

I couldn't believe it.

Three for the price of one?


I still was frozen from the news. I couldn't even imagine having one kid let alone three. And mom was just taking it smiling like nothing was wrong.

I knew she was strong but could she handle 3 probably werewolf babies at once?

I shook my head. "Mom, this is just... just great news but Jesus, three? Aren't you freaking out?"

Mom grinned, patting my head. "No silly. I'm excited! I'm seriously even more ready to meet these little ones. You're going to love being a big sister Alix. I promise."

I smirked. "Unless they end up to be just like Jake."

Mom swatted me in the arm, laughing. "No they won't turn out like Jake. Or you, for that matter. All my children will have their own little nuances and personalities. It will to figure them out."

"Ha. You just want to know if they'll be normal or not." I guessed.

Mom was quiet, thoughtful. Finally she shook her head.

"No baby. Really all I ever want for you guys is to be healthy and happy. That's all I ultimately ever wanted. I am very curious about your future siblings destinies, sure. But whether they're destined to become part of the pack or not, I wouldn't love them any less."

She smiled at me, her hands running through my unruly hair. I purred, calming instantly.

I was such a ... dog. Ugh.

Mom laughed, reading my mind. "Considering all of the things that come with being a werewolf, I'm pretty sure this is the least terrible trait honey. It's cute."

I wrinkled my nose. "Mom, ew no. Next thing you know, I'll be hacking up fur balls."

She frowned. "I'm pretty sure those are cats honey. Worse thing you'll do is try to go and chase one."



I had to go see her.

I wasn't about to mess up the best thing that had ever happened to me. No way.

I'd be lucky if she understood where I was coming from in my recent strange behavior.

I was just trying to be the guy she deserved.

Why was I fucking it all up?

I ran my hands though my hair in annoyance.

Bizz bizz!

I glanced at my cell, seeing that the woman on my mind had just texted me.


My brows rose in surprise. Huge news?

My mind automatically went to the worst.

Nah. If it was bad I would've gotten a phone call or something.


Whatever. All that mattered was that I got my ass over there to my girl.

My girl. My heart warmed over that thought.

And I'd be sure to keep it that way.


My ears were still ringing.

I'd have three more Alix's on the way? Are you kidding me?

What did I ever do...

Don't get me wrong. I was hella happy they didn't come home with some terrible news. But I definitely was not expecting...this.

Three more siblings, at the same time, were only months away from making their grand entrance into my life.

And I sure as hell wasn't prepared for it.

"Jake, are you done being shocked yet? Really. I swear I raised a tougher boy than this.."

I growled. "I had stopped breathing. That's why I had blacked out."

Dad barked laughter. "Sure, sure son. I'll go with whatever story you want me to believe. Too bad I was there."

I rolled my eyes. "Dad, seriously though. Three babies? How...?"

"Well son, when mommy and daddy really really love each other..."

"Shut up."

Dad smiled. "I promise I won't ignore you kiddo. In fact, I'll need your help with this more than ever. I can depend on you yeah? Big brother?"

I shrugged. "Of course but... don't expect me to change any damn diapers."

"Don't expect me to either! I already have wiped your ass and Alix's more than I ever wanted..."

"TRIPLETS? Hell yeah!"

Looks like Granddad just found out the news.


I grinned widely at my father-in-law. He was so excited to baby three babies this time. Oh they'd all be so spoiled.

I couldn't wait to tell my own father the news. Charlie would be just as excited and even more prone to spoiling the newest Blacks rotten.

"Oh Bella, I'm so happy for you both!" Billy hugged me tight after I had broken the news to him while consoling Alix.

"Thank you Billy. You know we'll be calling 3 times as much for you to babysit right?"

Billy winked. "I'll be looking forward to it darling! I can't wait for these new grandkids of mine! They're a surprising little bunch, I can already figure that."

Alix shook her head. "Granddad, I can't believe you're taking this so easily."

Billy guffawed. "What so hard about it? Three times the bundle of joy? I can't wait. As a granddad, I don't have to deal with the pains of parenting. I get to spoil ya'll rotten and have fun with it!"

Alix laughed. "I see, I see."

"Well pop, I'm glad you got Alix to see the bright side of things. And with that, I'm off to bed. These three are rambunctious that's for sure."

I had just figured out why the baby had been moving around so much. There were three of them!

I grimaced at my swollen feet as I rose. I really couldn't wait to get my body back after all this was over. It was a pain to be so sore and gross all the time.

"Bye bye babies!" Alix kissed my tummy, happier now.

