Being Late

By Marla-is-Beautiful.

I wrote this one-shot during my seventh form Study period class. I don't think it's too back I've been fiddling with the idea for a while. So please Read and Review. Cheers.

Lily swept into the room, looking like a queen in her simple Gryffindor school robes. Her long auburn hair centring down to the middle of her back. School robes swaying softly to the movement of her elegant body. Her emerald green eyes pierced the faces of her class mates as she tried to find a seat.

Then her heart began to thump nosily. So Lily began to think everyone could hear it.

She had noticed the only person who was sitting alone.

Her outside persona appeared to tire as she noticed, she shoulders slumped and, she sighed nosily. It was James Potter, all by himself in her seventh year transfiguration class.

Inwardly, however, Lily's heart felt as through it was springing off the walls of her body at a alarming rate. It was dancing for joy, Lily realised her heart was happy to be sitting next to James.

Lily had known for awhile but couldn't put a precise date when this had started, sure, James had been nicer lately. She hadn't seen him curse Severus all year. But this…

"Ms Evans," Professor McGonagall's voice cut through her thoughts like a whip.

"Would you please take your seat next to Mr Potter? I can not allow you to stand while I am teaching ,"

Lily nodded, and began her way across class.

The walk had never felt longer, it seemed to take several sunlit days rather than the actual ten seconds that it took in reality.

Lily, had realised the truth. Somewhere along the path of this current year she had fallen for her sworn enemy. She had fallen for him hard. She had fallen in love with him. At this thought she blushed, a brilliant scarlet.

"Hello, My dear Lily-flower," Smiled James, charmingly.

"Hello, James," She replied, in what she hoped was a cold voice. Her heart was proceeding to do some kind of samba.

James just watched her for awhile as McGonagall talked to the class. Lily was still blushing.

As McGonagall turned to write on the board. James leaned over and slipped a note into the crook of Lilys arm.

'My Lovely Lily Flower will you go out with me?'

It read in a chicken starch, a typical boys handwriting. Lily's heart stopped for several seconds as she read this.

Carefully, so James didn't see she scrawled a answer, and, slipped the note back. With a small secret smile, and heart pounding she began to copy down the notes. While James read the note.

A loud SMACK was heard, it echoed through out the class room. Lily looked next to her and to her surprised she saw James passed out on the floor, his note opened on his desk.

"Yes" It Read.

Professor McGonagall had spun around to see what on earth had happened, all she saw was a passed out James Potter and a bewildered looking Lily Evans staring at James.

"Ms Evans, what on earth did you do to Mr Potter?" She demanded to know, absolutely furious. They had been fighting all year, and this had to be the last straw.

But Lily looked back at the professor still highly confused.

"All I did was say yes!"

From that single sentence the entire castle of Hogwarts echoed with the cheers from Professor McGonagall's seventh year transfiguration class and Albus Dumbledore heard them with a twinkle in his blue eyes, he picked up his quill and began to write.


You owe me ten galleons,
