Summary: So I wrote this story like a long time ago but someone offered to beta it for me. Her name: MegK1978. Her mission: To take Charmed in Cardiff and make it grammatically correct. Completed: Yes and so I have decided to re-post the chapters of this story to show you her awesome work because it would be rude not too. Once again, shout-outs go to MegK1978 who took her time and energy to make this story even better.

Disclaimer: Don't own either shows.

Chapter Five: Homeward Bound

Cardiff, Wales: 8:00 p.m.

Ianto ran into the fray with Piper and Paige, seeing that Jack had joined Phoebe in fighting the demon, supplementing her martial arts with his own street fighting skills. Together they seemed to be holding their own with the demon.

Ianto left the fighting to them, running to where Owen, Gwen, and Tosh were only just starting to come around. He helped them up, watching carefully even though they looked all right. "All right?"

A string of affirmations echoed in his ears as he looked back to watch Jack and the Charmed Ones, only to see Jack had pulled back the sisters had thrown their potion vials, the demon crumpled on the ground. Jack found Ianto's eyes, giving him a look of triumph. He was so busy looking at the archivist, he had no idea that the demon's last fireball was heading right for him.

But Ianto did. Reacting, he ran and pushed Jack out of the way, catching the fireball directly in the chest. He flew back to the ground, his head hitting the pavement with a crack. The burning in his chest surged through his body. He hadn't meant to get hit, just concerned with getting Jack out of the line of fire, literally. A smile flickered on his lips as he tasted metal in his mouth, realizing he'd never thought he would die like this, death by demon. He'd always thought an alien would claim his life. But he didn't have Phoebe's premonitions. All he knew was he was dying. He felt Jack's wrap him in an embrace.

'At least I get to die in his arms', he thought as the darkness surrounded him.

For Jack, it all seemed to happen in slow motion: Ianto pushing him to the ground while a fireball hit him squarely in the chest before falling himself. Scrambling, he grabbed Ianto and held him close. It wasn't supposed to be like this! Ianto couldn't be dying in his arms after all they'd been through.

"Ianto," Jack whispered to his lover. "Ianto!" The blood covering his hands mixed with the tears streaming from his eyes. "Yan, come on, talk to me, please! Say something, anything! Please!"

The rest of the team gathered around them. They had tears in their eyes, too, as they watched their captain rocking their friend in his arms, urging him to stay. The death cry of the demon seemed so far away as their minds registered what had happened.

"Another one bites the dust," they could hear Phoebe laugh. "So, did y'all enjoy the …fight."

The witches rushed to their side, Jack just drew Ianto closer. They knew if they weren't too late, the fallen man could be saved.

"Jack," Paige started.

"It's my fault," Jack whispered, still rocking back and forth, tears still falling. "I should have listened to you, stayed at the Hub. I put my team in danger because I wanted to come and prove I could handle this. I shouldn't have—"

"Jack, it's not your fault," Piper tried, reaching out to check Ianto's pulse, sighing in relief as she found it. It was weak, but it was there, which meant they still had time. "You have to let him go, so we can save him."

"It's…too late," Owen stuttered, bending down beside Ianto to get a better look where Jack wasn't covering him. "That fireball probably gave him third-degree burns, singed his skin, making him lose too much blood. It'll be too late by the time we get him to hospital."

"Who said anything about a hospital." Paige also bent down beside Ianto and Jack. "I can fix this, but you have to trust me. You have to let him go, let me work."

Jack looked around at this team, then Piper and Phoebe before meeting Paige's earnest eyes. Something there made him believe that she would do whatever it took to save Ianto's life. He slowly lowered Ianto to the ground, giving Paige silent permission to do what she had in mind.

The members of Torchwood held their collective breath as Paige's hands hovered over Ianto's chest. They watched as her hands glowed bright orange, as Ianto's wound healed before their eyes, becoming smaller and smaller, his blood returning to his body. A few seconds that seemed like an eternity later, Ianto gasped as his eyes fluttered open.

"How the hell—?" Owen shot back to his feet, looking at the rest of the team and seeing their surprise, too, especially Jack, who looked at his lover seem to rise from the dead.

"I see you healed me." Ianto smiled at Paige as he carefully sat up.

"Well, yeah, couldn't just let you die," Paige replied lightly. "Who else will make me coffee like you do? Did I mention I'm now completely addicted?"

"Join the club," he laughed. He looked at his teammates, who were still looking at him in shock. He was standing before them, good as new, like nothing had happened to him. They each noted to themselves that this had to be the strangest day they'd ever had; and when you worked for Torchwood, that was saying something.

