She knew.

She knew how he felt about her; he was infatuated, obsessed, and in her very presence, he was intoxicated and he lost all conscious thought.

She knew this, and she teased and tormented him with it.

He got closer to her at a party while they casually exchanged small talk, and she shied away, with an amused gleam in her eye, only to have him approach once again and she once again shy away.

He offhandedly asked what he meant to her when they were both leaning against the trunk on a nice day, and she turned, came close as if she was going to kiss him as he sat frozen, and then whispered,

"See you tomorrow, Kakashi,"

before disappearing in a flurry of petals, leaving him shocked for a few moments as pink sakura blossoms danced around him.

He would purposely corner her in their training sessions so that she was caged under his body, both breathing heavily, and she would simply wait a few moments until he became unfocused and disoriented at her close proximity and push him off her with a grin, disappearing the next moment to plan her next attack.

Approximately two months had passed since that night. And his life had been turned around.

Sakura had stolen and captured his heart and she evaded all his attempts to return the favor.

She knows my game and has beaten me at it,

He realized while standing in the shadows at a party that she had held that night, quietly observing her while sipping sake. OK, so, he had realized this fact long before—

Two months, sixteen days, and three hours to be exact.

—but he still had trouble comprehending it. Him, Kakashi Hatake, thwarted? He was well known to be the master of this game. Go to any women's public steam house, anywhere in Fire Country (and some in other places) and this fact became apparent. So how had this gone wrong?

Or maybe, he thought, he was confusing one game from another. In the art of seduction, no woman had ever been able to resist him. But perhaps love was a totally different playing ground? Was he in fact some amateur novice, not the experienced expert he thought himself to be?

Knitting his brow, he took another sip of the blissful sake. This thought was most unsettling.


Sakura glanced around in between words as she talked with Ino at her party, her eyes searching out someone. Once she found his silhouette among the shadows, she turned discreetly, grinning to herself, knowing he was observing her.

I'll bet when he told me his feelings that night, Kakashi never saw this coming, eh?

She loved this game they played! That night when he had told her how he felt, she had been struck by genius, and the past two months had been the most enjoyable time of her life. She had never felt this in control. She loved the feeling that she could make Kakashi Hatake squirm. Was that weird? OK, maybe, but it was very fun.

Of course, she didn't want to continue this forever. She planned on letting him in sooner or later. It had taken her most of a week after that night incident to find out how she really felt. Since then, she had been having dreams of their wedding and future life together.

Until then, she would watch him squirm and continue to enjoy the feeling of being in control for once.


He saw that she glanced around and saw him, before quietly and secretively turning away with a cocky grin on her face.

She knew.

As always.

This had to stop. This…she…she was obviously in control of this. Kakashi had to turn the tables. He couldn't live like this. He made a firm resolution at that moment. The rest of the night he spent observing her and sipping his sake and making his plans.

This will stop tonight.


Sakura said good-bye to the last guest at around 1:00 in the morning. She closed the door with a smile on her face, suddenly wondering at what time Kakashi had left. He hadn't said good-bye. She was swaying a bit from the alcohol she had consumed as she leaned against the door, thinking about the man she loved. Sliding down the door as memories came to her of Kakashi that made her giggle, she reached the floor with a soft sigh.

"Oh, Kakashi," she murmured, shaking her head, her heart fluttering at the thought of him.

"Yes, Sakura?"

Sakura jumped and looked up. There stood Kakashi, in his characteristic slouch, standing in front of her with his hands in his pockets.

"K-Kakashi," she said in a shocked tone, stuttering for the fist time in two months, since she had gained control, and they both noticed that she had been caught completely unawares and he was in advantage. "…I-I hadn't noticed you were…were still here," she said, sliding back up the door, looking up at him with an expression of surprise.

Kakashi's confidence increased tenfold. His arms raised on either side of her to trap her between him and the door in a flash.

"You're not so confident now, Sakura…"

He bent his head to nuzzle it in her neck. She shuddered, unable to control herself. No, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen! She was the one in control, she was…

"Tell me, Sakura," he whispered into her ear, pressing his torso against hers. "Why have you tormented me these past two months?"


Why couldn't she control her stutter?!

Her mind drew a blank. But Kakashi stood there, breathing in her ear, as if expecting her to answer.

"Two months…sixteen days…" was all she could offer.

"And six hours," Kakashi half-moaned into her neck, furrowing his face into it and basking in the scent. Sakura gasped.


He was now placing open mouthed kisses at her neck—where had he learned to do that?!—and she noticed that—when did he take off his mask?!

But she didn't care anymore, and when he retreated to stare into her glazed over eyes, and she saw his face, the most devastatingly beautiful thing she had ever laid eyes on, all she wanted…

"Yes, Sakura?"

Sakura was broken out of her thoughts.


Kakashi chuckled, showing his teeth, which made Sakura's heart jump to her throat.

"You've been saying my name over and over again for the past five minutes," he said quietly, huskily, as his gleaming eyes swept over her. But Sakura could care less, she just wanted…she needed…



"Just kiss me."

He complied without another thought.


How did you like that? OMG it's been so long since I've written and submitted a story! KAKASAKU FOREVER!!!!! D