DISCLAIMER: In case you don't know this already, I do not own Pokemon or any of its affiliates. I also do not own the story Firelight by Crest of Empathy, to which this is a sort of 'sequel'. So... yeah. Enjoy!


Rainy Days are Dangerous for your Health

Rain poured down on Fallarbor town, running down the walls of buildings and making tiny streams that flowed down into craters, carrying ashes with them. Droplets bounced off of tree leaves to drip down the back of shirts and cause a few moments of shock and cold. It soaked the earth down deep, making mud that a couple of kids played in, slinging mud balls at each other and squealing when their missiles found their marks.

Inside the Pokemon Center where May volunteered, Drew was sitting silently in the farthest corner. His green eyes were closed, his face expressionless, and every so often he sighed.

His rival and friend, just finishing healing a sweet little Marril, gave him a worried glance.

Nurse Lily followed her gaze. "He hasn't moved since he got here an hour ago. "

"I know. " She slipped over to his side. "Are you ok? This isn't like you at all. "

"I'm just... having a bad day. I'd really rather not talk about it. I'm not in your way or anything, am I? " He opened at his last question, turning his head slightly to look at her.

"Oh, no, not at all. Stay here as long as you like. " Her blue eyes shone with sympathy as he turned back to face the wall and resume his unusual silence.

There must be something I can do to cheer him up, she though as she got up and left. Ooooh, I know! Cupcakes! Everybody loves cupcakes!

"Can I use the kitchen for cupcakes, Nurse Lily? I want to cheer Drew up. "

The indigo haired woman though for a second. May's cooking skills were... infamous, to say the least. Then again, how much trouble could she cause?

"Go ahead, May. All my recipes are in the wooden box by the oven. "

"Oooh, thank you so very much, you won't regret it, this will be so much fun!!! " The teenager dashed off to the kitchen, mind full of plans and fantasies.

Without knowing why they did, both Drew and Lily shuddered.


"Lets see, Lum and Bluk Cupcakes, Vanili Cupcakes, oh here it is, Super Rich Chocolate Cupcakes! " May whipped out the index card triumphantly. "I'm going to need some help. Come on out, Blaziken, Wynaut, Squirtle and Skitty! "

The four chosen Pokemon burst out of their respective pokeballs, Skitty landing in the sink, Squirtle in the trash can, Blaziken on the counter and Wynaut on the ceiling. The little blue pokemon was walking cheerfully around upside down, calling out his name over and over again.

"Get down here, Wynaut, that's creepy! " May fished her water Pokemon out of the trash. Skitty panicked as she tried to climb out of the slippery sink, accidentally turning on the water and soaking herself before Blaziken unceremoniously deposited her on the counter. The kitten stood stock still, shivering as May wrapped her in a towel.

"Ok, now, we▓ve got to do a really really good job on this, ok? It's for Drew. Now, for the first item on the list... "