Vicki had a lot to process and she was hoping this short little vacation might help. During the limo ride Henry had provided, Vicki decided to doze a little. She still wasn't feeling her best, still a little weak and tired. She was already missing Henry but she would not soon forget their last encounter-that was Henry's plan of course. With that last thought, she slept with a smile on her face.

The dream started almost immediately. Vicki was on playground full of children and parents. The child she had been pushing was gone. Vicki felt frantic. She began searching for her.

"Have you seen my child?" Vicki began asking everyone she could. No one seemed to hear her. She ran, circled around the entire park, not seeing her at all. In fact, she wasn't even sure what the child looked like, she had never seen her face...she began to scream.

"Miss! Miss are you okay?" It was the limo driver, he was shaking her awake. "Ma'am, you were screaming, everything okay?" Vicki looked around, disoriented for a moment.

"Uh, yeah, are we here already?" She asked sitting up and looking around.

He smiled and saluted, "Yes ma'am, safe and sound just like I promised Mr. Fitzroy." He was completely proud of himself, or unbeknownest to the poor driver, Henry had used his vampire skills on him.

Vicki stepped out into the sun and couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. A beautfiul victorian style house sat in front of her. Sculpted gardens, front yard with the proverbial white picket fence. It was set on a small knoll, away from other houses. Not desolate, just alone enough to be private.

Vicki smiled as she saw Tori running toward her, "Aunt Vicki! Aunti Vicki! You came..." she trailed off as she leaped into Vicki's arms. Vicki swung her around and immediately became dizzy and sick but she didn't let it show. Nope, she was going to get her toughness back if it killed her-and knowing Vicki-it might.

Maggie was starting down the steps with-Will?-right behind her. How could that be-it was daylight? Wow, Maggie had some splainin' to do. Maggie's ever expanding belly looked beautiful on her. She was the picture of health and staying in shape.

Although Vicki wasn't a hugger, she responded to Maggie's hug and kiss on the cheek, returning the gesture.

"So glad you're here." Maggie held onto her hands for a minute longer, "Hmmm, we've got work to do little sister."

"Hey, I'm on vacation remember?" Vicki raised an eyebrow at her. "I know, but you need a cleansing and I'm going to show you how to do it so you can do it yourself next time." Maggie responded.

Maggie suddenly stopped walking up the path, she had her arm threaded through Vicki's while Tori held Vicki's other hand.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Vicki asked Maggie, looking concerened.

"Yes, I just want to share something with you," Maggie placed Vicki's had on her stomach and Vicki felt her nephew moving around. Vicki smiled, bittersweet.

"He knows you're here." Maggie stated.

"Really?" She said, not convinced. Her hand lingered on Maggie's belly, savoring every moment of something she knew she would probably never have.

"Really, and he can't wait to meet you." Maggie said smiling. Vicki sighed, not knowing what to say.

Vicki hoped this vacation would help her. She really needed it, but she felt like something was off. She just couldn't put her finger on it...