sorry it has been so long, ended up redoing this chapter about 3 times - and this one is un-betaed as well

sorry for the slaking enjoy

The giant dire wolf ran as fast as his lean legs could carry him. His footfalls silent on undergrowth and branch alike as he made his way towards where the howl was last heard, the cries of the wondering pack had long fallen silent. The medic on his back kept her face berried in his fur as the wind and stray tree limbs whipped past her at high speed. Kakashi was always late for everything but he prayed to Gaia that just once he was not late, that he would get there in time to help. But the smell of blood seemed to be everywhere.

Gathering the rushing air in his lungs. Kakashi let out a howl of his own, the howl was lased with rage and frustration, he was not going to be late, not this time. He was not going to let down Caller's pack like he let down Naruto, his legs screamed out in protest as he poured more chakra into them to increase his speed. Sakura dug her knees into his sides, every jarring landing from tree to forest floor threatened to throw her off, and she knew falling at this speed would be deadly.

But she would not deny to herself that part of her was enjoying this. The adrenalin rush from the consent danger, the feeling of Kakashi moving under her. The copy-nin howled again, deep, long and wild. He dug his claws into the dirt to slow himself down, but what he was expecting to be soled earth turned out to be nothing more then mud.

With a yelp of surprise the elite shinobi had to work to keep himself on his paws, Sakura grumbled something as she went to get off his back, but stopped when she saw how interested in the earth Kakashi was. The slender grey wolf padded about like he was going to be bitten if he stayed in one spot for to long. With his head down and constantly sniffing the mud, Kakashi was confused as to why the ground was so muddy, it had not rained in days, and he had not felt any chakra so this was not the result of a jutsu. But it did not take the wolf's keen nose long to work it out. The land of the fire country had become sodden with blood.

"What is it Kaka-kun?" Sakura asked, noticing the change in how he behaved.

He looked over his shoulder at her before turning his gaze back down to the bloody mud he was standing in. his hart dropped, he was too late. His only hope not was that some where still alive.

"Stay on my back," he growled, "and if I tell you to run, do so."

The copy-nin padded deeper into the forest, the mixer of blood and earth seemed everywhere. It felt like he would find Caller's pack slaughtered, a message from the Black Spiral Dancers, revenge for the death of the Alphas brother.

Kakashi pulled his paw back in time for the jaws of the brown wolf to close on empty air.

"Caller-san!" Sakura called his name, recognising the wolf instantly.

"Forgive me Kakashi," the small lupine looked up at the giant storm-grey wolf, "I was worried you where one of them that had come back to finish us off."

"The Black Spirals." it was more of a statement then a question as Kakashi looked over Caller. The Bone Gnawer's fur was matted with blood, and his flanks where adorned with fresh wounds.

"You better follow me back to the camp, we are as good as dead if they come back." it was only when he started to walk did Kakashi and Sakura notes the limp on one of his hind legs.

The short track back was quite and solemn. A normal man would have been horrid at what they saw, but the copy-ninja, Kakashi Hatake, elite shinobi and Garou was far from normal. Tress lay uprooted or splinted off from their base; the earth was dry and cracked in one place, but oddly sodden in another. He felt Sakura clime down off his back, but her hand still lingered on his shoulder, she had seen death and destruction on this level before, heck he knew she could uproot the trees herself without breaking a sweat. But this time, there was hesitation to leave his side.

"Kaka-kun." she spoke his name, but his eyes never turned to her.

The mismatched eyes of gold and ruby stayed on a row of fallen Garou at the far side of the camp come battleground, the pack had lost many, but he could see no sign of one Dancer meeting there end here.

"I was to late, just like last time." the silver-grey wolf sighed, turning back into his breed forum.

"Not totally," Caller looked up at him, "Sight-of-snow is critly wounded, she says she wont die till has told you something, but…" the brown wolf shook his head, "she does not have much time."

Kakashi's missed matched eyes settled on the salt and pepper furred wolf lying on her side by a fallen tree. Sakura griped onto his hand, not caring about the mud that covered him from the walk here. He squeezed her hand back, running his thumb over her nukes.

"Sakura-chan, go and help the wounded."

She knew it was his way of telling her that he needed to her what the old shaman had to say on his own.

"Ok Kaka-kun." she let go of his hand, and for the first time in the night, left his side.

Even though his eyes never left from the old shaman, Kakashi knew the pack was watching him, he could feel their eyes on his skin like tiny pin pricks as he made his way to Sight. The wolf's chest rose and fell in a sluggish, broken rhythm, kneeling down beside her, he wounded if she had the strength left to talk.

"So you finally came." the aged wolf said, only opening her eyes but having no strength to lift her head.

