both tried it on you too." Was Remus' reply knowingly.

Neither of them had realised that Harry had awoken while they were talking. "Before I tell you Mooney you need to promise not to tell anyone."

"MERLIN'S BALLS! Harry don't scare me like that." Sirius leaped out of his chair as he yelled in surprise.


"Of course fawn, I promise never to reveal anything you tell me with out your expressed permission." A blue light flashed as he finished, Sirius repeated Mooney's words just to be sure as the magically binding vows were created.

Over the next hour Harry explained to Remus what he had to Sirius and then went into more detail about some things and events and what he planned to do. Both Sirius and Remus were firmly against Harry saying that he would destroy all the horcruxes the same way as before considering that the piece in him had been destroyed when he was hit with a killing curse and he'd been temporally dead. So Harry with drew the part that dealt with the piece inside of him but the rest stood.

"Sirius do you have a pensieve?"

"No, sorry fawn, there was a pensieve but Bella took it."

"I'll ask Dobby then." as he finished said house elf appeared, the looks on Sirius and Remus' faces at Dobby in uniform was priceless. "Dobby because you are a Potter family elf does that mean you know about the properties that Dumbledore has been hiding from me?"

"Dumbles-door has been hiding Master Harry's things?! Dobby will get them back now and..."

"Dobby don't worry I'll deal with Dumbledore this summer, but do you know if I own a pensieve somewhere?"

"Yes, there is one at the Potter Manor, it is empty but is in a room filled with memories in bottles."

"Can you bring the pensieve to my room? Do you know where abouts at Hogwarts Tonks is? She is the person hiding under a invisibility cloak and a disillusionment charm."

"Dobby can bring Master Harry's pensieve, and Tonkies is out side Master Harry's room."

"Thank you Dobby, can I have a coffee as well?" as soon as he finished the question there was a cup of coffee in his hand.

"I'll see you two soon" and with that Harry apparated back to his room, to find the pensieve sitting in the centre of the room.

Thinking it over he came to the conclusion that it would take at least a full day to sort out the memories in is head, putting them in order and understanding them using both the pensieve and Occlumency. Problem is he can't get a full uninterrupted day.


"Yes Master Harry."

"Dobby, I need you tell Madam Pomfrey that I'm ill and can't attend my lessons or exams tomorrow."

"Master Harry is ill, what is Master Harry needing?"

"Dobby I'm not really ill but I need the time to sort out my memories, tell Madam Pomfrey that I have Albanian Fiszzillwick Bowlow disease, and that you need the potions for me." After a seconds thought. "Also ask her who made the potions, if she tells you that Snape made them you are to refuse to even touch them as Snape is likely to try and poison me. If she insists on treating me herself then inform her that the only people who are allowed to see me are Gaberielle, Fleur and Hermione and since I'm ill even they can't see me right now."

"Yes Master Harry." and with that Dobby popped away to what would likely be a lengthy argument with the nurse.

Walking over to one chair where his latest book 'Parslemouth, Parsletounges and others, an in-depth study by Ernest Ivelsih'.

"Set it to go off five seconds after activation"

Spinning around to try and find the source of the voice that he recognized as his own. To find nothing. After a few seconds he sat in the chair and picked up the book only for.

"What are you talking about?" It was his voice again.

"She started off all sweet and innocent to begin with. Now she's hell-bent on domination of the galaxy." This was now a female voice, it seemed familiar to him but he had never heard it before.

"What how old is she?" His own voice again.

"A few hours." The female voice replied, the confusion evident even in the frank way in which she stated the fact.

Waiting for more voices or conversations Harry heard none, deciding that it would be better just to go to bed.


Fleur was sitting in the infirmary with Gaberielle who was ill, she hadn't been feeling to well after dinner a few hours after lunch with Harry, now the nurse was running scans. When Harry's house elve popped in, when he saw them he asked what was wrong, stating that Harry would be worried if something happened to them. Gaberielle smiled a little, probably at Harry being worried about her, she told the little elve what was wrong and then it's eye grew a little large and told them that Harry wasn't feeling to good either and that he had been feeling ill since he brought food from the Great Hall for him.

The house elf then proceeded to tell them and the nurse in particular the reason why Harry didn't want people to see him after the nurse had tried to get Dobby to tell her where Harry's room was. Watching Gaberielle smile when the house elf said that she along with Fleur and Hermione are the only people that Harry would allow in if he were not ill.

