Sorry about the long wait. You know how this is, you want to write, but you just can't. That sucks, you know? Oh well, back to this story… that I still don't know if it has a story or not other than the random situation.

As I promised, girl luff! Yep, you heard Dan right, he's already bringing the shoujo-ai. Girl on girl romance for those not familiar with the term. Yuri is more widely spread (no pun intended), in case you may have seen it around. Love da love!

Oh, I picked up the first Metroid Prime again. Can't believe it's been already six years since it was released. Darn different to play after using da uber Wii-mote and nunchuk…. No, I don't have anything else to say about it, just wanted to mention it.

Oh, and you can thank G3rain1 for this chapter. He sent me a note that made my creative juices flow again.

Neway, you know how this is, I tell you "It's ok to give me suggestions, I'm all ears," and then you say "Screw you," so I don't mention it again until the end notes.

With that out of the way, we begin.

From the collection of One too many Shots, Smash Bros section:

First Impressions

Chapter 6: Weekly, or we'll return your money

By: Dan Heron

"That's…" Samus moaned, closing her eyes tightly. "Oh yeah, that's the-," another moan interrupting her, followed by a breath taken sigh. "So… good…" she moaned weakly, her body relaxing at once.

"I'm not done yet, Samus," Zelda whispered in the Huntress ear, making her tremble.

"More?" Samus usual deep voice came out as a pathetic needy whimper.

"If you want to," the princess' voice rang so serene and in control.

"P-please… mo-more," Samus shuddered, feeling the princess getting back to work.

"Of course."

Samus opened her lips, but nothing other than whimpers came out.

"What was that?" the younger woman inquired sweetly.


"Mmmh?" the knowing tone was back.

"Harder…!" Samus almost squealed as her request was fulfilled. She closed her hands into fists, trying to grab onto something, anything, to endure this bliss, force it to last longer.

"Now, don't squeeze too hard, you're making my job harder," the Princess chided the Huntress and she got a pitiful whine in reply. "That's a good girl."

And as any good girl, Samus was given a nice and hard reward. This one almost knocked her out!

"Didn't know you'd be so into this," Zelda idly said, receiving another groan in reply. A very load groan. "Now, calm down, everybody is going to hear you," Zelda almost laughed, but she quickly went back to the job at hand.

"I don't care," Samus gasped, her muscles clenching involuntarily, "I don't care," she moaned weakly.

"I'm serious," she said with a tone anything but, "If Nabooru hears you, you won't get up in a week."

"Don't care…" Samus repeated, breathing heavily. "Bring her… I… two… both of you… I want…" Samus started to trip on her words, opting to bit her lower lip to stifle a moan.

"My, I didn't know you were such a glutton," Zelda whispered.

"Who else…?" Samus managed to whisper, and once again was happy for Zelda's incredible skill to read her.

"Me, Nabooru of course, and Impa," Samus body shuddered violently, causing Zelda to giggle mischievously. "You're a bad girl, Samus. Three lovely ladies, only for you?"

Samus bit her lip harder, trying to fight off her traitorous body… "Yes!" she almost sobbed, leaning harder on Zelda's touch.

"Impa has such big hands," she cooed, leaning closer, "So strong and warm… so dominant!"

Samus could only whimper, biting her lower lip harder.

"And when she puts all her body into it," Samus could almost heard the blush in Zelda's face, "You can't help feeling submissive to her every whim… It's heavenly…"


"More?" cooed the Princess, pushing only a little harder. "How about Saria?" Samus shivered again. "Saria and Agitha… such lovely young girls, only for you. Wouldn't you love that?"

"Wrong…" the Huntress managed to murmur, trying harder to squeeze her eyes shut. "So wrong… Good…"

"I knew you'd warm up to the idea," Samus felt the warmth of Zelda's breathing in her neck.

It suddenly came.

Samus' entire body went rigid, still trying to lean harder on Zelda; her fists clenched so tightly her knuckles went white. Her rough breathing stopped in a sharp intake of breath, her chest suddenly feeling so full, ready to burst. Her eyes rolled back, and she was surprised a small part of her mind noticed moisture on the corners of her azures.

And as it came, it left.

