A Shadow's Tears

Chapter 4: Valor Form Awakens

Last Time:

"Look Redneck, It's not my fault he's so impressionable!" Seifer rubs his jaw one good time before going to his own car. The search was on! Well for Seifer it was. Axel was already on the phone with the young one, trying to understand why he was out so late.

Axel swiftly made way towards the beloved red mustang he owned thanks to his family inheritance. The same car he so needed to get back and forth from his job at the restaurant at will, was now needed to help rescue Sora. Slender hands reached towards the screen of the car to start dialing Sora back, all while starting the car. As he pulled out of the driveway, the call was finally answered – two rings later. The male glanced over when the sounds of the call connecting was ensured, but there was no sound besides that of groaning. Figuring that something bad had happened, the red haired male spoke up, "Sora?! Where are you, and are you okay?"

There was more rustling sounds that erupted from the other side of the phone. A muffled ' yeah ' could be heard, but the tone of voice was a little too deep for something Sora could ever make at this time. Axel paused the car at the red light before glancing over at the screen again, about to ask another question before finally the young male answered.

"Ahh—haha, yeah I'm okay. . I just need your help. . Axel can you please meet me on Montgomery Street and Langston Drive? I'll explain when you get here. .. " More sounds of moaning continued in an almost triggered fashion, enough to make Sora answer the cell in yet another rushed tone, " Annnnnd please don't tell Roxas about where I am yet okay?! Bye! " The sound of the cell clicking off, with the indicating ' call ended ' sounded by a British AI the car had. The red haired male stared at the screen, worry plastered over his pale visage. A sense of something more than just worried leaked its way onto the surface.

Honking from the other cars is what broke his trance, enough to get him to move the car since the lights had been turned green since a long time ago.

Sora's cellphone was haphazardly pushed out of his hand, before a warm moist mouth replaced the nook of his neck. A light sucking on the flesh was made as Riku slowly trailed his hand down towards the brunette's crotch. A groan of disapproval when the other lightly grabbed his wrist, followed by a stern, " No Riku… You're drugged and completely out of your skittles. . "

A gentle chuckle was made as the silver haired one moved to straddle the male's hips, placing his hands on Sora's chest. " But it's—it's just a wittle funnnn.." He slurred, a groan followed while wiggling his bottom half in a circular motion, trying to enact some form of friction to ease the rising tension within his pants. Sora glanced up at him, admiring the almost majestic image before him, before figuring that whatever that guy injected Riku with. It might have something to do with the sudden change.

There they were, on the nearest bench sitting and waiting for Riku to get off of his high. When all of a sudden the male seemed quieter than what was seen before. Sora had tried to ask him what was wrong, as he called Axel, but before he could actually answer him. The silver one had begun to try and unzip his pants, hands darting for just what he wanted. At first Sora wasn't entirely sure if the male was actually going to follow through with his actions, but Riku didn't seem like he was going to stop. To be honest, it caught Sora off guard as he watched the male expertly lean his head downward while opening his mouth to start doing something. Only then and with a slight blush tinting his face, did Sora actually stop him now figuring out what was making the other guy act like this.

Which of course led to the awkward phone call, and the now grinding Riku on his lap. Yes, of course with all of this movement in places that shouldn't be, Sora slowly grew excited. However, he wasn't the type to just take advantage of the other, like the vampire want-to-be was thinking. Placing his hands on Riku's back, he softly rubbed in tiny circles cooing, " Hey, stop that.. There's someone out there that's meant for you. . and it would be hurting their feelings if you keep that up. ." He said softly while trying to get the male off of him, or at least stop him from grinding their areas together.

Riku leaned lower placing his hands on Sora's cheeks before kissing him deeply. Mouths moved in unison, tongues colliding in heated need. One out of apparent shock, while the other just needed more. He needed to forget everything, the torture, the parents, the sexual need all brought on by them. The older of the two broke the kiss in a saliva trailed train. Gasping for the much needed air, Riku softly whispered breathlessly against swollen lips. " Fuck me already. ." He hissed while trailing his hands into Sora's chocolate spikes, trying to make the other get his point.