"I'm sorry, did you say heal?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Jack," Phoebe answered. "Because Paige is part-Whitelighter, she inherited the power to heal. They use the power to heal their charges when things like this happen."

"So she healed you?" Jack asked again, getting to his feet. "All of you." He gave Ianto a visual once-over before grabbing him to give him a tactile inspection, if only to assure himself.

"Trust us," Piper smiled, patting Ianto on the back and standing with her sisters. "We've been hurt a lot over the years, and Whitelighters do excellent work."

"They don't even leave scars," Phoebe added with her own smile.

Hearing that was enough for Jack as he pulled Ianto into a desperate kiss. Ianto wrapped his arms around Jack, pulling him even further into the lip-lock. The girls laughed, hearing the "awww"s from Tosh and Gwen and the not-so-subtle grunts from Owen.

"All right, we get it!" Owen shouted as the two men broke apart to breathe. "You're happy tea-boy's not dead, but do you have to show it front of bloody everybody?"

"I think it's sweet," Phoebe retorted. "Besides, you're one to talk. You've been wearing Tosh's lipstick this whole time."

Owen began to furiously wipe off the coloring on his lips, Tosh turning away to hide the blush rising in her cheeks. "How about we head back to the Hub?" she suggested, inching away. "It's getting late."

"Yeah," Owen quickly agreed, following her out of the alley.

Gwen watched the two of them retreat with a mix of confusion and amusement. "When do you think they'll realize that you brought us here?" she asked the witches.

"Who cares?" Ianto answered as he interlaced his fingers with Jack's. "It's not as if they don't mind being alone together. Besides, they were right, we should get back. I'm sure you three have family you need to get back to."

"He's right," Paige agreed. "I did promise Henry that uninterrupted date."

"Yes, yes, we know," Phoebe replied with a roll of her eyes. She locked her arm around Paige's, who then gently swatted Phoebe in the back of the head. "Hey!"

"Sorry, sister's prerogative."

They all laughed before joining together for Paige to orb them back,

Phoebe sticking her tongue out at her.

Upon their return, they discovered, not Tosh and Owen yet, but a five-eleven man with light-brown hair, in jeans and T-shirt, standing in the middle of the Hub.

"Leo!" Piper gasped as her husband turned and smiled radiantly at her. She ran to him and hugged him, practically knocking him off-balance. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, when I came home to find you and your sisters nowhere to be found, can you blame for being a bit worried?" he replied, kissing her lightly. "I had Wyatt sense for you and orbed me…wherever this place is."
"We're in the Hub, sweetie. Phoebe had a vision that led us to Wales to stop a demon from killing five innocents."

"The demon?"

"Vanquished, of course," Phoebe said, shaking her head.

Paige flashed a cocky smile. "Yup, nothing the Charmed Ones can't handle."

"I see." Leo looked around at the other people in the room. "So, who are your new friends?"

"Oops, sorry," Piper laughed as she let go. "Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, and Ianto Jones," she introduced them, pointing at each in turn. "Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato aren't here."

"Welcome to Torchwood," Jack greeted.

Understanding dawned in Leo's eyes. "So you're Torchwood. I should've realized with all the 'devices' around."

"Wait, you know about Torchwood?" Gwen asked. She was bewildered at this total stranger knowing about them. So much for them being a secret organization.

"Not much," Leo admitted, running fingers through his hair. He searched his thoughts to see what he remembered. "When I was still a Whitelighter, the Elders once told me there was a group of people who deal with alien life."

"I really want to meet these Elders," Jack grumbled. "They know more about me than I know about myself."

"It still doesn't explain why the Elders gave Phoebe the premonition," Piper added.

"Probably because Torchwood is very important to the safety of the world," Leo answered. At her 'explain further' look, he continued, "Without them, alien attacks on humans would become more frequent and more dangerous."

"So how come the supernatural world doesn't know about this 'outer limits' world?" Paige asked.

"The same reason the 'outer limits' world doesn't know about the supernatural one." Leo had purposely appropriated Paige's words to make his point. "Demons would probably try to form alliances with dangerous alien races, make exchanges for weapons—"

"Which would cause even more problems for mankind as we know it," Piper finished his sentence. "You're right, these worlds should never ever mix."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Even though it had been quite an adventure today, they all realized that they wouldn't want to experience it every day.

Ianto snapped his fingers in realization, breaking the silence that had descended. "Now I remember who you are!" he said to Piper's husband. "Leo Wyatt, yes?"

"Yes." Leo blinked. "How—?"

"Honey, he knows everything," Piper laughed.

"That I do." Ianto stepped forward with a big smile, shaking Leo's hand. "But you were once the Whitelighter for my Grandmother's coven. I'm Ianto Jones."

