The last in my series of senses. I hope you have all enjoyed this series and I look forward to hearing from you all about this one. I thought what better way to emphasize the sense of hearing than with a songfic...

Song used is the english version of Evergreen by Hyde.



It had been the first thing I heard as I stepped off the plane since I was six. For thirteen years I had heard that same 'Sasuke-kun' when I arrived at Vancouver International. Vancouver has been a vacation spot for my family since my brother was a baby and our family tradition has never changed. The supper of '95 was a particularly hot one and it had been then that I met Naruto.

The sun was high in the sky and my brother Itachi and I were walking down the street that housed our holiday home to the small ice cream parlour owned by a polite gay Japanese couple. Kakashi and Minato had been friends of my family since my Uncle Obito was a kid. I hadn't seen them in a year or two, Itachi was eleven I was six. Minato used to teach seventh grade English and loved doing it too, Kakashi, Uncle Obito and a girl named Rin used to be his favourite students. Obviously Minato had left an impression on Kakashi because as soon as he got out of school, he went to college to teach seventh grade English. He moved to California where he met up with, you guessed it, Minato.

I lie awake beside the window sill
Like a flower in a vase
A moment caught in glass

We walked into the small ice cream parlour and over to the counter where a small blue eyed blond sat, strawberry ice cream all over his face. He looked over and grinned at me. "Hey there by where you to so I can come where you at?" (1)

I heard Itachi cough and I giggled (I was six, I giggled at that age!). "What?"

"Ah, I see you've both met Naruto." Kakashi said as he entered the room. "Naruto, this is Itachi and Sasuke."

The rays of sunlight come and beckon me
To a sleepy dreamy haze
A sense of summer days

Naruto eyed me curiously which I replied with in kind. "The big one looks like Uncle Fu-Fu." He said, a large grin on his face.

"Who's Uncle Fu-Fu?" Itachi asked, eyeing him. "And why do I look like him?"

Minato came in, grinning the same dopey grin as his son. "Lovely to see you again boys, have you mt Naruto yet?"

We nodded. Kakashi patted Naruto's head and smiled at Itachi. "Naruto can't quite say your fathers name yet so he just calls him Uncle Fu-Fu."

If only I could stop the flow of time
Turn the clock to yesterday
Erasing all the pain

Kakashi went on to compliment our English skills, praising our mother for teaching us so well when she came to pick us up.

When we came back the next year, I was greeted by Naruto at the airport. A tradition started that day, and neither of us knew it. We spent every day of our vacation hanging out, watching movies, going to parks, the ice cream parlour. Naruto and I became wonderful friends. Along with Itachi, we raised hell in Vancouver's Japanese district; Konoha. (2)


It was during my thirteenth year that I realised that throughout my seven year friendship with Naruto I had failed to ask him a very important question.

"Hey Naruto." I said, putting my red bean ice cream down. I was never, and still am not, a lover of sweet things.

He looked up from the (then) latest Tony Hawk game. "What Sasuke? And it had better be important!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes you idiot it's important." I laughed as he huffed. "Who is your mother?"

I almost stopped breathing that day as his blue eyes dulled. Naruto gave me a weak smile.

I've only memories of happiness
Such pleasure we have shared
I'd do it all again
"Papa-Mina always told me that they chose me from the garden of babies." His eyes began to water and I was beginning to regret asking him. "But when I was ten they explained to me that my grandma Tsunade was friends with this nurse at her hospital; Kushina Uzumaki."

I nodded, urging my best friend to continue.

"Well, Kushina and her husband were trying for a baby, but kept getting disappointed. Turns out her husband was infertile. Well, they decided to use a sperm donor." He blushed a little and paused his game. Naruto turned to face me, his fingers playing with the strings of his bright orange hoody. "Grandma Tsunade asked Papa-Mina and he agreed. Well when Kushina was six months pregnant, her husband Nawaki - he was my great uncle did you know that?" Naruto grinned once again before taking a deep breath. "Anyway, Nawaki got into an accident at work and died. Grandma Tsunade tells me that I remind her of her brother all the time."

"Go on Naruto, I want to know." I said softly. "I'll ask dad to bring you to Japan for spring break."

"Really Sasuke? Alright!" He yelled. "Alright, so Kushina was really upset over it obviously and sought comfort in Papa-Mina and Papa-Kashi. Papa-Kashi told me that she made them promise that if anything happened to her, then they would take me. Well, she had to have a c-section and she...she..."

The scenery is evergreen
As buds turn into leaves, the colours live and breathe

The scenery is evergreen
Your tears are falling silently

"She didn't wake up did she" I whispered. He shook his head and I embraced him. "I'm so sorry Naru-chan."


