Disclaimer-All Characters unless posted otherwise are Stephenie Meyer's and NOT mine, No matter how much I wish I owned them. Apologies for all spelling, grammatical, and any other errors that have occurred.


Yeah Yeah... I know. -sigh- Sorry. A lot. All I can say is that I've been working on this chapter bit by bit for a while now... I've been sooooo swamped.

I'm trying my hardest though.

I felt I needed a tad explanation. Vampires in a church... crazy right? Well I figure that if they don't need coffins, don't get burned by the sun, and if they can have a cross hanging in their home, they can probably do the church thing, right?

They are very un-orthdaox Vampires. More then usual. I figured I'd push it as much as I could. And I felt totally jipped by the "wedding" scene in breaking dawn. I mean, I know it can't be like, 2 chapters long... but come on. No worries, I still love Mrs. Meyer.


Last Chapter...

"What? What's going on? Seth? What's happened to Jacob?" I asked, almost frantic.

Edward grasped my hand tightly.

"Bella, Jacob ran away. No one has seen him since..."

"Since when Edward?"

"Since I mailed him an invitation."


I heard what Edward said; heard the words come from his mouth, but my brain refused to process them.

"He... what? He ran AWAY??" I whirled around facing away from Seth and Edward. He had some nerve.

I turned back around.

"Why did you send an invitation Edward?" I asked. My voice was very careful and quiet and Edward grimaced at the tone.

"I sent him one, with a note, expressing my gratitude for everything he has done for you, and the little he has done for me. I did send an invitation, but I had made it quite clear that he wasn't obligated to go. It was his choice and we would love him to come but if he didn't we would understand." Edward said. Of course he did. Edward was as close to perfection as anyone could get, I should have known that it wasn't his fault. Jacob had simply taken it wrong or couldn't handle the reality of it at all and that was his only escape... escaping.

I took Edward's hand. "It's alright Edward. It wasn't your fault. Don't worry. I'm sure he'll come home soon, or we'll hear word from him." I said, looking significantly at Seth.

He chuckled. "Bella, the second I hear something about or from him, I'll let you know. I'm almost positive you're right about him. Something will turn up, and he'll be fine."

He sighed. "I was gonna wait until after your reception so you could enjoy it and not worry but... You're more perceptive then I thought, and I momentarily forgot about the whole 'Edward' factor." Seth sighed dramatically.

I looked at Edward. Then we both burst out laughing. Seth had no idea how perceptive I could be. Only Edward really knew. He knew from pretty much the get go.

Seth smiled, but didn't know why we were laughing. He seemed to know he was missing something.

"Bella, I'm gonna go sit with Billy. Look don't let this thing with Jake ruin your reception, alright? I'm sure everything will be fine. I'll let you know what's going on, ok?" I looked at Edward. He nodded and I nodded back to him.

"OK Seth." I said. Seth smiled, and went off to sit with Billy. That was also a surprise. I didn't think Billy would be there either, but there he was, sitting in his chair wearing a slightly outdated suit and burgundy tie. And not one critical look in sight. Maybe he was truly happy for me.

So Jake ran away. For someone who would and could rip a vampire to shreds he was sure acting like a chicken. I didn't run away when... well. Yeah.

Edward squeezed my hand, bringing me back to reality.

"Bella, I think it's time to cut the cake." He looked slightly nauseated. I laughed.

"Don't worry Edward. I don't think you'll have to eat very much. Only a small bite I promise." I said. He gave me wide eyes, and I realized that, that statement was kinda funny. I rolled my eyes. "And I'll enjoy it for the both of us." I said, and he smiled.

As we walked over to the table with the cake on it, I asked Edward, "So, don't you miss food? Even a little?"

He thought for a moment. "No. I can't say that I do. I don't even remember what food tastes like now. Since we have different taste buds then humans, we don't taste the same, so human food doesn't really taste like anything. Well, anything pleasant."


We had made it to the cake table by then. There was a small crowd of people waiting for us so they could take pictures. And then I saw the cake.

If you could even call it that.

It was four layers with midnight blue fondant on it, and at the base of each layer, was the lace pattern from my dress painstakingly hand painted on in edible silver paint. There were no cake toppers thank god. That was one thing I had veto'ed with a passion. No way, not at my wedding. There were fondant flowers on the top that were dusted with silver edible glitter and there were silver and cream colored ribbons cascading from the top down to the last layer. Truly gorgeous.

I grabbed the large silver knife to cut the cake. Edward stood behind me, and dutifully gripped my hand that held it. As the knife bit into the cake, we looked up at the people snapping photographs- Renee, Esme, Alice were front and center- and smiled warmly. Or what I hoped was a ward smile. After I cut a very small piece for Edward and fed it to him. Flashes went off and it was so weird to be feeding Edward human food. I guess it would have been unseemly to hand over a mountain lion though. He manfully swallowed it, rolling his eyes and smiling at my awed expression.