Wide blue eyes stared doe like with lips still slightly parted at what had just happened. To what the male before him, still grinding their apparent problems together in wanting, had said. Sora slowly shook his head, hands now shot in the air as if a cop were standing them up.

" OHHHHHH no NO NONO NO NO NO I can't do that, I—Riku you're out of it, I wouldn't dare.. "

Pouty lips were slowly licked as the silver leaned towards the male's neck again. Slightly sharp teeth digging into the soft flesh of Sora's neck once more. Breath breathed out on the tanned slightly cold skin. A whisper was made, followed by a weak whimper, " Please… I need to forget.. " Pale hands gripped at Sora's T-shirt with aggression, tight enough to crumple the blue cotton material. " I need something… Burning. . . Ahh.. please… just—" His body shivered with every whimper that was made. Erection completely prominent in the tight black jeans he bared.

Sora continued to shake his head ' no ' though trying hard not to gain any further excitement. ' Whoa, okay chill out, Sora. . he's not himself obviously, he just needs a cold shower. .' The male thought while slowly trying to get Riku off of his lap and onto the cold bench they currently was sitting on. It proved to be difficult with all the squirming the male was doing, but somehow the slightly shorter male managed to get Riku to sit like a normal person.

' Okay so far so good. . He must have calmed down a little. . ' A smile was made on Sora's part before a slight discomfort caught his attention. The male looked down to witness his own now growing problem. A huff was made out of agitation, but he would ignore it until the other was safe at home. Sora slowly stood up, wiggled a little to adjust to his pants before looking down the road for the familiar red mustang. In the dark night, there was nothing. And in a way he was thankful that no cops were patrolling or any thugs were out and about looking for a good time. Surely Riku would have liked some heated company, but he would rather not.

With mind on the situation, the most serious he has ever been in his life, Sora continued to watch over Riku. Glancing down the road now and again, before deciding that maybe he should call Axel again. He was going to press the green call back button before soft sounds of gasping was heard. Sora turned to look at Riku on the bench, worried that he might not have been able to breath – or rather, that he was having an allergic reaction to the foreign needle substance.

What caught his eyes were the site of Riku stroking his length there on the bench. Head tilted back slightly, hair spilling on his shoulders as the leather vest was zipped open. Enough room for his hand to roam over his chest and nipples, while the other slowly stroked the engorged arousal. Soft huffing was now replaced with hushed moaning with each slow dragged out motion of his hand. Hips bucked into nothing but a slightly pre-cum lathered hand, and the open air of the night. Desperate for more friction, more heat, more of something that was out of his control. His other hand that no longer was interested in his chest, slowly moved towards under his balls to where his entrance would lie.

A shriek was made on Sora's behalf.

" RIKU, OH MY GAWD STOP THAT! " He nearly shouted while rushing over towards him, taking off his outer jean jacket to try and cover the indecent male at least a little. " You can't do that out here, you'll get us arrested. .! "

Hazy lust filled aquamarine eyes glanced lowly at the male before him retorting angrily, " At least in prison someone will fuck me. . " He leaned his head down mumbling, " unlike you. ."

Being completely fed up with Riku's apparent shit, the smaller of the two gripped his face harshly before stating, " Ya know what, Riku keep talking like that and I might just-"

Bright lights flashed earning a shocked Sora to glance back thinking it might have been the cops. However, what gave away the fear was the familiar long red hair. " Oi! Someone called for a way home. .?" Axel grinned while looking at the scene before him, wondering why Sora was standing awkwardly in front of some knocked out dude.

"Axel! " The boy said happily, while turning to then face Riku, trying to put the boy back together before they got in the car. With some struggle, on Riku's behalf, Sora was able to get him decent enough to pick him up. Carrying him in bridal style towards the back seat of the car. Sora's expression reflected something to that of worry and a slight pinch of agitation before it was smoothed away by Axel's presence and voice.

