Disclaimer: I own nothing of Naruto except the plot, Hikari, and Kei. Kay-chan owns Serenity since that's her character. T.T

What if Naruto had two older sisters? One who was named Serenity and the other was named Hikari(A/N: Means light). Serenity and Hikari were twins, both being four years older than Naruto; they got to know their parents a little bit before the Kyuubi attack...but, that doesn't mean that one of the twins didn't have to suffer with a demon inside them as well. While Naruto got the Kyuubi sealed in him, Hikari had Kei sealed in her, and Serenity, well, she had no demons sealed inside her, just a special power that made it possible for her to turn into a tiger. Serenity had red hair and brown eyes; Hikari had what she liked to call cold fire hair, blood red with natural blue and brown streaks and silver tips, while her eyes were two different colors her right eye was a pale blue while her left was a pale purple. See, Hikari and Serenity were actually adopted by Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki when they were two years old. Whoever their real parents were, sealed Kei into Hikari before dying. So, no one knows who they were.

A year after the Kyuubi attack

"Serenity! Can you watch Naru while I'm on a mission?" Hikari asked her twin while putting her chunin outfit on. "No, I've got a mission myself baka!" Serenity replied, trying to feed their brother. "Hey, think Iruka-sensei could watch him?" she asked and pulled on her vest over her black tank top. "Uhh...maybe..?" came her reply. Hikari finished dressing and made sure she had everything for her mission. "You already dressed? If so, we can take Naruto and stop by Iruka-sensei's.." she said and put her hair in a ponytail. She muttered something when some hair wouldn't stay up and insisted on covering her right eye. "Yeah, just lemme pull on my sandals and get Naru-chan to wear his jacket." Serenity said before doing what she had just said. The twins met up at the front door, "Let's go."

Serenity, the oldest of the twins, held Naruto's hand as they walked down the street. "Dang vest won't zip!" Hikari said, ticked off. "Just leave it unzipped until we get to Sarutobi's office." Serenity said, rolling her eyes. "What if I don't wanna?" Hikari challenged. "Then just do it in silence!" "Sheesh, what crawled up your butt and died?" "Nenity! Karu! Wookie! Kuka!" Naruto said, tugging on their sleeves. "Hm?" they said in unison before looking at where he was pointing. "Iruka-sensei!" Hikari shouted before rushing towards the chunin. "HIKARI! WATCH -" Serenity started to shout, but Hikari ran straight into someone. Said girl fell backwards, onto her butt while the other person did the same.

"Karu, woo okay?" Naruto asked, approaching his sister. "Yea, Naru, I'm fine...although I skinned my palms..." Hikari said and observed her hurt palms. "Buddy! You best say you're sorry to my sister, Hikari, or else!" Serenity threatened. "Gomen nasai Hikari-san." a voice said. "Karu, Kuka is alking ober here." the blonde boy said and held his arms out to Iruka. "You okay, Hikari-chan?" Iruka asked, picking Naruto up. Hikari looked up at him and nodded, "Hai Iruka-sensei!" "Oi, Kari, isn't that that Uchiha prodedgy...Ita..chi?" Serenity whispered in her sister's ear. "Huh?" Hikari said before looking at the person she ran into. "IT IS!" she exclaimed. "What is?" the boy, now known as Itachi, asked. "Nothing!" they replied a little too fast. "Hey, sensei, can you watch Naru for us today? We've both got missions to do..." Serenity asked. "Of course, I'd watch him!" Iruka replied. The twins smiled, "Thanks!" "Shouldn't you two be gettin' to the Hokage Tower right about now?" a male voice asked. "Uma!" Naruto squealed and held his arms out to the jonin. Asuma chuckled but took him from Iruka, causing the chunin to pout.

"HEY! You're in your chunin outfit! Sooo, you have a mission then?" Hikari asked Itachi. "Uh, sis, you know that you're still sittin' on the ground, riight..?" Serenity asked. "Am not!" she said before looking at the ground. "Oh...eh heh heh..." Itachi stood up and held his hand out to Hikari. At first, Hikari just stared at it, almost no one dared touch her or her sister or brother. After a moment, she decided to trust him and placed her hand in his. Itachi hauled her to her feet. "Sank you!" she said before turning to Iruka and hugging him. Serenity rolled her eyes but gave Iruka a hug too. Naruto didn't wanna be left out and whimpered, "Kuka, Naru wan wug!" Iruka and Asuma chuckled but Iruka did give Naruto a hug.

"Hey, Naru-chan, you best be a good boy for Iruka-sensei, okay? Me and Karu have missions to go on with our teams, we'll hurry back okay?" Serenity said gently, looking Naruto in the eye. He whimpered, tears filling his eyes, "Why do woo and Karu haff to go?" Hikari plucked Naruto out of Asuma's arms and walked around, gently rocking him. "So we can get money to buy food and pay our bills..we can't afford to be homeless, now can we?" she said. Naru shook his head, "No.." "We should be back within a few days, okay? And when we get back, we'll take you to the park and play with you. You'll probably see Ino-chan, Shika-kun, Chouji-kun, Kiba-kun, and Hina-chan there." "Baka, you forgot Sakura-chan." Serenity said. "Oh, whoops. And...and..." Hikari couldn't figure what to say next. Naruto looked at his sister's face and kissed her on the cheek. "Ewww...now I have baby slobber on me!" she exclaimed, making Naru laugh. "Give Serena-nee a kiss too!" she whispered to him. "Nenity!" he called out. Serenity walked over, "Hai, Naru?" He grinned and gave her a kiss just like Hikari's. "Ewwwww! Baby germs!" she shrieked, making her twin and Naru laugh, along with Iruka and Asuma. Itachi just chuckled.