Samus let out in a shuddering gasp the air she had been holding, her entire body going lax, and feeling suddenly cold. With what little strength her body held, she rolled on her back, looking up to the ceiling. Blotches of black and white danced in front of her eyes, adding to the dizziness left behind by the sudden euphoria. Her heaving chest stopped trying to burst from her sweat-covered clothes.

A large hand came up to her face, wiping off sweat before limply laying there. Ragged gasps slowed down to the closest it could be described as whisper before she tried to regain focus. Between her long fingers she saw a blurred figure.

That smile was visible even now.

"That last one…" Samus closed her eyes, trying to burn the feeling in her brain.

"You told me to do it harder," Zelda said in her hypnotic voice.

"Nnnh," Samus let out a long and lazy groan, slowly licking the corner of her lips. "I love it rough."

"I could tell," Zelda giggled, sitting next to Samus.

"Even rougher," Samus sighed, amazed of how much her body could resemble of jelly.

"Next time I may have to bound you down," Zelda teasingly informed, earning a rogue grin from Samus.

"I wouldn't mind that at all," the Huntress almost purred, her eyes opening to show a wicked glint in them.

"Mmmh," Zelda hummed, sighing contently.

"Wait… Next time?" Samus managed to force her eyes to follow Zelda as the Princess moved a little to the left.

"Of course," Zelda said with a gentle smile, "You think I'd pass up the chance for a quickie?" Zelda said in that voice that could so perfectly mix innocence and mischief in it.

"Along with two experienced women?" Samus smirked, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Nabooru would undoubtedly not object to the idea," Zelda said in a knowing voice.

"Or two young girls," she said, almost licking her lips. "They'd have to do their best…"

"Oh, I'm sure they'd do. They will learn quickly; so eager to please."

"Ah, this has opened my appetite," Samus almost roared, jumping off from the bed, followed by –a much more civil- Zelda.

"Shall we?" the Princess bowed lightly.

"So kind of you," Samus said and then left, Zelda following after her.

"Next time I'll bring my tools. You'll love the lubricants."

Stretching up her arms, and giving a testing twist to her shoulders, Samus had to admit:

Zelda could give one mean massage.

Samus still was surprised the target room could be customized to the specs fed by Zelda. Then again, Zelda's perfecto specification and use of the present options –after Samus had reset the settings for Zelda's standard Hylia- may have had something to do with the little spa she had been treated in.

She smiled as she remembered how this had happened. Both women being silly, trying to let the other leave the training room first, giving arguments to support why one should let the other out first. From fairly sensible, reasons quickly plunged to downright ridiculous, Zelda found an opening to brag about her skilled hands and how Samus would have to comply with anything Zelda ordered, if the costumer was satisfied first, of course.

"Is this part of the princess training stuff?" she couldn't help asking. By the Stars, these hands were amazing; she must have been practicing for years.

"Not really," Zelda said as both blonds stepped out to the natural light pouring through glass walls. "We have a fairly large library though."

"Nnnh," Samus grunted with a nod. "For a moment I was kinda waiting to hear this was part of being Hylian."

"Well, it kinda is part of being a Hylian," Zelda said, never missing the beat.

"Nnnh?" at Samus inquiring grunt, Zelda chuckled.

"I will tell you later. Right now there's a shower waiting for me," Zelda informed her, stretching her body very much like a feline, and humming contently as she basked in the warm sunrays.

Samus only grunted at that. The day's training had gone much better than she had anticipated. A warm shower would be the perfect topping.

Well, the big breakfast afterwards, and spending the day seeing lots of people beating each other up, wasn't that bad of a reward either.

Both women walked back to the tram, almost bouncing, wearing silly masks on their faces. It was a good day, and one of them was more than happy with the morning's unfolding.

Damn, how much tension have I been accumulating? Samus thought, yawning lightly. Sure, violent ways to vent off her steam were okay, but nothing like the feeling of hands knowing how to make you feel in paradise. Well, things other than hands were good too, but she didn't know where she could find those in the current location.

Need to do some research, she wishfully thought, letting Zelda catch up with her.

Giggles, Samus noted, had pulled the Huntress out of her musings.

It was a sweet and tender sound, but not like Zelda's. They lacked that, that Zelda tone.

Samus turned her head to see another couple walking down in their direction, slightly disheveled, but clearly content. One of them was tall, posture confident and proud, while the other was much smaller, timid and looking for comfort out of her partner.

