Disclaimer: Sadly beloved readers, I don't own Power Rangers though I wish I did. This is a story that has been floating around in my head for a while now and inspired by the various fanfictions that I have been reading lately. In this story I have taken some liberties with the timeline and the cannon of the early years so I'll explain it here in hopes that you understand.

By working backwards from Jungle Fury I have deduced that the first three seasons with its new episode a day would put the rangers getting their powers in August 1994 and not 93 which was when the series aired. At this time, 1994 I have deduced that the rangers would have been in grade 10 and sixteen years old.

Season 2, their Thunder Powers and Zedd would have appeared in January 1995 and would have gone through to November 95 encompassing both the actual Halloween episode shown (The Masquarade being on Halloween 94 and 'Trick or Treat' just being a freaky game show happening at any time) and the cold weather evident during the first three episodes.

I figure that the rangers would have gotten their Ninjetti powers in November 95 after starting Grade 11 and being 17 for the most part. I hated the whole Ninjor storyline so Ivan Ooze brought the Ninjetti powers to light and this would have continued through to April 96.

The Zeo powers would have been achieved in April 96 and would have continued through to April 97 and would have had the rangers turning eighteen in their last year of High School and Billy graduating early.

The acquisition of the Turbo powers would have happened in April 97 (Movie) with the rangers graduating in June 97 (beginning of the series) and I have them giving up their powers in September 97 when most of them are college bound.

The rest of the series would continue from September 1997 till the end of Operation Overdrive in late 2007. In my story, Jungle Fury hasn't yet started and the rangers are all thirty after being born in '78. I hope that you all have followed so far and will enjoy my story... and don't forget- please review!


Within each of us is an animal spirit...and they cannot be destroyed no matter the enemy. This is the story of the Neo-Ninjetti- this is the return of that which was lost.

Chapter 1: Past and Present

April 1996

Kimberly Hart was training the day she felt the destruction- it burned within her and she felt as though she was being torn in two. It was so intense that she had found her self faltering in her routine on the beam something that only a couple months ago had landed her in the hospital. "Kimberly?" called Coach Smicht. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Kim confirmed with a fake smile on her face. "Yeah I'm okay- everything's okay."

But everything wasn't okay- and despite having surrendered her power coin to Katherine Hillard months ago Kimberly could still feel when ever her replacement had morphed or called on the power for Kim herself held a portion of that power within her still- after all the crane was her animal and even though she was thousands of miles away Kim could sense that the powers of the Crane and those of the other animal spirits had been destroyed. And only one thought was on her mind- what had happened to her friends and were they alright.


"So is everything alright now?" Kim asked later that week. "I mean- really?"

"More or less." Tommy replied, his voice sounding far and distant. "I mean, the command centre has been destroyed but luckily there's another, I dunno, axillary command centre underneath it and it's our base of operations now."

"But everyone is fine now?"

"Again, more or less," Tommy answered. "I mean- I have to buy a whole new wardrobe and we have a new member on the team."

"Yeah I heard from Billy that Aisha decided to stay in Africa."

"Yeah, Tanya's really nice and all but-"

"It's not the same," Kim answered. "Is it?"

"No," Tommy agreed it's not. "Especially since well-"

"You're the only one who remembers the good old days?"

Tommy laughed. "Well it's true I mean out of the original six I'm the only one with powers."

"How's Billy taking it?"

"Okay I guess," Tommy answered. "I mean he doesn't show it but I know what it's like to lose the power, he has to be hurting."

"I'm sure he is," Kim agreed. "I mean even I felt the loss of the Ninjetti powers."

That shocked Tommy. "What? You did?"

"Yeah," Kim stated as she twirled the cord of the phone between her fingers. "I was on the balance beam when I felt it- like my soul was being ripped out. Almost landed me in the hopsital again."

"But- you are okay?" Tommy asked concerned. "I mean you're not hurt are you? Because I could come out there for the weekend or something I mean you're Uncle Steve could get me plane tickets and-"

"And I'm okay Tommy," Kim assured.


"I'm okay." Kim repeated. "I mean I faltered a little in my routine and got a disapproving look from Coach Smicht but I'm okay---I just feel empty."

"Yeah," Tommy agreed. "I know the feeling."

"Does it ever go away?" Kimberly asked after a brief moment of silence.

"Not really," Tommy stated honestly. "I mean other powers help but when I lost my Green Ranger powers for the last time and they were totally gone I felt empty...and didn't feel whole again till Zordon gave me the powers that he himself had created."

