DISCLAIMER: Suikoden 2 and all its elements are properties of KCET. The fanfiction belongs to littlemaiko. Stealing is prohibited.

NOTES: Some major events in this story are AU. Special Thanks to Romy for providing Odessa/Jess similarity in our role-play scenario. Much of ideas in this story are attributed to Romy's inspirations. The foundation of the plot is a major SPOILER for Suikoden 1. The story consists of 12 chapters.


A prince, chained to memories of a lost love.
A mermaid, pining for love never to be returned.
A mercenary, trapped in a nightmare of his love's death.
A chamberlain, forced to become a ghost from the past.
Two men left behind by those they loved, seeking...


Jess frowned a little more than usual, his tea-brown eyes scanning the tavern distastefully. He would never have entered the rowdy little place if he had not been sent there by Shu to fetch "the blue one." It was rare that the cold strategist summoned Flik instead of Viktor. Of course, Jess obeyed rather than question. Things worked out easier that way, for his stress level and that of other JSCA administrators. He found the desired azure-clad mercenary at the counter; heading straight there, the chamberlain got rid of the frown in exchange for a business-like poker face. It was a becoming expression for his personality but not for his appearance. Smooth, white skin and soft, kitten-fur brown hair hindered his effort to look like a nondescript carrier of message.


"Mister chamberlain. Fancy seeing you here." Flik nodded nonchalantly, his disinterest apparent. However, he did turn his face and narrowed both cerulean blue eyes.

"Sir Shu wishes to see you."

"...Hmm. Why not Viktor?" Knowing more than Jess about the relationship between Viktor and Shu, Flik turned the rotatable stool to face the chamberlain.

"I would not know. Please go to Sir Shu's office, Flik."

Bright-colored eyes almost pierced into the back of Jess' brown ones, making him blink. The young chamberlain hid the flinch quickly and stared defiantly back at the older man. When Flik's well-shaped lips curled into a pleasant smirk, it took Jess by a surprise.

"Don't be so uptight all the time, mister chamberlain." Flik slid the jug of ale back to Leona and slipped off of the high chair. His gaze ran over Jess once, unobvious nostalgia flickering across his face. "Ones like you... it's better if showed a bit more outward flare."

"You wouldn't know what is best for me, Flik. I conveyed the message, so if you will excuse me."

Left alone, Flik shrugged lightly and paid for his drink. He hadn't meant to upset Jess; on the contrary, he had hoped for a short talk. Of course, he figured that he didn't deserve to spend time with the prissy little chamberlain. His interest in the younger man lay solely upon the beautiful auburn-tinted brown hair and tea eyes.

"The resemblance is only skin deep, I guess."

Even the remote similarity was welcome. Flik toyed with his faded bandana, finally moving out of the bar to get to the destination given to him.


"Tell me that I didn't hear you right."

Flik scowled, an expression rare for his personality. The receiver of the vicious look, Shu, didn't even raise an eyebrow. The elegant strategist just checked on the paper laid out on his desk and reconfirmed what he had just said.

"You did. Since you and Viktor will lead separate teams on far ends of the field and all other fighting hands are needed for battles, I asked Jess to act as the carrier of commands. He only needs to make two trips, to and fro. He will be fine."

"...And he will not be much loss to JSCA if he got killed. Is that why you assigned him to the position?"

Shu chuckled in obvious amusement at the accusal. He regarded the blue-clad mercenary calmly, crossing his slender fingers together. "Do you think that I will resort to such a cold-blooded strategy without stronger merits? If we lost Jess, the loss will outweigh the gain. I will never waste valuable personnel."

"I sincerely hope that you don't betray my trust." Shaking his head, Flik reflected upon his distrust toward the elegant Asian. He knew that Shu was not the bad sort at heart; he had that much faith in Viktor's taste in a love interest. However, he also didn't know the head strategist well enough to make a definite judgement.

"If it will ease your mind to know... Jess will ride across thickets protected by our troop. The chances of him getting killed is next to none. I had to ask him because he was the only non-fighting personnel who could ride well." Seemingly occupied with paperwork at hand, Shu pushed back loose strands of black hair falling across his shoulder.

