The music was close to deafening. The club was filled with young adults in masks and designer clothing. No one knew who anyone else was; that was the point. It was a masquerade bash, and it was only for the VIP teens of New York City.

In the middle of the crowd, danced a small girl with inky dark hair and white ivory skin. The teen wore an intricate red mask and had a little black vintage dress that was in danger of sliding off her slim shoulders. Of course, the girl could care less; she was too into the moment to care. Too into him. The boy dancing with her had flaming orange hair, his soft brown eyes hidden behind a simple black mask. Their bodies were hot and sweaty, so close together. The ironic part is that they've been dancing for hours, but never even talked. Not one word.

Their hearts beat fast, the blood pumping through their veins. Just for tonight, they were free. The next day was arriving fast, the hours dwindling down. The music slowed, the last slow song was playing. The girl couldn't bear to leave. She breathed, smelling the boy's sweet scent. His hands were placed gently on her hips, and he was holding her close. She had her small arms wrapped around his neck. The boy looked at her, his eyes saying everything. Kiss me. The girl obliged and pulled his face towards hers. Their masks and their lips touched. The kiss became deeper. The universe stopped for that one moment, and just like the movies, fireworks exploded in her mind. She was in love. Suddenly, they were back in motion again. The song had ended.

"Goodbye," the boy whispered into her ear, and withdrew from the embrace. He disappeared into the crowd. The girl put her hand to her lips, soaking in the passionate kiss she just had. Rukia stood in the middle of the dance floor, the sudden rush of reality hitting her full force. Time to go home.

She walked barefoot to the limo, her expensive heels dangling from her finger. She got in, exhausted. Rukia looked out the window and saw the sun was just rising, and her driver was saying something. She ignored his words and suddenly realized, I've fallen in love with someone I don't even know.

next chapter coming soon!