Badou had to raise an eyebrow when Haine took more from his cut than usual. The man usually only took enough to buy a couple nights of greasy Chinese take-out and extra bullets. Twenty or so bills out of the few hundred Badou always offered.

Haine had told him a long time ago to do whatever he wanted to with the rest. It usually ended up in shoebox under Badou's bed, or if they were in the area and he wasn't too nicotine deprived, he would give it to the blind priest.

Its not like he counted on Haine's unused pay or anything, he was just surprised when the albino took another couple bills.

"Rent go up or something?" Haine rolls his eyes as he folded the bills and slid them into his coat pocket. It meant that Badou wasn't getting an answer anytime soon.

"Call me next time the Old Lady has something new," sighs Haine by way of goodbye and merges back into the stream of people shuffling along down the sidewalk.

"And don't take that perv priest with you, okay," Haine says, taking the roll of bills out of his pocket in a pew in the way back of the church.

Nill hangs over the pew in front of him, staring at the gunman with big round eyes. Her wings give a little shudder when she sees the amount of money in his hand. It's not that much but its probably the most she's ever seen.

He holds the money out to Nill, giving the wad of bills a little shake when she hesitates.

"Its just money. It won't bite, I promise."

She finally reaches out and takes the money in her thin fingers, hooking her pinkie around his for a moment. She can't say thank you, but the contact enough for Haine to get the point.

In the front of the church, the blind priest stops pretending to clean the altar and calls, "What are you two talking about back there!"

Haine rolls his eyes and then winks at Nill, holding a finger up to his lips. The angel girl gives a silent giggle and puts the money safely in her pocket.

He rocks himself up off the pew and smiles down at Nill. "Buy something normal looking."

He hadn't saved her from a bunch of mob lackeys, gotten a hole shot through him and mounted a full scale raid on a whore house just so she could be some Goth-Loli doll for a priest who couldn't see it anyway.

She deserved better and he'd keep it that way as long as he could.