A/N: Hey all! This is just supposed to be fun and funny! I'm a huge Emmett fan and love writing his character. Just a quick one shot that I came up with while I was trying to fall asleep.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Twilight.

Emmett and His Emmettness

Emmett's Point of View:

"Please Rose!" I begged.

"No." She responded sternly.

"Please please please!!"

"No no no." She replied.

"But Rose…"

"Oh stop pouting, you look ridiculous." She said while looking in the mirror and fixing her hair, which already looked perfect.

"Rose come on!" I dropped the pout but added sad eyes in.

"Emmett, I said no, and I meant it."

"But if you said yes you would make me the happiest man in the whole wide world."

"Emmett, that's what you said when I declined your proposal."

"Yeah, and it got you to say yes, didn't it?"

"Sure, but I'm not budging on this one." I stopped complaining for a moment, and tried to come up with a better way to approach the topic.

"You could come with me." I said excitedly after a few moments.

"Hell no! I'm not an idiot like you."

"You know, that's not very nice to say."

"Well I wouldn't say it if it weren't true."


"Emmett, you cannot rob a bank!"

"Give me one…wait no, three good reasons why I can't."

"One" Rose said while holding up a finger "you just want to do it so that you can wear all black." I didn't bother trying to protest that one, because it was partially true. Rose quickly pulled up a second finger "Two, we don't need any money, we're loaded. Three you will get caught." I opened my mouth to protest but she quickly altered her third reason. "Even if you aren't caught, Carlisle would make you move, because robbing a bank has to be going against his rules. And four, yes I'm going to give you a forth reason even though you only asked for three, I would divorce you."

"You would not."

"I sure as hell would."

"Doubtful, very doubtful."

"Don't hold your breath." She said while applying mascara.

"Oh, why not? What will happen if I do hold my breath?" I sucked in a deep breath, and blew my cheeks up with air. Rose just glared at me.

"Idiot." She mumbled.

"You're the one who said it."

"It's a figure of speech. Jeez Emmett, and you are the one who did it."


"Fine? Are you giving up?" Rose asked turning towards me.

"Yes." I replied, smiling glumly.

"Good." Rose walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"You know I don't think you are always an idiot." She said while pulling my face up to look at her.


"Yeah, sometimes you're actually pretty smart." She started running her hands through my hair.

"Damn straight." I said proudly.

"You totally just killed the moment." She said starting to stand up, but I pulled her back on my lap.

"Where are you going?"

"I just told you, you ruined the moment." She looked down at me. Quickly I crashed my lips onto hers. She seemed shocked, but responded after a moment. After a few seconds we pulled apart.

"How's that for ruining the moment?" I asked.

"You are so damn cocky."

"And you love it." She kissed my cheek.

"Nah." She replied.

"I think you do."

"Well I think you're wrong."

"Nope. I'm right." Rose rolled her eyes at me.

"Let's watch TV." Rose stood up, and extended her hand to me. I took it willingly and stood up from the bathroom floor. We walked into our bedroom and positioned ourselves on our bed. We clicked the power button on the remote and the TV turned on. After about an hour of watching TV Rose had softened up more from our bickering match.

"So, I can go tomorrow, right?" I asked.

"Go where?"

"Rob the bank." She smacked my head, but didn't reply. I took that as a yes.

A/N: Alright that's it. It was short, but I like it…but maybe that's just me, let me know what you think!

