Title:: 10 things Wyatt Cain loved about visiting Disneyland

Author:: azkadelliacain

Characters/Pairings:: cain/dg

Rating:: M

Summary:: Cain visits the Other Side and gets more than he bargained for

Disclaimer:: I will own a copy of tin man in march,just not the rights

Genre: romantic comedy


When DG had decided on an Other Side road trip, well to say he was unhappy would be an understatement.As usual she got her way and now he was with her alone on a road trip. They stopped to visit Disneyland .

10) Small World ride - boring ,and the fact that there was singing dolls freaked him out ,but he noticed DG sigh and rest her head on his shoulder. He shouldn't have let her, he shouldn't have liked it but he did.

9.) Going to Toon Town freaked him out. It was like Central City on vapors. Roger Rabbit kinda reminded him of Glitch. He decided he was fond of the character that reminded him of his best friend. When he saw who Roger Rabbit was married to ,he made a mental note to tell Glitch that even goofballs can get hotties.

8.) He suprisingly loved the tea cup ride. If only cause it seemed to shut DG up.She was too busy trying to hold in her lunch. Man who knew he was a speed demon.

7.) Speaking of speed demons, while he loved the ride in which you drove cars he made another mental note to never let DG drive - ever. Hello whiplash.

6.) Jungle Cruise - He could of sworn those animals were real,which made DG laugh. The sun reflected on her which made her face light up even more...he noticed.

5.) Splash Mountain - He hated the drop but loved how DG was soaked and how her wet shirt clung to her body.

4.) Haunted Mansion - She hugged him when one of the characters popped out of a coffin. Where was his gun when he needed it...

3) He loved learning about Indiana Jones. They went on the Indiana Jones ride 3 times. He actually smiled.

2.) Sleeping Beauty's castle. He watched her as her eyes lit up explaining the story of her favorite character. She explained the knight in shining armor stuff and about why she gasped when she sees him on a white horse. " So am I your knight in shining armor on a white horse?" he asked. She blushed and kissed him. He kissed back. They made out until parents of the kids around them complained. They decided it was time to leave Disneyland.

1.) Disneyland Hotel - or namely what happened in their hotel room. When they got in the room they tried to keep their hands off each other, they really did...but they couldn't control their desire for one another. Finally giving into their attraction and ready to make their own fairytale . They didn't make it to the bed , not even close. The floor was where they made love for the first time.

" Indiana Jones has nothing on you." she said as they undressed each other. " Who needs to crush on him now when I got my own hottie in a fedora."

Cain laughed. " I take you have always had a thing for older guys who were fedoras."

" Yep."

He entered her. His thrusts were fast and hard. This was his first time having sex since before he was in the iron maiden. He wanted to be romantic and take his time but by the gods she was so tight and yummy. Lust trumped love and she didn't seemed to mind. He looked at her as she let out pleasured moans. Begging for him to be harder. He obeyed. They were so close to coming. Flushed and sweating they suprised each other by orgasming at the same time. He collapsed on the floor beside her panting.

DG smiled. " Wow dreams really do come true."

A naked Cain grinned and got up.He picked his naked lover up in his arms. " We're not done yet." He carried her to the bedroom and they made love again, this time nice and slow.