Kim sighed. "Then I won't be whole for a while then-"

"Well are you coming for Christmas?"

Kim smiled. "It's only April! You have eight months to go still."

"I know," Tommy stated. "But is a crime for me to want to see you?"

"No," Kim assured with a smile. "If only you could use the teleporter,"

"That's personal gain Kim,"

"I know." Kim agreed sadly. "But you never think about how hard not using the power for personal gain is until you actually want to or need to use it."

Tommy sighed. "I know, but I'll tell you what when school is over I'll come out and visit you for a week or so. You're Uncle Steve said he can get me tickets for a cheap price and-"

"And what happens if the- if the rangers need you?" Kim asked her voice going quiet. "I mean how am I supposed to explain-"

"You'll find a way," Tommy assured. "You always do- it's what we do..."

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing-" Tommy interrupted as his morpher went off. "Sorry Kim- I have to go."

"Love you."

But there was no response. Just a dial tone. Tommy was gone off saving the world and Kim wished with all her heart that she was there with him. 'But I'm not- and I don't know if I ever can be.'


Kim walked away from the post office crying. She couldn't believe that she had sent it- but she had. 'It was the only way-' she rationalized. '-and I had to make it as hurtful as possible so he won't come out here and try to talk me out of it... he deserves to be happy, and he can't be happy with me half way around the world...'


"Kim?" asked the sleepy voice Trini. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"I broke up with Tommy." Kim answered between the sobs.

"You what?" Trini asked with a partial screech as she sat up straight in her hotel bed. "Kim!"

"I know, I know..." Kim cried. "But I couldn't- I just couldn't..."


"Long distance relationships don't work," she sobbed. "They just don't."

"But I thought that you guys were-"

"I said that, and he said that, but he's been so distant lately, off saving the world and my practice schedule is so insane that we can hardly find time to talk to each other any more and I-"

"Kimberly..." Trini sighed. "...it'll be okay."

"No." Kim countered. "No it won't be okay-- I've just broken up with the only man I've ever- I've ever..."

"Shh..." Trini soothed. "Let is out..."

And so Kim spent the next four hours pouring her heart out.


"Trini you look dead." Jason remarked the next morning.

"Yeah girl," Zack agreed. "What is it?"

"Kimberly broke up with Tommy."

"She what?" asked Zack.

"Why would she do such a thing?" asked Jason.

And so Trini explained and the three of them wondered if their two best friends would ever get back together again.


February 2008 Angel Grove

"Goodnight Coach Hart!"

"Night Elizabeth!" Kimberly called out as she watched her last student go home for the night. Her gymnastics school The Pink Crane Gymnastics Academy or PCGA was closed for the night and Kimberly began her regular routine clean-up. She was almost done when suddenly there was a low rumbling noise and she suddenly found her self surrounded by what looked like a cross between the putties of Rita and Zedd and the Tengu warriors of Ivan Ooze and Rita's brother- Rito. "Oh no," Kim whispered to herself as she realized that she was in serous trouble. "I'm to old for this..."

But Kim took her fighting stance anyway and waited for the goons to rush her- which they did. And despite being thirty and a far cry from her sixteen year old self she managed to hold her own- until they rushed at her and caused her to crash to the ground.

'I need help,' Kim realized and instinctively she reached for her communicator on her left wrist- something that she had never taken off and prayed that someone out there was monitoring the frequencies. "Hello! Is anyone out there? This is Kimberly Hart and I'm in Angel Grove and I'm surrounded by a bunch of goons that I can't destroy. Please if there's anyone out there who's listening I need your help! Please I-"

But Kim could get out no more- the goons attacked her and sent her crashing into the ground once more only this time because she had been caught off guard she hit her head and her vision went dark.



"Hey Tommy," Haley began with an odd look on her face as she sat at the control area of Tommy's basement. "I've got something here."

"What is it?" Tommy asked coming over.

"There's a signal coming from Angel Grove-" Haley explained. "But it's on the frequency that Billy and the rest of you original rangers used to use."

"Well can you patch it through?" Tommy asked leaning over her chair as Haley pushed a bunch of buttons and the voice came through.

'This is Kimberly Hart and I'm in Angel Grove and I'm surrounded by a bunch of goons that I can't destroy. Please- if there's anyone out there who's listening I need your help! Please I-

The line went dead and Haley's eyes instantly flew to Tommy's face which was paler then she had ever seen it.