Leo smiled at the young man, until he recognized the blue eyes looking at him, and where he'd seen them before. "You're Rhiannon's grandson!" he exclaimed, his smile widening. "She was one of the best potion-makers I've ever known."

"She would have loved to hear you say that."

"Well, your grandmother was a hell of a woman." Leo grinned at the sisters. "Ianto's ancestors belonged to Melinda's coven, helping to take care of Prudence when she burned at the stake."

"So that's how he knows about the Charmed Ones prophecy!" Phoebe cried, making the connection. "It was probably passed down as a family story!"

"And we could be like surrogate cousins or something," Paige added, playfully punching Ianto's shoulder. "Cool! I always wanted a cousin."

"Should I be worried?" Ianto asked her sisters.

"No, be afraid," Piper replied. "Be very afraid."

"Hey!" Paige protested, even knowing Piper was teasing.

"Paige is not that bad!" Phoebe snickered, pulling said sister into a hug.

"She grows on you."

"Like fungus." Leo smirked, only to have a pillow orbed at his head, making everyone else burst into laughter, the members of Torchwood relishing the family squabbling. It was just so normal.

They were still laughing when Owen and Tosh returned, hand-in-hand. Gwen seemed to be the only one surprised, while everyone else mumbled their own versions of "about time."

"Where the hell have you two been?" Jack demanded, playing the big bad boss if only to tease them for a moment.

"Um…we…just…" Tosh's cheeks flushed, looking to Owen for help, but he was trying to think of what to say, too.

"We…just stopped…for…"

"You know what, save it." Jack smiled and slapped Owen on the back. "You don't have to tell us. It's not like we don't already know."

The team broke into laughter again, causing Tosh and Owen to blush deeper. "Well, I don't know!" Gwen exclaimed, before grabbed Tosh's arm and dragging her out of the room.

Piper smiled and shook her head at Gwen, Tosh, and Owen before glancing at her watch. "Geez, look at the time!" Even though it was about 8.15 PM in Wales, it was only 3.15 in San Francisco. She felt as if she'd been running all day long and wanted nothing more than sleep.

Phoebe followed her lead and looked at her own watch. "Well damn, I just want to take a nap! Can you get jet lag orbing?"

"I don't think you could call it 'jet lag', then," Ianto replied, "More like 'orb lag'.

"Either way!" Phoebe rolled her eyes at their new ersatz cousin. "I'm tired, so's the baby. How about we get back to the manor? I'm not sure when Coop will be back, but I don't want him to wonder where I am when he does."

"Right, 'cause it's not like he can't sense where you are anyway," Paige snarked, making everyone giggle.

"Oh you're horrible."

"I try, I try," Paige laughed. She grabbed Ianto and Jack in a big hug.

"Say goodbye to the rest of the team for us?"

"We will, and don't forget about us," Ianto whispered, hugging Piper and Phoebe after Paige released him.

"Like we could forget what we've seen today," Phoebe replied. "Especially you, Mr. Looks-Good-In-a-Suit."

"Mr. Ianto 'I-Know-Everything' Jones," Piper added, kissing his cheek.

Paige's turn: "Mister best coffee maker in the world that I would marry if I wasn't already and you're screwing your boss but it wouldn't matter 'cause your coffee is good enough to give me orgasms on its own."

"Paige!" her sisters screamed at her, while Ianto blushed bright red.

"What? I'm just saying."

"Now you know why I keep him." Jack winked, pulling Ianto close and kissing his neck.

"Jack!" Ianto admonished, though not quite as loudly.

"What? I'm just saying."

Paige laughed. "You're my kind of guy, Captain Jack Harkness."

"Didn't you know, Paige, I'm everybody's man." He growled into Ianto's neck. Paige rolled her eyes and Ianto smacked him upside the head.

"You are incorrigible," Ianto sighed. He pulled free of Jack to hug each of the girls one last time, stepped back and waving goodbye. They watched as they and Leo dematerialized into the lights that had once again become so familiar to Ianto. When they were gone, the archivist began shuffling papers on a nearby desk.

"Today was quite a day, huh?"

Ianto looked up at Jack a moment before returning to his task. "Yes, I suppose so, sir."

"Probably not for you, because you're used to this."

He shrugged. "Not really. The last time I really saw a demon, I was fifteen, and my grandmother had a potion ready to vanquish it. I didn't get hurt, so it didn't become a big deal."

"Still, I didn't know." Jack sighed, grabbing the papers from Ianto's hands and putting his own in them. "I don't know how I feel about that."

"There are things I don't know about you, either, Jack," Ianto replied. He squeezed the captain's hands in his own. "There are times I feel like I've only scratched the surface."