" Sooo who's this guy. .?" The red asked while leaning on the car door, watching the male wiggle and worm. Riku's pale hands reached out for Sora, but paused when vision cleared enough to notice the hot looking guy before him. Feeling his flirt coming on, Riku leaned to grab Axel by his belt buckle, all to be stopped by Sora. " Slow down cowboy, he's taken by my brother who would have no trouble killing you in cold blood. ." The brunet stated while slowly climbing in the back of the car with Riku, allowing the boy to lean his head towards his neck.

Sora smiled apologetically before sighing, " Can I tell you in the car, we really need to head back. ." It was Axel's turn to smile before shaking his head, " Yeah yeah sure. .to where this time. .? " He asked while heading around the car to get back in the driver's seat. Fixing his mirror so that Sora could explain fully to him. " Soo get to explaining, please. . " Axel stated while driving off from the bad side of town.

By the point of the drive all the way towards the direction of Riku's neighborhood, Sora was able to explain everything in full to the driver. The silver haired male still remained to whimper, hiss and playfully lick at the other's neck and earlobe throughout the whole trip. Hands still continued to trail and roam about Sora's body, trying to entice the younger to give him the pleasure he so begged for. Although to Riku's dismay, the other was not willing to do such actions to him while under any kind of influence.

Secretly, Sora wouldn't have minded trying it out if the other wasn't so loopy—enough so that he could properly consent to the shy touches and anything else the other might have wanted to try. Believe it or not, Sora was actually interested in the youth – even enough of a surprise to himself as well.

" So that's all that happened to me and him tonight.. " Sora concluded while pushing Riku's curious hands away from his manhood as much as possible. " Stop that, I'm not going to let you suck that! " He yelled while pushing Riku towards the other side of the car's back seat. Another protesting groan erupted.

Axel found all of this funny, to be honest, but didn't quite understand why would Sora involve himself in this guy's problem in the first place? He didn't know him, nor did he know where the guy came from. And on a normal standard, Sora was more a person who tried to stay out of trouble as much as possible. Not because he couldn't defend himself, but because he wasn't the type to involve himself in needless drama. Yet, here he was fending off a drugged up kid whose arms were all scarred up in either needle points or slicing like patterns.

The eldest of them all glanced back through the rearview mirror, watching as Sora sighed lowly before answering Riku's plea to kiss him. The brunette turned his head, placing his hand on the other's back as he indulged in another heated kiss. What made Axel the most curious was the slight movement of Sora's hands. They were at first rested on the silver's back, but slowly moved down to where he couldn't see.

' Is this for real. .?' The driver thought while turning down the road that would lead to Riku's house.

Clearing his throat, " Um Sora. . we're getting close to Riku's house. . And though I would realllly love for you to drop Shitfer, you still have a boyfriend—remember?"

There was silence for a moment, besides the normal sounds of Riku groaning at the loss of Sora's mouth. Growling replaced it, signaling that the silver was not happy for his lack of sexual attention. The youngest of the trio only nodded his head, reminded of the man he was currently with in contrast to Seifer.

"Y-Yeah I know, I just- It's really not what it looks like.. I'm only trying to help him Axy! " He stated while looking at Riku worm and wiggle, almost on the edge of crying for some form of release. The image that laid before him was enough to make Sora feel horrible, but there would have been no way for him to actually help the other. As if on cue, the silvered haired one stopped his movement before leaning on the edge of the seat. Reaching to wrap his arms around Axel's neck, sliding his hands over his upper chest and shoulders. A soft huff was made as he asked, " Hey~ You're hot as shit. .could ya do me a favor and screw my fucking brains ou—"

"-That's enough out of you, sit back down, druggie. .!" Sora shouted pushing the male back into the seat, a flustered blush now spreading across his face. Oddly, it was due to the fact that Riku just shot for anything with a dick apparently. And though, Sora knew Riku didn't belong to him – or might ever. The sheer idea of it all caused the youth to grow a sense of jealousy to seed within his body. Axel shook his head while looking back, pausing the car at the edge of the street. Guys like Riku were something he's seen before, dealt with before. Back when he was first starting to date Roxas, and clubbing was his thing. He's changed since then, and since no one else besides the blonde has become his world. That's all that Axel has ever looked at, or wanted to even look at. So thus, yes, all of the antics brought on by Riku was blissfully brushed off.

