-1Truth hurts but heals

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. I mean really if I owned them do you think Kimberly and Tommy would have broken up? NOT!!! So, sadly, I don't own Power Rangers or anything that is with the show or the characters at all. Saban created them and Disney is showing them. They own them not me.

Note: I'm changing the different shade of pink episode just a little to fit my story. I'm making it to where Kimberly had to have a transfusion, just a little bit, when she was a patient because her fall had caused her to be anemic and in need on one.

Note: I'm not a doctor and this is fan fiction so anything goes. Flames will be used as flames for a fire or something (wink)

Note: I am also adding onto the Fighting Spirit of Dinothunder where Tommy is in a coma.

Note: Kat and Tommy fans back away because this is a Tommy and Kim pairing. Kat will be paired with Jason.

Chapter one

Aug 20, 2004

Kimberly Hart knew that she had to talk to him someday but that day was not going to come willingly. She winced as she thought about the lies she had spun to protect him, little did he know.


Kimberly was so torn as she wrote the letter that she almost couldn't finish it, her hand was shaking so badly. It was a horrible lie, she knew. But, however, in the long run, it would save his life she didn't give him the disease.

A couple of months later Kimberly called Jason and asked him if there was any chance that he could fly to Florida. It wasn't long before Jason got there, well a plane ride length of time, rather.

Kimberly tearfully told him what she had done and Jason respectfully kept his cool until she finished. She then went into why she sent the awful letter. "Jason, I'm HIV Positive." Jason went into a numb state of shock at the revelation.

After it seemed like ages, Jason finally found his voice and was able to move. He crossed the distance between him and his 'little sis' in 2 seconds flat. Without hesitating he engulfed her in a hug which caused her to breakdown in a flood of tears.

After she finally calmed down, Jason decided to ask the big question. "I take it Tommy doesn't know?" Kimberly mutely shook her head signaling to him that he was right.

End of Flashback

"That was 9 years ago since it was now 2004." Kimberly mused to herself. It was amazing that Jason had kept the secret. Now, however, only he and Trini and Billy knew. She allowed him to tell Trini and Billy but no one else. They all knew it was imperative that Tommy never found it. At least it was imperative in her eyes but not in her friends. They all told her that Tommy needed to be told and now she knew she had to see him. She thought about the past week with a small worry frown on her face.

August 28, 2004

Flashback 3 days ago

Kimberly received the phone call that made her heart stop. She hoped against hope that she had heard him wrong. "Jason, no." Kimberly whispered as panic filled her to the very core of her being.

"He's in a coma, Kimberly. Tommy may not make it through the night. How soon can you get here?" Jason asked in a broken, hoarse voice.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Kimberly said just a hoarsely.

End of Flashback

Reefside, California

Kimberly walked into Reefside hospital with a heavy heart. She was so not looking forward to seeing her beloved Tommy lying unconscious in a hospital bed. Numbly she knew she had to ask Jason what happened.

Timidly she walked to the front desk to inquire which room, where to go to find him, that Tommy was in. The nurse at the desk looked up at her with tired eyes. "May I help you?"

Kimberly looked back at her with tear filled eyes and the nurse softened her gaze and tone towards the young woman. "I-I want to know what r-room T-t-t-ommy O-oliver is I-in." She answered the woman in a quivering voice that forced her to stutter from the emotions that were washing over her.

The nurse gave her a small comforting smile as she realized who the young woman was referring to. "He is in room 122." She told the young woman. Kimberly nodded, still numb at the idea of loosing Tommy for good.

Silently she set off to find the room. Finally she found room 122. She hesitated at the door before, composing herself before she lightly knocked on the door. Taking a lot willpower, she finally made herself to knock on the door, unsure of who all would be in there.

Jason opened the door knowing it would most likely be Kimberly. He silently let Kimberly in the room. She looked around at who was there and saw that Trini, Billy, Zack, Aisha, Kat, Rocky, Justin, of course Jason, and others she had no clue of as to who they were.

"Did you call his parents?" Kimberly asked softly with tears lacing her voice.

Jason nodded his head with emotion evident upon his face. "They're on their way. Their flight will be in tonight and I'm going to pick them up from the airport and bring them here." He answered her, his voice cracking with unshed tears.

"Does David and Sam Trueheart know?" Kimberly questioned as she continued to stare at Tommy's pale unconscious face.

"We called them." Rocky answered for Jason. "They're here now just resting at Tommy's place."

Kimberly nodded mutely, glad that at least his biological family was here and his adoptive family were fighting to get here as fast as they could.

Everyone held their breath as they watched Kimberly walk slowly towards the bed. Hayley got up from the chair and guided Kimberly towards the vacant chair and gently sat her down. Kimberly looked at her with a grateful expression. Hayley smiled gently.

Kimberly took a deep breath and took Tommy's cold hand in hers. "Hey, handsome, it's me. I bet you never thought you'd hear my voice again. I know It's been nine years and I know it was so stupid of me to let those years past without telling you the truth of why I wrote that letter. I also know that it's coward of me to be telling you this way but there is no other choice in the matter and I know you are in there and I know you are listening so listen and get mad and fight and come back to us." Kimberly began.

Jason made a motion to everyone in the room to turn to him. In obedience they did. "While Kim is speaking, no one talk. Understand? It is vital that she gets this out and then later everyone can ask their questions." Kimberly looked at Jason with tear stained face and mouthed, 'thank you' to him. Jason smiled at her as a way of encouraging her to go on.

Kimberly turned back towards the unconscious Tommy.

Tommy's mind

Tommy had just fought all of his past selves as rangers and was still trapped in his mind. He couldn't figure it out. Suddenly he heard Kimberly's voice and what she was saying. 'Hey, handsome, it's me. I bet you never thought you'd hear my voice again. I know It's been nine years and I know it was so stupid of me to let those years past without telling you the truth of why I wrote that letter. I also know that it's coward of me to be telling you this way but there is no other choice in the matter and I know you are in there and I know you are listening so listen and get mad and fight and come back to us.'

Tommy heard what she was saying and what would be so bad other then hearing about how happy she was with the other guy. That made his fist clinch unconsciously. He obediently listened to Kimberly in his mind.

In the hospital room

"Tommy, there is a reason I wrote that idiotic letter. It is not the reason you think. There is no other guy, there never was." Kimberly began her story. There were several gasps around the room but they all kept quiet for Kimberly's sake.

Tommy's mind

He heard that and his mind went into a state of euphoria in the knowledge that there was no one else. "So why did she write it? Why did she break my heart?" His mind questioned.

In the hospital room

"Tommy, when I was in the hospital, after falling off the balance beam, I had hit my head pretty hard. I lost some blood but not a lot or so I thought. They had to give me a blood transfusion because apparently I was anemic and since I lost that small amount of blood it made my blood cells be very low, or something like that. Anyway, the blood they gave me was contaminated. Tommy, I am HIV-POS." Kimberly finished as she waited for the exclamations that would, no doubt come from her friends.

Tommy's mind

Tommy heard all that and the part about being HIV-POS and his body went numb all over. His beautiful was HIV-POS and would die when it turned to AIDS. He shook his head violently as tears stung his eyes. "NO!"

In the hospital room

"NO!" Tommy yelled out with unshed tears as he bolted up from the bed wide awake and looking around for Kimberly. Kimberly looked at him wide-eyed and scared. Jason stepped closer to them just in case Tommy went ballistic at the news.

Coming: how is everyone going to react? What's going to happen well you'll just have to wait and see. This story, I am not giving many hint, lol. 'wink'.

But please read and review. I would love some feedback and like I said in my disclaimer, flames will be used for fire.