He had a normal size piece for me, and he had a devilish grin on his face. I suddenly feared for my face.

I whispered almost inaudibly, "Don't you dare." But in spite of my comment I was smiling.

" Wouldn't dream of it Mrs. Cullen." He said, and before I could say anything back, he put the cake in my mouth. And of course it was delicious.

Edward and I spent the rest of the night dancing, and talking to our friends and relatives. Angela came up and congratulated me and Edward, Jessica gushed over my dress, and I even got a small smile from Lauren. A personal Victory.

Later, I was sitting down, just enjoying watching everyone interact. Edward was a few feet away, talking to Seth. Then I noticed Alice was carrying a chair towards the dance floor, which she set right in the middle. She turned towards me, and smiled. Uh oh.

She went to the D.J's booth, and grabbed the microphone.

"If I could have everyone's attention. Thanks. Before the lovely bride and groom leave for their honey moon, there are a few traditions to be satisfied. Bella, would you please come out here, and sit down on this chair? Edward I need you too. And also, All the un-married gentlemen, you're needed as well." She smiled, and started walking towards me. Would this madness never end.

"Come on Bella. Please? After this you can throw the bouquet and leave, I promise."

I sighed. "Alright. Let's get this embarrassment over with." I said. She squealed and led me to the chair, which I sat in. Edward was standing in front of me with a happy but nervous expression on his face. I smiled and nodded my head, letting him know to proceed. He kneeled, and there were a few cat calls from the audience we had at my left. To my slight embarrassment, he lifted my dress up, and put his head underneath. the expression on my face must have been priceless, because everyone burst into laughter. I felt Edward's breath on my leg, and small traveling kisses on my leg that gave me goose bumps. I felt him delicately take the garter in his teeth, and slowly pull it down my leg. After he untangled it from my shoe, he kissed my ankle, and came out from underneath my dress; garter in hand, looking victorious. It took all of a minute. Turning around, he flung it into the crowd behind him. It hit Ben in the face, and on a reflex action, he caught it. I laughed along with Edward, and glanced at Angela. She was wearing a blush that would put me to shame. Edward grasped my hands in his, and pulled me up from the chair. He kissed me softly when I was standing, then moved to the sidelines. Alice handed me my bouquet, and directed all the un-marrried women to assemble behind me. After counting to three out loud, I tossed it behind me, and turned around very quickly to see who would catch it. It bashed Jessica's face on the way down, who was too busy talking to Lauren to pay attention, and landed at Angela's feet. There was no mad dash, just more cat calling from the crowd and more blushing from Angela. What are the odds. I clapped along with everyone else, and involuntarily yawned. Edward saw this-of course- and started gathering our stuff. Edward's family assembled around us, wishing us well and hugging us.

"Alice, you'll-" Edward started.

"Don't worry Edward, I'll take care of everything. Just go, and have an amazing time in-"


"Oops. Sorry. Have a good time wherever you're going." She said, looking slightly guilty. I rolled my eyes.

Edward gathered our things in one hand, and we were hugging people on our way out. Saying goodbye.

I nearly cried when I saw Renee coming towards me.

"Bye Bella. Have fun. Tell me all about it when you get back baby." She said, hugging me tightly. I tried to memorize her scent, and knew that I still wouldn't remember.

"Ok Mom. I love you."

"Love you too Bella." She smiled. She then went to hug Edward and Esme.

Charlie had been standing behind Renee. He looked miserable.

No longer able to with stand it, I ran to him, hugging him tightly.

"Bye Charlie. I'll miss you. Take care. I'll call you when we get back." I said, traitorous tears escaping now. I pulled back. Charlie had a watery smile on, and nodded his head. I kissed his cheek. "Bye Dad."

"Bye Bells. I love you. Call if you need anything." He said. He gave me one last look, then turned to hug Edward-I couldn't believe my eyes- and shake Carlisle's hand.

After all the goodbyes were said-and promises to call and email were made- Edward and I made it to his car. We were strapped in, and heading back to his house to change and to pick up our bags.

"Edward, are you gonna tell me where we're going?"

He smiled. "You'll see." And that's all I could get out of him.

I really wished Alice has spilled the beans.


GOD. I am SO SORRY. I have nothing to say but that. I got caught up. Anyways. Hope you'll forgive me. And I've decided to turn Opportunities into a one-shot. So that was partly the reason this has taken forever. Trying to make both perfect. That'll probably be up within the next 1-2 days.

Please forgive me for not writing fast enough. I love you reviewers!!


Topaz Fireheart Storm

Arya Svit-kona








Sorry if I forgot anyone. Reviewers, you are the apple of my eye. Love you.

Until next chappy,

xoxo- MissMolly