As he walked away, Draco swore he saw Hermione's chest moved slightly. But he knew it had not. Sadly he looked away and began to walk on. "Thank You Draco." Draco stopped. Had he really heard it? He couldn't have, she was dead, wasn't she? He turned and ran back to Hermione. He knelt down beside her and lifted her head off the ground. "Hermione?" He croaked, not expecting an answer. Her brown eyes flickered open and a small smile crept onto her lips. "My Hero." She whispered, placing a hand on his pale cheek. Draco smiled, tears of joy running down his cheeks. He bent down and gave Hermione a passionate kiss. They drew back and she threw herself into his arms, grinning happily.

Ron looked back over his shoulder just in time to see Hermione launch herself at Draco. He gasped. "HERMIONE!" He yelled running towards her. Harry and the Weasleys spun round to see Hermione sat back grinning as Ron hugged her. Harry exchanged a look of joy with Ginny and they ran to Hermione, hugging her. She smiled and hugged her friends tightly. Then she turned to Draco. "Thank you, Draco." She smiled, hugging her boyfriend. She planted a quick kiss on his lips and turned to see the rest of the Weasleys hurrying over. They embraced her joyously and Draco laughed as he watched her struggle for breath as Molly gave her one of her famous hugs. When she was released Draco walked over to her. He picked up a lone Daisy growing next to him and tied the stalk so it was like a ring. He pulled out his wand and muttered something under his breath, changing the daisy ring into a real ring that was gold with a crystal flower. He then stepped closer and got down on one knee.

Hermione stared in shock as Draco bent down lifting the ring towards her. "'Mione, will you do me the honour of becoming my bride?" He asked. Hermione's face lit up and she wiped away a tear of joy. "Yes I will." She cried happily. Draco slid the ring onto her finger and the couple kissed. Ron stared in jealously but didn't say anything. Luna walked up to them smiling in a dreamy way. "Hi Harry, well done for killing the dark lord." She smiled in her dreamy way. Harry blushed and thanked her. Ron looked at Luna, seeing her in different light. Harry knew Luna liked Ron and now he could see the familiar look in Ron's own eyes. He grinned and shook his head as Ron whispered something in Luna's ear. Luna giggled and they ran off hand in hand.

Months had passed since the final battle and it was Hermione's wedding day. She was nervously pacing outside waiting for the music to begin. Ginny, her maid of honour, laughed as she watched Hermione pace. "I hope I'm not this nervous when me and Harry marry." She smiled. Hermione shot a glare in Ginny's direction just as Luna, Ron's fiancé and Hermione's other bridesmaid, stepped out of the church. "They're about to start." She sighed in her usual dreamy voice. Hermione calmed herself, pulled her veil over her face and slipped her arm through her dad's arm. Mr Granger smiled at his daughter and, as soon as the music started, led her into the church. Hermione smiled.

Draco turned to face his bride as she entered and his breath caught in his throat. "She's beautiful." He murmured. Hermione's brown hair was tied in a halo that fell past her shoulders and the dress she wore emphasised everything it was supposed to. He stared as his soon to be wife took her place at the alter.

The service went smoothly and the couple couldn't take their eyes of each other. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest announced, smiling at the couple's bliss. Draco reached out and carefully raised the veil that hid the new Mrs Malfoy's face. He grinned at her for a moment and then lent down and placed a gentle but firm kiss on her lips. They drew back and the whole church erupted in cheers and wolf whistles. Hermione laughed and grabbed Draco's hand. Together they walked down the aisle, grinning at everyone as they passed. Hermione laughed as Ginny launched herself at Harry, kissing him, overwhelmed by the romance of it all. They emerged into the bright light of the sun as husband and wife. Draco smiled at his Hermione and gently brushed a stray curl out of her face. "So, how does it feel to be a Malfoy?" He asked. Hermione smiled. "Pretty good actually." She sighed. Draco lent in for another kiss and it was interrupted by a chorus of 'aww's and the twins yelling 'Get a room!' They pulled back, Hermione deep red and laughing while Draco wore a scowl. "I can't wait to 'get a room'" He whispered to Hermione. She turned a deeper shade of red and lightly hit him on the arm. "Behave Draco!" She giggled. "I'll try." He smirked. Hermione grinned and pulled her Husband down for another kiss before throwing her bouquet. "You will always be my hero." Hermione whispered to Draco as they drew apart. "And you will always be my salvation from the darkness." He answered. "Thank you."