Chapter 13

Olivia gave up crying some time ago because it really didn't do her any good. Now she paced back and forth. She worked out a plan in her head.

She would stay next to the door so that the next time she heard the lock turn she could attack him without him knowing. She would hurt him as much as possible and then run. Run to where, she didn't know. But anywhere was better than the tiny room.


Elliot was about to bang on the door when Fin grabbed his arm.

"We don't want him to know that we are here." He explained and Elliot nodded. "We need to find a way in."

They all heard Munch clear his throat. "These might help."

"Where were those?" Cragen asked. Munch indicated to an empty crate not to far away.

"You're kidding?" Elliot walked over to him and took them. "The keys were just left out?"

"I guess this guy isn't the sharpest tool in the box."

There were a lot of keys on the key ring so the only thing to do was to try every one of them. It wasn't until Elliot got to the sixth key that it fit. He looked behind him and saw that everyone already had their guns out. He slowly pushed the door open and began to open the door when he felt an elbow connect with his nose. He went from cautious to enraged faster than ever. He grabbed the arm that hit him and pushed the perp against the wall. He could feel him moving under him and fighting. His vision was blurred but he still brought his arm back and was about to bring it forward.


He immediately dropped his arm and blinked a few times. He looked at Cragen, the voice that called him. Then back to the one he had against the wall and the one who stopped fighting.

"Olivia?" He immediately let her go.

"Oh God, it's you!" Olivia sounded relieved.

Munch walked over and lifted her arms. "Are you okay?" He took off the cuffs.

Olivia reached up and grabbed the dark glasses that rested on his face. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Did he hurt you?"

"What did he do?"

"Do you need an ambulance?"

"Stop!" She shouted. "I just want to get out of here." She looked around, still squinting. "Is he here?"

"We didn't see him." Cragen said putting his jacket around her shoulders.

"Thanks." She looked at Elliot. "Oh my God, Elliot!" Olivia exclaimed when she saw his bloody nose/ She reached up to his face, but he pushed her hand away. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!"

"Its okay, don't worry about." He tried to smile. "I'm glad you can do this."

"Why don't we get out of here?" Fin suggested.

Once they were outside Olivia covered her eyes even more. "You can lay down in the back if you want." Elliot said. She nodded.

"Hey!" Cragen yelled when he saw who was running towards one of the cars.

All of them looked and saw Steven's trying to get in the car. Elliot made sure the captain and Munch were by Olivia when he joined Fin in chasing him down.

Fin was the first to get to him. He threw Stevens to the ground and got on top of him. Fin brought his fist down on his face a few times before flipping him over. Elliot handed him his cuffs. Stevens fought them all the way to the car. Elliot opened the back door and punched him in the stomach. He pushed him in and slammed the door shut.

"I'll take him back with Munch." Fin said as Munch walked to the drivers side.

Elliot went back to where Cragen and Olivia were getting into the other car.

"Are you okay?" Elliot asked before she got in the backseat.

"I'm the one in the box with him." She answered before sitting down and closing the door.


Olivia didn't object when Cragen pulled up in front of the hospital. Although, she did feel weird walking in. She could tell the three of them were getting strange looks. Olivia walked in barefoot with an over-sized jacket on her shoulders while Elliot's face still had blood on it.

They now sat in a room waiting for the doctor to come back. Elliot sat in a chair against the wall with an icepack and Olivia was on the table staring at the floor. Cragen stood between the two. He was about to speak when the doctor came in.

"Hello, Detectives. I'm Dr. Harrows. Detective Benson, I just looked at the test results and everything seems to be fine. The stitches are enough and whenever you're ready you can leave." He handed her a a pill bottle. "Take these if your head hurts too much." He turned to Elliot. "Detective Stabler, you will probably have some swelling and bruising, but it is nothing serious. You should be fine within a week or so. I also have some medication for you as well. Only take it if it is absolutely necessary." He looked around the room. "Any questions?"


