Notes: these ficlets have been written for the 100quills challenge over on LJ. I claimed a 50 prompt table for the Hogwarts Founders. These ficlets are not chronological – if they're supposed to be read together, I will mention it.

Prompt 1. Doubt

The Only Person

"I don't think I can do this, Row."

Rowena smiles. "You can. And don't call me Row."

"Sorry. I just don't know if there's anything I can contribute that one of you three can't."

Rowena lets the book in her hands fall shut and looks at Helga, small and incredibly blonde in the flickering flame of the candles. "Are you serious?"

Helga sighs. "Yes, I am. I want this school, but I don't know what I'll do there. Will I teach? Will I pass on anything of importance to the pupils? Will I be able to teach them anything they don't know yet? Or will I just be some woman who's always around that you can talk to?"

"We need you, Helga. All three of us do."

"Maybe the students won't." She sniffs and Rowena is struck by how vulnerable she looks, strong Helga, cheerful Helga.

"Look at me." Rowena says, almost sternly, and waits for Helga to comply. "We need your patience, your big heart and your happiness, Helga. You know how elitist Salazar can be, and how Godric still hasn't learned to think before he does something, and how… down I sometimes get. You'll be… the only person worthy of professorhood." And she smiles at her friend, realising how true it is.

Helga brushes her hair out of her eyes and lets out a shaky breath.