"I'm sorry," he brushed the back of his hand over her shoulder, "this is all my fault."

"No, we all knew that this day would come, even if some of us resented the fact that we would die this way. But I was never one of them, my glory days are over, but my hart is joyful that the pups get to live on," she winced in pain, "as long as Gaia lives so will we Garou."

Kakashi lowered his head, allowing Sight to save some strength by not needing to talk so lowed.

"When your fangs have tasted the flesh of the shadows, the blade will be cleansed as will its owner. When the jaws of hell are poised to bite, the laughter of rage will bow to the unspoken word, finish was another has started, but remember, your lucky colour is red." with thaws last words, her eyes fluttered closed and her chest ceased to rise.

"Cryptic to the end." the copy-nin sighed.

Mournful howls broke out around him as he leaned back. Letting his head fall back eyes cast skywards like so many times since his first change, Sakura shivered as the cascade of howls resonated around her, the magnitude of voices seemed to mingle into one unified howl, but there was one that did not mingle or merge with the others. One that stood out, a deep, rich voice, Sakura recognised it, it was Kakashi's. She could not take her eyes off him, head thrown back, eyes closed, it did seem odd seeing him howl like that, in his human form, but it offered the medic a rare glimpse of the real him. The Kakashi she always knew, but a clear showing of the animal he is at hart.

The call of the pack died down, but his voice lingered on. It was like him, everything about him, the way he always seemed different from the others around him, living with them but always standing out, never blending with the other villagers. Like they knew from birth, he was not human.

"It's the same," Caller muted to himself, "his howl, it's the same."

Kakashi's howl ended abruptly, like he just realised what he was doing. Raking his hand through his silver hair, he got up and started to make his way back to Sakura, she could see by the way he moved that he was totally focused on something.

"Caller-of-rats." the copy-nin barked the Bone Gnawers name, casein the wolf to flinch.

"Kakashi," Caller lowered his head, "I'm sorry th…."

"Save it!" the silver haired Garou snarled, "I have some questions for you!"

All could felt the Rage following from him. The wondering pack started to shift into there war and wolf forms, ready to fight if it should come to it, there own rage still high from the fight with the Black Spiral pack, with the air charged it would not take much to trigger a fight that would end in at least one Garou's death. And with there eyes set on the Shadow Lord, it was easy to tell who that would be.

"He will not answer anything you have to say mongrel!" a Crinos form Garou snarled, his fur was white as newly fallen snow with highlights of silver that gleamed in the moonlight, a gold chain hung around its neck, the pendent adorned with the crest of his tribe.

"But Talon he."

"Don't talk back to me!" the white wolf snarled, "I am Alpha here!"

The Silver Fang made his ways over to the copy-nin, sizing up the shinobi as he went, the size difference between the two forms become clear to see as Talon towered over him. Golden eyes keen with rage meet mismatched ones as he rose to his full height.

"Too long," he growled at Kakashi, "too long have I tolerated you! If it was not for your presents here I would not have lost half my pack and the spirit of that wretched White Fang would of remained asleep!"

Kakashi was taken back a bit, "What did you say!"

"You mean you have not felt it?" Talon laughed, razing a clawed hand, "you are pathetic."

Talon brought his hand down, intent on clawing the copy-nin across the face. Kakashi, as quick as lightning, pulled a kunai out of his pouch that he had bound to him, the same way he had done this clothes, and slashed the Garou's paw, the blade biting into the palm of his hand. It was enough to drive the attack away.

Talon looked at the already healing cut on his paw and smirked, "What where you thinking? To come here armed is one thing, but for the blade to be nothing more then steel!"

"I did not come here to fight you or the Black Spirals if they where still here," Kakashi held up the blade, the Silver Fang's blood clearly showing on its edges, "but I wont need silver to kill you if you stand in my way!"

Laughter sounded around them as the pack of werewolves begins to cercal around. Sakura felt something tug at her deep inside her, telling her that he was in danger, but before she could think about running to him, she was pulled back into a muscular furred body.

"Don't," Caller whispered to her, "this is the fight between the two of them."

"Why are you in your war form then?"

"Encase things get out of hand, this is more then a fight for dominance."

Sakura pushed herself away from the brown werewolf, "Kaka-kun is not interested in stuff like that!"

Caller smirked, "Its not that simple, though it may seem like it from the outside. To get the answers he wants he will need rank, it's not to different from how your shinobi ranks work, to either way he needs to prove himself."

"Shed that frail human form, we will make this a formal fight! A fight of honor in the eyes of the spirits." Talon snarled, trying to rile up the calm copy-nin.

"But this will have more meaning to it," Caller sighed, laying his ears down, "our history is carried down through the generations by song and firelight tale, and as the gibbous moon its my job to know them all, and this pack has a very interesting history."