"All right. Is there anything else you need me to know?" Flik dropped the subject altogether, his tone still hard.

"No. Don't forget the formation."

"I won't."

The famed Blue Thunder left the neatly-kept office, glad to be out of Shu's presence. He still couldn't pinpoint the reason for his discomfort around the beautiful strategist. No, he did, to be truthful. Viktor's free time had been his until Shu came along; lack of usual companion made him inevitably lonely.

// Three years without Odessa. Maybe I grew too attached to that bear. //

The thought of himself being attached to Viktor made Flik feign a cringe. After all, the man was his best friend and not a love interest of any sort. He had no prejudice against having such feelings for another man, but at least, he could say with confidence that Viktor was not his type.

"...Definitely not my taste."


Sudden visit by Blue Thunder surprised Jess rather than displease him. Going for the pristine tea set from Harmonia that he reserved for guests, the young chamberlain poured a cup of light-colored peach tea. He didn't care if Flik didn't prefer sweet drink. The only responsibility he had toward a visitor was to entertain them with customary politeness.

"Please take a seat, Flik."

"Thanks." Flik studied the aromatic liquid closely, taking the cup in his hand, tiny plate and all. The chair offered to him was stiff and uncomfortable, as if it hadn't been occupied since the purchase. The room in its entirety represented Jess' personality; spotless white curtain and carpet provided uptight atmosphere, along with scarce furniture all made of oak wood and shelves lined perfectly with leather-bound books. The first comment that popped up in Flik's mind about the room was "neat-freak", second being "unpractically clean."

"What brings you here?" Pouring a cup of tea for himself, Jess took the seat across from Flik and simply inquired.

"I heard that you are participating in the next battle as a carrier."

"That is correct," Jess nodded disinterestedly.

"...Have you been out in a fight before? Other than that mess at Tinto, that is."

Light-brown gaze hardened at the mention of a mistake, and Jess put down his cup to hold his hands together over crossed legs. He had certain amount of regret toward what he had done to Musean soldiers at Tinto, but that was none of Flik's business. Measuring his answer as not to dig himself in for another put-down, Jess plainly said, "No."

"Huh. If I didn't know better, I'd call Shu stupid."

"Why do you care, Flik? I'm willing to perform the duty given. It is none of your business."

Flik almost smirked at the glaring look Jess gave him. He recalled someone else with same eyes looking at him thus; only, such look given by Odessa would have gone away with a kiss on a cheek. He considered trying the same tactics out on this chamberlain, but he decided against it. After all, those prissy hands were likely to slap him silly if he tried.

"I've seen more than one fool who said the same thing and didn't come back from the battlefield alive. That's all."

"From the factor of risk, I would think your position more dangerous than mine. I heard that you are leading one sector at the front line." Jess refused to be unnerved by the sinister remark. The mess Flik had referred to had been his first fight; although he had made a complete fool of himself then, he didn't plan on repeating the same mortification.

"Yeah, but I'm a mercenary. You are a collar-worker."

"I don't appreciate that comment."

"I'm just telling you the truth. It's best that we each do what we do best. In my case, fighting. In your case..." Flik wondered shortly, realizing then that he didn't know a thing about what Jess did at JSCA. "What do you do?"

"Statistics, accounting, estimation of human and other resources. ...Flik, if there is nothing more to discuss, I would appreciate privacy." Shaking his head, Jess picked up the thick ledger he had left out from before Flik came into the room.

"So thorny. You act as though the entire world's against you." Flik shrugged and set down the tea which he had barely touched. "A smile or two wouldn't kill you, mister chamberlain."

"...Kindly leave, Flik."

"I will. Don't bite."

Jess didn't try to push Flik out, but he did shut the door tightly as soon as the blue-clad mercenary was outside. He couldn't be bothered by a mere hand-for-hire; there was so much to be done, his usual paperwork and the weekly census waiting at the desk. How Flik had taken up so much of his precious time, he didn't know. The last remark made him bitter.

"...I don't bite, idiot..."