Chapter 10

Paul had absolutely no problem with letting Roman stay with him so by that night she had settled in and had left a message with Shawn to send all of her stuff to his house. Since Paul had to leave the next morning for a RAW show Roman had to go with him. That didn't bother her at all so she was all packed by the time they had to leave. "You got everything," Paul asked. He wanted to be sure so they didn't have to turn back halfway to the airport.

"Yeah I got everything," Roman murmured. Although she acted perfectly fine on the outside, inside she was still a little hurt that Shawn didn't believe her. But she thought, I just got to know him I guess it isn't that much of a surprise. "Come on Paul we got to get going or we'll miss the plane," she said that smiling because she had just thought about all the people she was gonna meet.

"All right all right we'll get going just give me a sec," while saying that he was locking the door doing a mental checklist to see if they had everything they needed in the car. "Okay we can go now," Paul said walking towards the car.

"Finally," Ro said and climbed in the passenger seat. "So who will be at the show anyways?" she asked curiously. She had kept track of who was on which roster but that didn't mean they had to be there if they weren't gonna be in any of the actual scripts.

"Well almost everyone but I heard Shannon was gonna be visiting Jeff and Matt so you'll get to meet him. I don't think anybody else is visiting anybody else so it'll be the regulars," and with that he pulled out of the drive way and headed towards the airport.

After they had gone through security and checking they settled in the little hard plastic seats to wait to board for Madison Square Garden. Paul to keep his mind off of the situation at hand pulled out his copy of the newspaper and started to read the headlines. Roman on the other hand let her mind drift off. Before she totally spaced off though she pulled out her Ipod and went to her favorites list. After choosing the theme for Shannon Moore's entrance she finally let her mind drift completely.

Front and foremost in her mind was how Shawn took the story of abuse. She knew he wouldn't accept it but she didn't think it would go this far. The again with how her life had been going it hadn't been that surprising. She just wished that for once her life went normally. Ro might dress punk and act like it but underneath it all was normal human emotions.

A/N: I would have written more but I need some help from my readers. Should I have the old Shannon Moore the Reject, Prince of Punk. Or the new version punk/cowboy. Please help me pick.