They cast their gaze over to the cercal of werewolves. The snow-white Garou snarled insults at the Shadow Lord; Kakashi was keeping his cool through the constant goading of the Silver Fang.

"Kakashi's father fought against Talon's in circumstances not too different from this. Talon was, unlike most Garou, born and raised in this pack." Caller told Sakura, his voice lowered so the others would not hear.

"So he saw the fight?" she asked him, eyes never leaving Kakashi.

The brown werewolf nodded, "The White Fang of Konoha defeated Talon's father, another ragabash by the deed name of Splits-the-Night, unfortrenly, both the Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords are prideful tribes. Kakashi's father did not kill him but Splits did not survive the fight."

"So Talon feels like this fight would redeem his father's pride?"

Caller nodded, Sakura bit her lip as Kakashi sidestepped another half-hearted swipe at him. The Silver Fang was just warming up before he really challenged the copy-nin, but Kakashi had already seen through this game and was already using it to his advantage, watching how Talon moved, taking note of his dominant arm and leg, the way he shifted his weight before an attack. And the way his attacks would only be aimed at the chest and head.

Grinning darkly, Talon through his head backwards and let lose a thunders howl that seemed to make the other Garou jump.

Kakashi grinned under his mask, "Challenge accepted."

Clear-sky, the only Garou other then Kakashi that had remained in their human form, stepped out between them.

"She is our master of challenge," Caller answered Sakura's unasked question, "by law our fights are never to the death. But with our rage we do run the risk of killing each other in the heat of the fight," he looked down at the pink-haired medic, "are you worried that Kakashi may lose?"

Normally she would be. She would by now be trying to convince him to back down, go back home and try to find another way to get what he was looking for. But no matter what, he is Kakashi, the copy-ninja, there was no way he would die right here.

"No, I have seen him fight, tonight you will see why he is feared by even the strongest shinobi." she could not help but smirk.

"You best change your skin," Clear-sky told Kakashi, but she never looked at him, "or I wont be able to ensure your safety."

"I will be fine." he said bluntly, mismatched eyes never leaving the Silver Fang.

"Nothing will be able to help you in this fight." Talon snarled, reaching for the sward that hung at his side.

"You know Klaives are forbidden in combat like this!" the small Garou stopped, as the tip of the silver blade was only inches from her face.

"Are you going agents me Clear -sky? Eh, eh! Answer me Clear-sky!"

She turned her face away, keeping her eyes to the ground.

"I thought so." he growled, turning his cold copper eyes back to Kakashi.

Clear-sky raised her hand in the air, eyes darting from one combatant to the other. Letting out a breath she dropped her arm and jumped back, the duel had begun.

The Crinos forum was always deceptive; the 6-foot of meat, fangs and fur was surprisingly fast. But Talon had underestimated the seeped of the copy-nin, and sparks flew as blade meet blade. Kakashi had managed to block the silver Klaive only inches from his face; a large grove had already been cut into the copy-nin's kunai. The sharp screech of metal on metal set everyone's teeth on edge as the white furred werewolf pushed forwards. Confident that he had his opponent overpowered, he readied himself to strike with his free hand, Talon howled as his claws cut deep into flesh, or what he thought was flesh, the werewolf's claws had clawed a sizable chunk out of the log.

"Don't think that your cheap tricks will work on me!" the Solver Fang snarled, turning his blade around to strike behind him.

The tip of the Klaive dug into the top of his leg, but he ignored it. After being wrapped in silver, the bite of the blade was nothing, Kakashi could of easy dodged the blade, but he needed a clear shot and he was not going to pass this up. In one swift movement he plunged the kunai deep into the Garou's elbow, Talon snarled in pain as his arm went dead and his grip loosened on his weapon, the copy-nin ducked under a clumsy attack as his opponent swung the blade around. The momentum of then attack sending the Garou weapon sliding from his fingers.

Kakashi lessened to the blood roaring in his ears, as he stood partly sideways to Talon, keeping his injured right leg away from him. The Silver Fang tried to pull the blade free, but the kunai was firmly lodged into the bone and in its weakened state, snapped under the Garou's strength.

"I see," Talon growled as he looked over the lump of metal in his paw, "you did not doge the attack so you could weaken your weapon, and remaining in your human form insured you had a clear head for your jutsu," he snorted, "but it wont do you much good, it will get pushed out when I heal!"

"That's fine," Kakashi, said in a monotone voice, "I will have you bare you through to me before that happens."

"Cocky basted," Talon barked, "Just like your sire!"

"You better pick up your weapon," the copy-nin growled, shifting into his war form, " now is when the fight really starts!"