Both humans, females, wearing clothes Samus couldn't place a planet of origin for. The smaller one had a light lavender tone on her hair, wavy, cascading down her shoulders; a white and short dress draping comfortably around her body, but very modest. Her large green eyes shone with love and care as she stared into verdant orbs. The other woman looked down to their intertwined fingers before planting a small kiss on the back of her partner's hand.

Long and jade colored hair was pulled back on a high ponytail, stray bangs framing solemn eyes, eyes looking with unconditional love at the petite female. Even from the distance, Samus could clearly see the powerful and feminine built; her body dressed in some kind of aqua colored dress or robe, reaching down below her knees, with high slits at both sides of her legs. The design was so high Samus had no problem to see that the green haired woman was wearing black underwear.

Feeling eyes on her, the green haired woman turned gaze towards the blondes, nodding. "Good morning," she said in a rough and rich accent. The lavender haired woman shyly looked down, a blush spreading over her face.

"Good morning," Zelda politely replied back, echoed by a grunt and nod from Samus.

"Training too?" the dark haired woman inquired, earning affirmative replies. "Interesting place, eh? The name is Lyn," Lyn said, offering her hand.

"My name is Florina," the light haired woman meekly said, bowing her head.

"Samus," the Huntress said, shaking hands with Lyn. Zelda bowed lightly.

"Zelda here," the younger blonde said. "Tlaloc hotel?" she inquired.

Lyn nodded, "Mind if we tag along?"

Samus simply shrugged and Zelda chuckled. "It'd be our pleasure."

Both couple quickly made their way to the tram that would take them back to their hotel; people was arriving from other cars, some leaving the training facilities, and many more simply walking down the corridors. Not many were making their way back to the hotels, so the quartet snatched a car all for themselves. Samus and Lyn unceremoniously flopped down on opposite seats, followed close by the smaller females; the four of them shared sounds of content as the car started to move.

Lazy eyes peered out of the windows as they passed over a ravine filled by trees, a river disappearing in there, and several flying animals following the car. Samus looked to the ground to see a few bits of something resembling seeds.

The little animals must be expecting a treat, Samus thought. Not wanting to let the opportunity pass, she bent over, picked up a piece of something that could resemble a peanut, and threw it over an open window.

Just as expected, the animals quickly dived on the piece of food, fighting over it for a moment before continuing pursuit of the tram.

Florina let out a childish squeal before realizing what she was doing. Flushed and embarrassed, she could only pout when Lyn laughing, wrapped an arm around the smaller woman's waist.

"So, are you ready for some brawling?" Lyn inquired with a rogue grin, leaning back. Florina quickly followed suit, probably not wanting to abandon the comforting touch of Lyn's arm.

"More than ready," Samus shot back with a grin of her own. It was obvious Lyn was a warrior, and it would seem obvious Samus and Zelda hadn't been in the practice dome if they hadn't had intentions of training. But the tone she was using, and the way her green eyes studied the blondes was enough proof for Samus to let her know Lyn knew.

"But alas," Zelda dramatically sighed, breaking the staring contest between the taller femmes, "We haven't signed up for any match yet," she informed. Samus blinked.

How did she know?

"Same here," Florina said with a small nod. "We arrived late yesterday, there hasn't been any opening for new matches so far," she replied, sharing a smile with Zelda.

"I don't think we will be able to enter a match for at least a couple days. The news said booking was closed for today," Zelda informed.

"News?" Lyn arched an eyebrow in Zelda's direction.

"Wasn't that… the thingie we saw in the morning?" Florina quietly suggested, looking at the other three women.

"In the holo display?" Samus said. A pair of blank looks greeted her.

"It appears on the wall," Zelda explained. "It looks like a translucent image."

"Oh, that!" Lyn closed her eyes. "It looked like a spiritual message."

"Or astral projection," Florina nodded. "So, that's news?"

"No," Samus shook her head. "News is the part where they inform you about, well, new happenings around the world."

"That makes sense," Lyn replied.

"We saw something that resembled a play," Florina said.

"A soap?" Samus inquired and Florina just stared.

"Isn't soap, well, soap?" she said, trying to avoid sound insulting.

"Soap operas are shows about the characters' everyday life, they are shown in short segments, and the entire thing usually spans several years in the play. Soap for short," Zelda explained.

"The holo display activates by voice and thought," Samus supplied. "Somebody was bored?" she threw a glance at Lyn.