Cragen didn't like it, but they went straight back to the house after the hospital. He now stood watching his two detectives interrogating their perp. The two of them looked like they were about to pass out what with all the bruises and pale skin.

"So you see, Stevens, we got you. You have been caught and I wouldn't be surprised if you are denied parole." Elliot stood smug against the wall.

"I'll be fine." He replied just as smug.

"No, you will be finishing up your life behind bars." Olivia leaned closer to him across the table. "Thanks to your sloppy work you failed." She smiled. "How would your mother feel about that? Her son failed..."

"Shut up." He snapped. Elliot saw his eyes darken even more and he knew that Olivia saw too.

"It always comes back to her, doesn't it?" She pushed. "What do you have against her?"

"The crazy ones always have mommy problems." Elliot slowly walked around the room. "So what, she didn't love you enough? Didn't give you enough attention?"

"He just failed so much that she didn't think he deserved it." Olivia said flippantly.

"Bitch!" He was out of his seat and across the table reaching for her neck. "You're dead!"

Olivia stood quickly and backed up as Elliot grabbed him and threw him against the wall. "Do that again and that will be your last move."

Olivia came next to them and slapped her cuffs on him. "Congratulations, Mr. Stevens, you just added another charge against you." He looked at her with burning eyes. "Assaulting an officer...again."

He tried to break away from Elliot, but Elliot held him tight. "Calm down, buddy, you'll see her again in court." Elliot led him out of the room and to his cell.

Olivia was walking out of the room and looked at Cragen. "So what now?"

"This case is as good as done." Cragen said. "Go home."

Olivia nodded. "Sounds good."

"Olivia." She turned before heading out. "Are you really okay?"

"He ruffed me up a little, Captain." She smiled. "I fought back and then he knocked me out. I woke you found me."She finished quietly.


"He didn't do anything."

Cragen nodded. "Go home and get some rest. Come back when you're ready. Let your partner know as well."

"K, thanks."

"And Olivia, I don't mean to come back tomorrow." He smiled.


Olivia begrudgingly got off the couch and walked over to her door. She had a feeling she knew who it was. The knock was light but fast. She opened the door and saw him standing back a few feet with his hands in his pockets.


"Hey." He stood still for a moment. It was strange because they were going on days without seeing or speaking to each other. Usually he would just push his way it. "May I come in?"

"Um, yeah, sure." She was a little confused by his hesitant behavior. "Are you okay?" She asked , almost nervously, once the door was closed.

"Yeah, fine." He said sarcastically. "It's not like some that I care about was just found after being kidnapped by murdering rapist. It's not like I could barely function without you there. Its not like..." His voice raised as he spoke, but Olivia stopped him.

"Elliot stop. I'm fine. You found me. He didn't do anything to me. Nothing happened." She stood in front of him with her arms crossed. "I'm fine."

He scoffed. "You're always fine."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you never tell me how you feel or what's going on in your head." He nearly shouted.

"And you're any better?" She yelled matching his voice.

"I wasn't the one locked in a...a...a dungeon!"

"What do you want me to say? It happened, it was bad, it's over and done with!" She tried to stalk by him but he caught her arm and spun her around. "Let go of me." She seethed.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." He tried to steady his voice. "Just talk to me."

"Talk to you about what, Elliot?" She wanted him leave and never come back. She didn't want to talk about it. "You got there before he did anything." Her voice was lowering. His grip loosened. "He locked me in there. I was unconscious or alone most of the time. I fought him when he tried anything." She yanked her arm away from his and headed for the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. She wasn't really thirsty. All she wanted was a distraction.

"He touched you?" Elliot whispered as he entered the kitchen.

Olivia's eyes locked on his and grew dark. "Is that what this is about? You're jealous?" She nearly screamed. "You don't like that he tried something because you don't think anyone other than you should be able to?" Her voice rose and if she was paying any attention to him she would have noticed that his rage was flaring. She tried to pass him again, but this time instead of grabbing her arm he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He screamed in her face. She squirmed but he just squeezed harder. "I'm jealous? I'm not jealous. A rapist had you at his mercy. You were cuffed. He could do whatever he wanted with you and you would be helpless..."