I was fifteen when I came to realise just how important Naruto was to me. Sure I had friends in Oto City, like Neji and Shika, but neither of them compared to Naruto. Itachi was twenty now and had decided o bring his friend Kisame along with us on our vacation. Mother asked me if I wanted to take Neji with me and I violently denied it.

"Sasu-chan, what's wrong snow bunny?" Mother has always called me snow bunny and I still don't know why. I remained stubbornly silent and she smiled knowingly. "I see. You were always a little possessive with your things snow bunny, you don't want to share Naru-chan do you?"

I blushed. Mother always knows everything! "I don't want Neji to meet him because I know how much Neji liks blonds and..."

"You like Naru-chan too much to share him right?" Mother giggled like a schoolgirl. "I wont ask again, but I will tell you to go and get your boy before someone else comes along and steals that adorable little fox out from under your nose."

I heard myself growl animalistically and frowned. Naruto held alot more than just my attention.

So full of joy, you are a child of spring
With a beauty that is pure
An innocence endures
Sixteen was when I decided to make my feelings clear to Naruto. We were sitting on his bed, catching up about the last four months. My private high school Oto Prep had adopted the Western schooling system and I was here for two months now instead of two weeks, and had seen Naruto for spring break when he came to see me.

"So how's Kiba?" I asked. Kiba was a friend I had aquired when I was ten and visiting.

"He's fine. How's Neji?" He replied, grimacing. My suspicions about Neji liking blonds was correct. As soon as he had laid eyes on the blond he was all over him.

I laughed. "Good. Missing you though."

Naruto frowned and gave me the finger. "Listen, I tried to tell him I wasn't interested and he didn't listen! I even went as far as telling him I wasn't interested in guys! He is too persistent!"

I knew it! I knew Naruto liked guys, he had just never told me. "Listen Naruto , I need to talk to you."

You flow right through me like a medicine
Bringing quiet to my soul
Without you I'm not whole

"So talk, you know I'm listening." His face was carefree but his eyes told another story.

I opened my mouth and closed it a couple of times. The look on Naruto's face told me he'd be patient. The main thing I remember about that encounter is the mental list I made. What would I gain and what could I loose. I would get my best friend as a lover, I would get the privilege of seeing his smiles every day. I could also loose him forever. Naruto, I decided, was worth the risk. He held my heart, my soul. He made me smile like no ther. I did the same for him. When we was eleven, I had given him this Bright orange jacket with a white fuzzy trim along the collar that I got in Osaka on a school trip. He refused to take it off for months. Come to think of it, that was around the same time he was convinced he was a ninja...

This scenery is evergreen
I need you far too much, I long to feel your touch
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear to me
"I'm sorry Naruto." I said. I closed my eyes, leaned in and kissed him. His lipps were a little chapped; he bites on them when he's nervous all the time. I felt no response and pulled back. I laugh about it now, but back then I was so scared I'd lost my friend. I watched as his eyebrows furrowed.

"You know, a little warning would have been nice." Naruto said, grinning. "I know you're sitting there wondering what the fuck I'm on about right? Why I'm not beating the shit out of you?"

I nodded, damn even back then I was so easy to tear up.

This scenery is evergreen
It sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad
This scenery is evergreen
I wish that I could dry your tears

Naruto chuckled and came a little closer. I know I was blushing when he ran a hand up my chest. "Well Sasuke-kun, If you'd have given me some warning, I would have done this."

I am telling you this at the risk of sounding so incredibly gay (the fact that I am is beside the point), but he gave me the most magical kiss I have ever had.

His hand grabbed mine and our lips touched. I could feel his tongue prodding my mouth open. I let him explore before I took control. We ended up sprawled out on his bed, panting and flushed. I remember grinning at him, touching his blond hair. "When did you get your tongue pierced?"

"Last year, same time as you." He replied.

Ah, that was definitely a good summer. I had been given some, lets call it 'herbal medication' to deal with the pain of my broken wrist by Itachi, so of course, Naruto, Kiba and I ha gotten thoroughly baked and ended up all getting our tongues pierced. Oh we would have been in so much trouble had Itachi not reminded father who he had gotten my 'medication' from. Father had cringed and promised not to say anything to Naruto or Kiba's parents provided I didn't tell my mother.

"Sasuke-kun! I missed you so much!" Naruto is yelling at me now.

I hope you enjoyed hearing my story but now I must go. I have an adorable blond to inform that I'm staying here for good. "Hey Naru-chan, wanna hear a story?"

The bells have rung, the time has come
I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear to me

Owari x

Well, I really hope you all enjoyed this for it was the last. Thank you for reading.

(1) Hey there by where you be so I an come where you at is a Newfoundland saying meaning 'where are you so I can meet you there'. I really confused my penpal Jun witht at one XD

(2) I don't know if Vancouver has a Japanese district, but for the purpose of this story it does mkay?

Squish x