My eyes crinkled as I smiled.

My family was full of so much love.

I couldn't wait for the triplets to experience it all.



Sighing, I shut my phone closed.

Cassie and the others at school were worried about me. I didn't blame them. I had been AWOL for a while ever since I'd gotten used to this Alpha business. I missed them too. I just didn't know if life could ever return to a semblance of normal.

I couldn't put anyone at risk.

I was still a fairly new wolf. While I pretty much had an iron grip on my control, there was no telling what school would be like. There were so many distractions and innocent people spread around, it was just a minefield of accidents waiting to happen.

I texted her back just so she could tell the others I wasn't dead.


The story was that I had gotten some rare, contagious disease that it required me to be quarantined for 2 weeks now.

I hadn't liked the story but what else could I say? Oh hey, I just hit werewolf puberty and I'd rather not have classmates' deaths on my hands as I accidentally lost my temper.

Wouldn't go over too well.

I leaned back into my pillows, idly wondering when dad would become less distracted by mom and resume training me. Probably never with this triplet business to worry about.

I didn't blame him. It made sense for him to treat mom like glass now.

"Hey stranger."

Blinking, I looked up at my doorway.

"Quil..." I breathed.

Quil's arms opened wide as I leaped into them.

"Baby! You came!" I crowed, happy and at home with him here.

His deep chuckle reverberated though his chest.

"Alley, always."

I snuggled further into him.

"Ma's gonna have triplets, Fluffy Bear. I don't know why I was so stressed about it before. I mean, I can't even tolerate Seth's four brats so how am I going to deal with three more Blacks?"

I shook my head. I could see now that I had overreacted in the wrong way. Seriously, I was so elated for my mom. Maybe I was just freaking out that...

"I won't be the baby anymore. Like I'll be the furthest thing from the baby now..." I whispered into Quil's chest.

Quil smoothed my hair as he kissed the top of my head. "You'll always be my baby. Plus I think you'll be excited to be a big sister. I mean, sure Elias gets on my last nerves but ask me who's the first to his defense when some loser makes fun of him. I love being a big bro. And I'm sure you will too."

I'm sure my eyes flashed as I began to make fun of him. "A big bro?"

Quil kissed my nose. "A big, bad sister."

I smiled. "I like the sound of that, I think."

"You will. Just wait. And you have a big job ahead of you with three little siblings. You definitely aren't going to be eased into this."

I sighed. "I know. At least I have Jake to help me out."

We both paused at that before bursting out laughing.


I had to call a meeting.

This Colin guy was completely out of the loop. The only time I had met him was in my wolf form while I was snapping at his neck in the woods trying to get him to calm down.

I had to make sure everyone was on the same page.

I knew something had been off lately. I guess Colin was that werewolf that was hiding from me...

Most likely.

I kept my eyes down as my dad came into my room.

"Sammy, I have to speak to you." He said quietly.

I glanced up at him at the seriousness. He usually just ignored me but now?

Something had happened.

"Yeah dad?"

He sighed. "I know I haven't been the best to you and I'm trying to change that. It's not your fault at all, it's mine."

I didn't have anything to say to that. I knew that I wasn't what he wanted. Even though I was alpha, I still hadn't lived up to my dad's unknown expectations.

"Sam, I've been such a sucky dad because of my own shortcomings. I was replaced by the rightful alpha of my old pack. I've accepted it but I never got past it. And ever since you've become alpha, I've been so fearful that it would happen to you."

I shook my head fiercely. "It won't happen dad. There's no one above me..."

"There is, Sam."

My heart dropped.


My dad stepped closer, his hand on my shoulder as he stared directly at me.

"Daughter, I am afraid our legacy is quite...unfortunate. We've been destined to begin a pack but not to lead one. You must take this with grace and dignity. You must not disgrace your heritage."

"What heritage?" I laughed bitterly. "This is all kinds of wrong. You think that I will be overthrown by some mysterious wolf? Who is it? Colin? Can you even tell me who it is?"

He glared at me. "You will not speak to me that way."

"How dare you think that I'm destined to be a failure like you. I am nothing like you! I will lead this pack whether you think I'm fit to or not!"

With that I ran to my window and jumped out, transforming in midair.

Forget ever repairing that relationship, I thought as my paws hit the ground.

I couldn't believe him. He just wanted to crush me further into depression. I had to be bitter and angry like him.

Well fine, he got what he wanted.

I never wanted to see his face again.

And the wolf to dare challenge me would pay dearly.

I was the Alpha and no one would ever replace me.