"I wasn't..."

"I'm not jealous. Yeah I was jealous when you went on those dates and I was so happy, ecstatic, when you had to cancel one! But I am not jealous of that guy!" He pushed away from her. His voice grew quiet. "How could you think that?"

He turned his back to her and she slid down the wall. It was silent for awhile.

"I don't think that." She mumbled

"Then why did you say it?" He still didn't face her.

"I don't know."

After a few more minutes of silence, Elliot slid down next to her. "I was worried."

"I know." He slid his hand in hers.

"I just..."

"I cried." She interjected.


"I cried." She looked straight ahead. "Not for long. I realized nothing would come from that. It wasn't long before you found me." He squeezed her hand. "I was afraid that I would become his next victim and I wouldn't be able to help throw him away. I was afraid that he would go after someone else after he was done with me."

Elliot smiled a little. "You always worry others before yourself."

"I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to find me."

"We were trying our hardest, Olivia. You have to believe that."

"I know, I do. It's just...we were having enough trouble as it was and..."


"I thought you wouldn't find me."

"We did."

She lowered her head. "All I could think about what you, Elliot. I wanted you to find me. I didn't...I just wanted you."

Elliot quickly turned to look at her even though she kept her head down. He let go of her hand and slid his arm around her shoulders. She still didn't move so he pulled her closer. He smiled when she rested her head against his shoulder. He pressed his lips to her head. "I know what you mean." He barely whispered.

Olivia tiled her head up to him and he looked down at her. "Yeah?"

He leaned forward and gently, hesitantly placed his lips down on hers. It was a slow kiss that only lasted a few seconds, but it was worth it. As they pulled back Elliot said, "Yeah."

Olivia was about to say something, but her stomach decided to rumble. Elliot smiled. "Sorry."

"It's okay. When was the last time you ate?"

She thought for a moment. "Awhile ago."

Elliot pushed himself up off the ground. Once he was balanced he held his hands out for Olivia to pull her up. "Chinese or pizza?"



Elliot opened his eyes slowly. He wanted to sleep longer. He wanted to hold her in his arms longer. The sun was just starting to rise. Soon the rays would break through the window and land on them. Olivia was nested in his chest breathing slowly. The television was still on and the pizza box was on the coffee table. He shifted slightly to reach behind him and grab his phone.

"What time is it?" Olivia mumbled, still half asleep.

"Early." He pulled her closer. "Would you be more comfortable in your bed?"

Olivia rolled over. He held her so she wouldn't fall. "Are you trying to get in my bed, Detective?"

He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Not today. But we do have to be at work in a few hours and I still need to get home to change." She stretched out and sat up. He followed. "You're the lucky one that can get a few more minutes of sleep in."

"I think I'm up." She looked at him. "That's the most sleep I've gotten in a long time."

"Same here."

They were sitting quietly next to each other on the couch. Both knew that he needed to go, but they didn't know how to handle it.


"Don't." He looked at her. "We had a good night together. It was a good time." He almost looked pleadingly at her. "Please, don't think about it. At least not now." She nodded. He leaned forward and kissed her lips. "I'll see you at work."

She watched as he got his stuff together and headed for the door. "Elliot!" She called before he walked out. She hurried over to him. She stopped though.



"What is it?" he asked gently.

"It's just that...well..."

"Olivia, just say it." Elliot was worried she was going to shut down and close him out again. After all, that's what they did. They had one good night followed by a bunch of bad ones.

"Tell me that last night meant something."

He smiled and almost laughed. He wasn't expecting to hear that. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. He kissed her again. "I'll see you at work. After work we will talk about it." He held her hand tightly. "And yes, it did mean something. We'll figure out what."