The nurse's reaction to the elf telling her that he won't take anything made by the potions professor was amusing to say the least, she only calmed down when the elf told her of his former death eater status and when asked how he knew the only reply they got was that he was the former Malfoy elf before Harry had freed him. With some of the emergency potions that St. Mungo's sent to large magic places in Britain in hand the house elve popped back to Harry, ad Fleur turned back to comforting Gaberielle who was now worried about Harry.


Harry where he was had no body, staring out into infinite black and darkness. The logical part of his mind that still remained during dream recognised it as a dream or at least a dream like state.

"You ever really study one of these?" His own voice again like earlier although now in a dream, it was almost drowning in pain, remorse and other emotions Harry didn't have a name for but experienced regularly.

"A pen?" A female voice, different from the one from earlier a little confused at the question.

"I spent half my life studying the written word. Including how various cultures recorded things through the ages. From hammers and chisels, to quills and ink. But I never stopped once to recognise the ingenuity of this simple little piece of technology that we use. After the first team left me on Abydos, Sha're saw me writing in my journal and thought the ballpoint I was using was magic." The name Sha're caused a sudden spike of emotion within him, a warm feeling that he didn't recognise, trying to hold onto it, but it was soon over shadowed with despair.

"A little device like this pen was such a wonder to her." his voice had kept going.

"The simplest things were a wonder to her."

"Daniel, it's healthy to hold onto those memories." Trying to console him, but not knowing what to say, Harry in the memories that he had knew he went through that many times with his friends and others. Trying to work out were he missed her calling him Daniel.

"I couldn't save her. All those wonders we have at our disposal and I couldn't save her." if his voice had been drowning in pain before, then it had now been completely submerged.

The voices stopped, trying to get his bearings, 'I loose someone called Sha're, I was close to her.' That was as far as he got before more voices started up.

"I love you, Daniel." the voice sounded strained but filled with sincerity.

"I am sorry, Daniel Jackson." A deep male voice, filled with remorse addressing this Daniel Jackson.

"You did the right thing, Teal'c." His own voice answered, giving the deep voice a name but at the same time apparently naming himself Daniel Jackson.

"Oh God." The second female voice from earlier.

"Teal'c?" This was a male, from the commanding tone he must have been in charge.

"Daniel Jackson will be fine." Teal'c must have been replying to the other commanding male's un asked question.

"I love you too." he heard himself whisper quietly in response to the female voice.

Again silence, piecing together what had happened so far, he was or is called Daniel Jackson some where, and he loved Sha're she was killed by someone he knew for some reason.

"The nausea will be followed by tremors, convulsions and something called ataxia. Surface tissue, brain tissue and internal organs will inflame and degrade, I believe that's called necrosis. Now based on the dose of radiation I got, all that will happen in the next ten to fifteen hours, and if I don't drown in my own fluids first, I will bleed to death, and there is no medical treatment to prevent that." Harry was feeling sick after hearing that, despite being in a dream he almost was.

"Maybe not that we know of." The commanding male from earlier.

"Jack, we don't go running to our off world allies every time an individual's life is at stake. And don't go telling me that this is any different, because my life is no more valuable than anybody else's." Jack, he now had a name to go with the voice.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. You didn't try to sabotage anything."

"There was an accident. I guess the scientists figured the government would hold them responsible. I guess they figured it was easier to blame me."

"And you're okay with this?"

"No. But there's not much I can do about that."

"Yes, there is."

"If they really want to blame me, denying it isn't going to change anything. Ten thousand years ago, a Goa'uld tried the same experiments that they're trying and he nearly blew the entire planet to bits. I tried telling them that, they wouldn't listen. They're gonna build that bomb and nothing we say is gonna stop them."

That was the second reference to leaving the planet or being outside the planet he'd had now, it could be what he did, would...will do. Muggles had only got as far as the moon.

"The energy readings are increasing by a power of ten." the excited voice of some one Harry could vaguely recollect.

"Incredible." another excited voice.

"Did you see that?" the first one now slightly worried. Then there were the sounds of bodies collapsing and an alarm sounded.

"Get down! Stay away from the glass. The radiation will penetrate the window."

"What's happening?"

"This device could explode." There were the sounds like that of some of the twins small fireworks.

"We have to remove the core." The sound of a large metal door opening then slamming shut.


"Dr Jackson!"

"No! Dr Jackson!"

The sound of a gun firing then glass breaking, the sound of fireworks stop.

"Why do you feel you have failed on your journey? You opened the Stargate for your world." another female voice, this one annoyed him, but he couldn't remember why it did.

