Just finished watching Hikaru no go and Sai totally captured my heart. I thought it was a shame that he had to disappear , so I´m reviving him :) This will be a yaoi fic, though I´m not sure how far they will go... uhm well. So, hope you enjoy.

disclaimer: I do not own Hikaru no Go


The first thing he felt was his throbbing, aching head. It was a painful pulling, just as if someone tried with all his strenght to tear his poor brain out of his skull.Wincing, he reached out a delicate hand to stroke the back of his head, oblivious to the silky sensation that reached the nerves of his fingers, caused by his smooth long wisps of hair. Dazed and still only half awake, heopened his eyes slowly, squeezing them shut immediately against the bright light that increased his agony. After a few minutes had passed by and the pain had dulled down a bit, Sai felt confident enough to give it another try. Carefully he peeked out at the world from under lowered lids, slowly rising from his lying position on his side to a half sitting one. He steadied himself with one arm, sleeply taking in his surroundings.

"Uh…Where am I…" The last thing he could remember was playing his beloved go with Hikaru and then…

"Uaaaaaaaah? Cemetary?!"

Dumbfounded and suddenly very awake, Sai stared at the large gravestones that were put up around him and sat up bilt upright. Which wasn´t such a bright idea considering his head ache, bordering on a fully developed migraine, and he soon enough regreted his rushed movement when another jolt of pain pierced through his head. Moaning he rubbed his temple, squeezing his eyes shut again.

Right, he had been playing go with Hikaru and then something had happened…

He had vanished. His purpose had been fulfilled and his restless ghost, which had been kept in a go board for nearly one thousand years had finally been taken to the other side, he remembered now.

But… why was he here?

Honestly, he hadn´t imagined heaven to look like a run down graveyard and be so… painful.


He could feel pain? Suddenly he became very aware of the throbbing in his head. The dizziness. The little stones digging into his palm. The warm sunlight shining on his back…

Something was wrong, wasn´t it?

Confused and open mouthed, Sai risked another glance up, reading the inscription of the gravestone he currenty was residing under.

"Shusaku Honinbo…Eh?!" Why was he lying on his own grave?! Well,technically it wasn´t really his, but this was totally beside the point anyway.

Why the hell was he here?! Before he could ponder over the problem, a shadow lurked over him, causing him to look up at the source of the lightblocking. He was met with some old, yellowed wrinkled eyes, and thin lips.

"Oi, boy, what do you think you're doing? Sleeping on a graveyard! No respect, the young folks, really!"

An old woman with her hands fold behind her back leaned over him with an unpleased expression, surveying him up and down, apparently nauseated.

Sai stared back at her with a blank face, trying to process what was happening. Finally he opened his mouth, as if to say something, then closed it and in another attempt to articulate himself opened it again. Pointing with one finger at himself, he finally managed a: "You…you can see me?"

"Eh?" The old woman tilted her head and looked at him like he was imbecile, then spit next to his feet and snarled "lready drunk at this hour of day? You should be ashamed! Tsk, kids these days…Get out of here before I call the police."

Totally ignoring the old hag's threat, Sai kept staring at her enthralled, while the woman was going on grousing about how the world was rotting away, totally lost in his own thoughts. Eventually, he slowly reached out his hand and poked his antagonist with one finger in the cheek.

"What the…Hey! What do you think you are doing?! Stop poking me!"

Utterly amazed, Sai stuck his finger into her old wrinkled flesh again and again, a wide grin spreading across his face. When was the last time he had felt something? And she could actually SEE him! Could this, by any chance, mean that he was… not dead?

He didn´t dare to hope so, for he couldn´t have borne to have his dreams shattered… Still, he had to know! Letting his hand fall back into his lap, Sai straightened up a little, preparing himself for the worst, and with a determinded look asked the woman

"Say, am I dead? Is this, I mean… This is heaven, isn´t it?"

Bewildered, the poor woman stared at the strange man who had finally stopped violating her face, before she gathered herself and screamed at him "Are you mental?! That´s it, I´m calling the police! Then we´ll see if this is heaven or hell for you!!!"

Fuming, she stomped away, soon disappearing between the tombstones.

Alienated, Sai watched her back for a few seconds, then coming back to his senses. Police… He had heard from Hikaru about that organisation, which kept law and order in the modern times… So, if there was a police, didn´t this mean that he really was alive? After all, he highly doubted that something like a police was needed in heaven…

Reality slowly sinking in, his eyes became tearful and he clasped his hands togheter in front of his chest, crying out

"Kami-sama!!! Thank you!!!"

With a grateful and reverential gaze he stared up into the sky, silently thanking the gods again and again that he had gotten another chance to obtain the hand of god. Because this was what it was about, wasn´t it? The gods, in their infinte kindliness had granted him another chance, another life, this time as one amongst humans, to satisfy his deepest desire and perfect his go! Absorbed in his prayers of eternal gratitude, he nearly missed the sound of the sirens which kept coming closer with every passing second. Snapping out of his musings, Sai hurried to stand up from the dusty stones, wavering a bit as he did so. It had been quite a time since he had last felt his feet, let alone held his balance. Very much similar to a drunkard, he staggered along the graves, switching between trying to look as little suspicious as he could, being overwhelmed with gratitude and staring at the sky lovingly just to exhort himself in the next second to be insuspicious and focused again. First of all, he had to get to get out of this place. Ducked and constantly surveying his surroundings, he tripped from gravestone to gravestone, trying to avoiding any visitors and all in all looking incredibly telltale. Though eventually he made it trough the entry unbothered. Sighing in relief after having passed by the empty police car and savely made it out of sight, he leaned against the stonewall of the cemetary, mentally congratulating hilmself for his own brilliance.

Now that he was out of danger what was he to do? The first thing that immidiately came to mind was palying go of course! But where could he do it? Clueless, Sai looked around. There wasn´t any place that seemed to be fitting for his purpose…

No! Could it be that he had come this far and was about to fail so soon?!

Near the verge of tears, Sai held his hands over his mouth, suppressing a sob.

Wait. Hadn´t Hikaru gone to this clubs when he had wanted to pla-.


How could he have forgotten about his precious student!

Surely Hikaru would know what to do and besides, wouldn´t he be overwhelmed with happiness to have his sensei back? With a felicitous face and a satisfied smile, Sai pushed himself away from the wall and started his way towards his new found destination, all the way imagining their reunion and smiling even widening.

reviews would be great, they keep me motivated!