
Chapter 2

Author's note: I forgot to mention that this was 2 shot. Anyway I have enjoyed writing this wee story and I hope everyone who reviewed and read this story enjoyed it.

Once again I don't anything except my OC's.

Kate took a deep breath, her hand poised on the door. She was playing with fire and she knew people would get burnt. It wasn't fair on Phil and Candace but as she stood there and felt her hand come in contact with the door she realised it wasn't all her fault…Randy was unfaithful too and if he really loved his fiancée he wouldn't ask her for more.

"Hey." He said in a smooth voice as he leaned against the doorframe. He wore a loose fitting black shirt – the top buttons were undone and she caught a glimpse of his perfectly toned body.

She took a quick glance (to check no was around) before rushing towards him and crashing her lips against his. He grinned as he kicked the door shut. As she kissed him she unbuttoned his shirt and he threw it onto the floor.

His arms snaked across her waist and pulled her towards him. They never broke contact the whole time and she let out a moan when gently bit her lip.

This is so wrong but it feels so right. Kate thought to herself in delight as he gently lowered her onto the bed, still kissing her.

Their kiss intensified as her tongue slipped into his mouth. He practically ripped her tank top off and broke the kiss – gazing at her body.

Kate loved the attention he was giving her as he eyes lingered on her breasts – her nipples were swollen at the thought of what was going to happen.

Kate practically screamed as his began kissing her breasts. Randy then worked his way down stopping at her skirt.

"You evil bastard." She moaned as he grinned devilishly at her. He undid his zip and whipped his jeans off before she could blink. Kate smiled wickedly back at him as she grabbed him and pulled Randy towards her. He brought his mouth to hers once more and her hands roamed in his hair and down his well defined body.

Whilst this was going on, Randy took off her mini skirt and she felt her eyes close as he ran his fingers over her red panties.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" He said huskily, driving her wild with passion.

"Randy…please…" Kate whispered hoarsely as she wanted him.

He knew the effect he had on her, he was merely taking his time – after all he wanted to enjoy himself as much as she did.

Kate felt him slowly remove her panties. She then let out a shaky breath as she felt him touch her – She felt waves of pleasure sear through her body as he slipped another finger into her tender flesh.

"Randy." She moaned with ecstasy and arched back while he got faster and faster…

Phil sighed as he glanced at the clock it was 1.30am and he couldn't sleep. He got up and shivered a little as he only wore his boxers. He grabbed his cell and brought it back over to the bed.

He opened his contacts folder and paused at her name.

Damn it Phil you love her! Give her a call you never know she might come back after all she loves you too. Phil thought as his finger hit the call button.

He cursed as it rang then went to voicemail – "Hey its Kate. You know what to do. Leave a message after the beep"- "Hey Kate…its me Phil. I just wanted to call and say I was sorry about earlier. You were right, it is your career but I love you baby and want you to well cause you are a fantastic wrestler. (He sighed) Gimmie a call when you get this. Goodnight Kate and I mean it when I say it I love you."

Randy hastily shoved his boxers off and then entered her – her eyes opened – he looked at her, his eyes full of passion.

He felt her legs wrap around his waist and he moaned as she kissed him. Randy began to move slowly and then increased the speed.

Kate moaned in his ear which drove him wild as he pumped into her – her fingers dug into his bag and he groaned with pleasure when he felt her nails run down his back. It turned him on so bad.

"K-Kate." Randy moaned as he felt a fire burn inside of him – he knew he was going to come.

Kate arched her back – she was ready for him and threw her head back and screamed with pure delight as she felt his liquid release into her.

Seconds later she felt her own release and when she was done her head rested against her chest. Randy felt himself withdraw and he wrapped his arms around her.

They kissed again and lay together in bed. She snuggled into him and rested her head on the crook of his neck. His strong arms held her close.

"That was amazing." Kate whispered as she kissed his neck.

"Yeah…it was great." Randy replied breathlessly then he stared at her – their eyes locked.

"You don't think this is wrong do you?" He asked softly and she smiled sadly.