"I cracked the code, a lot of other people made it work."

"The very next thing you did was help free the people of Abydos from evil."

"I had the chance to live out my life with her. I couldn't leave it alone. I was the one that unburied the Gate. What happened to her was my fault. I couldn't save Sha're, I couldn't save Sarah. Every Goa'uld I helped eliminate, another one took its place. Maybe I did something good every now and again, but nothing I've ever done seems to have changed anything." Sarah, the name brought a similar feeling to Sha're, not to the same extent.

"These tasks of which you speak were great challenges. Perhaps they were even impossible to achieve."

"Does that absolve me?"

"You feel your journey must continue until you have found redemption for these failures?"

"No. Not anymore, not if I'm dead."

"Exactly true."

"You said I was the only one qualified to judge myself? So, how ever much I want achievement enlightenment or whatever you want to call it, what happens if I look at my life and I don't honestly believe I deserve it?"

"The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed. Judge yourself by the intention of your actions and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way." Harry was already pissed at the riddles she was spouting.

"What if I can't?"

"The people closest to you have been trying to tell you that you have made a difference. That you did change things for the better."

"Not enough."

"The universe is vast and we are so small. There is only one thing we can ever truly control."

"What's that?"

"Whether we are good or evil."

The sound of metal clacking was what alerted him to the next...memory? Then there was the sound of a phone handset being lifted.

"Hello? This is C.. Hello?" Jack's voice from across the darkness.


"Jack. Hi Jack."

"Jack, Abydos is in trouble. Anubis is on his way. He's after the Eye of Ra. I have that replica Catherine gave me, it looks like this."

"Now, I'm pretty sure the real one is located in some secret chamber in Ra's pyramid on Abydos but I'm not sure where exactly. According to legend there were six Eyes including those held by Apophis, Osiris and Tiamat among others. Each is powerful on its own but to use them in combination increases that power ten fold. Recently, Anubis has managed to track down five of the six Eyes and only needs Ra's to complete the set. He's looked everywhere Ra used to hang out except Abydos; now he's on his way there."

The sound of the handset being placed back was all that could be heard for a second.

"I'm sure that was an aspirin I took this morning."

"Jack, it's really me. It's me, you have to help, you have to find the Eye of Ra before Anubis does. Keep it, hide it, destroy it, whatever, it doesn't matter, we don't have much time."

"Hey Daniel, how you doing? Long time. How are things on the higher planes?" Harry could almost feel the sarcasm as a physically entity smothering him.

"Hey Jack, long time no see. H…h…h…how you doing?" His own voice was overly cheery now with large doses of sarcasm.

"Fine, just fine."

"The knees? The back? Everything's…"

"Oh you know, kind of weather contingent actually."

"Right, right, right, right, so, what's new?"

"Uhm…actually a funny thing happened to me, today. I'm riding an elevator and an old friend of mine, someone who never calls, never writes just shows up and tells me all about this very important and apparently urgent mission that needs my attention."

"You gonna help, or, or…"

"No, wait, wait! Let me tell it, it's good. You see this buddy of mine, this pal, this chum has…ascended to a whole new level of existence. Do you see the irony? He's asking for my help and he's this great and powerful being."

"Jack, we've already been through this, I can't actually do anything." sarcasm now leaving his voice, it was now a very even tone with a hint of annoyance.

"See, I'm still not clear on that."

"The Others have rules; just talking to you is a violation."

"What like jay walking, double parking, what?"

"The point is, taking action that changes human existence, that's a big one."

"Let me ask you this. Have you met any of these Other guys?"


"Well then, how do you know they're any kind of a threat?"

"Oh good, that's, that's a good one. As it is, Oma's an outcast because she believes that helping people ascend is our duty."

"And that's…okay?"

"Technically, no. But she does it anyway. Those of us that follow her are walking a very fine line."

"Why don't they try to stop her?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"No I don't know. All I know is what Oma has taught me. Ascension doesn't make you all knowing or all powerful. It is just the beginning of the journey. The point is, if I were to help you, if I were to take any action to help you, Oma would step in and stop me herself to avoid drawing the wrath of the Others. If they wanted to, they could stop everything she's been trying to do for a long, long time."

The sound of gears moving suddenly started.

"I can't jeopardise that."

Darkness and silence again, and as much as Harry was intrigued with what he was finding out, the fact that all he got was sound was really beginning to annoy him.

"What do you want to hear? I don't understand why this happened." a female voice with a Russian accent.

