Ceres Celestial Legend

OVA Story Version 1


It's been a year since Ceres got her celestial robes back, since the C-project was put to a halt, since the boat sank, since many people sacrificed their lives for their loved ones, and since Aya had her baby. The baby, Takara, is now a year old.

Now since it has been at least a year it might mean that Toya might die soon, but he doesn't want to die. He feels that one or two years haven't really been that long, and he wants to live a longer life with Aya. So he went to the shrine of the celestial maiden to ask Ceres or any other celestial maiden that's up there for extra life.

"Celestial maidens of the heavens please let me stay on earth for as long as man kind could live. I'll sacrifice anything for this, please," he prayed. Ceres understood his love for Aya so she decided to discuss with the other maidens in heaven.

Some said since he is in love with her that they should offer him extra life so he can be with his family. While, others say he shouldn't after all God chooses when a person dies so this has to happen. The argument started to spread across the heavens until the Buddha decided to put this argument to a halt.

"To put this conversation to a stop I've decided…"

"Please tell me it's to give him more life. He loves his wife and wants to stay with his family," one maiden pleaded.

Another maiden disagreed, "Let's not, he's destined to die so live with it."

Ceres asked, "Just tell us please I agree with the first maiden. These two people are in love; don't take that love away from them please?"

The Buddha sighed, "Well after careful consideration I and the gods and goddesses of heaven decided that…"

One very glistening and beautiful night Ceres appeared in Aya and Toya's bedroom with a gleaming necklace that had the mark of the celestial maidens. When he saw her he was figuring maybe his prayer wouldn't be answered. Plus some prayers the heavens will answer and sometimes they aren't answered at all. But when he saw that necklace he thought maybe that would give him the life until she pointed at him and a beam of light spread through the room.

Ceres told him, "Toya, you will be able to live a long life well until Aya dies, but there's something you have to do first. You have to put this necklace on Takara otherwise you will die. Now, I asked the maidens and gods to grant this wish for you, so don't worry everything is taken care of just put this necklace on Takara."

"But what is the significance of that necklace anyway?" he asked.

Ceres explained, "I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. This necklace means that Takara has to become a celestial maiden who is trying to look for a treasure of some sort. So Toya listen carefully you have to put this necklace on her, and no one should find out what took place tonight and if Aya or anyone finds out what happened to Takara then that's fine. But if you tell them then I'm afraid you and Takara have to die."

"Then when should I tell Takara that she is a celestial maiden?' he asked.

"The day she turns 14 you must tell her and make sure Aya doesn't find out about this. I know that this maybe like a sacrifice, but I'm doing this because I understand that you want to be with Aya as long as possible. So don't worry you're the one who can help your daughter through this," Ceres described.

Toya accepted, "I'll do it then."

Toya took that necklace off of her hands and got out of bed to put that necklace on Takara. Ceres disappeared into heaven, and Toya got up to put that cursed necklace on Takara. Once he clipped that charm on her, her life will be almost like her mother's, but it was an obligation he had to do in order to stay with his beloved. When he went back to his room he kissed Aya on the forehead and went back to sleep and held Aya tight in his arms.

"I'll always be with you," he whispered.

Back at the Mikage's side, apparently Kagami had a son, Rin. A year ago when Rin was a year old his father died because of the C-project, but he put the Mikage corp. on Rin's will. When his mother saw that will she got so rabid. S

he doesn't want Rin to be like his devious, maniacal father that's why she left him, so she decided to put that will with all of her husband's belongings. She cleaved out the wooden tiles of the floor and put that will inside the dusty storage space. Even though Rin was only two years old he wondered why he never had father, so he decided to search for evidence to see if he ever had a father.