Axel sighed before glancing back, " Look, I understand where you're coming from Sora. Yet, don't you think this case is a little out of your league? I mean, look at him. . He's higher than any clouds I have ever seen, and more horny than a teen with daddy's porn magazine. ." A black nail pointed in Riku's direction, giving more depth that maybe Sora shouldn't have gotten involved. Turning in the front seat, Axel continued, " We can drop him off and just go home, let his parents deal with him.."

" NO, no.. no please not like this.. I can't go home – ahh until I get rid of this!" Riku pleaded again grabbing onto Sora's shirt, eyes begging more than what his mouth could muster. Silver hair laced onto the male before him, as he leaned his head on Sora's chest. That's all he needed, just the touch of someone to let him know he was alive. To soothe the burning sensation that felt like it was going to burn him alive. Hands shaking, matching the rest of his body as he glanced up to look at Sora.

The mustang's driver door opened, and Axel stepped out for a moment. Turning to lean on the door and glance back in to speak to Sora personally. Red tresses fell from his shoulders as he spoke, " Sora, you might need to figure out what you want to do. Sooner or later, Roxy baby is going to call – and I can't lie boldly to him like that... " He said while shaking his head adding in, " I'm not one to tell ya how to live your life. And I know Roxas said to remain his and Cloud's lil precious brother or whatever—but this guy here doesn't need a boy. . Types like him need a man, someone to ground him back to Earth. . . and if you can't own up to something as serious as this. . Then let him get out- leave 'em. ."

Harsh words. Truth in every lick of it, and Sora knew that. If he were to ' help' Riku, truly get this guy back on Earth, he would also have to change too. Was it worth getting this involved with a guy he barely knew? And would it even benefit him in the future if he were to help Riku. Roxas and Cloud had always known where their lives were going—and with whom it was with. Roxas had sworn to marry Axel one day, though the red would never know, and Cloud had fallen deep into a serious relationship with a guy named Sephiroth back up North. While here, in his life, Sora was stuck with an egotistical jerk who never listened to him. Always tried to push him to deepening their relationship at every chance he got, and even was rumored of cheating on him anyway.

It wasn't like Riku was any better. The guy was obviously addicted to some really hard drugs, partied every night, fucked whoever he wanted to get off on, and still had a nasty habit of lashing his silver tongue everywhere. He was a dick, a prick, a jerk, and an asshole, but why did this guy cause him to wonder about everything he's ever done? Sora looked down at Riku, lightly pushing the damp strands of lilac hair away from his deep aquamarine eyes. The boy was harshly huffing again, on the verge of panicking for the very thought of going home. Face flushed, eager to just hear the single words out of Sora's mouth – or another kiss, something to take the edge off again.

In that moment, something in Sora clicked.

It was his turn to live his life the way he wanted, and if it meant doing things that he would have never thought of doing, then so be it. He would help Riku. He would gain that satisfaction of helping the boy who seemed to lose his way. And in return, unknowingly, Riku would serve to teach him things about himself as well.

" Axel. . do you have a condom on you. .?"

Musical Inspiration for Chapter: Oh Wonder - Body Gold (Louis the Child Remix)

Disclaimer:I Do Not Own Kingdom Hearts (Or it would be sooo Yaoi-filled goodness)

What's up everyone! It's been a long time since I last updated, and I know. But you know what, I feel that sometimes it's best when things like this happen. Like seeing an old friend, you haven't seen in years. Or finally landing that dream job. That's how I feel once coming back to just a beloved story.

There's been lots of changes in my writing, like I'm sure a lot of people say. But in this case I truly do see it, which is why I'll be going back to reedit my old chapters. Also, from now on, all stories and chapters will have the song that inspired it. So please go check it out!

Anyway, nothing else to put here, but to thank you for reviewing! Check ya later~