Talon looked at the blade that now lie at the edge of the ring, "Na," he grinned, "I am Ahroun, born under a full moon, I will use my claws and revel in the feeling of your blood washing us both with its heat."

The two Garou charged each other, colliding with a sickening thud. Talon's fangs found the flesh of Kakashi's shoulder; the silver fangs bite almost severing the arm, the shear force of the blow causing the ninja to fall on his back, the white Garou on top of him. Kakashi ran his claws down his opponents sides, drawing deep crimson in the snow, the pain from the almost severed arm he could ignore, it was not the first someone had try to dismember him. Using a jutsu to sink into the safety of the earth, the silver fang had no other option then to let go.

The Silver Fang snarled as his eyes darted around for his opponent, suppressing a wince as the wounds on his sides refused to stop bleeding, 'damn shadow basted' he held his side, feeling the warmth of his blood flow over his hand, he was in no danger of bleeding to death, but the would was not helping any.

Kakashi's clawed hand grabbed a hold of his leg, intent on pulling him into the earth.

Talon grappled the copy-nin's wrist, "I told you," he pulled his opponent up out of the ground, "your cheap tricks wont work on me!"

The Silver Fangs claws only brushed the fir on Kakashi's chest, but it was like he had been hit full force by Sakura. The attack physically did no damage, but Kakashi was sent flying back to the rings edge, he would of collided with the circling Garou if he was not so fast to control his fall, or they where slower in jumping out the way.

"I have killed may shinobi over the years, your jutsu wont work on us, every Garou can feel the flux of spirit energy that is made by your chakra."

"So you know when ill attack, but I know more 'tricks' then you could grasp." he grinned, " but that gift, it's the same that the Black Spiral had."

Kakashi, as fast a lightning, ran though some hand signs as he took in a deep breath. The white furred werewolf felt the twinge of chakra releasing from his chest. The Shadow Lord throw his head forwards, letting out a fireball from his mew, the heat of it forcing the pack back a few paces, Talon however, stood his ground, grinning as the fire engulfed him.

Kakashi's brow furrowed, "He did not doge."

A howl echoed through the night. To humans it would seem like a normal howl, but it was nothing more then laughter, the raging orange fires burst into silver flames as they began to die down, clearly now under the Silver Fangs control

"I told you jutsu wont work!" Talon growled, the silver flames dancing on his fur, "now its time to show you how powerless you really are!" he snarled and pointed at Kakashi.

To the copy-nin it felt like a door had been slammed shut inside of him, the horrid yet familiar feeling of having his chakra sealed away. His body shuddered as, against his will, he began to turn back into his human form, the pain from his wounded shoulder starting to set in and his body strained from trying to turn back into his Crinos form, he had no chakra, no gnosis, and was unable to shape shift, he had not felt this way for a long time. He felt powerless, he felt human.

Sakura could not take her eyes off Kakashi. His hair seemed longer and wilder then normal, even from the view spot at the back of the pack; she could clearly see the feral look in his eyes. The wound around his shoulder had stopped bleeding, but it was no where near fully healed, Talon blushed the remaining splinter of kunai out of his arm as he looked over his opponent, something was not right. The gift he used temporally striped Kakashi of his Garou powers and blocked his chakra, but it seemed the more he strained against the gift; the more he seemed to slip into his wolf mind.

Talon laughed, "I heard White Fang mated in his wolf form, with a human wife." he goaded his opponent.

The Silver Fang had stepped way over the mark with that comment. Kakashi dropped to all fours where he seemed to disappear from sight, Talon blinked a few times in shock, but was soon violently brought back to his senses as he was punched in the face, his head snapping to the side as Kakashi landed a powerful right hook. The copy-nin placed his feet firmly on the Garou's chest as he grabbed at the scruff of his neck with his left hand, pulling his right back for another attack. The Silver Fang suffered another two attacks before he gathered his wits about him and grappled onto Kakashi.

"How?" he snarled, "where is this strength coming from?"

"Hell if I know." Kakashi yelled, right before he kicked himself free.

In truth he really did not know what had come over him. When that gift took a hold it felt like he was about to collapsed from chakra exestuation, but when he insulted his parents, something snapped inside of him, like his rage was able to brake through and come to his aid.

"Well it seems some thing has granted you some power, but it will do you little good!"

Talon throw his arms up and head back. Letting out another fearsome howl as the moonlight washed over him, Kakashi's eyes widened as he watched ever strand of fur, every claw, every fang, all of Talon's body become living silver.

"Shit," Caller growled, "this is bad."

"What is that!"

"Luna's Avenger, a gift only blessed to the highest ranking Silver Fangs," he sighed, "So he really does plan on destroying Kakashi."

"With this," the Silver Fang roared, "I will wash the name of Splits-the-Night clean with your blood!"