Yumiko: My first story in years, after deleting all my others. lol. this has been on DeviantArt for awhile now, hope you guys like it, i used spell checker on it so there should be no spelling mis-takes.

please comment. i would like to know what you think.


Zexion sat on a window ledge in one of the many hallways in the castle that never was reading one of his books. he turned the page, his nose twitched slightly and he looked up from what he was reading. the smell of the sea was getting closer and closer, Zexion closed up his book and sighed.


"You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum Bumpy-umpy-umpkins, You're my Sweetie Pie You're my Cuppycake!!!---oh! ha, HAY ZEXY" Demyx skipped round the corner, singing merrily and swinging his siter around like a little girl would do with her teddy.

he did a little twirl and jumped in the air landed gracefully on his teos then hopped over to Zexion. he bent down so he was eye level with Zexion "what'ch ya doin'?" he asked prodding Zexion's nose playfully.

"...trying to read my book..." Zexion said plainly, Demyx looked down at Zexion's lap and read the title of his book.

"...oh wow! your reading Romeo and Juliet!! that's got to be one of the best love story's! don't you think Shakespeare is an amazing writer! " Demyx yelled happily

"...and how do you know of William Shakespeare exactly?" Zexion asked, not beleaving that Demyx will know who Shakespeare was.

Demyx blinked " your silly Zexy, everyone knows about William Shakespeare. even if they have never seen one of his plays or read one of his novels" Demyx laughed "some of his novels inspired my music-Romeo and Juliet inspired me to write a tragic love song, heh heh--'Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loin's of these two foes, A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life'" while Demyx pranced around quoting Shakespeare, Zexion went back to reading his book ignoring the blonde

' how can Demyx know Shakespeare, he probably even got that quote wron-' Zexion stopped mid thoughthe had gone back to the prologue to check. Demyx had got it right. on the mark to be exact. Zexion sat there in shock. never in his life would he expect Demyx to know this kind of stuff, he looked up from his book only to be met with two huge sea blue eye's

"uh...Demyx you do know that you got that quote...right, don't you?" Zexon said as Demyx got closer.

Demyx snorted "well duh! i didn't get an A-star in English for nothin', did i!" Demyx said

"y'know Zexy i think you have really cute eye's" Demyx smiled changing the subject.

"wha- but whats that got to with what we're tal-" Zexion got cut off as Demyx locked lips with him Zexion's eye's widened for a second, then he started to kiss back, and closed his eye's. just as Zexion went to put his arms round Demyx's neck Demyx broke the kiss.

Demyx smiled and licked his lips "...see ya Zexy" then Demyx just skipped off Zexion sat there blankly, he felt his lips, "he just... it felt...good" Zexion mumbled he then picked up his book that had fallen to the floor

"wait..." Zexion stopped "...did he say he got an A-star in English?!"


end !