"I wasn't the one looking for sugary romance that early," she said, pulling Florina closer to her body, getting a startled eep from her in the process. "Couldn't you have picked something a little bit less mushy?" the lavender haired woman could only giggle.

"Well, it's a good idea keep an eye on the local news," Samus said, leaning back on her seat.

"Show local news, is a good way to word your request," Zelda suggested.

Lyn closed her eyes, taking in the information. "Thank you," she said in a voice that suddenly reminded Samus of Zelda. For a moment, there was a… Zelda-ish tone in Lyn's voice.

"Anyway," Samus cleared her throat, "When are we going to be able to sign up for some brawling?"

"At least two days," Zelda replied. "Stadiums five and six will be closed the first week until tournaments and themed brawls begin."

"Themed?" Lyn rested her head on top of Florina's.

"Fight with only sword fighters, hand combat specialists, machine riders, magicians, summoners. There will be special events there too, like Grab-a-Coin, Deathmatch, I guess it will depend of the contestants inventiveness," Zelda explained.

Samus and Lyn chuckled when they noticed the matching grin on the other's face.

"Well, we arrived," Florina informed the group. Climbing down the car, they exchanged good morning salutes with the people making their way to nearest stadium. "Thank you for sharing this time with us," the gentle woman bowed deeply and Zelda returned the bow.

"It was our pleasure," the princess replied.

"See you later?" Lyn nodded to Samus.

"Sooner," the Huntress replied.

"Well, well," Florina quietly pushed the jade haired woman back, "First we need to clean ourselves, then you can play."

Samus could only smile at the sight. Lyn simply smiled, pulling Florina in a tighter hold, delivering a gentle kiss to the other woman's lips, and then pulling back with the most serene look Samus had seen on her.

"I'll need help washing my back," Lyn murmured in Florina's ear, but everybody could hear her clearly. Florina simply blushed, giggling quietly.

"We'll leave that to you," Samus said following a giggling Zelda towards an elevator. Lyn waved them good-bye as she led Florina to another elevator.

"Cute couple, huh?" the princess smiled and Samus had to agree with her.

"Gonna be happening more than just cleaning up there," Samus idly commented.

"Oh yeah!" Zelda's hip thrust was more than enough to make Samus double up in laughter.

"You are one naughty princess," Samus chuckled.

"It's in the job's description," the princess said with the straightest face Samus had ever seen as the elevator's doors opened for Zelda's floor. "Thirty minutes sound okay?"

"More than enough," Samus replied as the doors closed.

Once on her floor, Samus stopped to take a look of all the people already on the move. Several were casually dressed while others showed they were ready to be part of the first matches of the day. She debated a moment between checking on Pit or a shower, but the showed won in the end.

Passing her hand on the scanner, her temporal home greeted her with a silent welcome.

"News," she casually said as she stripped naked and headed for the bathroom. "Follow," another command as she stepped into the shower. The holo display showed the news, replaying what Zelda had already informed her. As she rinsed her long locks, an idea came to her mind.

"Available entertainment?" the holo flattened, segmenting into several screens. Lines of text started to cascade on the borders. This would have been easy to read for Samus if the screens hadn't started to multiply by the second.

"Ah, mine?" she said, unsure if the command would apply. Luckily for her, it did. From saturating the entire bathroom, the screens were reduced to only forty-seven. She recognized each one with a galaxy –or part of one- integrated to the Galaxy Federation, and some she didn't recognize but knew the dialect and/or nomenclature used to name them was from her origin dimension.

As she stopped the shower another idea came to her mind.

"Reset and Hyrule's overview."

The screens merged into a single sphere, showing several options ranging from entertainment to flora-fauna, news, and history –divided in seven segments- among others.

The Huntress stepped away from the shower, letting the atmosphere change to dry her body, before she waved a dismissive hand towards the holo sphere. Back on the bedroom, she sat on bed, rummaging in her duffel bag.

"Show Stadium three activity for today," she said as she put on clean underwear.

A new holo display appeared on the wall, showing several names arranged in pairs in two different colors. As far as Samus could tell, every single slot was occupied at the moment.

"Tomorrow's activity?" the same result with different names. "This week?" the display enlarged, showing new colors with several available slots. Moving on six days, Samus found new spheres open for at least sixteen slots. Tournaments or these themed matches, Samus thought.