"You two best get goin' to Dad's office...he doesn't like it when his two best girl chunin are late; same goes for you, Itachi." Asuma said. Hikari gave Naru a kiss on the forehead before handing him over to Iruka, "Be a good boy Naru." The twins waved bye to their baby brother, Iruka-sensei, and Asuma-sensei. Naruto started to cry, "KARU! NENITY!" Hikari and Serenity felt their hearts clench at his crys, but didn't turn back. "He's always asleep when we leave..." the youngest of the two girls whispered, on the verge of crying. The oldest nodded, "I know..." Hikari sniffled and a few tears fell, "His crys make me not wanna leave...but we need the money..." "I wish we didn't have to leave Naru..." Serenity agreed, also trying to hold her tears back, but she was losing that fight. Itachi didn't know what to do exactly, but he decided the best thing he could do was try and comfort them. They were shocked when they were suddenly engulfed into a hug by Itachi. They clung to him and cried. Itachi, being a year or two older than them picked them up and carried them to the Hokage's office.

"About time you three showed up!" Sarutobi huffed. It took him a moment to notice that the two girls were crying and that Itachi was holding them. "What happened!" the 3rd hokage was instantly worried. "N-Naru was awake...and...and h-his crys..." Hikari said through her hiccups and crying. "Made us...w-wanna s-stay but...we...we need the m-money..." Serenity finished, crying and hiccuping as well. "You know, I could just give you the money you need...you don't have to take missions..." the hokage said gently. They shook their heads, "Iie! We'll never become good ninja if we don't take missions...it's just hard to leave Naru with Iruka-sensei when he's awake and starts crying for us to stay..." "You three have to go deliver this to the Mizukage for me. It's very important that you take this to him right away. Along the way, you may encounter dangerous enemy nin, so be careful, and come back in one piece. Preferably alive." he said. "Hai, Hokage-sama!" they said as one. "Oh, you three know that the jonin exams are coming up, ne?" Hikari smirked, "Yep! And we're gonna kick some butt!" "You three pass the exams, you all become the youngest jonin ever; you're already the youngest people to become genin and chunin." This time, Itachi spoke, "We'll show them what Konoha shinobi can do if properly trained." Serenity nodded, "You bet!"

An hour later at the gate

"Man! Where's sensei!" Hikari exclaimed. 'Quit complaining, gaki!' a voice said. Hikari yelped and looked around, "Who said that!" "Who said what?" Itachi asked. Serenity stared at her twin. 'Baka!' the voice said again. "WAH! I'M HEARING VOICES NOW!" she shouted, clutching her head. "O...kay... Do I want to know?" a jonin asked. "Sensei!" Serenity said, relieved. "You're late, ya know, Kaka-sensei." Itachi said. 'BAKA! You're hearing voices, correct! But you're NOT insane!' "Who the heck is saying that!" she exploded. 'Tsk, tsk...' With that, she fell to the ground, unconscious. "Hikari!" Serenity shouted, worried. Itachi, being the cool and calm and collected person he is, just merely caught her before laying her gently on the ground. Kakashi kneeled beside her and checked her pulse, "Her pulse is normal... I wonder what's wrong..."

Hikari opened her eyes and found herself in a dark, cold room with only a huuge cage in it. She could hear water dripping and realized that she was wet. "What the!" she exclaimed, standing up. "Ah, you're finally awake. That's a good thing 'cause I didn't feel like waking you up..." a silky female voice said. "W-Who's there!" "Ah ah ah, you mustn't hurt me for I mean you no harm." the voice replied. "Show yourself!" she commanded. "Fine," With that said, the room lit up and a woman, no older than 20 something walked to the cage bars. She had firey red hair, pretty blue eyes, sharp teeth and nails, tan skin, red fox ears, and eight red fox tails; she was dressed in a white tank top, jean capris with abstract designs, and a pair of shinobi sandals. "Oi, I'm Kei no Kitsune. Kyuubi no Kitsune's younger sister." she introduced herself. "Oh, by the way, Kyuu-nii is sealed in your brother." she added as an after thought. "NANI!" Hikari shouted.

Kei winced, "Do you HAVE to be so loud!" Hikari thought for a moment, "Uhhh...I dunno..." "Baka.." Kei muttered under her breath while shaking her head. "I heard that, y'know!" she said. "Well, anyway. I just wanted to let you know that. Oh, can you change the scenery? It's kinda...blah...this way." the fox demon said. "Uh, sure...but, ano...how do I do that..?" "Just think about how you want it to look, and there you have it!" "O-Okay.." Hikari closed her eyes and imagined the room looking like a field with trees and flowers and the likes, with the sun shining over head and a river for water. She opened her eyes and the room looked like she imagined. "Wow..." she whispered. Kei approached Hikari and hugged her, "Thanks." The five year old went rigid but hugged her back, "You're...uh...welcome...?" Kei smiled, "You might wanna wake up now...your team is worried..." "Hai nee-chan!" With that said, Hikari woke up.

"Ugh..." she groaned. "Hikari!" Serenity said and hugged her tightly. "You okay?" Itachi asked. Hikari nodded slowly, "Fine." Kakashi helped her up, "Positive?" "Hai. I wouldn't lie about that! Gosh!" she said and rolled her eyes.

Well, what do you think? It's only the first chapter...hopefully I'll continue if enough people like it... Rate and review! Or I'll sic Gaara on you!