"No. I have no regrets at all." She replied honestly before they cuddled close and fell asleep in each others arms.

Candace excused herself to go to the bathroom. Once she locked the door she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. She grinned broadly as she knew she only had to wait a couple of hours until she saw him again.

"Mum…Jake's cell…Rachel…Randy!" She read her contacts aloud and exclaimed with glee when she stopped at his name.

Candace was at her grandparents' house in New York and it was just after 11pm. She pushed the call button and sighed when he didn't pick up (she couldn't blame him though he was in Colorado and it would be the middle of the night there).

"Hey! It's me Candy…I was just calling to let you know I'll be at the arena at 5ish…I called Vince earlier and he told me you guys will arrive at the Gardens at 4pm. I can't wait to see you! I wish you could have come but You are the WWE Champion! I hope I didn't wake you. Well I gotta go. Grandma's yelling at Gramps again. I hope we aren't like that. (She laughed). I love you Randy, sweet dreams baby." Candace hung up and giggled when she heard her grand parents argue and her mother trying to calm them down.

Kate blinked several times and peered around the dark room, trying to figure out what the time was. Unaware she was squirming a lot; she also woke up Randy who yawned loudly giving her a fright.

"Jesus! Randy you scared me!" She playfully slapped him and he chuckled.

"You're up early…what time is it?" He asked tiredly.

Kate didn't answer and when she finally found the clock she replied.

"Its almost 6am…I better go. We're supposed to meet in an hour in the lobby and Phil will be wondering where I am." Kate told him as she sat up.

He didn't say anything as she got up, naked, and searched for her underwear.

"Um I could use a little light." She mumbled as she fumbled about in the dark.

Rand smiled and stretched out and turned on the bedside lamp.

"Thanks." Kate thanked him as she slipped her panties on and now looked for her skirt.

"It's over by the bathroom door and your top is…here!" Randy said as he pulled her top off the bedpost.

Kate smiled as she walked over and took the top out of his hand. She was about to walk over and pull her skirt on but he pulled her towards her and kissed her deeply.

"Good morning." He whispered.

"Morning baby." She kissed him back then slipped her top back on.

He leaned back and watched her get ready.

"God…look at the state of me." Kate groaned as she attempted to tidy her hair.

"You look fine…when can I see you again?" He asked and she turned and frowned at him.

"I dunno…Candace will be back and Phil's got that storyline with Jeff and the others…soon I hope." Kate told him with a small smile.

He nodded then she walked over to the door.

"Bye Randy." Kate said over her shoulder as she opened the door.

"Later Kate." He replied grinning as he watched her leave.

Life is great. He smiled then grabbed his phone and turned it on. He felt a small pang of guilt when he noticed Candace left him a message.

He decided he would call her back later as he got up, stretched and went to for a shower.

"No! Go away…it's too early." Phil groaned into his pillow as someone knocked on his door.

"Phil? Phil are you there?" Kate asked from the other side of the door.

Phil bolted out of bed and practically ran to the door. He opened it and smiled when he saw her standing there. However he frowned when he noted she still wore last nights clothes.

"Kate." He said unsure of what to say next.

"Um can I come in?" She asked in a small voice as she didn't want to disturb other residents.

He nodded and opened the door wider. She was relieved he didn't have anyone with him but felt a heavy weight in her heart as she realised she had cheated on him again and he knew nothing.

"I called you last night…did you get my message?" He asked quietly shutting the door.

She turned to face him and saw the hurt in his eyes and she wanted the ceiling to collapse on her.

"Yeah…I crashed with Maria and Ashley last night." Kate lied and smiled slightly when she how relieved he was.

"I'm sorry. I just want you to do well. You're an amazing wrestler and…" Phil began and she walked over and put her finger on his lips.

"Phil, shut up." She kissed him softly on the lips and afterwards he hugged her.

"I love you Kate." He said softly as they hugged.

"I love you too Phil." She whispered knowing it wouldn't be long until her next encounter with Randy.

The End.