"Enough," she simply said, stand up. The display dissipated in the air as the Huntress looked out of the window. The day was damn good, only a few clouds in the sky, and the temperature was cool enough for her. Of course, since she was planning to go to the stadium, she could hope for controlled temperature there.

Jean, shirt and jacket combo would do.

The Huntress stopped for a moment before throwing the jacket back into the bag, and then pulling out a black jacket. If this was going to be her official first day in this dimension, she may look presentable.

Since she didn't have anything presentable, her old G.F. special ops jacket would have to do. She loved the black color too.

Finally deciding for her hair down she left her room; knocking on Pit's door for a couple seconds yielded no answer so she decided to go to the elevator. She didn't know what Pit's plans were for his stay, but he probably already had one. Shrugging in defeat, she made her way back to the elevator; the thirty minutes still hadn't gone by, but she decided to go down anyway.

Another person, a young girl, got in the elevator with her and Samus pressed the lobby seeing her companion sulk in the far wall of the sphere.

Doing her best to remain impassive, she let her eyes wander over the other female.

Samus came from a dimension where a large number of races gathered to create the Galactic Federation, an organism that looked over the welfare of every one of these races. For that motive, they couldn't give themselves the luxury to have a race having predominant control of any of its faces. An effect of this was the merging of several customs, perspective, ideologies and standards.

As such, her sense of esthetics was wide and impartial.

However, she couldn't deny the girl was cute.

Large claws extending of very human looking hands, two horns coming from the hair on a very human looking head, a yellow hue for very human looking eyes, a tail coming from above a very human looking rear, a pair of leathery wings folded behind a very human looking torso, and a fang sticking out of a very human looking mouth.

Of course, all the aforementioned facts clearly stated this girl wasn't Human.

If she had to name her race, Samus wasn't sure if demon would be considered rude. The leather and rough looking clothes wrapping around the petite female gave her a bad girl look, that's for sure; maybe being called demon wouldn't be so off.

Both females continued their ride down in silence; besides the first glance Samus had given to the smaller girl, nothing else was exchanged. As the elevator slowed down to a halt, the smaller female stomped to the front and was the first to step out.

The little girl glared left and right and then ran away.

Samus simply arched up an eyebrow before stepping out. She was willing to open normal communications with the Hyruleans; Zelda's friendship was in great part responsible of this.

Opening to another total stranger was, well, still difficult at this point.

Besides, there were more important things at the moment.

Meat for example.

She made her way towards the cafeteria, returning a few nods sent in her direction. As she was about to enter, she heard a loud wham and immediately everybody stood up, chorusing a low ow.

Seeing nothing worth their attention, several people went back to their meals while others simply walked away. A small group remained in place, one with several long eared Hylians.

She made her way to the large table they had claimed and could see they all were looking to the ground. She approached behind Link, looking over his shoulder to whatever they were looking at.

The Huntress winced as she saw the rapidly swelling eye on Pit's face. "You could have put up your hands, you know?"

To be continued

End's notes.

Yeh, I couldn't help myself. Hope you at least got a laugh of the lil joke… at least there was girl luff! Yeh, I know, it wasn't between Samus and Zelda, but hey, Lyn and Florina, that's a classic.

Thanks to the people who have been giving me input, muchly appreciated it. For those waiting for the fights, worry not, only a couple more before we have the first big fight.

Sorry this chapter was so uneventful, but hey, at least Pit got some airtime. Have seen way too many yaoi fics with Pit and, well, everybody else, so for the people who already know me, you know what to expect. To the rest, stay tuned.

Now, for Ri2's review: Thanks greatly for the suggestions. Believe it or not, that did give me idea for a lil arch in the story. Thanks! Baddies, hmmm, I think I'll bring him, not sure how I would do it since this is a post TP Hyrule, but heck, it's fanfiction, we can deviate from canon a little bit. And yeh, the "Spawn"…. She'd be born by now, but if I introduce her… I'm going for a yes here, but what do you think? Bring her in, or not?

Also! To the people reviewing anonymously, put your mail in the review so I can reply directly to you. In case you don't, worry not, for I'm planning to update my profile with replies to anonymous reviews and other random bits of info from now on.

Review if you like, review if you don't, tell me what I did wrong to fix it, tell me what I did right to keep it in line. See ya!