"Well, given the obvious solid craftsmanship that went into this thing, I don't see how this could have possibly happened." His own voice sarcastic.

"If you're implying that everything Russian made is poor quality, actually the sub is Swiss."

"So they occasionally catch fire but they keep perfect time?" 'I'm not this sarcastic all the time am I?' "Sorry, I've been hanging around Jack O'Neill too much." The later half was mumbled as though it was something to be embarrassed about.

"There was nothing impeding us! It shouldn't have happened."

"Well, here's something else that shouldn't be happening. The outside pressure is increasing." The second female voice he had heard that night since the voice first began, he still didn't have a name for most of them.

"What?" his startled voice.

"The gauge must be malfunctioning." the Russian.

"But it's Swiss." his sarcastic voice again.

This time he faded into darkness and nothing else came up.


Waking up the next morning to Dobby's worried wide eyes looking at him.

"Is Master Harry ok?"

Thinking for a moment and recalling the dream...memories, some new ones, translating something, something to do with constellations, and all the while a shimmering blue light.

"No I'm fine Dobby, just... a headache. How'd it go with Madam Pomfrey?"

"It took Dobby time to get Madam Pomfrey to believe Dobby."

They'd reached the main room, walking towards his own make shift gym Harry was hit with another pain full headache.

"I'm Jack O'Neill. And, barring some freakish similarity, you are Dr. Daniel Jackson."

"This tent is all I know. These people, they're all I know. Before I woke up in the forest, I don't remember anything. I've tried. I've tried to remember who I was before. Sometimes I think it's right there, floating in front of me, and all I have to do is reach out and grab it. I try-and it's gone." I guess I've lost my memory before...will loose my memory.

"You were a member of my team, SG-1. You're a friend of mine. Last year, you died."

"I'm dead?"

"Obviously not. You just sort of died. Actually, you…ascended to a higher plane of existence. Last time I saw you, you were helping us fight Anubis."


"Yeah. Kind of an over-the-top, cliché bad guy. Black cloak, oily skin, kind of spooky. Anyway, obviously since then, you've retaken human form, somehow. I- Actually, I can see how this might sound a bit unusual…"

Smiling to himself at the that comment even through the pain, he'd have to say something like that about Voldemort to some Slytherins.

Dobby however was watching wide eyed as his master stumbled, clucking his head, blood was starting to come from his nose.

"Dobby, I won't be having breakfast or eating at all until I sort out my memories ok." Seeing that Dobby nodded Harry continued. "I won't be doing anything until I've finished, if someone comes looking for me tell them I'm ill."

With that Harry walked over to the pensieve and began putting his memories in, to begin with the ones that he recognised and knew, leaving only those he hadn't seen or understood.


Over the day and a good portion of the night Harry emptied all his thoughts and feeling, memories and emotions into the pensieve, then entered it and viewed his life from start to finish, to restart and to the present present. Pensieves work like the brain, able to order everything thing for him so it was easier, processed at the speed of thought, Harry spent a lifetime watching his life, but only a microscopic fraction of that time actually passed, because they were magically within his own memories he never aged for all the forty years that he viewed.

Creating a new identity at eighteen to escape the ministry. Degrees in Archaeology and Anthropology at twenty two. Cracking the code in two weeks which a team of scientists couldn't after two years, at thirty one. Eleven years studying alien cultures most of which are derived from earth based civilisations. Fighting the closest thing to gods at forty. Dieing for the final time at forty two.

Relationships with Ginny, Sarah, Sha're, Vala and a one night stand with Janet. Battles against death eaters, Voldemort, ministry Aurors, Goa'uld, Replicators and the Ori. Multiple deaths, resurrections and ascending twice to a state of pure energy. Archaeology, Anthropology, twenty three languages, the Hogwarts curriculum, basic military training from Jack and Sam, ship operations and basic wormhole physics. And that was just him. He had all the memories of the twelve minds from the Stromos in there, pieces left over from Merlin. Hell the multiple ascensions, having Merlin's consciousness in his head and using ancient technology that connects with his mind had evolved him! He was no longer human or at least the same way others were. He was at the same stage as a number of the ancients were when they ascended or just before; telekinesis, healing, telepathy, manipulation of energy. Course if any one at Hogwarts saw they would assume it was magic.

He was an ancient.


Please honest opinions of this, I've been writing this in my spare time while my beta checks over WotF. The chapters are long because this will be a long story, from Harry's fourth year right thru to the end of Atlantis (Whenever that is. Hopefully not for a long time).