Since a bunch of people are about to rip my fur off for killing poor little Cinderpaw, I'm posting the epilogue now to show you that there is a happy ending!


It was the morning after the battle, and many cats had bad wounds. The WindClan warriors had fought very fiercely in this battle, but only one cat had died—CinderpawJaypaw's heart ached more than ever, for the feeling that he could have done something to save her life still hung about him, even though he knew it shouldn't have.

Half of the Clan had been in the medicine cat den after the battle, and few were still coming in to get their wounds checked. Luckily, none of them had to sleep in the den, so Jaypaw managed to get some rest. His paws hurt from all of the cats that he had to held mend the day before.He had even helped to take care of Firestar, for he had lost a life, and while most cats would have been thrilled about that, Jaypaw was hurting too much.

Leafpool seemed to notice his feelings because she had come up to him once everyone had left in the morning and were busying themselves in the main clearing.

"I think we're both going to miss her very much," she mewed. Jaypaw turned his sightless gaze to her and blinked. Instead of saying yes, he nodded sadly.

He went out into the main clearing and immediately heard Firestar's meow sound through the camp. "Everyone old enough to catch their own prey gather below the Highledge." Jaypaw sat beside his sister and brother, who saw how bummed out he was and tried to comfort him by wrapping their tail's around him. Not wanting to be cooed by anyone, he flicked their tails away. They seemed to expect this, though, because they shrugged and looked forward, backing up a bit.

"WindClan fought very hard yesterday," Firestar began, "and so did ThunderClan. We won, yet still lost one life—the life of an irreplaceable catCinderpaw." He ducked his head for a moment. "But we gather here today to honor a few cats with their warrior names. Lionpaw, if you would step forward first?"

Lionpaw blinked, and then dashed to the front of the clearing.

"Lionpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and defend your Clan, even at the cost of you life?"

"I do," Lionpaw replied steadily. Firestar placed his head on Lionpaw's

"Then I give you your warrior name. Lionpaw, from now on, you shall be known as Lionfire." Lionfire licked Firestar's shoulder and then brimmed with pride as the Clan began to chant his name loudly. Ashfur sheered on, too, and he looked just as proud as the new warrior did.

"Hollypaw If you would come up, next?" Firestar meowed, once the Clan had hushed a bit. Hollypaw got to her feet and made her way to her leader. "Hollypaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and protect the Clan, even at the risk of your life?"

"I do," Hollypaw answered, holding her head high. Firestar placed his head on top of hers.

"Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Hollymist." She licked her leader's shoulder respectfully and the Clan, once again, began to cry out the warrior's name.

"I think it's time for Leafpool to take the spotlight now. Leafpool?"Firestar glanced at the medicine cat and she nodded quickly before hurrying to the front. She cleared her throat as she stood up on the HighledgeJaypaw wondered why he had called Leafpool up to the front and then his pelt tingled with excitement as he felt her gaze hot on his fur. Was it because…?

"I, Leafpool, medicine cat of ThunderClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He had trained hard to understand the way of a medicine cat, and with your help, he will serve the Clan for many moons. Jaypaw, do you promise to uphold the way of a medicine cat, tostand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" She spoke so confidently, as if she had said these words over and over to herself for her entire life. Noticing that the whole Clan was waiting for his answer now, he then stepped forward and replied:

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StaClan," she continued, "I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Jaypaw, from this moment you shall be known as JayfeatherStarClan honors your knowledge and braveness, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan." Jayfeather could feel every eye on him, and then a happiness filled the clearly. The cats were all calling out to something—to someone—and he soon realize, with a jolt of pride, that it was him who they were addressing.

"JayfeatherJayfeather!" He had never felt so glad in his lifetime, and now he felt what it was like to be appreciated. He always used to be thought of as the blind cat, but now he would be known as the medicine cat.

He was shook from his thoughts and his moments of pure bliss when he heard Firestar speak again.

"There is one more apprentice whom I'd like to honor today," he meowed. Jayfeather listened intently. "Although she is no longer physically with us, I call upon Cinderpaw, now of StarClan." Can he really do that? Jayfeather thought. Shock rippled through the crowd of cats.

"Wherever she may be now, hunting in the forest of StarClan, I'd like to give her her warrior name. Cinderpaw, from now on, you will be remembered to us as Cinderpelt. We know you are in a better place, and you will always remain in out hearts." The Clan was still a bit surprised at this, and they were probably wondering if Firestar could even do that. But that didn't stop them.


At these words, Jayfeather's whole body filled with warmth, and a familiar scent drifted about him. He turned his head slightly to his right, where no one was sitting—or so he thought. He felt a strange presence and then he heard someone whisper: Jaypaw, remember, I'll never forget you. A gust of wind came and the scent was taken along with it.

I'll always love you, Cinderpelt