I haven't written in a while! This is just a draft that I made up this week during a free period at school because I was bored. Spoilers for episode 614: You May Now Kill The Bride. Hope you like it!

It was early in the afternoon and everyone was busy with the case of the dead bride. Eric had met a lady named Jessica and was helping her out. He came down the hallway to find her standing near the receptionist's desk.

"Eric," she notice him coming towards her, "What did you get?"

"I caught the guy, it was Greg," he said stopping in front of her. Then he pulled out a check and handed it to her. "Here."

"Oh my God, it's the whole twenty thousand, but how did...?"

"Don't worry about it. Just put it back before your boss notices it was gone."

"How can I thank you?" she asked in amazement.

"Promise me this..."


"... that you won't go back."


They both smiled at each other for a while. Jessica kissed him on the forehead and immediately left. Eric was stunned and frooze on the spot then he turned around. Suddenly he remembered that her lips were cherry red as if lipstick was just applied. In curiosity he touched it and looked to see a smear of red on his finger.

"Crap!" he whispered to himself.

"Hey, Eric!" a pleasant voice greeted. Quickly he slammed his palm onto his head.

"Hey, Calleigh."

"What's - going on?" she wondered, "what's with the..." she gestured his weird position.

"Uhm," he slapped himself on the forehead again, "Damn, I forgot something."

"What'd you forget?" she curiously asked.

"Uhhh - I don't remember."

"Eric, I already saw it."

"You - you did?" She nodded. So he sighed and removed his hand.

"Hahahahaha!" Calleigh laughed, "I was just kidding I never actually saw it 'till now." He grimaced and she stopped chuckling.

"Will you please, help me get this off?" he pleaded. Then she licked her palm about to remove it.

"Ew," he pushed her hand away and she laughed again.

"Calleigh, did you get those results for me?" Ryan came by. Quickly she slammed her palm onto his head. "Uh, okay then." He paused in front of them. "Oh I already saw it."

"I'm not falling for that again," Eric responded.

"No, seriously, some girl kissed you on the forehead." Eric sighed and Calleigh dropped her hand exposing the redness that was now smeared. "Oh, I was right! Haha!" He grinned at him. Eric rolled his eyes.

"What'd you want, Ryan?" she asked with a smile.

"The results."

"Valera has them." Calleigh moistened her palm some more about to rub off the rest.

"Will you please stop that?" Eric pushed her away again.

"I thought you said you wanted me to get it off..." she complained.

"Guys?" they all jumped to the voice of Horatio. She covered his head again followed by Ryan. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Ryan answered instantly. He remained puzzled.

"Oh, uhhh, I think Eric has a fever," Calleigh lied.

"Is this true, Eric?" he queried. Slowly he nodded. "You two get going."

"I'll be - getting results from Valera," Ryan slipped away.

"I'll be - helping him," Calleigh quickly disappeared also. Horatio cleared his throat at the sight of it.

"I'll be - somewhere else," he walked pass him.

"That, can certainly, give you a fever."

"Pshh," Eric blushed.