A/N: Here's my first DN Fanfic! I hope you like!

Title: Misa's Lament

Spoiler Alert: YES!

Written By: pokepotterkhkids

Dedicated To: My Best Friends David & Danny

Summary: A year after Light's death, Misa jumps off a building. Misa recalls her life as she falls. Soon, she finds peace in heaven with Light.

(Misa's POV)

I stood on top of the building. I looked up to the sky, to the heavens and said, "Light. I'll be with you soon. I love you." Then I looked down to the streets below. I was so high up. I took a deep breath and jumped.

The sensation of falling was incredible. But was it really the sensation of falling? Maybe it was the sensation of death, or possibly the excitement of knowing that I'll be with Light soon.

Yes, that had to be it. It had been almost a year since his death. After he died, I got a slight grip on reality. The world, I realized, wasn't really at all what I had once thought it was. It was Serious. Not all fun and games. Life was cruel; it would take those things dearest to you away. My dear Light.

But wait. What about Light's family. After his death, they certainly gave me a family. How would they see this? Would they see it as I saw it? Going on to be happy, even if I couldn't really be alive to do it? Getting what I wanted? Light? Would he be mad at me for doing this? Would he have wanted me to live life as good as possible? To die when I had to? Or was my life up now? Is this my true destiny? Then I head it. A scream. Was it mine? No. It was below me.

I hit cold hard ground. The pain that would eventually kill me felt wonderful. Then I felt my eyes get heavier. My body went numb.

Another scream. "MISA!" Sayu. Sayu was here. I worked hard to keep my eyes open, just for a little bit, just to see her one last time. She realized I had my eyes open. "Misa! Please don't leave me like Light!" I suddenly realized that Sayu thought Light had left her. I felt a jolt of guilt realizing she would feel truly alone when I was gone. "It's okay Sayu," I said weakly. "I'm going to see Light. I'm going to be happy." Sayu let out another scream.

And then I saw him. Staring down at me from the clouds, smiling, holding his hand out to me. I smiled back and broke down the wall between me and death. I let go of all resistance and welcomed my fate. Sayu screaming and bawling. Then, black. A wonderful feeling washed over me. A hand was held out to me. I took it.

I opened my eyes and he was there. I smiled. He smiled back. "Hello Misa." He said. "Hello, Light." I said in a soft voice. I didn't know where I was. And I didn't care. Anywhere with Light, I would feel peace.

A/N: Okay! Please review and tell me what you think!