"It's not because I don't want you to know," Jack protested. "It's just…I don't know how to tell you. But one day I will, I swear to you."

"And one day, you'll know everything about me, too," Ianto promised. "So don't worry."

"I'll always worry, Ianto, especially after what just happened. You died—"

"I didn't die, sir," Ianto corrected. "Paige healed me—"

"But if she hadn't been there, you would have died." Jack hugged Ianto close to him until he could feel him breathe against his ear. Seeing Ianto almost die had really affected him. There was still so much he want to do, to say; all of that was almost taken away from him in a moment.


"I almost lost you, and I'm just not ready for that yet, and I don't think I'll ever be ready to lose you but…" He took a calming breath to stem his babbling and continued. "But I realized that I can't hold you back all the time. That's not you anymore, but it doesn't make the fear any less."

"Jack," Ianto whispered as he cupped his lover's face in his hands, eyes brimming with tears. That moment, he realized something, too: Piper was more than right, and he could no longer deny what was in his heart. He needed Jack as much as he needed oxygen for his next breath. The captain had already claimed his mind, his body, and his heart quickly followed. "You don't have to protect me because I'm not going anywhere. Not for a very long time."
"Sure about that?"


"How do you know this?"

Drawing his face closer, he placed his lips gently on Jack's a smiled. "Have you forgotten, sir? I know everything."

Jack laughed before Ianto pulled him into an even more passionate kiss, pulling him closer to deepen it.

When they pulled apart, both gasping for air, Ianto finally said the words he'd been holding back for so long, to the one man he wanted for the rest of his life.

"I love you."

Jack didn't reply in words, but pulled Ianto into another passionate kiss, giving all the emotion he had, all the feelings he had for the young Welshman, through their joined lips. He knew he didn't have to say that he loved him, too, because Ianto already knew. This young man had his heart, mind, body, and soul; and he wasn't about to ask for them back.

"I can't believe you two are dating!" Gwen clapped her hands as she, Tosh, and Owen came back from the tourist office. She was ecstatic, knowing that they had finally decided to stop putting off being together. Obviously, they were perfect for each other.

"We're not dating—" Tosh started.

"We're just testing the waters, you see," Owen finished. Tosh just blushing, turning her face away.

"Well, whatever you're doing, it's—" Gwen stopped speaking and walking. "Oh my God."



The three team members looked across the Hub to see Jack and Ianto, still locked in their embrace. Gwen and Tosh smiled, while Owen turned away with a roll of his eyes.

"They are so cute together," Gwen whispered as they watched. "Next to me and Rhys, one of the cutest couples I've ever seen."

"Hey, what about me and Tosh?" Owen protested. "We're bloody gorgeous together!"

"I don't know," Gwen shrugged. "I think Tosh could do better."

Tosh flipped her hair, giving Owen a once-over. "I think you might be right, Gwen," she said, really teasing and giggling.

"Not funny, Tosh," Owen said, recognizing the tease. The women's attention went back to Jack and Ianto. "What are they doing now?"

They watched as Ianto shoved all the papers from the desktop to the floor before Jack bent him over it, pressing his knee between the archivist's legs and his hand making its way down his pants.

Tosh quickly suggested, "I think that we should get out of here… go home, don't you?" Her face started to flush again as she continued to stare, even as they started removing clothes. She didn't want to let on that the sight of them together was turning her on.

Gwen swallowed, bobbing her head, but her feet were glued in place. "I think you're right…we should go home."

"Or we could, I don't know… stay and watch."

"Are you out of your bloody minds?" Owen hissed. He grabbed their arms and started pulled them away from the sight of the two men going at it. He couldn't believe that the women were getting turned on! "There is no way we're staying to watch them 'do it'!"

"But Owen—" they chorused, almost whining, before Owen cut them off.

"No! We're going!"

They gave up fighting as the three of them went into the lift, leaving Jack and Ianto alone.

"You think they're gone?" Jack asked, never letting up his sensual attack.

"If not, they're about to get one hell of a show," Ianto replied, his hands retaliating.
"Jones Ianto Jones, always knew you were a bit of an exhibitionist." Jack grinned in delight.

"Just shut up and do me, sir.

Jack laughed in his ear. "Yes sir, Mr. Jones, sir!"

They lost themselves in each other for the rest of the night, celebrating being alive.

There you have it folks, a complete re-post in a span of twenty minutes. For those of you have read this story already and loved it, thanks and for any new comers who are reading this for the first time, thanks. Once again I would like to thank the person who took their time to make improvements on CIC, MegK1978 this entire story is now dedicated to you. You earned it.

Later Dayz
