Sisterly Fostered Love

a/n: well here's the next chapter...hope ya guys like it..and please leave a review...thnks 4 those who have their greatly appreciated!

thanks Sara

A Week Later…

A week later after David and Monica were arrested for abusing Melanie and Madison, the Grissoms took the girls in and started fostering them. Then later, hopefully, the Grissoms will be able to adopt them.

Both Gil and Sara went up to Melanie's and Madison's room to talk to them. Knocking on the door, they see Melanie answering the bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Melanie asked after answering the bedroom door.

"Hey Melanie, can we talk to you girls for a bit?" Gil told her.

"Yeah," Melanie said as she moved out of the way to let Gil and Sara in the room.

Walking into the room, Sara says, "Gil and I have been talking about adopting you girls, instead of fostering you two."

"Really," Melanie asked excitedly.

"Yes really, so what do you guys think?" Gil asked them.

"That would be rockin' awesome!" Melanie said excited that their going adopt them.

"Okay then," Sara said then turned her attention to Madison, "What do you think Maddie?"

"You guys really want to adopt me?" Madison asked quietly.

"Yes, really," Sara confirmed Madison's answer.

Madison looked down at her hands then quietly asked, "W-Would we have t-to call you guys mom and dad?"

"Only if you want to, we're not going to pressure you into calling us that. Only if you feel comfortable with it, we're leaving it up to you though." Sara answered Madison.

"O-Okay, I would like it if you guys did adopt us then." Madison said fidgeting with her fingers.

"Now, that it's settled, we'll call child services later today, to see about adopting you two." Grissom said.

"Okay," Melanie said.

"I'm gonna go check on the girls, and see what their up too." Gil said as he got up and left the room.

"So, you girls okay with it then?" Sara asked them.

"Yup! We sure are." Melanie answered, then said, as she got up off the bed, "I'll be back, gotta go to the bathroom."

"Alright, you okay Madison?" Sara asked Madison who was really quiet.

"Yeah, I guess so," Madison answered.

"What's wrong hun, you know you can talk to me right?" Sara asked her as she sat next to Madison.

"It's just that…nobody ever wanted me before, except for my mom and dad." Madison answered then asked, "Would they even be okay with it? Would they even be mad if I called you guys' mom and dad?"

Pulling Madison into a hug, Sara said, "Sweetheart, your parents would be glad that you're getting adopted. I know Gil and I would be if someone adopted our kids, and as for calling us mom and dad you don't have too, only if you feel comfortable with it. Also, your parents most likely won't mind if you do, just so you know, we will NEVER replace your parents."

"Okay, I just, I don't want them to be mad about it, and I know you guys won't. It's just that I miss my mom and dad a lot. I wish they never died." Madison said with tears running down her face.

"Sweetheart, it's okay to miss them," Sara told her as she rubbed the girls' back soothingly.

Calming herself down Madison said, "I know and thanks."

"No problem hun, you okay now?" Sara asked Madison.

"Yeah, I'm okay now." Madison replied.

"Okay that's good, you hungry hun," Sara asked her.

"Yeah, just a little," Madison answered.

"Come one lets go fix something," Sara told her as she got up off the bed.

You sure it's okay? Madison asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," Sara answered her.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure first," Madison said as she followed Sara downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen Sara turns to the eleven year old and asks, "Okay kiddo, what do you want to make for dinner?"

"Ummm…could we have spaghetti, if well, if it's okay?" Madison said after a few minutes of silence.

"It's perfectly fine hun," Sara told her.

About two minutes later, Jaycee comes running into the kitchen, and says, "Hey mom what's for dinner?"

"We're having spaghetti, why?" Sara answered her.

"Just wondering," Jaycee said.

"Okay, wanna help make dinner with us Jaycee?" Sara asked her daughter.

"Nah, that's okay, I gotta go finish my homework." Jaycee answered.

"I thought you said you didn't have any?" Sara asked her daughter.

"I thought so too till Emily reminded me about math." Jaycee answered.

"While dinners cooking, I want you to go finish your homework," Sara told her daughter.

"Ugh! Could I do it afterwards?" Jaycee asked her mom.

"No, now go march your butt upstairs and work on your math missy." Sara answered.

"UGH!" Jaycee said dramatically as she stomped her food before going upstairs.

"I know its horrible doing homework." Sara told her daughter at her retrieving back.

A few minutes later Grissom walks in and Says, "Hey Sar', what's for dinner?"

"Hey Gil, we're having spaghetti, Madison's idea," Sara answered her husband.

"Good choice Madison," Grissom said patting Madison's back.

"Thanks," Madison said shyly while looking down.

About twenty minutes later Sara called everyone to the table while putting the spaghetti and garlic bread on the table. They all talked about how their day was. Fifteen minutes later when they got done eating, Grissom asked the two older girls, Danielle and Jaycee, to do the dishes, while he and Sara put the food up. Both Madison and Melanie went upstairs and got ready for bed, and then they walked back down stairs.

Walking back into the kitchen, Melanie says, "Do you guys need any help with anything?"

"That's okay hun, we got it." Sara answered Melanie.

"Okay," Melanie said.

A couple of hours later, Grissom and Sara told the four girls to go on to bed since they have school the next day. Later, during the night Madison was having a bad dream, and started screaming.

Both Gil and Sara got up, and ran to Madison's room, to see if she was okay. Walking into Madison's room, they saw Madison tossing and turning and saying, "No! Mommy, daddy!" walking up to her, Sara gently tries to wake Madison up.

"Madison, sweetheart, wake-up, you're having a bad dream," Sara said trying to get the eleven year old up.

After a few minutes of trying to get Madison to wake up; Madison woke up and started crying, and saying, "I'm sorry if I woke you guys up."

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize hun," Grissom told her as he sat down beside her.

Pulling Madison in for a hug, Sara asked, "You want to talk about it hun?"

Moving closer to Sara, Madison answers, "I don't want to, I probly should, I-I just d-don't know if I can."

"It's okay hun, you don't have too," Sara told her then continued, "We'll go ahead and let you go back to sleep alright?"

Scared about going back to sleep, and not wanting them to leave, Madison blurts out while hugging Sara, "NO! Please mommy, don't leave me please."

Feeling sorry for Madison, Sara replies, "Hey its okay baby, I won't leave, I'll stay right here."

Not being able to hold her tears back Madison said, "I-I'm s-sorry."

Rubbing soothing circles on the girls' back, Sara said, "Hey its okay, no need to be sorry, I'll stay here for as long as you want me here alright?"

"O-Okay, thanks," Madison said as she started to calm down.

"It's no problem hun," Sara replied.

Watching Madison calm down and slowly fall back asleep, Grissom quietly says, "Hey, I'll let you girls be."

"Okay, I'll just probly stay in here the rest of the night, just incase." Sara replied quietly.

"Alright, night," Grissom said as he walked out of the room.

About fifteen minutes later, Madison had fallen' asleep, so Sara gently layed her back down, and quietly got up. Feeling someone move, Madison, was half awake when she saw Sara getting up, and she quietly asked, "Can you stay please mommy?"

Looking down at Madison, Sara answers, "I'll be right back okay hun?"

"Okay," Madison replied sleepily.

A few minutes later Sara comes back into Madison's room, and lays down next to her, and watches Madison fall back asleep, and then finally going to sleep herself.


a/n: well hopefully you guys like the chp...can i get at least 4 reviews?? it would be greatly appreciated...then i'll post the next chapter...which im currently workin' on...thanks a bunch (and cookies 4 those who
